Hxh Hcs - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hi can you write a HC of Franklin,Uvogin,Phinks, and Feitan taking care of their sick s/o please. THANK YOU.

Of course I can but I swear I did some thing like this before but whatever I don’t really care I just do it again if I did it before!

Thank you so much for the request

BTW I am just going to add in chrollo because I know that somebody is going to ask because it always ends up happening for things like this when I don’t add chrollo in lol but it’s OK. I love all the support and the fact that people enjoy my writing means a lot to me!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He definitely would be freaking out inside because he would not know what to be doing as he doesn’t really get sick, but he has a zero tolerance for vomit so if you throw up you are on your own

He will definitely ask the phantom troupe for help and they would just tell him to give his s/o some medicine and make sure that they get rest and lots of water

Eventually, he calms down and stops getting less stressed out by the day as he gets more experienced


Man would break into a supermarket and he would get all the medicine available but his s/o would only end up using like one of them, but he wouldn’t care as long as his s/o gets better

He wouldn’t ask for advice because he already knows what to do as he has been sick before, and nobody was available to help him so he had to teach himself


I feel like he is the type of guy to get colds very often so he knows how to deal with being sick if it’s that kind of sickness if you throw up, he will be a little discuss it, but he will clean it up and help his s/o clean them self up he would also be very gentle, caring, and supportive all the things that he should normally be but he’s not because it’s phinks


he would definitely be there for his s/o every step of the way he would get his s/o medicine, waters He would make a nice warm bath for you he would cook his s/o a nice dinner, properly soup or something with noodles something light weight, but could fill his s/o stomach and he would be very gentle and he would think very hard before he says anything, because sometimes he can come off as very passive aggressive


Pretty much the same thing as Franklin except he wouldn’t be able to be available to his s/o all the time, but he sure as hell would work his ass off whenever he is at home to his sick s/o he would do all the housework and help his s/o out entirely

Sorry, if that was kind of short, I tried, and I think that I did pretty good I am honestly pretty satisfied with it!

Thank you for reading everybody. I hope you enjoyed just as much as I did!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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2 years ago

Hello! I enjoy what you write, I also like the concept of the child reaction ^^ (but I don't put a "like" on all your post not to spam you. Also I didnt read everything because I saw your account yesterday so I hope this question hasn't been asked before qwq)

Well I have a little question/request. "How the hxh characters would react seeing their kid looks more like their mother than them ?" 🤔 (some person could be more happy and others a little annoyed)

I also want to thank you because when I read your little oneshot I imediatelly had an idea for my own kiddo in it X)

Oh my God it’s no problem at all and you can spam me all you want I don’t even get annoyed because people are supporting me❤️

This is such a great request so of course I will do it!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He would honestly have mixed feelings about it. He would be happy that his child resembles his s/o but at the same time he would be a bit jealous because that’s his kid as well and he wants his kid to look like him or at least have some kind of resemblance but he would always just keep his mouth shut about it because he doesn’t want to seem like an asshole and a jealous one at that (kind of feel bad for him lmao)


He would definitely be relieved that his kid would probably end up having eyebrows (OK I’m so sorry, but I had to say that I couldn’t resist😭) but he definitely would feel a little bad about himself even though it has nothing to do with him and it’s not his fault and it’s out of his control but eventually he would come around and just accept it because there’s nothing that he can do about it and even if there was he definitely would not want to change his own kid


There would be no ounce of jealousy in this man he would be super happy, and the fact that he even has a child is just amazing to him, and he just loves every part of being a father to the point where he doesn’t even care whether his child resembles his mother or him (as long as his child doesn’t resembles somebody else…)


We all know how this man is, is very laid-back as a parent, but at the same time he would have the audacity to be salty about the fact that his child does not resemble him as much as he would like his child to But he wouldn’t say anything about it at least not to his s/o but nothing is stopping him from going in ranting to illumi even though we all know very well illumi won’t care


if his child does not look like him, he at least wants his child to have the same nen type as him he wants to at least have some thing in common with his child, but he would not be moody or jealous about the situation or anything in general. He would be pretty neutral about it surprisingly enough.


Honestly, he is just hoping that his child isn’t scared of him😭 he wouldn’t really mind how his child looks. Anyways, I mean he can’t really say anything…. And he definitely would not want his child to resemble him unless it’s eye colour or hair color.


He would definitely be salty about it and he would make sure everybody knows that he is salty about it. He would definitely go and tell his s/o knowing damn well it’s out of their control and of course he would go rent about it to the phantom, troupe and especially uvogin but their advice to him was just to suck it up and shut up about it


He wouldn’t really care much as long as his child was respectful to him and his s/o he wouldn’t really care about the looks as long as he knows that it’s his child 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed this post!

I just ended up doing the spiders for some reason lol because I have been doing them a lot recently and I have just gotten used to doing them

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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2 years ago

>:) more question from me XD even if my ideas are not funny sorry-

What about "hxh characters reacting to their s/o trying a chocolate lipstick on them ?"

=v= yum chocolate~

You are literally so creative. Of course I can do that!

You have the best ideas I would’ve never thought of some thing like that honestly!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


And this man would be Hella confused he would ask if the lipstick is stale or something, he would wonder and ask why it taste like chocolate. He is honestly to clueless to get it but it’s adorable.


He wouldn’t ask any questions he would just continue licking the chocolate off of his lips and then he would take the whole lipstick and eat it


He honestly would just leave it on. He would notice that it smells like chocolate, but he would just leave it on in his mind it’s just scented lip stick


He would immediately smell chocolate and eat the whole thing. This man has absolutely no shame in it and he will enjoy it.


He would be super confused on why you are putting lipstick on him in the first place and why is it brown???? He wouldn’t understand that it’s chocolate and I doubt that he would even smell anything.


He would immediately know that it’s chocolate and tell you to pass it to him and then he would eat it while playing a game on his phone because he’s just like that


He would tell you that if you are going to put any kind of lipstick on him to put on a red one💅 and he wouldn’t even realize that it’s chocolate anyways


This man would also immediately know that it’s chocolate this dude literally paints his face and you expect him not to realize that it’s chocolate. Of course he will know he isn’t really into sweet things so he wouldn’t eat it he would just wipe it off.

This was really fun to make and it was honestly really quick as well because I had a bunch of ideas in my head of how they would react so it wasn’t too hard lol

I hope everybody enjoyed this!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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2 years ago

New idea :0

What if: "hxh characters knew that their kiddo are in couple with their best friend's child ?"

(For exemple feitan's kid and Phinks' one or other)

Of course I can do that!

Btw I am trying to get every request done as fast as possible but most of the time I can’t do them in the same day as I get the request, so expect them in about two days after you request some thing

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He honestly wouldn’t care because he knows damn well that his kid is going to be fine and that his kid won’t stupidly reveal any information that the other child doesn’t already know about


He also wouldn’t really care because he knows that his kid won’t get hurt and it’s safer for his kids to date that way anyways


He’s honestly just happy for his child but the best part about it is that his kid can’t reveal any information that is unknown to the public so it’s safe


He would definitely be the last to find out, but he wouldn’t care in the first place anyways because it has nothing to do with him and his child is not getting hurt so absolutely he’s fine with it


He would be chill about everything, unless his child is dating hisokas child because he knows damn well that hisoka is a bad influence on every kid and he is not sure what hisokas child is like, but all he knows is that hisoka he’s definitely a laid-back parent so his kid definitely has no boundaries or a concept of boundaries. That’s what he thinks. But other than that he’s fine with it.


He doesn’t care. He honestly just thinks that it’s cute anyways. And he’s chill about the entire situation. Not like it’s a bad one anyways🫶


He doesn’t care as long as his child doesn’t get hurt or reveal any kind of information to the public especially to the mafia or to the chain user he’s fine with it


He doesn’t really like the fact that his child is dating anybody in the phantom troupes children, but he just sucks it up and deals with it. For the sake of his child’s happiness he doesn’t want to ruin his child’s relationship and be labelled a bad parent, even though he is already labelled one  he rather his child date somebody else, but he will just deal with it and keep his mouth shut

Ngl the first like four people kind of sounded like the exact same. I really didn’t know what to put for all of them, but then as I got more down and remember their personalities even more it got a bit easier.

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed this as much as I did!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago
Of Course I Can!

Of course I can!

Thank you so much for the request

Normally, for stories that involve the spiders having a child the kid mostly it ends up being girl, or I just go as they/them so anybody can think of any of the kids as any gender they want it to be  but if I get a specific request for a specific gender, I will do it!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

Feitan’s daughter-

She would definitely be known as the short girl with a short, Dad lmao

Phinks daughter-

She would definitely be known as the girl who has a dad with no eyebrows and slicked back hair (sorry phinks but I had to come for the eyebrows on this one)

Chrollo’s daughter-

She would be known as the girl with a Dad that does not dress good lmaoooo

Uvogin’s daughter-

She would definitely be known as the girl with a scary Dad (I mean shit uvogin is literally 8 feet tall and buff as shit what middle schooler wouldn’t be scared of that other than his daughter)

Nobunaga’s daughter-

She would definitely be known as the Dad who always shows up in flip-flops (free feet pics???) (Don’t be shy, let me upload those to feet finder)

Shalnark’s daughter-

She would definitely be known as the girl with a innocent looking Dad

Franklins daughter-

She would be known as a girl with a Frankenstein looking Dad😭

Hisoka’s daughter-

Obviously, she would be known as the girl with a dad that dresses up as a clown and chases little kids around😭😭😭😭😭

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed. This was really fun making and it wasn’t too hard which I always appreciate!!!

 I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

How would the yandere spiders react to a darling that refuses to sleep with them in bed not because of it being an act of defiance or anything but because they get overheated with the body heat of someone else next to them and can’t sleep with it being that warm :3

Of course I can!

That’s actually a really good one

Thank you so much for the request!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He wouldn’t let it go, but he would definitely be salty about it, and if his s/o tried to pull something like that again they would definitely get punished, but make no mistake. They are definitely going to get a stern conversation…


He would be very salty about it, and he would make sure that his s/o Knows that he is salty about it and he would try to make it seem like it’s all their fault and that they are the problem


He would honestly just completely let it go and allow his s/o to come back in bed whenever you want to although in the back of his mind, he just wants to grab them and force them


He would be mad about it, and he would definitely force his s/o to just shut up about it, and lay in bed and to deal with it


He would definitely kiss his teeth and then he would leave the house and go on the porch and call uvogin and tell him about everything as if it’s that important (lmao)


“….you take all the blankets when I am trying to sleep that’s probably why you’re so hot…..”

He would honestly be so confused because he is always cold whenever he goes to sleep and his s/o is always hogging all of the blankets away from him 


I don’t really think that he would be salty about it more so just sad, but he would just try to keep his cool and seem like he does not care about it even though he does deep down his s/o definitely knows that he is sad about it, but he just hast to deal with it for now 


Of course he would be salty about it. It’s hisoka that we are talking about after all  he would tell illumi about it, as if illumi would care

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing at. This was actually really fun and I enjoyed it a lot to me personally Franklin was the most funny

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

In general, how would each of the Spiders react to an s/o with a personality that is similar to Sarasa's in one shape or form?

Honestly, I think they would all be pretty chill about it lol

I don’t really have too much to say about it but I don’t really think they would mind it too much to be honest

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1 year ago

Ok I’ve got a cute-ish one “phantom troupe men with a daughter that can carry them bridal style with ease”

Lmaoooooo the moment I read this, I immediately thought of feitan….Thank God he is not real because he would be so pissed off if he seen what I’m about to say about him😭🤭

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He already knows that he is very light and easy to pick up

But he will be extra pissed off if his daughter picks him up

Or even his s/o

He just wants to be left alone

He will definitely be in a bitchy mood if you pick him up after

And he is not one of people who secretly likes it. He hates it and it’s pretty obvious. 



The man was too stunned to speak

Literally jaw dropped

He would be so surprised, and he would be like “HOW THE FUCK”


Literally man thought that he was dreaming for a second

He did not think that it was reality


He would be very neutral about it

He is secretly very impressed, but he will just keep it to himself and act as if he expected this is his daughter, and that he doesn’t really care

But he is secretly very happy that they are improving

He would definitely go and tell his s/o about it

And maybe just maybe feitan because he already knows that feitan will be very chill about it and won’t go around telling people 



“Why are you picking me up?”

“put me down immediately”

He would be impressed and happy that his daughter is strong, but out of everything that his daughter could’ve picked up, it had to have been him

He would be kind of annoyed at that, but other than that he would be very impressed and happy for his daughter



He would be freaked out and very caught off guard

He would not appreciate how his daughter just picked him up without any warning

He’s happy that his daughter knows her strength and that she is strong but just a little warning next time that she wants to do that to him 


“how in the actual fuck are you picking me up”

“so you’re seriously telling me that Nobunaga couldn’t even pick me up but you’re sitting here picking me up easily”

he wouldn’t even be mad at his daughter he would be mad at Nobunaga for not being able to pick him up, but yet his daughter can easily

He was talking to chrollo about it, and he said in a joking voice “maybe my daughter should take Nobunagas place”


He wouldn’t be surprised. Basically anybody can pick him up. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to pick him up.

He wouldn’t even mind that his daughter is picking him up at the end of the day. It’s easier for him he doesn’t have to walk not like he gets annoyed with having to walk or anything like that it’s just easier for him

“good job you can carry me!”

“I’m pretty light though if you want a real challenge try picking up Bonolenov or Nobunaga they are heavier than me I mean it’s pretty clear that they are no offence to them but I am way shorter so it’s pretty obvious😅”



“I am very confused on how you are picking me up”

“all right I think it’s time for you to put me down before I end up crushing you on accident. Your mother would kill me if that happened and I’m not really trying to die, so put me down immediately”

He would be really surprised and he wouldn’t even be thinking about the fact that his daughter is way stronger than she last Was he would be thinking about the fact that if he was worth to accidentally fall on his daughter his s/o would beat him so bad (lmao poor boy)

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed. This was really fun to write (it’s all fun and games until feitan sees this😭😭😭)

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago
I Drew Feitans,Nobunagas,and Phinkss Daughter And I Would Like To Read Your Head Canons

I drew Feitan’s,Nobunaga’s,and Phinks’s daughter and I would like to read your head canons

Ofccccc! BTW feitans daughter looks so cute!!!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

BTW I do not own the drawing only the hcs

Feitans daughter-

She is very quiet

She is also very shy, and keeps to herself

She doesn’t have very much friends only a few. It’s very limited, though.

 She likes to collect random things and have a collection of them

 She normally wears all black, but she is not emo and she doesn’t consider herself to be emo

Her voice sounds like a mix between feitan and shizuku

Nobody really messes with her because nobody really minds her

When you actually get to know her, she is very sweet

And she keeps her opinions to herself unless she is asked about her opinions then she will speak on them. Otherwise, her mouth is closed

She enjoys writing but she doesn’t tell many people that she does. She’s not exactly embarrassed of it, but she just doesn’t know how people react even though it’s nothing to be ashamed of she thinks that some of her writings are cringe.

She also really likes to read

When she is in a very good mood, and happy, which is her normal mood she hates anything gory

But when she’s mad, she sees absolute red and goes crazy. She make sure whoever pissed her off and got her to that point dies. Very painfully❤️

She doesn’t talk back to anybody

And it takes a lot to set her off and make her very mad

You have to be intentionally doing something to get her mad Otherwise, she doesn’t really mind anything. 

Phinks daughter-

She has major anger issues

But on top of that, she also has attitude problems

She is definitely very spoiled

She is also very loud and she doesn’t keep her opinions to herself. If she has some thing on her mind, she will speak of it and she doesn’t care about the consequences.

She loves to chew gum

She is definitely one of the popular girls

She glares at people a lot even just random people who have done absolutely nothing to her

She also ignores people when they try to talk to her. If she’s not interested in the conversation, she acts like they don’t exist even if they are her own friends

She thinks reading is stupid and that it’s a total waste of time and she has so much better things to do

She hates school and she skips so often

She is obsessed with LED lights (same though)

She absolutely loves going to the mall and that’s the one place that she will always request to go to whenever she is either with her dad or with her friends

She doesn’t really like the phantom troupe and she thinks that everybody in the phantom troupe is just stupid and they are wasting their life bowing down to chrollo

That’s the one opinion that she keeps to herself though, because she knows that if she shares her opinion like that out loud that it will end very badly for her and she could possibly risk her dad as well, which she is not willing to do

Although she loves her dad, she gets into crazy screaming battles with him

They are always clashing heads and getting into arguments very heated arguments

 They are both very hotheaded after all 

Nobunagas daughter-

She is very chill unless somebody pisses her off

She has a small friend group, and tends to keep it to herself although she will share a bit of stuff with her friends

If somebody makes her mad, she tells them to shut up a lot. She obviously acquired all of that from Nobunaga

she absolutely loves swords

Her absolute best friend in the entire world is obviously uvogins daughter

she keeps some of her opinions to herself, and she shares some of her opinions as well. It just depends on what the topic is.

She has an unhealthy obsession with buying (stealing) shoes she absolutely loves shoes and they are literally her favourite thing in the entire world other than her best friend and her dad

She enjoys playing video games on her free time

She doesn’t really like the phantom troupe, but she also keeps that to herself. If she is ever asked about the phantom troupe, she will just act like she doesn’t know what the person is talking about or if it’s one of her very very very close friends like Uvogin daughter she would just say something along the lines of

“what about them? I don’t really have a opinion on them. They don’t mean anything to me. They haven’t done anything to me either whether it’s good or bad I’ve only ever seen them like twice, so it doesn’t really mean much to me”

She absolutely values quality time with her dad. That’s something that she loves so much.

She doesn’t really get into arguments with her dad, even though her dad is also very hotheaded. She tends to keep her mouth shut.

But whenever she does, because she is very pleasant to be around

It’s very hard to have a problem with her because she is not a bad person and she’s very sweet 

thank you so much for the request and they look so good I honestly don’t even get how people draw so good because I struggle at drawing and then you have people creating a whole masterpieces like you!❤️

This is all way longer than I expected it to be. I didn’t think that I would be making some thing this long but here I am lol

I will see everybody and the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Okay so I drew Franklin’s,upUvogin’s, and Shalnarks’s daughters and I want your head canons for them


Full credit to la-squadra1234
I drew Feitan’s,Nobunaga’s,and Phinks’s daughter and I would like to read your head canons Ofccccc! BTW feitans daughter looks so cute!!!!!


That’s for the people who haven’t seen my first hcs for feitans, Nobunagas, and phinks daughters 

I can definitely do that, but I would like to see them first because when I see things I can kind of visualize their personality if you get what I mean lol so yeah if I could see them then I can most definitely make it!

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1 year ago
I Cant Believe I Forgot The Drawing

I can’t believe I forgot the drawing 😭


It’s all good its no problem at all

Full credit to la-squadra1234

Uvogins daughter-

Would be a brat, but wouldn’t be at the same time

She would definitely be very nosey

She would be a girl who lives for drama, and needs to know all of the tea

If anybody talk shit to her, she will beat the living hell out of them

She absolutely loves fighting

She is very confrontational when she wants to be

 She loves make up

She absolutely adores wearing tank tops

She is always wearing some kind of tank top

 She has a stealing addiction/problem

It’s not that she wants to steal, but it has just become a habit overtime

 She loves going swimming

 on her free time when she has nothing to do she plays video games with shalnarks daughter

She is away, is skipping school

She cringes whenever she sees her dad drinking beer because she finds beer. Disgusting

She tried beer once, and she almost threw up, it was disgusting for her 

Shalnarks daughter-

She has a video game addiction

She loves to wear skirts

Her entire wardrobe consists of skirts and dresses and high heels

She is a girly girl

 She loves very fancy jewellery

All of her jewellery is real diamonds gold silver everything is real

She is always wearing her favourite diamond necklace even to sleep

 If she does sleep, that is

She is normally up all night playing video games

She has her own TV in her room

She hates, always having to go into the living room to play her video games

She likes to do art

She is very good at colouring

She is also very good at drawing

And sketching things

She loves to play with a skipping rope when it’s summer time

She has a bunch of body sprays and perfumes and body mist

If you pronounce her perfumes, body sprays or body mist wrong, she will correct you real quick

Like, for example if you say something like oh nice perfume, but it’s a body mist she will literally glare at you and then correct you with a attitude

She is a pretty good kid

She gets pretty good grades

She doesn’t skip school with uvogins daughter

The only relatively bad thing that she does is use her phone to either play video games during school or to text uvogins daughter

 Franklin’s daughter-

She has a very unhealthy obsession with energy drinks

She is always drinking some kind of energy drink, whether it’s monster, Red Bull, rockstar, bang energy

It doesn’t matter she just loves it

She gets a perfect amount of sleep, but she always looks super tired

She is very quiet for the most part

She doesn’t talk very often, but if she has spoken to, then she will talk

She likes to write poetry

And she also likes to read poetry

She has a bunch of posters in her room

She likes old school bands like the Beatles and AC/DC

 she gets very scared easily

She is not confrontational at all

She doesn’t start fights with people

And she hates having to fight anybody it just scares her so normally one of her friends end up fighting for her even though she doesn’t ask her friends to her friends are just nice enough to do it for her because her friends understand

She wears glasses and has a bunch of them

And I mean a BUNCH of them

 She has a bunch of hair ties and she leaves them all over the house because she forgets about them

But the moment that she doesn’t have her favourite purple one

It’s game over for everybody

She will literally get so sad and emotional over it for no apparent reason nobody knows why, but it just happens so make sure that she doesn’t lose her purple hair tie 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much I did writing this. This was really fun. I honestly love doing headcannons because it’s one of the easiest things to do in my opinion and I can just write anything that comes to my mind down immediately!

Thank you so much for the request

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

I really really love your headcanon for the fanchild, and you really inspired me to make Tanni (Uvo's daughter) and I would like tobknow of you could make headcanon for her too please ? QvQ

(The only headcanon I have for her yet are that her furr jacket is Y/N's old jacket, and her kicks are strong like her father's punch)

I Really Really Love Your Headcanon For The Fanchild, And You Really Inspired Me To Make Tanni (Uvo's


Thank you so much I appreciate it. I love making headcannons in to see that somebody else likes. My headcannons means a lot to me!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

Btw Ik I have made a headcannon for uvogins daughter already, but that was a bad ass version. This one is going to be more sweet.

Uvogins daughter-

She is super sweet but she can turn into a bad ass real quick

She loves to cuddle

She likes to dance

She loves blasting music in her room

Whenever anybody hears her blasting music they don’t tell her to stop because she has/listens to good music

 She is a fun person to be around

And it’s hard to pick a problem with her, or to have a problem with her when she is being very sweet

 She has a good fashion sense

For some reason she wears sunglasses inside of the house

Everybody is used to her doing that by now, but she just thinks that it look stylish and she doesn’t care what other people say or have to say about it

 she has a lot of colourful dresses

 She likes to play board games with her dad

 she loves to eat candy

She has a pretty hard punch as it is, but her kicks are way too strong

God for bid you get kicked by her

That will literally be the last thing that you ever do

 She loves to organize things

Her room normally isn’t dirty at all, but there are just a bunch of clothes on her floor

 She is always wearing headphones, except when she is outside

She is very aware of her surroundings

 Wherever she goes, even if she doesn’t have her phone on her, which is very rare, but she always brings a charger with her for some reason

 She is always wearing mascara

She loves to watch TV with her dad

She enjoys spending quality time with her dad whenever she possibly can

She cherishes all the good and fun moments with him, and she remembers them for life. She never forgets them

She has a very good and strong memory

 When she is not feeling like being super stylish, she just puts on a hoodie

She has like 1 billion hoodies but normally she just wears her favourite one whenever she wears a hoodie

And her favourite one is just a plain black one with her favourite band on the front of the hoodie

 She has black out curtains

And she always has her LED lights on

And they are either on blue, red, yellow, or purple 

She has a bunch of pillows

She never makes her bed

Unless one of her friends are coming over then she will make the pillows all fancy and look pretty and act as if she always has it like that but everybody knows that she doesn’t, but they just let her get away with it because she is adorable

 She loves to eat ice cream

Ice cream is by far her favourite treat to have 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed. I just love making headcannons so much. It’s just so fun to me!!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Can you do phantom troupe play dates head canons with their daughters (the one you did head canons for)

Yesss ofcccc!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

I don’t remember exactly what I did, but I’m pretty sure I said something along the lines of shalnarks daughter has a play date with uvogins daughter and they play video games or something like that so correct me if I’m wrong, but I am going to do that

Shalnark and uvogin’s daughters having a play date…

 There would be no arguments between the two

They would play video games, almost the entire time

Shalnarks daughter have the newest consuls and games so of course they had to play for basically the entire time

 They would definitely play card games if they are not playing video games

Uvogins daughter is teaching shalnarks daughter on what a burn book is, and how to make it

And yes, they end up making a burn book

Full of all of the phantom troupe members

And their friends, or their enemies

And the phantom troupe enemies

 they would take a bunch of pictures together

And they would print the pictures out and tape them and put it onto their walls

 They would have a competition to see who can drink their water bottle the fastest

Shalnarks daughter would try her hardest to get uvogins daughter to get away from all of the T-shirts, and tank tops, and try to make her wear a dress

 They would definitely do each other’s hair

They would tell each other all of their secrets

 If they were allowed to go outside, they would go to a store and get clothes

Uvogins daughter would do embarrassing/funny dances, out in public

And shalnarks daughter would run away and act as if she doesn’t know uvogins daughter

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I did writing this. This was really fun to write.

BTW Honestly, I’m probably going to end the three day limit of me having to write a story in three days or less because it’s just too much and it’s adding way too much pressure onto me and I feel like it would be better for me and everybody if I could create a story when I am fully concentrated on just doing that and not stressed out about making post so I’m going to end that

I will see everybody in the next post Bye now!

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1 year ago

Everytime I saw your post with the Spider children everytime I think of how Shizuku would be as a mom- and everytime I imagine her forgeting her son in school, park, at his friends's, ect... 😭🤌

Soooo... this is Shizuku's son. Can you please make some headcanon for him please ? 🥲🙏

(P.S: he doesn't have memoryloss)

Everytime I Saw Your Post With The Spider Children Everytime I Think Of How Shizuku Would Be As A Mom-
Everytime I Saw Your Post With The Spider Children Everytime I Think Of How Shizuku Would Be As A Mom-

Oml I’m so mad right now I was just about to start getting into the headcannons like halfway done if you know you know but anyways, then I got kicked out of the app that’s just so annoying

Anyways, of course I can do that for you!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

(I do not take any credit for the art only for the headcannons)

Shizuku’s sons headcannons!!!

He is definitely very sadistic

He loves being around the phantom troupe, but specifically Feitan

 He honestly hates loud people

He is very quiet

He enjoys wearing hoodies

He has a bunch of hoodies

(of course all of them were all stolen tho-)

He is a major introvert

 The only loud person that he can stand to be around is phinks

Or more so I should say the only loud person that he can actually tolerate being around-

He doesn’t smile often, but whenever he does smile, it’s never with his teeth

There is not one picture that any of the phantom troupe members have, and or shizuku have of him, smiling with his teeth

 He is a very fast runner

For some reason, he has a odd obsession with cracking his knuckles

 He loves looking at airplanes in the air

He also loves being alone by train tracks, watching the trains go by specifically those big trains that have a bunch of things on it that go for so long

 He has an entire bookshelf, just full of books 

He really likes paku

He also always refers to her as paku

He doesn’t really like Chrollo

There’s no real reason why or any explanation why he doesn’t like Chrollo he just doesn’t like him for some reason

He doesn’t like Chrollo know that he doesn’t like him Chrollo things that he is perfectly fine with him but in reality, he just doesn’t like him

He is a nen user

 he sits crisscross all the time

 He enjoys stealing peoples cats and taking the cats in to be his own

 He silently makes fun of people

He is very judgmental, but he keeps his thoughts and his opinions to himself

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. I love reading head cannons so much it’s my favourite thing to do by far.

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hi If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere feitan

With a darling that sees no point in fighting back

Because to the darling as long as he doesn't hurt them they see no reason to fight back


Thank you for asking so nicely!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


Feitan would start to get annoyed because he wants a reason to yell and be abusive to his s/o

But if they are not reacting to anything, then, it makes it a lot harder for him to do so

And he is not going to show that he is getting upset or slightly irritated to his s/o

He would start purposely doing things that would make his s/o mad

Simply just to get some kind of reaction so he can lash out at his s/o

And get mad at his s/o for lashing out at him, even though he did it all on purpose

Eventually, when he gets to his breaking point, he will start hurting his s/o physically just because he simply can, and nothing bad will end up happening to him by doing it anyways

It’s not like his s/o can ever leave him anyways

I’m sorry this was really short, but I couldn’t really think of much 🙃

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. This was very fun to write and it’s not that often that I get yandere requests 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

I've created a s/o for the blondie spiders (paku, shal & phinks) and her personality is:

Clumsy, kind, awkward, a little shy and likes to help

I love your headcanons, so I would like to know how your hc would be for the spiders blondies pls :D

That is so cute. Of course I can!

I’m pretty sure this is the first time I have ever done a female character!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He would most definitely tease them a lot

 He would definitely enjoy playing games with his s/o

He would definitely joke around with his s/o and if it made them sad, he would instantly feel super guilty about it

He would teach his s/o how to properly wrestle  somebody

He would also teach them self defence


He would teach them how to make his favourite kind of cookies

(which happens to be a chocolate chunk. If you are wondering, I just made that up though)

He would teach his s/o the skill of manipulation, and how to manipulate somebody, even if you have no nen ability

He would definitely take his s/o to go on long walks with him through cool trails, and tons of nature 


She would definitely keep it from them that she is in the phantom troupe as she wouldn’t want to ruin the relationship she would feel very guilty about it, but she would just keep it to herself

 She secretly uses her mind powers to see what they are thinking about

 She would teach them how to make all kinds of food, especially the ones that she loves

 She would teach them how to use a gun properly 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoys as much as I did making this. This was actually really fun to make and I liked it a lot 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

How might each of the Meteor City!Spiders react to an s/o with a Nen Ability that is an (almost) exact opposite/counter to their own?

This is a good one!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He honestly wouldn’t really care as long as the person isn’t a threat to him 


He would be interested and he would definitely want to know more about it 


He would be interested in the ability and if he ever broke up with them, or they ever broke up with him, he would steal their ability not just as revenge, but because he’s fascinated by it 


He’s pretty chill about it he has seen it also he doesn’t really care that much 


He would definitely want to wrestle 


He would definitely want to train with the person to see how much he can get his ability to be like there’s just to see if it can make him more strong 


He wouldn’t really care at all. He only really cares about his ability and if it’s good or not, and to train his ability. 

I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I did making this it was really fun to make!!!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Pt 2 of phantom troupe reacting to “nobunaga’s daughter acting like Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa (very sensitive,overly apologetic,very clumsy,very pretty,and idk if I should add this but when she falls she kinda makes an erotic pose)

Ofcccccc that would be so cute!


He honestly was expecting either one of two things by meeting his daughter, either his daughter, being a total brat and a menace or sweet, shy, and funny and kind 


He was a bit taken aback, but he just kept his mouth shut as it’s not his business 


He found it sweet, but definitely wanted the kid to stay away from the phantom troupe to not interfere or so the kid does not get hurt, but he only cares about that just so he doesn’t lose Nobunaga 


He already knows what Nobunagas kid is like after all, he is the child’s uncle 


He heard of Nobunagas daughter’s personality through uvogin so he already knew what to expect, and there were no surprises 


He honestly wouldn’t really care. He would just find it pretty nice to have somebody that is also kind rather than completely insane and just sadistic 


The motherfucker wouldn’t even be allowed around Nobunagas daughter, but if somehow he did end up getting around Nobunagas daughter, he would keep his distance, but watch closely, and he would find it fascinating 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this I like making things like these, and I especially like making things that are easy for me to make and that don’t take a lot of time lolll

 I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

Which the phantom troupe men prefers “dad,daddy,father,or papa”?

I was waiting for this one!


Father and dad 


Dad and papa


Papa and father 


Father, dad, and daddy


Daddy and father 


You can call him all of them he doesn’t care he likes all of them. He doesn’t really have a preference.


Dad and father 


Daddy and dad

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoys as much as I did making this. If I’m being honest, I was waiting for this request to come in. I knew that it would come in eventually, but I was just waiting lol

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hey, just wanted to show you my nobunaga’s daughter redraw

Hey, Just Wanted To Show You My Nobunagas Daughter Redraw

And I wanted to see if you had any other/different head canons (one of mine is that she’s tall, like 5’5 ft for a 13 year old)

Awwww she looks just like her dad you did such a great job!

Unfortunately, I can’t really think of anything at the moment that I would change up and or right for her differently than the one that I did before😅🥲

But I will definitely think about it !

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