Hxh Feitan Portor - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Could you write how Phinks, Feitan, Uvogin, Nobunaga would react to having a bratty daughter.



Of course I can!

I love these kinds of requests, because reading the story that I make is fun, and I also have to be pretty creative because I can’t make the daughters, all the same😅

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He would give his daughter the same attitude back but just worse

He knows for a fact that his daughter got it there brattiness off of him, but he does not like the fact that she is using it on him rather than somebody else

He would definitely put his daughter in their place

He would tell his daughter off a few times

Eventually, he would just get used to it and ignore it but if it got to the point where his daughter went too far on some thing, he would yell at his daughter to let them know that he is pissed off now


He would be very stressed out

He is not really a bratty person. He just has major anger issues with that’s not what he’s dealing with here so he does not know what to do

He definitely asks the phantom troupe what to do and for advice because he does not know what to do at all

He doesn’t even know where his daughter got this attitude/brattiness from he assumes that it’s somebody from the phantom troupe who is bringing this behaviour onto his daughter, but he can’t be certain he doesn’t know for sure, and that’s the part that pisses him off. It honestly triggers his anger issues.

He would definitely just ignore his daughter, and not say anything at all

He would just end up giving in and let his daughter get their way

 But that doesn’t mean that he will not put up a bit of a fight before he lets his daughter get what they want he’s not just gonna hand his daughter everything they have to work for it, or do some thing for it but eventually, if it gets too much he will just give in


At first, he will just ignore it thinking that his daughter is going through something and he just does not want to add onto whatever his daughter is going through

He just thinks that his daughter is hitting puberty or something like that or maybe they are just going through that teenage stage in their life

But when it starts to get too much, he puts his daughter in their place and he tells them that they need to smarten up and that he is trying his best to tolerate all the attitude but it’s getting too much for him and he can’t continue on to do something like that and that he will keep putting his daughter in their place, if they do not stop

Eventually, though he will make his daughter stop the attitude and the brattiness entirely, and the issue will be fully solved but of course it wouldn’t be like Nobunaga if he did not rent a bit to uvogin about it first

Uvogin really had nothing to say about it at the time at least because his daughter did not start being bratty at least not yet…


He will definitely kiss his teeth a lot at his daughter since they want to have an attitude he will have one as well but of course he has to make it 10 times worse just to be a bitch

He will roll his eyes at his daughter a lot since his daughter wants to roll their eyes at him he might as well just do it as well, right?

Eventually, when his daughter gets to the point where he can’t take it anymore, he will end up yelling at his daughter

He will feel bad about yelling at his daughter later on, but it’s more of a thing that he needed to do rather than continue on being sad about it so he tried his best to let it go but of course he couldn’t so he ended up apologizing to his daughter

He thought that he went a little too far even though he didn’t he told the phantom troupe about it and they told him that he did the right thing and that they wouldn’t have waited as long as he did but he still felt really bad about it he loves his daughter with his entire heart and seeing his daughter in a position where they are sad just breaks his heart even though it seems like he doesn’t have one. He only has one for his friends and his daughter they are precious to him.

That’s it for today scenario everybody! I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did. It was really really really fun making this and I enjoyed it a lot, so thank you so much to the person who requested this as I said before I love getting requests like this it’s just so fun to do and it makes me have to be creative, which helps me out a lot!

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago
I Drew Feitans,Nobunagas,and Phinkss Daughter And I Would Like To Read Your Head Canons

I drew Feitan’s,Nobunaga’s,and Phinks’s daughter and I would like to read your head canons

Ofccccc! BTW feitans daughter looks so cute!!!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234

BTW I do not own the drawing only the hcs

Feitans daughter-

She is very quiet

She is also very shy, and keeps to herself

She doesn’t have very much friends only a few. It’s very limited, though.

 She likes to collect random things and have a collection of them

 She normally wears all black, but she is not emo and she doesn’t consider herself to be emo

Her voice sounds like a mix between feitan and shizuku

Nobody really messes with her because nobody really minds her

When you actually get to know her, she is very sweet

And she keeps her opinions to herself unless she is asked about her opinions then she will speak on them. Otherwise, her mouth is closed

She enjoys writing but she doesn’t tell many people that she does. She’s not exactly embarrassed of it, but she just doesn’t know how people react even though it’s nothing to be ashamed of she thinks that some of her writings are cringe.

She also really likes to read

When she is in a very good mood, and happy, which is her normal mood she hates anything gory

But when she’s mad, she sees absolute red and goes crazy. She make sure whoever pissed her off and got her to that point dies. Very painfully❤️

She doesn’t talk back to anybody

And it takes a lot to set her off and make her very mad

You have to be intentionally doing something to get her mad Otherwise, she doesn’t really mind anything. 

Phinks daughter-

She has major anger issues

But on top of that, she also has attitude problems

She is definitely very spoiled

She is also very loud and she doesn’t keep her opinions to herself. If she has some thing on her mind, she will speak of it and she doesn’t care about the consequences.

She loves to chew gum

She is definitely one of the popular girls

She glares at people a lot even just random people who have done absolutely nothing to her

She also ignores people when they try to talk to her. If she’s not interested in the conversation, she acts like they don’t exist even if they are her own friends

She thinks reading is stupid and that it’s a total waste of time and she has so much better things to do

She hates school and she skips so often

She is obsessed with LED lights (same though)

She absolutely loves going to the mall and that’s the one place that she will always request to go to whenever she is either with her dad or with her friends

She doesn’t really like the phantom troupe and she thinks that everybody in the phantom troupe is just stupid and they are wasting their life bowing down to chrollo

That’s the one opinion that she keeps to herself though, because she knows that if she shares her opinion like that out loud that it will end very badly for her and she could possibly risk her dad as well, which she is not willing to do

Although she loves her dad, she gets into crazy screaming battles with him

They are always clashing heads and getting into arguments very heated arguments

 They are both very hotheaded after all 

Nobunagas daughter-

She is very chill unless somebody pisses her off

She has a small friend group, and tends to keep it to herself although she will share a bit of stuff with her friends

If somebody makes her mad, she tells them to shut up a lot. She obviously acquired all of that from Nobunaga

she absolutely loves swords

Her absolute best friend in the entire world is obviously uvogins daughter

she keeps some of her opinions to herself, and she shares some of her opinions as well. It just depends on what the topic is.

She has an unhealthy obsession with buying (stealing) shoes she absolutely loves shoes and they are literally her favourite thing in the entire world other than her best friend and her dad

She enjoys playing video games on her free time

She doesn’t really like the phantom troupe, but she also keeps that to herself. If she is ever asked about the phantom troupe, she will just act like she doesn’t know what the person is talking about or if it’s one of her very very very close friends like Uvogin daughter she would just say something along the lines of

“what about them? I don’t really have a opinion on them. They don’t mean anything to me. They haven’t done anything to me either whether it’s good or bad I’ve only ever seen them like twice, so it doesn’t really mean much to me”

She absolutely values quality time with her dad. That’s something that she loves so much.

She doesn’t really get into arguments with her dad, even though her dad is also very hotheaded. She tends to keep her mouth shut.

But whenever she does, because she is very pleasant to be around

It’s very hard to have a problem with her because she is not a bad person and she’s very sweet 

thank you so much for the request and they look so good I honestly don’t even get how people draw so good because I struggle at drawing and then you have people creating a whole masterpieces like you!❤️

This is all way longer than I expected it to be. I didn’t think that I would be making some thing this long but here I am lol

I will see everybody and the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hi If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere feitan

With a darling that sees no point in fighting back

Because to the darling as long as he doesn't hurt them they see no reason to fight back


Thank you for asking so nicely!!!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


Feitan would start to get annoyed because he wants a reason to yell and be abusive to his s/o

But if they are not reacting to anything, then, it makes it a lot harder for him to do so

And he is not going to show that he is getting upset or slightly irritated to his s/o

He would start purposely doing things that would make his s/o mad

Simply just to get some kind of reaction so he can lash out at his s/o

And get mad at his s/o for lashing out at him, even though he did it all on purpose

Eventually, when he gets to his breaking point, he will start hurting his s/o physically just because he simply can, and nothing bad will end up happening to him by doing it anyways

It’s not like his s/o can ever leave him anyways

I’m sorry this was really short, but I couldn’t really think of much 🙃

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did writing this. This was very fun to write and it’s not that often that I get yandere requests 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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1 year ago

Hi I just want to say thank you very much for taking my request and I hope you have a nice day or night but

If it's all right can I please ask for a platonic yandere karapika and feitan (your choice)

he has a quiet and kind darling that wears Jirai Kai fashion because of their abandonment issues and can it be where they start monopolizing The Darlings time.

Hi I Just Want To Say Thank You Very Much For Taking My Request And I Hope You Have A Nice Day Or Night
Hi I Just Want To Say Thank You Very Much For Taking My Request And I Hope You Have A Nice Day Or Night

I'm sorry if this is too much and

Hmm instead of me picking one why not just do both!

Full credit to la-squadra1234


He feels bad about the fact that his s/o has abandonment issues and he hopes that his s/o doesn’t think that he is going to leave

But if his s/o pisses him off in some kind of way he will make them think that he is going to leave just to scare them and to get a reaction out of them

But then he would demand some kind of attention from his s/o leaving them confused as hell

He honestly thinks that her clothing choices are horrible But he decides not to mention anything about it 


he would honestly find it funny how easily he can manipulate has s/o just based on their abandonment issues to get what he wants out of them 

He would definitely play it off as the nice, sweet innocent guy, but he has other ideas and plans for the future

He would make fun of his s/o for their abandonment issues and say that they are just being dramatic and that they need to get over it 

He would start guilt tripping his s/o in order for them to give him more attention, and if he still didn’t get that attention, then he would threaten to break up with them 

That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed as much as I did making this. This was really fun to make.

Goddamn, this is dark 

I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!

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