The Phantom Troupe - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Pt 2 phantom troupe reacting to “phinks’s daughter being the complete opposite of him” (very sweet,caring, a bit of a scaredy cat )


Full credit to la-squadra1234


He would’ve definitely already met phinks daughter so he is used to it and he doesn’t mind it or really care 


He would be a little surprised by it, but he would keep it to himself, and he would find it a little cute 


He honestly wouldn’t even care because he believes that all kids should be bubbly and happy, unlike him and the rest of the phantom troupe growing up 


He would secretly be plotting to kidnap the phinks daughter, in order to fight chrollo 


He would find adorable


He would gently tease phinks about it, but then he would call it adorable


He wouldn’t say anything about it, but somewhere in his mind, he thought that phinks daughter would end up being that way for some reason 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this!

Sorry that I haven’t made that many post recently I have just been busy

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hi If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere feitan

With a darling that sees no point in fighting back

Because to the darling as long as he doesn't hurt them they see no reason to fight back


Thank you for asking so nicely!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


Feitan would start to get annoyed because he wants a reason to yell and be abusive to his s/o

But if they are not reacting to anything, then, it makes it a lot harder for him to do so

And he is not going to show that he is getting upset or slightly irritated to his s/o

He would start purposely doing things that would make his s/o mad

Simply just to get some kind of reaction so he can lash out at his s/o

And get mad at his s/o for lashing out at him, even though he did it all on purpose

Eventually, when he gets to his breaking point, he will start hurting his s/o physically just because he simply can, and nothing bad will end up happening to him by doing it anyways

It’s not like his s/o can ever leave him anyways

I’m sorry this was really short, but I couldn’t really think of much 🙃

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. This was very fun to write and it’s not that often that I get yandere requests 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Which Meteor City!Spiders would straight up tell their s/o that they like them, and which ones would attempt to drop hints first (assuming they ever decide to stay it to s/o out loud)?

Ooo let’s find out…!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

Feitan- he would say something along the lines of “I like you dummy”

Phinks- honestly he would drop hints but I don’t think that he would straight up say it

Chrollo- he would drop a bit of hints and then after just say it

Hisoka- is obviously going to be creepy about it and obviously just going to say it 

Uvogin- he would just say it while he is drinking a beer 

Nobunaga- he would drop hints, but I don’t think that he would directly say it 

Franklin- he would just tell you he doesn’t have shame about it

Shalnark- he’s very subtle about it. He will drop little hints and then eventually just say it if his s/o isn’t catching on 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this Sorry that I haven’t been the active recently I’m just really busy with school and stuff like that

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hi I just want to say thank you very much for taking my request and I hope you have a nice day or night but

If it's all right can I please ask for a platonic yandere karapika and feitan (your choice)

he has a quiet and kind darling that wears Jirai Kai fashion because of their abandonment issues and can it be where they start monopolizing The Darlings time.

Hi I Just Want To Say Thank You Very Much For Taking My Request And I Hope You Have A Nice Day Or Night
Hi I Just Want To Say Thank You Very Much For Taking My Request And I Hope You Have A Nice Day Or Night

I'm sorry if this is too much and

Hmm instead of me picking one why not just do both!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He feels bad about the fact that his s/o has abandonment issues and he hopes that his s/o doesn’t think that he is going to leave

But if his s/o pisses him off in some kind of way he will make them think that he is going to leave just to scare them and to get a reaction out of them

But then he would demand some kind of attention from his s/o leaving them confused as hell

He honestly thinks that her clothing choices are horrible But he decides not to mention anything about it 


he would honestly find it funny how easily he can manipulate has s/o just based on their abandonment issues to get what he wants out of them 

He would definitely play it off as the nice, sweet innocent guy, but he has other ideas and plans for the future

He would make fun of his s/o for their abandonment issues and say that they are just being dramatic and that they need to get over it 

He would start guilt tripping his s/o in order for them to give him more attention, and if he still didn’t get that attention, then he would threaten to break up with them 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. This was really fun to make.

Goddamn, this is dark 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hey so, I was looking at myself in the mirror and thought ( :( ) so I was wondering how “phantom troupe men would comfort their insecure daughter”

AAAAAAAAA This is so cute!!!!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He wouldn’t really know what to say so he would just sit down with his daughter and hug them because he’s not very good with comforting 


He would hug his daughter and keep reminding them about how beautiful they are, and that they have nothing to worry about and if anybody says anything negative towards them and or about them, he will break all of their bones in their body 


He would immediately use his sweet and caring voice and hug his daughter and let them know that everything is going to be OK and that they are perfect just the way they are 


He would immediately start acting very confident, and he would start teaching his daughter how she can be confident 


He would hug his daughter and say that it’s OK and then after he would kill anybody if they said anything about her in the past whether it’s to her face or to other people 


He would say something like “hey hey hey don’t stress about this you are beautiful just the way you are and if other people don’t think so then why even bother talking to them they’re not worth your time or your energy or the effort that you put into talking to them. Trust me, you are amazing!” he would just be super sweet, caring, and understanding 


He would go from comforting mode to attack mode real quick. It’s like he did a whole ass 180 he would ask his daughter if anybody said anything to them, and he would kill them along with their entire family if so 


He’s a very chill dad, but this is some thing that he was afraid of happening to his daughter. He would immediately do everything that he knows how to do and he would call up the girls in the phantom troupe, and ask them for advice and see if they can come over and help his daughter 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. This was very nice to make

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

How might each of the Meteor City!Spiders react to an s/o with a Nen Ability that is an (almost) exact opposite/counter to their own?

This is a good one!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He honestly wouldn’t really care as long as the person isn’t a threat to him 


He would be interested and he would definitely want to know more about it 


He would be interested in the ability and if he ever broke up with them, or they ever broke up with him, he would steal their ability not just as revenge, but because he’s fascinated by it 


He’s pretty chill about it he has seen it also he doesn’t really care that much 


He would definitely want to wrestle 


He would definitely want to train with the person to see how much he can get his ability to be like there’s just to see if it can make him more strong 


He wouldn’t really care at all. He only really cares about his ability and if it’s good or not, and to train his ability. 

I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I did making this it was really fun to make!!!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Sorry 🙈 I’m the one that asked for the phantom troupe members with an insecure s/o - I did look first but didn’t find anything, so I thought I’d ask - I’ll look again ❤️

Now I’m mad I just did this entire thing and then it kicked me off of the app and now I have to do it all over again

You were correct I will do it I thought I made an insecurity one, but it was specifically about a nose insecurity


“ Why are you even insecure? You are gorgeous you have absolutely no reason to be insecure. I think you are absolutely perfect and that’s all that matters ”


“ I don’t think or talk so lowly about yourself You are a amazing person and that’s undeniable ”


“I personally think that you are gorgeous, but there is more than just looks personality counts to”


“shut up you’re pretty.”


“Huh mind, repeating what you just said, don’t make me manipulate you and force you to think that you are the prettiest person on the entire earth because I will as long as you feel confident that’s all that matters to me ”


“seriously I don’t even get why you feel that way about yourself. I mean look at you you’re gorgeous there’s no need or reason that you should be thinking about yourself like this”


“Whether you think that you are pretty or not I love you so it doesn’t matter but if you really want to get that deep, you are absolutely gorgeous ”


“Regardless of whatever you think about yourself, I’m going to care about you and love you but for the record you are pretty and gorgeous so stop thinking so bad of yourself ”

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. I’m sorry that I have not been very active at all. It’s just that school is almost finish, but once it is finished for me I will hopefully have the time to make a bunch of stories in the summer

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

Pt 2 of phantom troupe reacting to “nobunaga’s daughter acting like Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa (very sensitive,overly apologetic,very clumsy,very pretty,and idk if I should add this but when she falls she kinda makes an erotic pose)

Ofcccccc that would be so cute!


He honestly was expecting either one of two things by meeting his daughter, either his daughter, being a total brat and a menace or sweet, shy, and funny and kind 


He was a bit taken aback, but he just kept his mouth shut as it’s not his business 


He found it sweet, but definitely wanted the kid to stay away from the phantom troupe to not interfere or so the kid does not get hurt, but he only cares about that just so he doesn’t lose Nobunaga 


He already knows what Nobunagas kid is like after all, he is the child’s uncle 


He heard of Nobunagas daughter’s personality through uvogin so he already knew what to expect, and there were no surprises 


He honestly wouldn’t really care. He would just find it pretty nice to have somebody that is also kind rather than completely insane and just sadistic 


The motherfucker wouldn’t even be allowed around Nobunagas daughter, but if somehow he did end up getting around Nobunagas daughter, he would keep his distance, but watch closely, and he would find it fascinating 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this I like making things like these, and I especially like making things that are easy for me to make and that don’t take a lot of time lolll

 I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

Which the phantom troupe men prefers “dad,daddy,father,or papa”?

I was waiting for this one!


Father and dad 


Dad and papa


Papa and father 


Father, dad, and daddy


Daddy and father 


You can call him all of them he doesn’t care he likes all of them. He doesn’t really have a preference.


Dad and father 


Daddy and dad

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoys as much as I did making this. If I’m being honest, I was waiting for this request to come in. I knew that it would come in eventually, but I was just waiting lol

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hey, just wanted to show you my nobunaga’s daughter redraw

Hey, Just Wanted To Show You My Nobunagas Daughter Redraw

And I wanted to see if you had any other/different head canons (one of mine is that she’s tall, like 5’5 ft for a 13 year old)

Awwww she looks just like her dad you did such a great job!

Unfortunately, I can’t really think of anything at the moment that I would change up and or right for her differently than the one that I did before😅🥲

But I will definitely think about it !

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1 year ago

What type of s/o do you think each of the Meteor City!Spiders would most likely go yandere for?


most definitely a sweet, innocent and naïve person 


Honestly, he doesn’t have too much of a strong preference they just have to be dumb to not be able to leave him 


A cute kind and caring person that puts other people before themselves 


Anybody as long as he can get what he wants out of it, he doesn’t really care 


A person that is like him minus the crazy stuff more so just sweet, cute kind caring funny


A calm, quiet, sweet and collected person 


A gullible and stupid person that will fall for everything and listen to his instructions 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody has enjoyed as much as I did writing it. Sorry that I have not been very active recently I have just been taking very long breaks and honestly I have been enjoying it!

Btw I feel like I’m forgetting a character so just let me know if I am lol

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

Ok I got a cute but a lil angsty one “phantom troupe men realizing that their little girl isn’t little anymore and growing up”

Ooo this is a good one


He would slowly, but surely start to get annoyed, he would try to hide it and act like he doesn’t notice anything, but he notices way too much for his liking 


He loves his daughter, regardless, whether she grows up or not, but he really wants his little girl back 


Now that his daughter is getting more older, he is getting worried as that means that she is going to catch onto what the phantom troupe is, and on top of that…BOYS is the biggest problem for him 


He just acts like nothing ever happened and there is no change Because if he acts like he doesn’t notice anything then eventually he just won’t be bothered by anything 


There are some things that he has to painfully  for his foot down to as his daughter is now getting older his daughter wants to do more things and more mature stuff and he just doesn’t like it 


It’s just not for him. He doesn’t like it. He needs his little girl back it will definitely be super hard for him to come to terms with it 


He honestly doesn’t really know what to do about it, so he just acts like nothing is bothering him although it’s pretty obvious something is nobody mentions it or brings up the topic 


Out of all of the men, he’s probably going to take it the best and start to come to terms with it, and have different coping mechanisms for it along with secretly spying on his daughter just to make sure nothing bad is going on and that she does not get hurt by anybody or by accident 

I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this I like writing things like these honestly

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

What are some other dere types that you think each of the Meteor City!Spiders would fall under? The link here ( should provide several types, including some lesser known ones, that could help you find some matches that you might not have thought about before.

Thank you so much for this is knowing these kind of categories might actually help me with other writings in the future!


Yandere and kuudere and dorodere no questions asked


Ngl I feel like he’s a bit of bibiridere and bosudere


Yandere and dorodere


Bosudere and may be a little yandere 


Chudere and yandere


sumatodere and yandere and yoseidere


Houkadere and yoseidere

Franklin -


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1 year ago

Hey, if the ask box is open can i ask for Phantom troupe reaction to meeting identical triplets for a Mission.

I love your blog and writing style btw :)

Awww thank you so much and of course!!!!


He would be a little weirded out for no reason, but he would just keep to himself as usual 


He would be shocked, he would be repeating what the hell in his head and out loud It’s just crazy to him 


He would find it pretty fascinating, but wouldn’t think any kind of way about it really


He would be pretty shocked, but he would find it cool 


He would keep repeating that that’s amazing 


He would be surprised, and happy to see that because it’s not some thing that you see every day 


He would just say “oh wow that’s not something that you see every day” but then he would shut up about it because he doesn’t want to be annoying 


He would be very fascinated and try to learn more about it, even though there’s nothing to learn about it really 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. This was super cute too right and it’s some thing that I haven’t done before so a new experience is nice

This is a update sorry it took me so long to get this out. It was in my drafts and I just had a gut feeling that some thing was in my drafts so I went to check and I looked and seen this 

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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1 year ago

How would the phantom troupe men act with a daughter who looks and acts just like them,what would there relationship be like with them (also how you doing <3)

Heyyy I’m doing pretty good. I have been wanting to make a story for a little bit but I needed the time too and I also needed to settle in a bit but I’m finally ready! How are you<33

And of course I can do that!


He’s happy that he has a child that can carry on doing what he does best when he dies 


He finds it pretty cool, but he doesn’t really care that much as long as his child doesn’t do exactly the same things as he does he doesn’t really mind it 


He just hopes that his child doesn’t start a gang, and instead joins the phantom troupe  when his kid is a little older, of course 


He is a little disappointing, considering that his personality is ✨unique✨


He finds it kind of impressive how much his child has learned off of just seeing what he does 


He finds it cool, and in the future, he will definitely teach his child more 


He definitely brags about it to everybody because he is so impressed and happy and excited about it 


He is very chill about it, and he tells his child to hide his powers from his friends and other people and only use them if it’s a life or death situation 

I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. I’m sorry that I have not been posting for a while. I just had to get settled in and everything but I’m ready

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Any uvogin headcannons? 👀

….uvogin supremacy. 

i feel like when nobody is around he would do the stupidest stuff just to try it out 

he definitely sings in the shower really loudly

He’s the kind of guy to make fun of his own clothing choices

He’s very goofy

When he’s drunk, he says the most dumbest things especially with nobunaga

if you are somebody that he cares about, but you make him mad I feel like he’ll run up to you and lightly bite your arm and then run away

 him and Nobunaga definitely had a Twerking battle at one point no doubt about it

he loves eating tacos

 he occasionally plays video games, because once he starts playing, he gets locked in and plays for hours

That’s all that I could really think of right now lol sorry that it’s a little short

I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this I like writing headcannons because I can actually just freestyle it completely instead of staying onto one topic

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now

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1 year ago

Ok I’ve had this one on my mind after rewatching “Brave” for the 100th time pov:you and your dad (who’s a phantom troupe member )get into a big argument and out of fury he grabs one of your most beloved item and destroys it in front of you and you end up running far away into the wood while balling your eyes out,what is his reaction?

awww this actually makes me so sad😭


for a while, he would just be pissy and in a mood and he wouldn’t go after his child but after he realizes that his child isn’t coming back home anytime soon he immediately goes out and tries to find his kid. He even calls up some of the phantom troupe, and tells them what happened even though he doesn’t want to. He knows it’s the best because he wants to get his kid back as soon as his child was found, he immediately apologized and replace the item that he purposely broke 


(this man already has anger issues as it is, and is also petty sooo making him mad is like a big mistake)  he would immediately go after his child and start scolding his child for trying to run away and he would ground the kid but later on around night time he would realize that that was a bad move, and he just made it out of anger, and he would immediately unground his child and apologize 


he would be too lazy to go after his child, but he also doesn’t want anything bad to happen to his child, so he sends feitan, nobunaga, or one of the girls (all individually, like he would not send them all together all at once) to go and bring back his child and obviously he apologizes afterwards


he would immediately attempt to fix whatever he broke, and then when he realize that that wasn’t going to help the situation, he went after his child, and once he found his child, he immediately hug them and went into apology mode and replace the item as soon as possible 


he would immediately right away, know that he fucked up real bad, and he would immediately called nobunaga and if he doesn’t answer, then he would call shalnark well going after his child and trying to find his child. He would immediately yell into the phone everything that happened and once he finds his child, he would immediately apologize and carry his child back home and spend as much quality time with his child from that day forward because he feels so guilty about it 


seeing his child cry, brakes him physically, and mentally and emotionally so he immediately felt horrible for what he did, and tries to calm his child down along with himself, and then after he explains himself to his child, and why he did that and he would hug his child, and they would talk it out


he would clean up whatever mess he made, and then go after his child. He would try his hardest to keep the phantom troupe out of it as it’s none of their business and he really doesn’t want them getting involved anyways especially not with his family life he resorts to getting his child ice cream and spending more time with his kid and apologizing over and over again not feeling like it’s good enough 


he honestly wouldn’t care that much, although he would clean up the mess and all of that he wouldn’t apologize to his child until months later when him and his child are having a deep conversation also, he wouldn’t go after his child at all because he knows that his child is eventually going to come running back because his kid doesn’t have any resources and doesn’t know how to survive in the real world without any guidance or experience 

that’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

What do you think could make for some interesting fights with each of the Spiders and the characters from Jojo Part 5 in terms of abilities, personalities, and/or narrative potential?

this is a good one for sure

feitan VS that weird guy with the green hair from part five his name started with a C I just don’t remember how to spell it very complicated

(simply because they both torture people, and have very unique abilities in their own different ways)

chrollo VS giorno 

(Giorno is the main hero in jjba pt.5 and chrollo is the leader of the phantom troupe they are both very, very strong, and have very good abilities)

uvogin VS kars

(I honestly don’t even know who would win because they both have ridiculously strong, physical strength that is a battle that I would honestly love to see)

hisoka VS Joseph (young)

(I feel like this would honestly be a really good fight because they are both tricks and they both do the unexpected so I think it would be very interesting)

nobunaga VS Caesar

(they would both legit fight until they have nothing left to give so I think this would be a perfect match because the battle is going to be very long, because not only are their abilities, totally different and unique but they also don’t have any experience fighting people like each other)

shalnark VS DIO (pt.3)

(shalnark has the ability to completely control somebody but dio has the ability to stop time I feel like it would be very entertaining to watch because dio occasionally lets his opponent get close to him so would that be enough time for shalnark to stab him with one of his needles???)

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. This was actually very fun to make and I enjoyed making it, but I just ran out of ideas so if I think of any I for sure, will get back to this because I did enjoy making it!!!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Which of the Stands wielded by each of the Egypt 9 Glory Gods would each of the Spiders be most interested in?

That’s a good idea!

honestly, I can’t really say specifically what they would all be interested in specifically because I think that all of them would be interested in every single one of them BUT  I do think the main characters that they would be interested in the most is….




Younger D’arby

That’s it for today everybody I’m sorry that it’s kind of short, but I can’t really put my finger down on what each of them would like…sorry😅

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

What headcanons do you have on what dere type(s) Kurapika would most likely be?


Headcannons for dere kurapika


always wanting to go on dates (movie dates,  picnic dates, dinner dates, & ice cream dates)

Will always buy you a bunch of jewellery

He will always complement you

he will always put you first and we’ll never put you in any kind of situation where you could get into trouble or hurt

he will make sure all of his friends know about you

He will always send you good morning paragraphs and good night paragraphs if he is not with you

he will always kiss your cheek, hand and forehead 

anything that you look at for over five seconds, will immediately be in your hand no matter the price 

he will always hug you

He is great at comforting you and will be there absolutely whenever you need it

he will take you on double dates

he will teach you what nen is and how to get it

He will let you know who the phantom troupe is so you can stay away from them 

he tries to see you at least every day of the week

he always keeps his schedule open for you



thank you for requesting! I hope everybody enjoyed I hope this is what you were looking for.

I kind of made this more of a dating kind of thing because I felt like it would be super cute

I am currently working on changing my writing style, so I hope everybody likes it lol

I will see everybody in the next post bye now!

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