Hxh Phantom Troupe Headcannons - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Everytime I saw your post with the Spider children everytime I think of how Shizuku would be as a mom- and everytime I imagine her forgeting her son in school, park, at his friends's, ect... šŸ˜­šŸ¤Œ

Soooo... this is Shizuku's son. Can you please make some headcanon for him please ? šŸ„²šŸ™

(P.S: he doesn't have memoryloss)

Everytime I Saw Your Post With The Spider Children Everytime I Think Of How Shizuku Would Be As A Mom-
Everytime I Saw Your Post With The Spider Children Everytime I Think Of How Shizuku Would Be As A Mom-

Oml Iā€™m so mad right now I was just about to start getting into the headcannons like halfway done if you know you know but anyways, then I got kicked out of the app thatā€™s just so annoying

Anyways, of course I can do that for you!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

(I do not take any credit for the art only for the headcannons)ļæ¼

Shizukuā€™s sons headcannons!!!

He is definitely very sadistic

He loves being around the phantom troupe, but specifically Feitan

ļæ¼ He honestly hates loud people

He is very quiet

He enjoys wearing hoodies

He has a bunch of hoodies

(of course all of them were all stolen tho-)

He is a major introvert

ļæ¼ The only loud person that he can stand to be around is phinks

Or more so I should say the only loud person that he can actually tolerate being around-

He doesnā€™t smile often, but whenever he does smile, itā€™s never with his teeth

There is not one picture that any of the phantom troupe members have, and or shizuku have of him, smiling with his teeth

ļæ¼ He is a very fast runner

For some reason, he has a odd obsession with cracking his knuckles

ļæ¼ He loves looking at airplanes in the air

He also loves being alone by train tracks, watching the trains go by specifically those big trains that have a bunch of things on it that go for so long

ļæ¼ He has an entire bookshelf, just full of books ļæ¼

He really likes paku

He also always refers to her as paku

ļæ¼He doesnā€™t really like Chrolloļæ¼

Thereā€™s no real reason why or any explanation why he doesnā€™t like Chrollo he just doesnā€™t like him for some reason

He doesnā€™t like Chrollo know that he doesnā€™t like him Chrollo things that he is perfectly fine with him but in reality, he just doesnā€™t like him

He is a nen user

ļæ¼ he sits crisscross all the time

ļæ¼ He enjoys stealing peoples catsļæ¼ and taking the cats in to be his own

ļæ¼ He silently makes fun of people

He is very judgmental, but he keeps his thoughts and his opinions to himselfļæ¼

Thatā€™s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. I love reading head cannons so much itā€™s my favourite thing to do by far.

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!ļæ¼

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1 year ago

Hey so, I was looking at myself in the mirror and thought ( :( ) so I was wondering how ā€œphantom troupe men would comfort their insecure daughterā€

AAAAAAAAA This is so cute!!!!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He wouldnā€™t really know what to say so he would just sit down with his daughter and hug them because heā€™s not very good with comforting ļæ¼


He would hug his daughter and keep reminding them about how beautiful they are, and that they have nothing to worry about and if anybody says anything negative towards them and or about them, he will break all of their bones in their body ļæ¼


He would immediately use his sweet and caring voice and hug his daughter and let them know that everything is going to be OK and that they are perfect just the way they are ļæ¼


He would immediately start acting very confident, and he would start teaching his daughter how she can be confident ļæ¼


He would hug his daughter and say that itā€™s OK and then after he would kill anybody if they said anything about her in the past whether itā€™s to her face or to other people ļæ¼


He would say something like ā€œhey hey hey donā€™t stress about this you are beautiful just the way you are and if other people donā€™t think so then why even bother talking to them theyā€™re not worth your time or your energy or the effort that you put into talking to them. Trust me, you are amazing!ā€ļæ¼ he would just be super sweet, caring, and understanding ļæ¼


He would go from comforting mode to attack mode real quick. Itā€™s like he did a whole ass 180 he would ask his daughter if anybody said anything to them, and he would kill them along with their entire family if so ļæ¼


Heā€™s a very chill dad, but this is some thing that he was afraid of happening to his daughter. He would immediately do everything that he knows how to do and he would call up the girls in the phantom troupe, and ask them for advice and see if they can come over and help his daughter ļæ¼

Thatā€™s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. This was very nice to make

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!ļæ¼

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1 year ago

How might each of the Meteor City!Spiders react to an s/o with a Nen Ability that is an (almost) exact opposite/counter to their own?

This is a good one!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He honestly wouldnā€™t really care as long as the person isnā€™t a threat to him ļæ¼


He would be interested and he would definitely want to know more about it ļæ¼


He would be interested in the ability and if he ever broke up with them, or they ever broke up with him, he would steal their ability not just as revenge, but because heā€™s fascinated by it ļæ¼


Heā€™s pretty chill about it he has seen it also he doesnā€™t really care that much ļæ¼


He would definitely want to wrestle ļæ¼


He would definitely want to train with the person to see how much he can get his ability to be like thereā€™s just to see if it can make him more strong ļæ¼


He wouldnā€™t really care at all. He only really cares about his ability and if itā€™s good or not, and to train his ability. ļæ¼

I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I did making this it was really fun to make!!!ļæ¼

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!ļæ¼

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1 year ago

Pt 2 of phantom troupe reacting to ā€œnobunagaā€™s daughter acting like Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa (very sensitive,overly apologetic,very clumsy,very pretty,and idk if I should add this but when she falls she kinda makes an erotic pose)

Ofcccccc that would be so cute!


He honestly was expecting either one of two things by meeting his daughter, either his daughter, being a total brat and a menace or sweet, shy, and funny and kind ļæ¼


He was a bit taken aback, but he just kept his mouth shut as itā€™s not his business ļæ¼


He found it sweet, but definitely wanted the kid to stay away from the phantom troupe to not interfere or so the kid does not get hurt, but he only cares about that just so he doesnā€™t lose Nobunaga ļæ¼


He already knows what Nobunagas kid is like after all, he is the childā€™s uncle ļæ¼


He heard of Nobunagas daughterā€™s personality through uvogin so he already knew what to expect, and there were no surprises ļæ¼


He honestly wouldnā€™t really care. He would just find it pretty nice to have somebody that is also kind rather than completely insane and just sadistic ļæ¼ļæ¼


The motherfucker wouldnā€™t even be allowed around Nobunagas daughter, but if somehow he did end up getting around Nobunagas daughter, he would keep his distance, but watch closely, and he would find it fascinating ļæ¼

Thatā€™s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this I like making things like these, and I especially like making things that are easy for me to make and that donā€™t take a lot of time lolll

ļæ¼ I will see everybody in the next post bye now!ļæ¼ļæ¼

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1 year ago

Hey, if the ask box is open can i ask for Phantom troupe reaction to meeting identical triplets for a Mission.

I love your blog and writing style btw :)

Awww thank you so much and of course!!!!ļæ¼


He would be a little weirded out for no reason, but he would just keep to himself as usual ļæ¼


He would be shocked, he would be repeating what the hell in his head and out loud Itā€™s just crazy to him ļæ¼ļæ¼


He would find it pretty fascinating, but wouldnā€™t think any kind of way about it reallyļæ¼


He would be pretty shocked, but he would find it cool ļæ¼


He would keep repeating that thatā€™s amazing ļæ¼


He would be surprised, and happy to see that because itā€™s not some thing that you see every day ļæ¼


He would just say ā€œoh wow thatā€™s not something that you see every dayā€ but then he would shut up about it because he doesnā€™t want to be annoying ļæ¼


He would be very fascinated and try to learn more about it, even though thereā€™s nothing to learn about it really ļæ¼

Thatā€™s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. This was super cute too right and itā€™s some thing that I havenā€™t done before so a new experience is nice

This is a update sorry it took me so long to get this out. It was in my drafts and I just had a gut feeling that some thing was in my drafts so I went to check and I looked and seen this ļæ¼ļæ¼

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!ļæ¼ļæ¼

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1 year ago

How would the phantom troupe men act with a daughter who looks and acts just like them,what would there relationship be like with them (also how you doing <3)

Heyyy Iā€™m doing pretty good. I have been wanting to make a story for a little bit but I needed the time too and I also needed to settle in a bit but Iā€™m finally ready!ļæ¼ How are youļæ¼<33

And of course I can do that!


Heā€™s happy that he has a child that can carry on doing what he does best when he dies ļæ¼


He finds it pretty cool, but he doesnā€™t really care that much as long as his child doesnā€™t do exactly the same things as he does he doesnā€™t really mind it ļæ¼


He just hopes that his child doesnā€™t start a gang, and instead joins the phantom troupe ļæ¼ when his kid is a little older, of course ļæ¼


He is a little disappointing, considering that his personality is āœØuniqueāœØ


He finds it kind of impressive how much his child has learned off of just seeing what he does ļæ¼


He finds it cool, and in the future, he will definitely teach his child more ļæ¼


He definitely brags about it to everybody because he is so impressed and happy and excited about it ļæ¼


He is very chill about it, and he tells his child to hide his powers from his friends and other people and only use them if itā€™s a life or death situation ļæ¼

I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. Iā€™m sorry that I have not been posting for a while. I just had to get settled in and everything but Iā€™m ready

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!ļæ¼

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1 year ago

Any uvogin headcannons? šŸ‘€

ā€¦.uvogin supremacy. ļæ¼

i feel like when nobody is around he would do the stupidest stuff just to try it out ļæ¼

he definitely sings in the shower really loudly

Heā€™s the kind of guy to make fun of his own clothing choices

Heā€™s very goofy

When heā€™s drunk, he says the most dumbest things especially with nobunaga

if you are somebody that he cares about, but you make him mad I feel like heā€™ll run up to you and lightly bite your arm and then run away

ļæ¼ him and Nobunaga definitely had a Twerking battle at one point ļæ¼no doubt about it

he loves eating tacos

ļæ¼ he occasionally plays video games, because once he starts playing, he gets locked in and plays for hours

Thatā€™s all that I could really think of right now lol sorry that itā€™s a little short

I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this I like writing headcannons because I can actually just freestyle it completely instead of staying onto one topic

I will see everybody in the next Post bye nowļæ¼ļæ¼

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