Fr Wildclaw - Tumblr Posts

dtday for cultkbs of Zack

Finally hearing your lore in podcast form like-

Official design for Phyyric the wildclaw! Doesn’t baby Phyyric have the cutest little feather floofs? Makes me just want to ruffle them!
{Also been testing out different formats for character design pages. This style in particular is very CRISP. I may mess around a bit more with it, but for now I have to pack for my trip to Magrathea.}
I’ve finally done it...I’ve aNiMa-Tor...
This is my first real animation, I’m so proud! Here’s the sketch phase for comparison, I hope you all enjoy!
Another Flight Rising Animation! This time it's a small clip of Phyyric before his illness was sealed away within his markings.
Here he is all grown up for reference!

Me about to spawn some art fuckery:
“After all...why shouldn’t I play god?”

Rannoch and an Old Flame

Overhauled Talos’ old design into something way cooler, especially for his earlier years.
Ancient Talosian Lore: Lord Talos has tried to step back and give the Chieftains a chance to lead together. Hopefully nurturing a sense of kinship with their sister clans, as well as practicing a healthy bit of independence, will create a clan that can outlive its founder.
Imperial Heist ( Flightrising Painting Timelapse)

My ArtFight attack for @palaeophis-fr

Another finished commission. I honestly love design of this dragon, had a lot of fun drawing her

Intruders unwelcome in the foxfire bramble

@dergtober Day 3: Runes — featuring Yao, who is not impressed with the sender’s penmanship on this package he has to deliver

Gift drawing of this really cool dragon on FR
I really like the skin they're wearing too, v cool