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Mha Has Me Fucking Sobbing Rn Jeeez

mha has me fucking sobbing rn jeeez

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3 years ago

Episode 2

Kageyama x f!reader

warning: may contain manga/anime spoilers! strong language probably!

description: In which Y/n is a new addition to Karasuno’s Girl’s Volleyball Club

I’m pretty sure this is the pilot episode but hopefully I did this right:

Kageyama x f!reader may contain spoilers! description: In which Y/n is a new addition to Karasuno’s Girl’s Volleyball Club warning: I’m sure

a/n: Okay! here is the next episode! Idk why but I like naming these episodes. Also, if you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to keep in the timeline as season 1. Hopefully that’s not going to be a pain in the ass later, but yeah! I hope you enjoy!

Y/n approached the gym and entered by sliding the steel door. The whole team was there and they were finishing warming up with serves. Everyone was mostly doing overhand serves. But what caught Y/n’s eyes was Etsuko. She had her eyes closed and taking deep breathes. Y/n slightly tilts her head to the side.

What is she doing? Y/n ponders. Yuma sees Y/n and approaches her. She sees how Y/n is staring at Etsuko. 

“She can do a jump serve?” Y/n watches as Etsuko starts a run up. The ball hit the middle of the net.

The whole team erupts in fits of laughter.

“No, she can’t.” Yuma clarifies. 

“Woah, Etsuko, you’re gonna give Y/n a run for her money!” Rinko exclaimed and continued to chuckle with the other third years. Other players snicker and make some harmless, little jokes.

“Oh, please. At least I am trying!” Etsuko huffs in protest to the teasing. Y/n approaches Etsuko. 

‘You’re right. It’s good that you’re trying. The toss was great, the timing was off, but that’s what practice is for.” Y/n says honestly. 

Etsuko was not really expecting Y/n’s hard-hitting honesty but it was a breathe of fresh air from the teasing. She takes a long look at Y/n, for a teenager, she sure is mature.

Nonethless, you’re flattery made her cheeks tinge with red, “I was really just copying what you did earlier.” She says shyly. 

At this, Y/n eyes widened, “Do I really look that serious?!” She had never really paid any attention to what she might look like towards others while she is in play. Up until now, she only focused on the game because, well, that’s just how she plays. Etsuko and Yuma chuckle at Y/n’s reaction. 

“Yeah, it was as if your looks could kill.” The 3 first years turn to the voice to see the captain, Michimiya Yui, “so, I hope you’re all warmed up cause we will be starting the three on three.”

“Right, who will be playing?” Y/n inquires.

“I was thinking Moe and Yuma will be on your team. Then, the opposing team will consist of Aoki, Yua, and I.” Y/n nods at the captains words.

“Wait, WHAT?!” everyone turned to Etsuko’s outburst.

“Oh no.” Yuma quietly mumbles.

“I wanted to play in the three on three!” Etsuko almost sounded like a child that was ready to throw a tantrum. She had her arms crossed, thinking of a plan to get her way somehow. “What about we make it more interesting. The first years versus the third years.” She smirks.

“Etsuko, you turd, don’t go against the captain!” Yuma bonks Etsuko’s heads. Etsuko instinctively held her head and dramatically fell to the ground, “OW! You know my head’s sensitive”, she pouts.

Yui laughs at the interaction and starts to think about her offer. Sudou approaches Yui, “You aren’t actually thinking about that as an actual option, right?”

Yui smiles, “I mean, why not? I already know Y/n is an exceptional player. This three on three really serves as a nice introduction through friendly competition.”

Sudou thinks over Yui’s words, “You aren’t wrong.” She looks over at the first years. All three of them. “What about we add to your idea, Etsuko. Whichever team loses has to be the other team’s servants for,” Sudou puts her hand on her chin and looks up, acting like she is in a real deep thought, “three whole weeks”. 

“THREE WHOLE WEEKS?!” Etsuko begins to regret opening her mouth.

“What would we have to do?” Yuma almost didn’t want to ask, afraid of the severity of the word ‘servant’.

“Oh, just the simple, worshiping the ground they walk on, get them or make food when they ask, and help them with virtually anything if they ask a favor.” Sudou smirks. 

All the previous color on Etsuko and Yuma’s face were practically gone, looking like they are going to faint. Y/n looks at their state worriedly, How little do you think of yourselves?! You guys can’t be that bad, right? Y/n turns to look at the 2nd years and some are already on their knees, hands together. They’re praying for us?! Y/n gulps.

Y/n reverts her gaze back at Sudou Rinko, the third year. Her classic, neutral face making a comeback as she takes a calming breathe. This girl sure knows how to think of a punishment.

“You’re on.” Y/n holds out her hand. Rinko firmly shakes your hand. She was pleasantly surprised by the guts that Y/n has for not backing down to a challenge.

“Splendid. So, it will be you three, against Mao, Yui, and Chizuru.” All the girls who weren’t playing in the three on three were buzzing with excitement as they took their seats on the sidelines. They made small talk such as conversing on who they think will win.

“Oi, get up. We’re going to start.” Y/n ordered the two first years. Both of them grudgingly got up and stood in front of Y/n.

“Okay, so what can you tell me about Mao and Chizuru?”

The pair looked at each other as if they were talking with their eyes, deciding on who should talk first. 

Etsuko scratched her head, “Yeah, um. I don’t really know what to tell you. I don’t really know how to, like, analyze people like you probably do.”

Y/n was mentally pinching the bridge of her nose. 

“I know Chizuru has been really working on her receives.” Yuma chimes in. “As for Mao, well, she’s the tallest person on our team, so I’m guessing her blocks and spikes will be difficult to pick up.” 

Y/n nods. Interestingly enough, Y/n did not ask the worried pair this question for the actual information they would give her. She asked the question to see how well her current teammates analyze their opponent from prior knowledge.

Y/n has seen the third years play. At times they lacked the spirit and in some areas, the technique, to carry through with both defense and offense, which is coincidentally really important. As third years, they do serve as an example for the grades below them. So, if they are lacking, it’s only probable that the team will follow behind.

Only in some spur-of-the-moment instances she would see the fire ignite within them, but that was really it. While there are many holes in their team, it doesn’t mean they are hopeless. 

“Wait, why didn’t you ask anything about Captain Yui?” Etsuko jumped back into the conversation.

“Well, I already saw how she spiked when I sent some sets her way. She’s got power and stamina backing her up, but she is lacking in technique and in game sense, so that will give us some points when blocking.” Etsuko and Yuma looked at each other as Y/n kept talking about what she has observed over the limited time she has been in the gym. They were plainly shocked at how observant Y/n is and can only imagine what she thinks of them.

“Okay, let’s go out there and have fun, guys.” Despite the literal meaning of Y/n’s statement. Her tone and face did not match, so it really just was uneasy for Etsuko and Yuma to experience as Y/n smacked their backs before walking towards where she would start in the game.

“Would you guys want to receive?” Yui asks as she grabs a volleyball.

“Yeah, we’ll receive.” Y/n confirmed, getting into position.

Yui send a overhand serve there way. Etsuko receives it.

“It’s short, sorry!” Etsuko calls out

 Y/n runs under the ball, “got it!” And lifts the ball towards, “Yuma!” near the net.

Yuma jumps to spike, however Mao is there, ready to block. They make solid eye-contact that felt like years to Yuma, It’s as if she’s piercing my soul with her eyes. Unfortunately, Yuma got psyched out and almost forgot to make contact with the ball. Yuma ends up accidentally just lifting the ball right over Mao’s block, committing to a feint.

Yui flies towards the ground with her left arm stretched out, she’s able to put the ball in the air.

“Chizuru!” The timid third year bumps it towards the net. Y/n makes a judgment call.

“It’s over the net.” Other players would probably yell that comment, but Y/n never really saw the point in yelling when her teammates are merely a couple feet away from her. Her pain level of volume almost made her two other teammates more on edge due to the unfamiliarity of it, rather than someone screaming the comment.

As Y/n suspected, the ball just barely made it over the net.

“Again!” Mao yells as she bumps it towards Y/n.

With a side glance, Y/n notices that Yui and Mao are guarding Yuma. She takes a quick look to Etsuko and mentally smirked, no blockers, Y/n needed to somehow tell Etsuko without giving it away because with Yui’s speed, she will definitely be able to retrieve it.

It was merely seconds, but Y/n stared Etsuko down and gave a slight lift of her chin in an upwards direction, hoping that Etsuko can decode it and define it as, jump.

Relying on her instincts, Etsuko miraculously picked up what Y/n was getting at. At least, she thinks.

That nod was for me, right? I think she wants me to spike it from where I am. Oh, but I’m a bit far from the net. I’ve only done spikes close to the net because I’m scared of it not going over. Despite Yuma insisting on how Etsuko never thinks before she acts, Etsuko is quite the overthinker.

The thing was, Yuma was confident that you were going to send the ball her way. After all, according to Yuma’s knowledge, Estuko typically put too much power into her spikes, sending them out of bounds. She thought Y/n would pick up on this on how over-zealous she is about practically anything. Thus, Yuma started her run up.

We’ve got you now, Yui and Mao solely focusing on Yuma, making sure they jump at the correct time.

Despite their efforts in blocking, which would have been a perfect one that would kill the ball, the ball hit the ground loudly with a smack. All that could be heard was the ball bouncing from its earlier impact.

The look of surprise on everyone’s faces in that gym was priceless. However, the most shocked person was the person who actually did it. Etsuko looked down at her slightly red hand. She clenched her hand into a fist. She will never get tired of the feeling.

Etsuko looks at Yuma and they both give out unintelligible sounds of excitement. They hug each other as if that one point meant a hundred points.

Y/n let out a breathe she didn’t know she was holding. And she looks over at her teammates. It looks like they opened their hug, expecting a third person.

That’s you, dumbass. You’re the third person. Y/n physically jolted at the realization. Etsuko motioned her hand for Y/n.

Y/n hesitantly put both her arms on the middle of their back, barely touching as if they had a disease. She didn’t know what was too close so she played it safe. Etsuko and Yuma didn’t pay any attention to the awkwardness of Y/n and was rejoicing.

“Hold on, wait a minute! Did you actually use your stupid head? How did you do that? Usually you knock it out of the park.” Yuma didn’t want to praise Etsuko too much, knowing it would inflate her ego too much.

“Oh, shut up. I got the first point, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you’re the most surprised out of everybody. I bet it was a fluke.”

“Shut your mouth or I’ll shut it myself!”

“HA! I’d like to see you’re scrawny ass try!”

“If I’m scrawny, then what are you?”

The teasing would never stop. Y/n intervened, “That wasn’t a fluke.”

Yuma, and even Etsuko, was confused at Y/n’s statement. With her spike track record in recognition, it makes sense for that success to be a one time thing.

“Are you sure, Y/n? You don’t have to be nice to Etsuko if you don’t want to. She’s not intimidating.”

“Why do you always find a way to diss me when you aren’t even talking to me” Etsuko grumbles. “But I agree, partly, with Yuma here. I’m pretty sure it was a fluke too.”

Y/n shakes her head side to side. “It wasn’t.” She turns to Etsuko.

“Etsuko, tell me if I am correct, before this three on three, you have always spiked the ball that was tossed to you right near the net.

Um, isn’t that where you are supposed to spike? Etsuko questions in her head.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Right now, you spiked the ball behind the attack line, and let me add how you didn’t even use a running start.” With this, Y/n now turned to Yuma.

“Now correct me if I am wrong, Yuma, Etsuko will swing at the ball with all her might, regardless of how tired she is.”

“Yeah, you got that spot on”

“You see, where Etsuko lacks in technique-”

Etsuko deflates.

“-she makes up for raw swinging power.”

She immediately straightens her posture and smiles at the complement.

Y/n continues, “it is because of your distance from the net that gave you leverage on actually hitting it within their side of the court.”

“Wait, Etsuko hasn’t ever shot a spike from there, so had did you even know she would even make it over the net? And how did you know that Etsuko would know to jump?” Yuma brings up a good point.

“I didn’t” Y/n simply stated.

Yuma and Etsuko looked almost disturbed at her answer. She didn’t have anything backing up her decision?

“You really tried something as risky as that when the stakes are so high?” Yuma questions in shock.

“I know I don’t seem like a person to do something like that without thinking it through but-” Y/n turns her head to the side to look at them, “I feel like I can trust you guys to back me up.”

Etsuko and Yuma almost teared up at Y/n’s confession. The morale in their team was boosted to a hundred because of this, which is just what they needed to keep them motivated. They felt they can take on the world-

“We still need 24 more points to win one set. And then another set.” Y/n looks over at the scoreboard, seeing the 1-0.

At Y/n’s sudden statement, Etsuko and Yuma embarrassingly looked down at how this is the only beginning.

On the other side of the court, the third years gathered to tell each other apologies, to shake it off, and assuring they will get the next one.

It’s Etsuko’s serve.

“Protect your head, Y/n.” Yuma instructs.

“Oh shut it, Yuma!” 

Etsuko exhales. I can do this. It’s not that hard. I will be the strongest volleyball player there is. The last statement is basically a mantra for Etsuko. The thing that is special with Etsuko is that she is never afraid to try new things. Even when the probability of her failing is so high and her probability to succeed is so little. To her, that little probable outcome still stands as a chance. And she always takes it, no matter what. She will try anything, finding what works and hone that skill. On the court, it’s deadly. For the opposing team, that is.

She’s not actually trying again to do a jump serve, is she? Rinko questions as she notices that she is far away from the court line. 

Yui smiles with a shake of her head, this kid never stops trying.

Etsuko looks straight ahead, just get it over the net.

She hears the whistle blow and she takes her run up and jumps. Her serve whizzes past the net, the third years not touching it.

However, it was out.

Etsuko grumbles and hangs her head in shame.

“Hey. shake it off! It’s alright” Y/n reassures. Yuma merely chuckles, but Etsuko hears her.

“What are you laughing at?! Do I have to beat your ass again?” Etsuko starts to animatedly rolls up her sleeve of her sweatshirt with a prominent vain on her neck. The two start to bicker as per usual. 

This is going to be a long game. Y/n exhales a big breathe as she gets down for the next serve. 

The score is 23-24. Both teams are clawing for each point. There was never a severe point difference, neither team was able to break away.

It’s Y/n’s serve.

Yuma and Etsuko felt comforted that she will be serving, if anything, they feel confident they will be able to at least do a deuce.

Chizuru mentally groaned. God, her jump serves are so hard to receive.

Y/n looks so focused, many thought who viewed the skilled first year.

She does her run up.

Chizuru instantly recognizes and smirks, This isn’t her usual jump serve! This is a jump float! Just like I’ve practiced.

“Chizuru, it’s all you!” Yui calls out to her, she knows that she has been dedicating most of her time in personal practice on her receives. This is her time to shine.

Just like in practice from all those hours, Chizuru gives in to her muscle memory and makes the receive look so effortless. 

Damn it, thought it was a good idea to pull that serve out. So she has specialized receiving jump floats. Impressive. Y/n recollects her thoughts and moves up for defense. Mao sets it to Yui and she spikes, but Yuma is there, block timing on point, killing the ball’s momentum.

Etsuko made the mistake letting her guard down for a split second, mainly because Yui is known for her perfected flying receives, but she thought she wouldn’t be able to pull one off as she just spiked and is on the other side of the court in regards to the ball. 

Despite this, Chizuru flies onto the ground and is able to pick up the ball.

“It didn’t hit the floor.” Y/n informs her teammates. They both are shocked, thinking they had it in the bag.

The ball barely cleared the net, Etsuko, being the closest, tried to attempt the same type of receive, but her hand was not able to make contact, resulting the ball to bounce right in front of her eyes.

“The first set goes to the third years!” Rinko annouces.

“Uhg, I’m sorry, guys! I shouldn’t have let my guard down, it’s my fault.” Etsuko furiously bowing up and down again. It’s mainly to Y/n because she has yet to know how Y/n will deal with this. Yuma on the other hand, “Hey, it’s alright, you were bound to make a mistake at some point”, she smirks, taunting yet again just to get her riled up.

“Oh, shut up! I don’t care what you think!” Her apologetic tone disappearing as she talks to Yuma.

“It’s okay, Etsuko! It’s not your fault. We are a team, we take it together. We may have lost the first set, but we still got another one so there’s no time to think about what we could have done.” Y/n explains.

There is a small break to rehydrate and a breather. Nonetheless, the second set was about to start as the three on three switch sides. 

The second set was harder than the first. Not because both teams were exhausted, it was as if something was ignited within both teams. They were continuously pushing each other as the set went on. Like the last set, there was no big point gap, but this time, the first years were surprisingly in the lead, as the scores are 19-21. 

“Damn, this time the first years beat them in getting in the 20′s” one of the second years said, which was the official setter, Manami Aoki, a second year.

“I think they might take the set!”  Another second year chimes in who plays middle blocker, Takei Katsu. 

Just like she said, the first years did take the second set. Yuma was able to snuff the ball’s momentum from Yui’s spike for the winning point.

“I honestly thought this wasn’t going into a third set.” Matsuda Yua, a second year. She’s a middle blocker and an outside hitter, she voices her thoughts.

“Hm, yeah. At face value, it seemed the third years would win in straight sets, but it seems the first years got some spunk that’s saving their ass.” Takai rationalizes. 

“Yeah, I see that” Aoki agrees with her.

“Yeah, but I think they got more than spunk with that volleyball prodigy on their team.” 

The second years turned one to one their fellow classmates, Watabe Nozomi, their libero. She wasn’t one to really talk to other people, which includes her teammates. She was silent most of the time, but she was super reliable, both on and off the court. They never wanted to force her in opening up about herself so for the most part, they let her be one of the most reserved people on their team.

Because of their knowledge of her personality and attitude, they were shocked at how she was actually taking part in the conversation. Not that they minded, they always wanted to get to know her better. The way their team works is that they are more than just teammates, they care for each other outside of volleyball and want the best for them, regardless of what happens on the court. 

They form this bond with one another, which makes their actions on the court to be more naturally cohesive. This is one of the strengths that their club possesses. And it’s not that they force this bond, it’s the love for volleyball that brings them together. 

“She must be really something if she got Nozomi talking about her.” Rinko looks over the second years as she stands on the side with her whistle. 

Nozomi’s cheeks tinge with some red as she gets called out. The second years chuckle a bit at her reaction.

“You really think she is a prodigy?” Aoki asks.

“She seems really in tuned with her body. It’s like she is hyper-aware of her surroundings and makes fast decisions that almost always ensure a point.” Nozomi comments. The second years nod in agreement and acknowledgment. 

“I don’t think she’s a prodigy, I mean, those types of people are born with skill. While, Y/n seems she has built upon her skills over the years, which is impressive in itself.” Rinko adds in.

Rinko had it right. Y/n was not a prodigy or some sort of genius. She was someone who practiced, practiced, and practiced some more. She devoted so much of her time and energy into volleyball that it only made sense that she excels in it.

As the third set nears the end, the first years make a surprising break away. The points being 23-19. 

“We might actually be getting our own servants” Etsuko pants as exhaust dawning on her. 

“Yeah, if we continue to play smart, we might win this thing” Yuma continues.

“We can do this, guys. Let’s play strong till the very end.” Y/n gave a thumbs up at her teammates. And smiled. Well, she tried. 

“Uh, what’s up with your face, dude? If you gotta take a shit, then go ahead. We can take a short break” Etsuko assures Y/n. 

“You idiot! Can’t you see she’s smiling.” Yuma karate chops Etsuko’s head, resulting in a yelp and her hands to fly to her head at the impact.

Poor Y/n is truly trying her best, but she was not preparing to show much emotion today, or any day for that matter. She had to shake it off and she can worry about being not emotionally available later.

It was Y/n’s turn to serve. All three third years internally groaned. She decides to serve it over to Chizuru, specifically right behind her left foot. 

The ball actually lands behind her right foot. Despite being at game point, Y/n couldn’t help but feel irritated at how inaccurate her serve was. The girl holds herself to a high standard. She sighs, she knows she’s getting tired. She needs to assure this win, but what’s the best option? 

Y/n is deep in thinking as her teammates are rejoicing at the mere possibility of having the third years as servants.

Then, it becomes so obvious. She does a short serve. The ball flying just over the net, forcing Moa to retrieve the ball with a bump. Yui then spikes the ball over. Y/n smirks.

Yuma receives the ball, sending it over to Y/n.

“Etsuko!” Y/n calls out to her.

They are thinking of doing that attack from earlier, where Etsuko spiked from behind the attack line! Yui resolves.

Yui and Mao push their forces opposite of Etsuko, waiting for the awaiting spike.

However, the spike never comes, but the ball is already bouncing on the third years court.

A SETTER DUMP?! everyone thought they were going to lose their minds.

Yuma and Etsuko was the first to scream out of pure exhilaration of winning against the third years. They tackled an unexpecting Y/n to the ground. Y/n sort of short-circuited. She was not used to this.

“We did it! We actually did it!” Etsuko exclaimed.

“Can’t believe we pulled that off.” Yuma added in.

“However, I really thought you were sending it over to me.” Etsuko crossed her arms and pouted.

“Sorry about that.” Y/n raises her hand to the back of head, “I knew if I got you on the ropes, they would be as well.”

“And hey, think of this way, your gullibility actually paid off this time!”

“Don’t make me beat your ass again!”

“You wanna go?!”

“You guys make a good team” Yui chimes in.

The two stop their bickering at the sound of their team captain’s voice.

“Ha, yeah. I guess we do.” Y/n stood up, while helping Etsuko and Yuma up as they are still looking at each other with looks that are like daggers at each other. “You guys played a good game as well.” Y/n reassured the third years, “I’d be honored to play on your team.”

Yui looks over at Rinko, “You already have it, don’t you?”

“Of course.” Rinko responds. Much to Y/n’s confusion as to what they are talking about.

Rinko walks over to a package that was on the sidelines, opening it up and pulling out a black jacket, representing Karasuno.

Y/n’s eyes widened. She doesn’t understand why she’s acting this way. It’s just a jacket. She had a strong feeling she was going to get in the club, so why what was this warm feeling in her chest?

Before she realizes it, the jacket is in her hands and she is enveloped in a group hug from the whole time.

“I won’t let you guys down!” Y/n declares in a rather former manner.

“We know.” Yui confirms.

Y/n felt safe, but there was a hesitant feeling that she shouldn’t get used to it.

“Okay! Today was meant to be an easy day, but don’t think tomorrow is going to be the same. In fact, it’s safe to say it’s only going to get harder from here.” Rinko announces.

The team collectively groans. 

“After we clean the gym, we have some important news. So, hurry up!” Yui ordered, resulting in the team to scatter in cleaning and disassembling the net.

It didn’t take too long, and the team soon sat on the cool gym floor as Yui and Rinko stood before them. 

“So, as you may know, we have been lacking the coach department, as in, we have no coach.” Rinko stated blandly.

“But, someone has graciously volunteered to coach us, and just to reassure you guys, so you guys think its not some rando. I did some research on him, and let’s just say he’s like a legend in the volleyball world.” Yui says.

Oo’s and awe’s can be heard among the team.

Who could it be? A legend?! Why Karasuno of all places? Many questions were flying about in the gym.

“Okay, okay. In addition to that, he’s known to be, well, harsh with his training.” Yui continues.

“Harsher than Rinko?” Etusko interrupts.

“Oi, don’t make me give you laps.”

“You’re proving my point!”

“Anyways, we will meet him tomorrow and he has requested that we start immediately in order to see what we need to work on. So, come tomorrow mentally prepared for that.” Yui informs.

“Alright, that’s all. Get out of here and get some good rest!” Rinko instructed.

The only noise that was coming from the gym was now faint conversations of the mystery coach and homework, shoes squeaking, and bags getting picked up. The girls started to leave the gym in pairs or trios.

“Hey Y/n, you want to walk home with us? It’s seems our game went a bit longer than expected and it’s pretty dark outside.” Yuma proposed to Y/n.

Y/n’s cheeks turned pink at the friendly gesture. They want to walk? With her? It’s not that big of a deal but it’s enough for Y/n to feel like she might be actually real friends with them. Y/n smiles fondly at them.

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

The three first years make their way out, but before they leave the area, Y/n spots Asahi! With some new-found confidence, Y/n decided to call out his name, “Hey, Asahi!”

There were some boys that were with him, and Y/n could only assume that those were some of his teammates. Asahi tensed up at the sudden call, but as he found the source of it, he reverted back to a calmer state.

“H-hey Y/n”

Y/n noticed that there was a grey haired boy and a dark haired one on either side of him. They were pretty tall in comparison to Y/n.

“So, how was practice?”

Asahi realized how confusing this looked to his fellow teammates. Sugawara and Daichi just looked at each other with puzzled looks.

“Oh, it went good! I think, I’m back on the team.”

“That’s good to hear. I’d like to set for you again sometime,” Y/n looked back to see her new friends who weren’t as puzzled as Asahi’s friends were, but more intimidated by how big Asahi is, “I got to get going. Goodbye!” Y/n waved and started to head back to her friends as they began to walk to the school’s entrance.



“You’ve played volleyball with her?”

“Is that the real reason you’ve been gone for a month?”

“She’s cute.”

“Yeah, is she in our grade?”

“G-guys! I just met her today, I swear!” Asahi waved off all their overwhelming questions. “I don’t know her that well, but I do know she plays volleyball,” he then takes a glance over to Y/n’s retreating figure with her two other friends who seem to laughing at something, “and she seems to be really dedicated to it.”

Little did Y/n know, a certain black-haired boy with blue eyes was also staring at her retreating figure and couldn’t help but overhearing Asahi’s conversation with Y/n. He grew curious and wanted to learn more.

“Hey Kageyama, are you even listening to me?!”


omg ok i hope this was good lol if u liked it pls let me know!! If you want be apart of the taglist, idk really know to do this, but just like comment and say u want in and i’ll just add u lol

Taglist: @riceballsandanime

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3 years ago

Just putting this out there if there is even one person wondering, I am working on a second part for that one kageyama x reader I wrote on here. It’s just schools been crazy and I make these parts kinda long so yeah 😄👍🏽

4 years ago

“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
