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Hi I Just Want To Say Thank You Very Much For Taking My Request And I Hope You Have A Nice Day Or Night

Hi I just want to say thank you very much for taking my request and I hope you have a nice day or night but

If it's all right can I please ask for a platonic yandere karapika and feitan (your choice)

he has a quiet and kind darling that wears Jirai Kai fashion because of their abandonment issues and can it be where they start monopolizing The Darlings time.

Hi I Just Want To Say Thank You Very Much For Taking My Request And I Hope You Have A Nice Day Or Night
Hi I Just Want To Say Thank You Very Much For Taking My Request And I Hope You Have A Nice Day Or Night

I'm sorry if this is too much and

Hmm instead of me picking one why not just do both!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He feels bad about the fact that his s/o has abandonment issues and he hopes that his s/o doesn’t think that he is going to leave

But if his s/o pisses him off in some kind of way he will make them think that he is going to leave just to scare them and to get a reaction out of them

But then he would demand some kind of attention from his s/o leaving them confused as hell

He honestly thinks that her clothing choices are horrible But he decides not to mention anything about it 


he would honestly find it funny how easily he can manipulate has s/o just based on their abandonment issues to get what he wants out of them 

He would definitely play it off as the nice, sweet innocent guy, but he has other ideas and plans for the future

He would make fun of his s/o for their abandonment issues and say that they are just being dramatic and that they need to get over it 

He would start guilt tripping his s/o in order for them to give him more attention, and if he still didn’t get that attention, then he would threaten to break up with them 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. This was really fun to make.

Goddamn, this is dark 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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More Posts from La-squadra1234

1 year ago

Oh I'm sorry I forgot I sent in this request and you don't have to take the request if you don't want to me but I hope you have a nice day or night

Oh I'm Sorry I Forgot I Sent In This Request And You Don't Have To Take The Request If You Don't Want

Awww it’s ok it’s no problem at all!!!

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1 year ago

Ok not a request but I just wanna say how much I ❤️ and appreciate the creativity you put in your work😊🫶


Thank you so much it makes me super happy when I see that people appreciate my work because it takes a while to do ❤️

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1 year ago

I've created a s/o for the blondie spiders (paku, shal & phinks) and her personality is:

Clumsy, kind, awkward, a little shy and likes to help

I love your headcanons, so I would like to know how your hc would be for the spiders blondies pls :D

That is so cute. Of course I can!

I’m pretty sure this is the first time I have ever done a female character!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He would most definitely tease them a lot

 He would definitely enjoy playing games with his s/o

He would definitely joke around with his s/o and if it made them sad, he would instantly feel super guilty about it

He would teach his s/o how to properly wrestle  somebody

He would also teach them self defence


He would teach them how to make his favourite kind of cookies

(which happens to be a chocolate chunk. If you are wondering, I just made that up though)

He would teach his s/o the skill of manipulation, and how to manipulate somebody, even if you have no nen ability

He would definitely take his s/o to go on long walks with him through cool trails, and tons of nature 


She would definitely keep it from them that she is in the phantom troupe as she wouldn’t want to ruin the relationship she would feel very guilty about it, but she would just keep it to herself

 She secretly uses her mind powers to see what they are thinking about

 She would teach them how to make all kinds of food, especially the ones that she loves

 She would teach them how to use a gun properly 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoys as much as I did making this. This was actually really fun to make and I liked it a lot 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Pt 2 of phantom troupe reacting to “nobunaga’s daughter acting like Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa (very sensitive,overly apologetic,very clumsy,very pretty,and idk if I should add this but when she falls she kinda makes an erotic pose)

Ofcccccc that would be so cute!


He honestly was expecting either one of two things by meeting his daughter, either his daughter, being a total brat and a menace or sweet, shy, and funny and kind 


He was a bit taken aback, but he just kept his mouth shut as it’s not his business 


He found it sweet, but definitely wanted the kid to stay away from the phantom troupe to not interfere or so the kid does not get hurt, but he only cares about that just so he doesn’t lose Nobunaga 


He already knows what Nobunagas kid is like after all, he is the child’s uncle 


He heard of Nobunagas daughter’s personality through uvogin so he already knew what to expect, and there were no surprises 


He honestly wouldn’t really care. He would just find it pretty nice to have somebody that is also kind rather than completely insane and just sadistic 


The motherfucker wouldn’t even be allowed around Nobunagas daughter, but if somehow he did end up getting around Nobunagas daughter, he would keep his distance, but watch closely, and he would find it fascinating 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this I like making things like these, and I especially like making things that are easy for me to make and that don’t take a lot of time lolll

 I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hi If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere feitan

With a darling that sees no point in fighting back

Because to the darling as long as he doesn't hurt them they see no reason to fight back


Thank you for asking so nicely!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


Feitan would start to get annoyed because he wants a reason to yell and be abusive to his s/o

But if they are not reacting to anything, then, it makes it a lot harder for him to do so

And he is not going to show that he is getting upset or slightly irritated to his s/o

He would start purposely doing things that would make his s/o mad

Simply just to get some kind of reaction so he can lash out at his s/o

And get mad at his s/o for lashing out at him, even though he did it all on purpose

Eventually, when he gets to his breaking point, he will start hurting his s/o physically just because he simply can, and nothing bad will end up happening to him by doing it anyways

It’s not like his s/o can ever leave him anyways

I’m sorry this was really short, but I couldn’t really think of much 🙃

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. This was very fun to write and it’s not that often that I get yandere requests 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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