1575 posts
Fr Traditionelle Souvenir-Produkte Wie Afrikanische Masken, Figuren, Batikmode, Empfiehlt Sich Der Besuch
Für traditionelle Souvenir-Produkte wie afrikanische Masken, Figuren, Batikmode, empfiehlt sich der Besuch auf einem der zahlreichen „Craft Markets“.
For traditional souvenir products such as African masks, figures, batik fashion, a visit to one of the numerous "craft markets" is highly recommended.

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We know that you might not be able to be here with us, so in an effort to keep you connected to our amazing wildlife, we’ll be sharing some of our sightings with you. We hope that our #ArmchairSafaris bring a smile to your face at this difficult time! 😊
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The old jetty in Swakopmund, usually referred to as Jetty, is a former jetty (pier) in the South Atlantic in what is now Namibia. It comes from the German colonial period in German South-West Africa. At it´s end the restaurant of the same name, "Jetty 1905", has been located since 2010.