ktonyard - Yard

Yard | He/him Non native English speaker Feel free to contact me!✨Please do give me credit if you use my posts for anything

97 posts

Ktonyard - Yard - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

one thing I love about Matthias’s character is that he’s such a flawed and prejudiced character but it isn’t made out to be like he’s just evil. Like he isn’t sanitized and “uncancellable”. He has harmful views about people in his world, and those don’t immediately go away when he meets the protagonists. It’s a journey that he really has to work for, and really has to change his whole mindset for. Idk it just really shows the idea that people can overcome prejudices, and it doesn’t have to be immediate, and that a person isn’t horrible just because of what they were taught.

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4 months ago

okay all i want right now is an umbrella academy spinoff of just the deli fives working in the kitchen like in the bear

ok ok picture this:

deli owner five: i swear to fucking god five, if five has to wait any longer for the brisket, you’re fired.

brisket five: it’s not my fault! five still hasn’t finished the goddamn fries! (clearly at his breaking point)

fryer five: that’s because someone left his station dirty when he left after his morning shift. (also at his breaking point)

clocked-out fryer five: (sprinting out the back door) alright see you assholes tomorrow

server five: alright, i try not to get on you guys about ticket times… but five looks like he’s about ready to walk out.

deli owner five: fuck, give him a free dessert.

server five: okay, but can we hurry this shit up? i’d like a tip if that’s alright with you dickheads.

brisket five: get the hell out of my kitchen.

busser five: (bursting in with a full bin of dirty dishes) drunk five is demanding a fluffernutter and making a scene again.

deli owner five: (shuffling through countless tickets and slamming his fist on the counter) i have zero goddamn time for this five, we’re slammed with this lunch rush and im down two cooks today. help a guy out and get him to leave.

busser five: you pay me minimum wage and i could not give less of a shit. i’m not dealing with him again.

drunk five, bursting into the kitchen: i knew i smelled peanut butter in here (pointing at brisket five who’s currently on grill preparing a burger)

brisket five: this is literally a beef patty

deli owner five: alright man, we’ve tried to play nice, but you’re out of here. let’s go, don’t make a scene. (pulling drunk five out by his collar and dusting off his hands) fuckin’ hell, none of you make it easy, do you?

brisket five:

Okay All I Want Right Now Is An Umbrella Academy Spinoff Of Just The Deli Fives Working In The Kitchen

booth five watching from the dining room: jesus christ

4 months ago

I will never forgive Blackman for hurting my beautiful boy Diego. He was trying to hard for so long. He finally had someone who cared about him and him alone. But they just took it all away.

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4 months ago

Lucy forgave Lockwwod waaaaayy too quickly for hiring Holly when she was gone. This is not to say that I don’t like Holly or that they shouldn’t have hired someone. But when Licy was gone, really?

She had every right to be mad at him. She was excluded from a decision that should have been made by the entire agency. Not just Lockwood and George.

Doing it when Lucy was visiting her family was even lower. She’s visiting the family she ran away from and never a close or meaningful relationship with. No wonder Lucy hates Holly from the beginning (aside from all of the internalised misogyny and self hatred). All it took was for Lockwood to smile at her and suddenly it was all fine.

I love Lockwood but dude, think things through for once.

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4 months ago

I cannot see that man as anything more than the evil music producer. His role is such an important part of my life.

Viktor getting kidnapped by the villain from Alvin and the Chipmunks is easily the funniest thing that's happened in the umbrella academy.

Viktor Getting Kidnapped By The Villain From Alvin And The Chipmunks Is Easily The Funniest Thing That's
Viktor Getting Kidnapped By The Villain From Alvin And The Chipmunks Is Easily The Funniest Thing That's

I'm sorry Viktor but of all people to get kidnapped by.

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4 months ago

Diego has my entire heart

Love Diego

On the surface he's all angry macho boy. But he is actually quite emotional intelligent and logical.

He can take a hit if it means the situation will be resolved quicker, his family safe.

You can clearly see this in the veteran's bar scene in s1 with Klaus. When the marine asks him to apologize, he doesn't punch or get defensive or angry. No, he stays calm and says "I'm sorry, he's sorry."

He clearly just wants what's best for his family

4 months ago

Ways to kill Reggie!

Feel free to reblog and add your own ideas to this!

TW - Gore and blood - Not graphic

Murder on the Orientexpress style - Everyone gets to stab him to death after each other

Five shoots him in both legs and then makes Reggie run until he bleads to death

Luther stands on his windpipe until he stops breathing

Puts poison in his food - they all do it one after the other

They lock him in the chamber that he put Viktor in and leaves him to starve

They cut his head off with a sword (where did they get a sword? No one knows)

They take his eyeballs

They forces Reggie to admit to his actions and he dies out of pure rage

I need a fix-it fic where the Hargreeves siblings all pack their bags and kill Reggie. Breaking and entering, kidnapping, murder - the whole chabang. The rest of the series could be them getting away with it. Revenge on their abuser is the closure that they needed.

I Need A Fix-it Fic Where The Hargreeves Siblings All Pack Their Bags And Kill Reggie. Breaking And Entering,

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4 months ago

edwin will occasionally drop insanely disturbing lore from his life that was normalized at the time and crystal says smth along the lines of 'christ how did you survive that?' and he'll look at her, completely confused and dead serious like "i didn't?? crystal you seem to have forgotten im dead have you been possessed again?"

4 months ago

Earlier this week I made a post stating that I believe Lucy to be Midsize. A statement that I will stand by until last my dying breath.

With this comes something that has made me adore Lockwood’s character even more. He has always made it clear (at least to me) that he thought Lucy was beautiful. That he treasures the parts of her she doesn’t like.

We see this when the Skull talks about Lucy’s hips. He mentions something about how Lockwood talks about them; and while the Skull is a sassy little shit, I still don’t think he would lie about something like that.

(My personal headcanon is that Lockwood rants to the air about Lucy sometimes and forgets that the Skull is there. )

But I have never interpreted any form of sexualisation from him. It was never a cleaver way to get her to do something or to use her. It was just him being sincere and caring towards her.

Which is why I loved reading the way Lockwood interacts with Lucy about her appearance. It was such an important and special experience to see something pure for a change.

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4 months ago

I adore this with my entire heart, you are doing the community a service

Once More (but with feeling!) S4 Rewrite Fan Script Episode 3

Sugar and Spice

EPISODE 3 HAS LANDED!! Hope you all enjoy reading and let me know what you think!!

(TW: use of deadname and incorrect pronouns for Viktor in the first scene due to flashback)

4 months ago


Thank you! I have been studying and working with theatre to some degree for over 7 years now and I 100% agree. Opinions and interpretations are obviously going to differentiate between different people. We all see things differently and that’s the beauty of art (this includes writing). But being condescending and sometimes outright rude is never going to get us anywhere in the fandom.

I have been seeing some quite disrespectful posts about other people in the fandom, something that is not going to help us grow or keep an accepting community.

The Jennifer Incident was so incredibly disappointing. I refuse to believe that they had 3 seasons of build up for… that. It was an unsatisfactory end to Ben’s life. What was supposed to be a big and memorable moment became empty and left me thinking that I accidentally skipped something.

They should have just kept quiet and not showed The Jennifer Incident. It would honestly done more to the plot then whatever that was.

4 months ago
Spoopy Season Safety
Spoopy Season Safety

Spoopy Season Safety

4 months ago

i think 'I trust you with my life but not your own' as a trope is one of the ones that can always fuck me up no matter what

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4 months ago

i love saying “i’m being normal about it” bc i’m actually a filthy fucking liar and i’ve never been normal about anything a single day in my life

4 months ago

I love Lucy Carlyle cuz she’s such an unreliable narrator when it comes to her opinions.

I dont believe that George is actually that repelling.

Is Lockwood actually *that* charming and handsome? I dont know, I just know that Lucy thinks so.

I dont trust anything she says regarding aesthetics and i love her for that.

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4 months ago

"mutuals can ask for discord" mutuals can haunt me after they die. mutuals can paint my immortal youth in a cursed portrait. mutuals can build a 8ft tall creature in my college dorm. mutuals can watch me wake up as a monstrous vermin. mutuals can feed me soup after i commit murder. mutuals can help me kill uncle claudius. mutuals can go out with me and my girlfriend from across the bay. mutuals can hunt the beast with me. do better

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4 months ago

There aren’t enough Locklyle fanfics with the trope “friends with benefits”. It’s so spot on. They would start being physically intimate (in every way possible) before even considering talking about their feelings.

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5 months ago

I refuse to believe that Lucy and Lockwood actually know they are in love with each other. They are too emotionally repressed to know.

Lucy fell for Lockwood the moment she met him. She fell so fast that she doesn’t realise that she is in love. She just thinks that that’s what everyone feels about Lockwood.

Lockwood fell so slowly that he didn’t realise it. It was the type of love that comes so naturally through time that you don’t know what it is until it’s too late.

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5 months ago

Absolutely obsessed with how many TUA rewrites are happening right now. Some even have full teams working on them, including promotional artists. Everything from Ao3 fan fiction, to screen plays, to comics.

That’s how badly the show runners fucked over this show.

5 months ago

kill them with kindness. WRONG!!!!!! MAGNESIUM FLARE 💥💥💥💥💥🧪🧪🧪💥💥💥💥✨✨✨💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🧪🧪🧪🧪🧪🧪💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥✨✨✨✨✨💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🧪🧪🧪✨✨✨🧪🧪🧪🧪🧪🧪🧪🧪💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🧪🧪🧪💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🧪💥💥💥✨✨✨✨✨✨✨💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🧪🧪💥💥💥💥💥🧪🧪🧪🧪🧪🧪💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥✨✨✨💥💥💥

5 months ago

I have never understood people who dislike first person POV. It’s just like having your friend tell you a really long story.

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5 months ago

Lockwood: *barely tells Lucy and George a scrap of information about himself*

Lockwood: I've revealed too much. I've been emotionally slutty.