Shadow Self - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hey rose 💞

I see you talk about having 8th house synastry and it's quite interesting yet scary. I'm glad you are able to overcome and transform into the best version of yourself.

I wanna ask you something that is probably dumb but it's consuming me so -

What do you think of having a 12th house synastry with your fav celeb and the favortisnm becomes obsession like can't help but think about them the whole day and night and i sometimes end up crying 💀

I checked the synastry and my sun, mercury,Mars and Jupiter fall in their 12th house. OMG

And their Mars falls in my 8th house damn...

Can you answer thank you love 💕

Hi! Well, I personally dont do synastry readings with celebrity. I think it is a waste of time to live in such fantasy. Your subconscious is probably trying to tell you something. Do you want to become popular, special, important, loved and liked by everyone? What is it about this celebrity that attracted you--any movie or song? Did you see them play a character in a show and you were super attracted to the personality?

Obsession always tells you something about yourself. It tells you what you're lacking within you. It tells you your insecurities. If you're a girl, you have an animus. Are you sure you're not obsessed with your own animus? Celebrity worshipping is nothing but idealization for people with low self esteem. There is something lacking in you that only you can answer.

I have moon in 12th house synastry with my mother. I am not obsessed with her but I am enmeshed with her. I feel like she is a part of me. I dont remember living a life different from her. Her life was my life. Her story was my story. Her problems were my problems. I was her parent partner and child.

I have moon in 8th house synastry with my father. Yes I was obsessed with my father figure. This is probably the reason why I bumped into another 8th house synastry situationship after which i was able to realize my personality issues.

I have tried to heal both my negative mother and farher complexes. Personal responsibility, maturity, skills, job, career, hobbies, life responsibilities, purpose in life. Make sure you have all these. Then your obsession will lose its grip over you.

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2 years ago

You just pinpointed my other side of the world in that maladaptive daydreaming post. I have Saturn in 5th conj moon and venus in cancer in sidereal which makes it fall in 4th conj moon in tropical. Thank you for that post. I've been working on it for a long time



Maladaptive daydreaming is a really complicated issue. Moon and venus in cancer along with Saturn--how is your sensitivity antenna? Do you get triggered easily? Do you take offence easily?

I daydream a lot when I have been triggered. The trigger is almost always some kind of insult or humiliation or criticism or rejection. I used to aggressively daydream revenge fantasies. I wanted to settle scores and shut up everyone with my speech.

But the world won't change to accommodate me. I cannot afford to waste any more time in ruminating about past. I think there are some people who are more prone to attract negative interactions with people. These people need to learn to toughen up and harden their skin. Dont take things to heart. It is your life theme to face bad experiences with people. But how people treat you is a reflection of themselves.

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2 years ago

Please do a culture about scorpio rising women


I would like to share some insights into this ascendant. I am Scorpio rising with empty first house and 7th house planets. Naturally, my personality and emotional life were unstable until I realized what was going on.

Shadow self: Scorpio rising people seem to trigger shadow in others and also their own shadow traits get triggered easily. It is a sign of transformation and rebirth. We transform and reborn when we understand the conflicts of our shadow, let this part die and deliberately create a new personality for ourselves. For Scorpio rising, people naturally trigger their insecurities and shadow triggers. If these natives are self aware, they can do psychoanalysis and become self aware. Otherwise, if they are undeveloped, they will play mind games, be jealous, envious, full of hatred and resentment. These natives often hold a grudge against others as if the world has done them a lot of harm. They are the ones to write down what others said/did to them to keep scores in check.

Looks: Something about their eyes and stares is really captivating. People notice their eyes a lot. Their eyes tell a lot of stories. It is common for all Scorpio natives, whether rising or otherwise, to have captivating magnetic stares. It seems they try to bind you to a spell through eye contact. Whether they dress up like femme fatale is up to them. I think "femme fatale" vibe for Scorpio rising is too dramatic.

Hobbies: Darkness, horror, mystery, self expression. Anything to do with these things. They can portray self exploration theme in their art. They can be into psychology. They can be into horror movies or novels. They like to express themselves by changing their looks as their personality changes. They can also be into gore, dark, NSFW art.

Social life: I like to believe most of them are loners. They need solitude to shed their skin and reborn. Conflict and trauma brings out the worst in them and then it evolves them. They are the type of people to begin life with a new blank page after each event. For eg, after primary school/high school/college, I left behind all my classmates and connections to recreate myself and begin a new chapter of my life. I need that solitude and blankness to reborn.

Emotions: Thin skinned, very sensitive, they feel like they have a ball of emotions in their chest which contracts and expands as life passes by. Their emotions can be so intense that it hurts to touch. Most of the times, they are swimming in their emotions. They can be prone to dissociation. Sometimes they lack common sense. Impulsive and prone to act on emotions. This can be countered if they have other Earth placements that make them grounded and mature. They can also be very sensitive to the psyche of other people--they kmow what I am talking about.

A lot of people might complain that not all Scorpio people are intensely emotional, then in that case they should look at their other placements. Other elemental energy in chart makes them grounded and mature.

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2 years ago

Omg can you please do a culture about gemini moon?

"Ugh.. What is wrong with them??" That's how people treat gemini natives.

Conversations: Talkng is their hobby. They just talk and love to talk. They dont think internally, but they think verbally speaking. Witty, good sense of humor and light hearted. Sense of humor is how they seek external validation. For eg, we've read how Scorpio natives use sex for validation. Gemini natives use jokes for validation. They are lively and street smart. Whether they are book smart or not depends on their attention span and sincerity for life. They learn quickly in school. Get bored easily. Mind jumping from one thing to other.

Personality: Change is the name of the game. This change is not spiritual and chaotic like that of scorpio natives. Gemini lose interest and move on to something new. With change of interests, their personality is bound to change. Gemini moon natives often have mothers who were also lively, funny and youthful. They can be reckless and impulsive in their actions. It is because they dont think through their actions and are impatient. Remember, a scorpio native is impulsive because of emotional intensity; a Gemini native is impulsive because of impatience and boredom. I say this to try to show how signs are different from each other although seem similar superficially.

Relationship: Gemini moon need intellectual connection. They are sapiosexuals. They crush on the class topper and the smart ones. Money, property dont interest them-intelligence does (unless other signs are involved then they can be materialistic too). They dont care for looks that much but do care for intelligence.

Looks: Full of life, colorful and a bit goofy. It depends on the rest of their placements though. But you can expect a certain colourfulness to their aesthetic. In a group of friends, Gemini moon is the one to talk loudest and also the funniest. Just like of the party vibes. There is a deep desire for social recognition, acceptance and approval in them. Not solitude but social life makes them feel alive.

Hobbies: Probably many. Jack of all master of none. Know a little about a lot. Dont have patience for depth study. Travelling, sight seeing, sit coms or shows on TV, movies, memes.

Social life: Need friends or companions. Befriend people easily. Social butterfly. Lack stable sense of self. Mirror others on a superficial level. Their symbolism is two faces which shows their dual nature. Duality is inherent in all beings. Each one of us has contradictions, conflicts and polarity. But it is hallmark in Gemini natives. Just like scorpio natives are knows for emotional intensity, Gemini natives are known for jumping from one face to their other face. This is why they struggle to take decisions because they like to have everything of everything.

Psychoanalysis: If the birth chart supports self analysis, these natives will calm down and integrate their repressed qualities. What is that? Stability, being grounded, being self secure, finding a stable sense of self, needing less external validation, etc.

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2 years ago

Life advice for 8th house natives:

The energy of the 8th house is very complicated. Most of the people around them react in a weird way towards them. They face rejection, neglect, humiliation since childhood. Often times they remain unaware of their childhood trauma that shaped their personality as adult.

Once they become aware of their subconscious, it is natural to harbour resentment and anger towards parents, family, friends, world, God, fate and life itself. These natives do face extreme reactions from people. If people are good to them, it is always because of some selfish interest. They either want their money or resource or sex or power or benefits. It creates a deep sense of mistrust and worthlessness in them.

One way to counter this situation is to lower your expectations from people and to not take life so seriously. Forgiveness is a decision. By forgiving, you do not necessarily forget. You remember but you have forgiven already. Every hurt is an opportunity to gain insights into yourself and become wiser of your inner world.

First step is to forgive. Not revenge but forgive. Not resentment but forgive. Not judge but forgive. Not gossip but forgive. Not angry but forgive. Not bitter but forgive. Not projection but forgive. Just forgive. End the cycle of karmic wheel then and there. I forgive you. Take this energy back. I have nothing to do with this karma anymore. I keep forgiving every minute of the day. I do not respond to your attacks. I simply forgive. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive.

This is hard. But this is possible. Forgiveness is not cowardice. By no means do I advocate being silent and bear injustice. But do not seek eye for an eye. Tell your thoughts with logic and rational, then forgive the person for doing/saying whatever they did/said.

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2 years ago

Do Venus in 8 th house people have high sex drives and a tendency to develop hyper sexuality disorder


Yes, an undeveloped venus in 8th house displays hypersexuality. Though I would really recommend doing some research into depth psychology by Jungian school. That will answer many of your questions. I dont know if there is anything like 'hypersexuality disorder'. There are personality disorders that entail reckless sexual history as a symptom.

Hypersexuality is an expression of something deeper in their psyche. It is the only means they know to get love and validation from others. It is the only way to measure their self worth. They have undeveloped sense of self. They use sex to merge with their partner to even feel alive. Their big mistake would be to be hypersexual for free of charge. If they do sex for free just for validation, that will make them feel even worse.

A developed venus in 8th house person will be channeling their energy into occult and spirituality. It comes naturally to them. She will know her worth and value. She will give her companionship and bedroom time to someone who deserves it and gives something in return. That's why many venus in 8th house ladies are married to rich spouse who provide for their lifestyle and spoil them. She will also use sex for spiritual enhancement and to understand herself better, not just for validation and dopamine.

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2 years ago

Moon in 8th house mothers: What you see is not what you get.

Moon In 8th House Mothers: What You See Is Not What You Get.

Natives with moon in 8th house have crazy mothers. Their mothers display symptoms of mental illnesses, NPD/BPD to be specific.

What mother is in public is very different from how she acts in private. Mother is neglectful towards emotional needs of the child. Mother is depressed and frustrated. The child has to cater to the emotional needs of the mother rather than vice versa. House environment is literally like walking on eggshells.

These mothers are unpredictable, people pleasers, deeply insecure and lonely. Their physical circumstances are such that they always wear a fake mask for the world and do not show their real face to anyone. The reason being that the mother is living on survival mode so she never learned who her authentic self is.

Moon in 8th house child eventually comes to realize their mother's reality. They end up on r/raisedbyborderline or r/raisedbynarcissist communities for example. They unlearn the trauma their mother gave them and relearn self soothing and self development skills. These natives also discover occult to understand their own feelings. I have two astro observations about natives who have moon in 8th house and how their mothers turned out to be:

In one astro observation, the mother is a pathological liar, manipulative, self centered. She lies about being religious and wise. She lies about her achievements and her family's status. She is very controlling and frustrated. A saint in public and a demon in private. This mother is the embodiment of 8th house darkness. This mother is not really nice. She sowed seeds of hatred in the heart of his brother against his wife and daughter so that she could control him.

In other astro obersation, the mother is short tempered, controlling, impulsive and self centered. She does not lie though her face is different for public v/s private. This mother is immature and unpredictable. Cheerful in public, though she can be gruelsome in private. This mother does not have much control over her relatives and is not exploitative. This mother minds her own business but is very moody and doesn't listen to anyone.

Both natives have moon in 8th house, but their mothers are different although similar undertones. These natives keep their family life secret because of psychic reasons. People will not trust them if they tell their mother's truth. These natives also realize that their mother's emotional abuse was a blessing in disguise for them. The silver lining is that they venture into occult to discover the truth and secrets of life. They go into emotional and spiritual healing. This privilege is not available to everyone.

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2 years ago

Hi there

I am a Venus in 8 th house girl and I have seen you mentioning about childhood trauma for these 8 th Venus women. Can you elaborate on it. When I was young I was lonely in my home and got bullied at at school


Most of us have some or the other form of trauma. Whether we are aware of it or not. But sometimes the trauma is to the extreme levels which impacts your personality when you grow up. Venus in 8th house manifests emotional neglect, lack of affection and love, intense emotions and thin emotional skin. It does not have to be torturous trauma though. Even emotional invalidation from adults has similar emotional and mental results as locking you up in basement.

Good thing is 8th house is the house of death and rebirth. It is the house of self destruction and regeneration. It is the house of self development. Once you start to do self reflection, your personality will shape up. Things will fall into place. You will heal from your trauma. But before that you must destroy yourself psychologically. With venus in 8th house, transformation is a privilege to do deliberately.

With a more harsh planet like Saturn in 8th house, the transformation is forceful, externally applied and catastrophic.

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2 years ago

Life advice for moon in 8th house wrt mother:

Life Advice For Moon In 8th House Wrt Mother:

Moon in 8th house manifests a volatile caregiver. The mother is unpredictable, emotionally unstable, highly reactive and controlling. Mom is also the primary caregiver so the child learns similar personality traits and emotional reactivity from the mother. Mom does not know how to soothe her emotions, does not understand the emotional needs of others and is unstable. That is NOT to say that mom is a bad person, she just does not have interpersonal skills. There is intergenerational trauma running in this bloodline. In some cultures it is acceptable to be 'no contact' with your mother but it is not possible in most places.

Do not expect your mother to change. Your mother will only change if she goes through psychological rebirth. This is only possible if she has been through a dark night. There is no other way how she will learn to identify and change her emotional behaviour. The willingness to change will only come with self awareness and self reflection.

Create emotional distance from your mother. A volatile mother is sometimes happy and cheerful. It is easy to ride the highest of highs before the next show drops. It is better to create emotional distance from mom for your own mental stability and emotional calm.

Emotional independence is also important. Do not depend on your mother for love or affection. Learn to love yourself. Learn to respect yourself.

If possible, try to teach your mother emotional intelligence. Your mother does not even know how feelings work. Teach her stress management, emotional control. Teach her that you will listen to her even if she does not shout. You will love her even if she fails at something. Teach her that it is okay to make mistakes. Teach her that nobody is perfect and her black/white thinking is flawed. Teach her that conversations are not personal attack. Teach her that she does not need to control everyone.

Finally, break the chain yourself and hopefully your mother will follow you. Moon in 8th house natives have mothers who were traumatized by their mothers. They need to learn to not be so controlling. They need to learn to let go.

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2 years ago

Coming to terms with mental image: how to become a whole person?

All of us have mental images of who we want to be, how we perceive our parents, how we see our partner and how we imagine our lives to be. For 8th house, scorpio natives, there is a tendency to demand perfection from life. These natives tend to have black and white thinking. They think in extremes. They are highly emotional and do emotional thinking. But you have to realize that these expectations from people and life are infantile. Tyrannical father and devouring mother traumatize their children because they just dont have a clear image of who a human is supposed to be like.

I am reminded of this anime episode. In this cartoon, the two middle school girls are obsessed with their love interest Yuziko. They imagine him to be perfect, that he lives in a grand palace, his family is perfect and he is always happy with his family. This is a classic case of black and white thinking. This kind of imagination is real in 8th house/scorpio natives. Take a look:

Creepy Classmates🔖💡 | Yuzupi | Atashin'chi [ENG sub] episodes
Funny everyday life of a family of four🥰 ▼Subscribe here my channel for more v

The little girl Kawashima is like the personification of love life of 8th house natives. Emotional, impulsive, seeking perfection, obsession, full of insecurities, stalker behaviour, she does charms to attract attention from Yuzupi. She always lives in a fantasy world of her love life. She is projecting her animus on Yuzupi. Her parents are likely emotional neglecting and she is not loved for who she is. Kawashima also 'worships' her classmate, places her self worth of his treatment, seeks validation from him. In many episodes, they show her doing love charms to attract her lover. She transforms herself to become someone whom Yuzupi likes. She is also super jealous and controlling. It sounds pretty funny, right? But what if I tell you this is how Venus in 8th house/Scorpio girls actually behave in their love life? Let's be honest here.

So, my suggestion for these natives is to come to terms with the inner image of life. To love yourself the way you want to be loved by someone else. That rush and butterfly in stomach feeling you feel for your crush or partner?? You should feel that for yourself. Have self respect as a person. Know your worth as a human.

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2 years ago

Life advice for sun in 7th house natives WITH EMPTY 1ST HOUSE

Life Advice For Sun In 7th House Natives WITH EMPTY 1ST HOUSE

Sun in 7th house people sabotage their lives so much. I am speaking for the natives with an empty 1st house and sun in 7th house. Sun is your ego, identify and self esteem. When sun is in your 7th house and there is no planet in the 1st house to give you a "sense of self", sun from descendant will project its traits on other people.

These natives can see their own traits in other people and especially the insecurities. They tend to see their own insecurities in others, whether the others realize it or not. It makes them flinch and cringe. Since they are aware of their insecurities and also see them in other people, they tend to sabotage themselves based on their insecurities.

Sun in 7th house with empty 1st house weakens the self confidence of the native. They tend to base their self esteem on other people's opinions of them and are super pleasers. They also tend to have arrogance and ego in their personality traits. They seem to want high respect and status in society. In relationships, they might suffer with ego issues and who's the better/smarter/more successful/more talented person issues.

Life advice is to

Accept your insecurities and inferiority complex

It is okay to have insecurities. Insecurities are just feelings. Accept them and move on

Control your arrogance that wants to have it all. You're not special. You're just deeply self conscious

People do have similar traits as you. Accept them and accept yourself

Curb your inferiority. Your father figure probably never saw you the way you are. He likely misunderstood you or had his own mental image of you or could not see your personality as real. So as an adult you feel deeply insecure of your real personality and want attention, recognition, validation from everyone. Arrogance is a mask for inferiority. What are your inferiority signs? Recognize them and heal them.

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2 years ago

Scorpio people can learn a thing or two from this:

Scorpio placements are not as emotional and spiritual as they are made out to be. Immature Scorpio can be some of the most superficial and toxic people ever. They can be controlling, impulsive, manipulative, idealize others, gossiper, selfish, reckless with money and sex. Depending upon other placements, they can be obsessed with status, respect, power and authority, thus making them proper narcissist.

If you are a Scorpio placement and are aware of your own narcissistic patterns, then you can try to change yourself. Why? To literally become a better person, if you do care about that. To become a better friend, partner, son/daughter, father/mother, sibling and a better human in general. Narcissistic people are a pain in the ass and you will invariably attract other narcissist, codependent, emotionally disturbed or mentally ill people in your life. On videos like the above, so many comment "I am an empath and my narcissist ex/parent was so abusive uh huh" but what they seem to ignore is their own narcissistic shadow. The fact that a narcissist was in your life is proof that you're not as innocent as you think you are. Time for shadow work. You were codependent, insecure, people pleaser, selfish too. An "empath" is also a narcissist but in other ways. I wonder what narcissistic traits Dr Ramani is hiding behind her mask? Is her YouTube channel a tool for status, superiority, power and idealization from "victims of narcissist abuse"? I hope Dr Ramani is self aware and keeps reflecting on herself as well. She better not become a narcissist herself.

Self awareness comes with self destruction and reconstruction. It will not be easy. Nobody said it would be easy. It will not be quick. You might spend your whole life trying to become a better person. It will not be pretty. Self transformation is ugly and chaotic. It will not feel good. Facing your bad traits is mind numbing and trying to change yourself is extremely painful. For every self destructive trait, you will need a creative and constructive outlet to replace that energy and void. I personally despise feel good astrology or feel good spirituality. The astro community is full of all the "aesthetics, synastry, relationships, manifestations, personality traits". All that is good and fun but it does not help clean the dirt off the heart. It does not make me a better person to know that I give femme fatale vibes because I am Scorpio rising.

For eg, I write blog, read books, write journals, do meditation to channel my toxic traits into healthier ways.

Does it even matter? Yes it matters to me. What will I gain from being a better person (narcissist supply)? Probably, inner peace, humility, empathy.

Scorpio People Can Learn A Thing Or Two From This:

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2 years ago

How do 8th house natives transform?

How Do 8th House Natives Transform?

8th house is the house of transformations but what is transformation and how do they transform? Transformation follows chaos and crisis. Being 8th house, the crisis is sudden, unpredictable, unforeseen and unplanned. Here are some of the ways they transform themselves:

Starting a romantic relationship suddenly

Suddenly getting married within months of meeting

Sudden breakup of relationship

Unexpected pregnancy

Unexpected job termination

Vehicle accidents

Diseases that transform their lifestyle

Surgeries that change the way they look

Gender change surgery

Sudden divorce

Sudden widowhood

Changing the way they look by hair colour, makeup, cosmetic surgery

Changing the career

Consuming and learninf a lot of astrology content

Mindlessly watching a lot of tarot videos

Mental breakdowns or psychosis

Moving countries. Packing bags and going somewhere else

Changing their identity in any way. Eg, name, address, last name, city of location, citizenship, gender change, sexuality change (from straight to bi or homosexual), changing their wardrobe

Many times small transformations like deleting their social media accounts and starting afresh. After a crisis or emotional chaos, they end up deleting all of their social media accounts to destroy their identity then start everything from scratch in a different way

Changing their hobbies and interests. Oftentimes they develop interest in occult, spirituality and mysticism

Oftentimes these natives also go into philosophy, religion studies, research for self learning because of 9th house effect. They will not go for proper college degree in higher education unless they have 9th house planets, but with 8th house placements they will be pulled to 9th house theme after evolution and maturity

Oftentimes the transformations can be painful like physical abuse or punishment or jail time or disease that isolates them (cancer, AIDS, coma condition)

These natives trigger chaos in their environment. They create drama, fights, crisis, yell, shout, cry for the transformational energy. With emotional chaos, they are faced with parts of themselves that were hidden to them previously. Now with these parts visible, it is time to change and transform into something else

Shamanic, tantric works, witchcraft, supernatural, paranormal practices, books and conversations also transform them

Sleeping is also transformation. Many 8th house natives feel like a different person after sleeping. Especially when they slept after a chaotic situation. Their dream interpretation or sleep paralysis or dreams during REM cycle can tell a lot of spiritual ideas to them that transform them.

Unfortunately, many 8th house placement natives somehow dont venture into occult all their lives. Their other placements keep them distant from occult. So they never learn to channel their energy through constructive and spiritual ways. For eg, wife who cheats, argues, lies, controls her husband but never finds out this is just spiritual cries from her soul for emotional and psychic healing.

8th house energy without occult, spiritual, psychic healing is pure disaster.

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2 years ago

Venus in 8th house astro observation

Venus In 8th House Astro Observation

These girls are chasing father and boyfriend in one man. They want a provider and lover. Someone to love them "unconditionally" despite their mess, chaos and craziness. They want a man who will fix them and love them. A man to possess, keep only to herself, keep him into a locker and merge into his soul. They dont know what love looks like. They think abuse is love. They think trauma is love. They dont know better. What does "love" even mean? It is subjective. For some, love is dinner dates, movie nights, travelling the world, posting pics on social media, etc. For some love is financial support, being there for you in times of need, social support, security, safety and comfort. For some, love means conversations, friendship, emotional connection, similar traits. For some, love means sex, physical gratification, exploring and adventure. For some, love means cooking, cleaning, doing things for loved one;earning money, investing money, saving money for loved one. For some, love means having no other choice, cohabiting, making amends with life, sacrificing your needs for others. For some, love means giving second chances, forgiveness, fear of change and convenience. These are not mutually exclusive. You will find them crossing paths at different timeframes in your life.

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2 years ago

Life lessons and astro lessons

Life Lessons And Astro Lessons

Parents who traumatize you don't really intend to traumatize you. I have moon in 8th house; my parents were emotionally and psychologically abusive. Throughout my teenage, I was just tolerating a lot. I held a lot of resentment against my parents for traumatizing my development years. But now I realize that my parents didnt know what they were doing. They thought they were disciplining me and making me a good person. They did not know healthy ways to talk, punish and raise children. It is hard to swallow but it is the truth.

Not everyone will get their karma. I have seen a lot of people committing infidelity, financial crimes, lying, manipulating, abusing others but they do not face any setbacks. They go on living comfortable lives. Conversely, if an 8th house native tries to copy them, he will face karmic consequences, disease or being exposed in public or public image tarnished or career setbacks. 8th house placements keep giving you karmic lessons but a lot of people without 8th house placements feel no consequences at all. For eg, I saw man cheating on wife but his public image is flawless. People even call him "so innocent and modest man".

You have to unlearn a lot of things you were taught since childhood. Unless your parents and surroundings were spiritual and self aware, the fact is you would be acting our unconsciously things you learned directly or indirectly growing up. Once you realize that everything you were told was wrong, you start to unlearn everything and relearn things using your own thought process, self reflection, psychological education and mindfulness.

Although ethics and morality are called subjective in universal basis (sometimes even legal. For eg, adultery is legally punishable is some countries but not in others), however on karmic plane, all actions have their consequences. It is simply fatalism, cause and effect, domino effect. It is very hard to figure out what actions cause what consequences but suffice to say that your inner conscience tells you when you have done something wrong or right.

How others see you and how you see others is your "perception". You perceive your parents, partner, friends. You don't objectively see them how they are. You only see them from your own perspective. Different placements have different perspective. Water placements are emotional and deeply feelings based. In personality disorders like BPD, the person does not perceive himself and others in a right manner. He is intensely emotional and acts on his feelings.

Most of us act "right" because we fear consequences of doing wrong. If there were no consequence at all, not many people would choose to act right. There is no such thing as unconditional love. Parents and partner love you because they want emotional needs, want good karma for themselves and don't want to face the consequences of neglect/abuse (society saying "look, he doesn't provide for his wife/family).

Conmen are not always doing crimes, doing frauds, being players. Most conmen are in your family and surroundings. Many people use spiritual wisdom and rote memorize one liners, philosophy liners, spiritual liners to impress others and present a fake persona. For eg, many times people who claim to be spiritual and doing self improvement are actually completely lying. Behind the scenes, they commit all sorts of bad things (smoking, drinking, cheating) but pretend to be so innocent, wise, spiritual and even convince you that they are so great. Beware of these conmen who play with your psychology.

Conflicts and disagreements are a part of life. Water placements people will benefit from knowing that they dont need to run from disagreements to avoid hurting their feelings. You are not supposed to be happy and friendly 24x7 with others. You are supposed to argue, self reflect and improve yourself.

Sometimes life seems to be meaningless nihilist. If you try to create a meaning in life, you can choose to. Most of the times, we find meaning in life because our actions directly and remotely impact other people. For eg, if a kid gets good scores in exam, his parents will be happy, he will get awards, etc. If he gets into good college, his career will improve, his actions will impact his friends, etc. If he starts doing job, he will impact lifestyle of his family, productivity of his nation, his job will impact lives of other people. Doing things for other people gives a lot of meaning to life (and also this is how karma works).

Life Lessons And Astro Lessons

10. There are some people who are genuinely good people, for eg. those who fit into "the innocent" archetype (many water placements natives who have matured and evolved are self aware and rightful in their actions). And then there are others who pretend to be good people because they know this is what the world wants to see. I personally find inauthentic people intolerable but it takes experience and brainwork to be able to spot fake people.

11. Astrology tells you about yourself, your life theme and time frame when things will happen in your life. You dont need to convince others that "astrology is real, astrology works, astrology is scientific etc". You see validation of truth of astrology when things happen in your life according to your chart. Every single person is living according to their charts; whether they understand astrology or not is their destiny. Most people are simply not meant for occult. No need to convince them or argue them.

12. Most of what you see in movies and media is lies. They are fantasy. They are idealism. Somtimes some passionate people make good movie or song as art but most of it is crap for money and benefits only. Even then, art really adds no value to your life except to 1. express your personality 2. manifest your symbolic mind 3. relax your stress and provide relief from chaos buzzing of life and 4. if you are a professional, yes it can add monetary value to your life too. But don't really trust movies and music. They are deceptive and Rahu illusions.

13. Some people are naturally funny. Sense of humor takes natural skills and practice. Air placements Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius can be really funny. They are the ones to write and act in sitcoms. Look up chart of your favourite comedian and see their sun and moon placements. I have Gemini moon and was the funniest clown in my class. I was totally silly and shameless comedian. Now I have sobered up though. 😉😉

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2 years ago

Astro observation about 11th house placements/Aquarius placements

Astro Observation About 11th House Placements/Aquarius Placements

Hello workaholics!

Sun in 11th house natives are social butterflies. They can be the most silent person at home but are social butterflies in public. They also travel a lot. They are travelling all day for job purpose from one place to other. They have natural charm in public. People trust them with their money. People want to do business with them. These natives emit a natural businessperson energy that people want to commit to. For eg, to understand better, people with sun in 7th house attract a lot of potential romantic partner who perceive them as people they want to be with romantically. Similarly, Sun in 11th house people attract a lot of people who want to commit to them for business purposes. This is really fascinating to see how people perceive them as business savvy.

Jupiter in 11th house people also attract people who commit to their ideas. Since 11th house is all about social networking, money and especially business. These natives attract people who want to commit to their wisdom, brainchild, vision and ideas. For eg, Steve Jobs had Jupiter in 11th house (sidereal astro) and he really was a visionary man in whose ideas and visions people invested their money and wanted to do business with him. I am not making it up.

11th house/Aquarius natives are all about work. It is their life theme. They have a long fulfilling work life with late retirement. They always are doing some work. They know how to make money. They know how to grind. They have the potential and caliber. Saturn rules Aquarius: patience, discipline, hard work, long hours. They have that. They cannot retire early and enjoy life. They love to hustle all their lives.

These natives also spend less time at home relaxing and more time doing work or business. They have the caliber to do side hustle. It really comes naturally to them. They are the ones to be doing 2/3 business or work at a time. Making money. Vision, ideas, grit and social charm -- they got it all.

Public places is where they shine. Sun in 11th house or Aquarius natives shine in public settings. They love to be amongst large groups of people. They love the validation it gives them.

But no placement comes without shadow side. Behind their workaholic attitude is an intense self sabotage. I remember watching Jobs movie and Steve's character says "why did my mother birth me if she had to leave me anyway?" I have seen that these natives are workaholic as a way to avoid the shame of self sabotage. They use work to avoid the intimacy in other areas of life. They feel a compulsive urge to work work work! It is the need to individuation in them and run from their self reflection. For eg, some people understand themselves using occult tools like astro and tarot. Whereas others understand themselves by being in a relationship. While others understand themselves through work and business. It is the different areas of life with different tools that people use to individuate. To individuate yourself means to understand all parts of yourself.

These natives understand themselves when they go out in public and do their work. They even wonder why not other people do the same. They wonder why others are not workaholic like them.

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2 years ago

Astro notes about 8th house placements

Astro Notes About 8th House Placements

These natives seem to always have problems with other people. Either they have people in life who manipulate them or use them or lie to them or only there for their resources.

They also tend to attract mixed reactions from people. Sometimes people are charmed by them and then unpredictably they lose interest and start ignoring them.

Somehow people around them show irrational hatred towards them. Whether they try to dominate them or control them or insult them or make them feel inferior

These natives are really perceptive of other people's motivations so it hurts to know that other is manipulating them but they cannot do anything against it.

These native struggle with weak boundaries and are massive givers. They give give give in relationships, not just romantic but others also.

These natives struggle with energy and emotions. On an emotional level, they feel chaos from the behaviour and actions of others but they don't oppose them out of fear. Internally they ruminate, obsess and go through emotional rollercoaster trying to make sense of other people's behaviour.

They can be really authentic people or at least in touch with their inner core. But whether they show authenticity or not depends upon their surroundings, psychological maturity and series of life events.

8th house is all about unpredictable, unforeseen and sudden events. But these natives also have a gift of intuition. They can feel the event happening though it has not happened yet. Eventually it does come to happen and they knew it was going to happen.

Some planets like Saturn in 8th house makes them resistant to change. These natives find it hard to change their personality because of the strictly material qualities of Saturn. They are unable to see the spiritual side of life and cling on to the material things desperately. This unfortunate situation causes much karmic lessons and prolonged struggles.

Moon, Sun and Venus in 8th house natives are the ones to psychologically transform during the periods of 8th house. They tend to destroy and recreate themselves throughout their lives. Some of the most secure people to be around because they are internally aware of human nature and psyche.

Venus and Jupiter in 8th house do really give rich spouse. If spouse is not rich at time of marriage, they become rich anyway after marriage. It does give a comfortable home life to native while spouse takes care of financial needs, especially in female natives.

Harsh planets like Saturn in 8th house gives life full of karmic struggles. It gives them delayed results, chronic diseases, financial ups and downs. 8th house is concerned with sudden gains and sudden losses.

These natives are initiated into psychiatry and tantric side of life. Eventually after emotional chaos one after another, they tend to look for answers in occult. They are suddenly exposed to occult out of nowhere. Maybe someday they stumble upon astro website or book. Maybe they get a tarot out of nowhere or make impulsive purchase.

Astro and tarot do really work for them. Especially for sun/moon/venus in 8th house natives, they can really figure out meaning, solutions and spiritual reasons for their problems using these tools. A lot of their headache will relieve if they start looking at their problems in a spiritual way. For eg, loss of money or paying taxes is 'sacrifice of the previous possession'; death of a loved one is the 'giving back to universe for greater cause'. The assured thing about 8th house is that it always gives back what it takes. The gain is either equal to or even much bigger than the loss.

Since people's perception of them is so unpredictable and the way people behave towards them is mixed, these natives learn astro to figure out the personality and motivations of the people they are exposed to. They tend to look for patterns in people to protect themselves from betrayal, being used and taken advantage of.

These native live a secretive life. They hide their life details from public eye. Hardly have a presence on social media and even then they tend to be rather private. But they can struggle with oversharing if air signs are involved.

Often times they can feel lonely in their battle against karmic lessons. Feels like no one understands their problems. They may not even get sympathy from people. If they open up to someone, it is always a person who will use their vulnerability to manipulate them for personal gains or gossip about their problems. Eventually they learn to keep things to heart and take things to grave. This is how they have the reputation of being "mysterious".

Also people seem to be irritated, annoyed and frustrated with them. It seems that 8th house natives always have karmic and emotional struggles going on. If they dare tell someone about it, that person is annoyed and ignore them or call their problem not important or change the topics or not take them seriously. I have seen it happen so many times with these natives. It really isolates the native in their dark times and they learn to be strong and solitary in journey.

At some point in their lives they switch from purely material thinking to reason+spirituality. They dabble between spiritual tools and mental tools to live their lives. Life does get quite hard for them especially with the 8th house emotional torture. I think that the emotional aspects of 8th house are really not talked about. No matter the sign placed in it, 8th house planets can give extreme emotional swings, pain, chaos, painful feelings that force them to do shadow work. It brings forth the unconscious sides of their psyche and with force they learn to acknowledge and make peace with it.

If you find someone with 8th house planets who is emotionally distraught, suffering mixed reactions from people and tired of their problems, do initiate them into occult. Tell them about spirituality, self healing and self development. Do gift them a tarot deck or introduce them to astro website or youtube channel. If they are not already initiated into occult by nature, they might eventually look to astral, cosmic, spiritual, emotional plane for the solutions to their problems. Things will start making sense to them sooner or later and they will transform into a new identity.

Many times these natives hide their occult interests from people due to fear of being judged, ridiculed and shamed. Since other people don't face the same emotions they do, they call these natives sensitive, dramatic and superstitious, even crazy sometimes. They do struggle with not being taken seriously by people even if they are knowledgeable and resourceful. People somehow either ignore them or judge them. It might also be because of inner voice of the native to self sabotage. Do check out "You can heal your life" or similar books sometimes.

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2 years ago

Astro notes about air signs

Astro Notes About Air Signs

Air signs people have this desire to be in relationship with a lot of people at once. It does not mean that they will cheat necessarily. For that we look at the houses their air signs are placed in. For eg, water element houses will not make them cheat despite the impulse is there. So someone with Gemini venus in 4th, 8th or 12th house will feel the desire to date many partners but will remain committed to one person because the water house element balances the impulse.

Whether dating a lot of people is a "good" thing or not is really complicated to answer. A lot of people on internet claim to be polyamorous. A lot of communities have practiced dating/marrying many people at once. For eg, in Islam a man is allowed to marry 4 wives though for reasons of providership and preservation, many men might also do it for pleasure and personal fun.

But I am sure that all the air placements must have felt a wandering eye in themselves and been confused by it. Like one part of them wants to commit to one person forever and the other part wants to flirt, date and fool around with a lot of people. It has something to do with the nature of air signs that makes them independent, short attention span, attention seeking, unable to integrate their insecurities in constructive ways, unable to go deep within their psyche to introspect themselves, fear of rejection, wanting to be liked by a lot of people.

Air sign + water house/earth house will make them not cheat.

Air sign + air house (for eg Gemini moon in 3rd house) = multiple affairs.

You can study it yourself. Just pick up charts of people and see for yourself how different signs and house combinations manifest in different people.

Even if for cultural reasons or social pressure, they dont cheat, they will still feel the impulse and desire within themselves. They will be confused by it. Being able to date many partners is a luxury. Not everyone has the time, freedom, cultural settings, lack of responsibilities, lack of consequences, power, money, social connections to make it happen. Air signs also struggle with short term gratification over long term goals, so cheating for the uncertainty, excitement and adrenaline rush of it is acceptable to them over investing themselves in one person for long years, finding a cause to commit to one person and building an exclusive relationship for life.

Why do people commit to only person for life? (Water signs/water houses can answer it well). It is that possessiveness, merger of souls, deep connection, some spiritual insights into nature of relationship, knowing that betrayal will have karmic consequences in this life or next life, looking for meaning in life, personal values, personal morality and most importantly the mental peace.

Air signs don't feel "so deeply" that it starts to hurt them physically. They can jump from one relationship to the other not really feeling any emotional connection to them but for other reasons like excitement, mental stimulation, adventure, fun seeking, run from boredom.

Best thing is to accept this complex as a part of you and find activities in your life that somehow satisfy this impulse. Like exercise or a lot of hobbies or anything to do with a lot of airy energy to satisfy this craving.

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2 years ago

Venus in 8th house: why do they turn ice cold?

Venus In 8th House: Why Do They Turn Ice Cold?

There is little doubt that Venus in 8th house makes some of the most intense individuals ever. But what makes them turn ice cold and dark?

They have a tendency to overly attach to anyone who seems to flatter them, show them love/likeness/attention. You can control a venus in 8th house (also, venus in scorpio) with flattery, manipulation, gaslighting, lies because they are easy to trust your words. These are some of the most gullible people around because of their intensity. Their intense emotions shadow their thought structure, judgment and perception.

They also emotionally attach to people quickly. Give themselves to their lover, friends, family wholeheartedly without reservations. But sadly, humans are evil by nature deep down. It is the primitive source of law of jungle. In civilized societies, the appearence changes but biology does not. There is no such thing as a genuine good person. There is no such thing as a free gift. There is no such thing as unconditional love. But these ideals are what venus in 8th house natives tend to believe in.

It is their energy that only attracts toxic people in their lives. Others seem to be having a fun time with friends and family but these natives are just surrounded by people who are selfish cunning narcissistic. The native seeks validation and acceptance from people, only to feel more lonely when the betrayal is realized.

With 8th house, everything is sudden. Sudden disclosure of the hidden personality. Someone who was close to native by blood or relationship, and suddenly native realizes that they were verbally emotionally abusive all along, gaslit them and used them for their resources, benefits and power. Someone who acted very friendly was just after their salary, social connections and perks you can give them. Someone who was flattering and love bombing was just buttering them for leadership, control and to make them dependent.

I have seen it many times how venus in 8th house attracts psychically controlling, manipulative, self centered and abusive people. These native clouded by their feelings intensity are not able to judge the intention of the other person until it is too late. There is something very innocent about venus in 8th house/venus in scorpio. The innocence is about projection of unconscious idealism on other people. Like fairytale romance and hopeless romanticism. How can others be evil if they flatter me? How can others be bad if they are love bombing me?

People who are attracted to the lives of these natives are their shadow figure. These natives are no saint. If they are intense it is because they want love from others. They want the same things as a narcissist but under different names. This is one reason why they also marry a rich spouse because of internal status seeking. These natives want to indulge in luxury and status. They are envious and jealous of others success and possessions. They are controlling and possessive of their resources, people and objects. Who said that love is innocence? Venus in 8th house natives use LOVE to feel powerful. They use their intensity to control their lover.

The narcissism of venus in 8th house is different from fire signs and air signs narcissism. These natives crave love, merger, control, caretaking, status, power, validation and public image all at once. But they also feel empathy, remorse, guilt, shame, sadness. I have seen fire and air signs being cruel users. Most of them will never mature and change.

So when venus in 8th house hits rock bottom or emotional turmoil and if the rest of the chart also supports it, they start doing self reflection and shadow work. They discover layer after layer of their psyche. They see their own evil. They see their own darkness. They are also exposed to the bad people in their lives who reflect their own unconscious traits to them. It all happens back to back because 8th house gives no warning. 8th house has no mercy. All karmic lessons back to back. You recover from one lesson only to be hit by the next one out of nowhere. Bloody out of nowhere. You are living your life trying to chill but 8th house keeps sending bad people in your life for self reflection. It keeps taking things from you. It keeps messing things up suddenly.

This is how venus in 8th house native goes dark and ice cold. They have to shield themselves. They know their darkness and see it in others. Maturity makes them cynical and deep.

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2 years ago

Hi, I seen your Venus in the 8th post. Do you think it’s possible for Pisces Venus to become cold. I always see that Pisces venus can be giving which can lead to getting taken advantage of/become a doormat. Do you think after constantly getting done wrong they can become cold?

What happens after constant challenges in life?

I was thinking of sharing some self reflection insights so here goes nothing:

When people go "cold" on others, we tend to think that they "suppress their emotions" inside but the right way to do it is to understanding your feelings, break them down to pieces, go through your emotional chaos, no shortcuts, self destroy, see your own potential to be a bad person, become cynical, get pessimistic, turn cold and isolated. This is one phase of life. The next phase is self development, making boundaries, not allowing disrespect in any form, withholding your weaknesses and becoming mentally strong. This is a journey. Pisces have reputation of being emotional and crybabies, but I have seen these natives being very reserved about their feelings and hiding it within themselves.

Pisces can be visionary, imaginative, living in a fantasy world, spiritual. Depending upon the house placement, if the venus is placed in 8the house, prepare for karmic turning points in your life back to back. Then self reflection and self destruction. Another thing I want to point out, no matter the birth chart, if you are surrounded by people who are using, abusing, taking advantage of you, please take a look deep within yourself. It is futile to try to change the outsiders. You have power over your mind. You have to know your unconscious forces. My have to know your unconscious desires. There is a reason why your psyche keeps attracting abusive people into your life. It is not because you are very innocent, but because you are unaware of your own darkness which attracts other predators. Once you identify your black holes and start healing them, you will automatically become calm, relaxed, have emotional control.

Emotional control = being cold? Emotionally unavailable = being cold? "Being cold" is a vague word although I am guilty of using this word myself. I think that the better way to understand this is that the natives with emotionally intense venue placements learn to control their emotions and THINK through them which makes them appear cold, or make them "feel cold" because they are not used to calm and peace. Sometimes when we are brought up and surrounded by drama and chaos, self control and peace look weird like boring detached status. "Cold" as in they don't show affection to their near and dear ones?

Also,a lot of the times we don't know what healthy looks like. So make sure that you are being mature and healthy.

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