How To LIVE LIFE When You Have Moon In The 8th House? // Moon In Scorpio.
How to LIVE LIFE when you have moon in the 8th house? // Moon in Scorpio.

Your sensitive beautiful intuitive subconscious mind = moon is now sitting in the 8th house.
This is the house of miseries, ups and downs, transformations, change, evolution, growth.
This is the house of mysteries, death, rebirth, metamorphosis, faith, intuition.
This is the house that shakes the ground below your feet.
Once you cross the doors of the 8th house, there is no going back. No going back.
You have to experience it to believe it. If you know it you know it. There is no scientific explanation.
If you were an atheist, you are pulled into religion. You let go of the old habits and create new values in place of old sensualities.
A part of you dies. You feel deep and dense. You are mature. People around you are amazed.
What has happened to this person? Why is she acting like this? Is she crazy? Is she a gone case?
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More Posts from Libbee
My journey into occult science
1. i was extremely perceptive of others' emotions and thoughts since a young age. i somehow always knew what others were thinking/feeling
2. lifelong paranormal experiences. i used to be scared of ghosts until i finally realized that something deeper was going on. as far as my memory goes, i have always "felt" some paranormal experiences
3. i started browsing psychic and oracle related content at age 12/13
4. started reading astrology since age 15/16
5. started reading vedic astrology since age 19/20
6. started doing witchy things unknowingly (burning papers, handmade tarot cards) since 2020/21
7. i am very strong in manifestation department. since childhood, i somehow "always knew that if it is deep within my heart, this will come true"
8. i have a heavy 8th house. i always knew "that my life transforms and i become a new person with new lifestyle, new hobbies, new personality, new social circle, new stage of life". this was before i had actually read astrology.
9. i started browsing more and more things that turned out to be spiritual in nature
10. my intuition and "pull towards" occult science is finally here.
I have accepted that this is my life path. I was born for this. All the dots, coincidences, innocent acts all connected to occult. I WAS BORN FOR THIS!

Never compare yourself to anyone else. And I dont just mean it in a cliche way.
1. If you are an astrologer, just look at your birth chart and Vimshottari dasha. You will see how EVERYTHING in your life was already destined to happen. Relationships? Check. Abuse? Check. Good marks in exam? Check. Distant father? Check.
2. Have respect for individual souls. Everyone you compare yourself to has their own birth chart and everything that happens to them was destined to happen. Perhaps they were destined to get better marks than you. Embrace what you have and be grateful for it. Compete with yourself and who you were the day before. If you just keep overdoing yourself, perhaps one day eventually you will get the highest marks in exam too. It will only happen if you focus on your own efforts not somebody else.
3. Whenever you compare yourself to someone else, you are projecting something that resides within you. This is an opportunity to do shadow work. Now you can work upon uplifting your self esteem, find coping mechanisms, learn new skills and hobbies, use affirmations to stay positive, write journal. Other people are like mirrors and you can see yourself in them and identify yourself.
4. One thing I do is to look at my birth chart and see where most of my planets are located. I then see what areas of my life are controlled by those houses/planets/signs. This helps me focus on those things as priority. For eg, my birth chart shows focus on marriage (7th house), occult (8th house), humanitarian cause (11th house), communication (3rd house), hobbies (5th house). So, I dont worry about not having a social life, not having a solid personality (1st house), not going for higher education (9th house). I dont worry about being lonely since my personal planets are connected to 8th house.
Therefore astrology validates and confirms our personal experiences in life. it can be used to boost our self confidence and find self security.
Moon in 8th house and HOBBIES

🌑Tarot cards
🌑Paranormal things
🌑Energy healing
🌑Trauma healing
🌑Dream interpretation
🌑Nature therapy
🌑Psychic abilities
🌑Reading psychology
🌑Channeling their feelings through some kind of art
🌑Aliens and other worlds
🌑Mysteries of universe and what's out there
🌑Sex (Yes, it is a hobby too)
🌑Sleeping (It heals your subconscious mind)
🌺🌺 Please tip me if you like my work:

If you have personal planets in 8th house, let us talk about INTENSITY because you probably know what I am talking about.
2. 8th house gives intense mysterious deep feelings. Months pass by and you are still obsessing over that one person. You dont even know why. Your mind gets stuck. You run in a loop. It is like your mind is trying to make sense of reality by obsessing over someone whom you knew few months ago. This is insanity. Who the hell obsesses over a random person for months? But you cannot stop it. You cannot end this mess. This is when you know you have some mental issue.
3. You dont just feel but you FEEL. You are probably Borderline (PD). You are the crazy ex girlfriend. You are the manic pixie dream girl. You feel the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. You spend days and days feeling ecstasy and sorrow like nobody else. You get sucked into your emotional black hole and when it emits you, you are REBORN.
4. Something in you dies when you are reborn. Perhaps some personality, some habits, some mindset change, some growth, some progress, self development, self improvement, you become a better version of yourself. This is what the 8th house does. If you have personal planets in 8th house, be ready for a life time of emotional transformations, regeneration, renewal, rebirth. Be ready for loneliness, like nobody understands you, solitude and inner work.
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1. While sun in 7th house people crave one on one relationship. Sun in 11th house people crave large social groups.
2. Both of them are charming and socially liked. But 7th Sun craves deep bonding with people while 11th Sun just wants to be around a lot of people.
3. 7th sun works in the area of marriage and romantic partnership. 11th sun works in the area of business and financial partnership.
4. 7th sun can be successful in marriage. 11th sun is successful in business/money making.
5. 7th sun does not know who they are that's why they like being around other people. 11th sun knows who they are but like being around their friends because thats where they feel accepted.
6. 11th Sun might not have close relations with their family because they are such social butterflies. 7th sun make good relations on emotional level but might risk becoming too clingy.