logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

1575 posts

Namushasha River Lodge Celebrates The Wonders Of The Zambezi Water World. There's A Magic, A Feeling

Namushasha River Lodge celebrates the wonders of the Zambezi water world. There's a magic, a feeling or a charm that enraptures you in these northern realms. With elephants, hippos, myriad bird species, waterlilies and African bush, a visit to Namushasha provides an enriching adventure into Nature - to the accompaniment of the chiming of reed frogs, bird calls, hippo grunts and the soothing sound of a boat skimming through water. Stroll past the green-lawned campsite to the traditional heritage centre; hop aboard the river boats for early morning or late afternoon river cruises to explore the channels and discover the diverse bird life; or take a trip to the Bwabwata National Park, first by boat along the waterways to later transfer to a game vehicle for an excursion into African bush. At the end of the day, there's nothing that can quite compare to a red Zambezi sunset.

Die Namushasha River Lodge zelebriert die Wunder der Sambesi-Wasserwelt. Es gibt eine Magie, ein Gefühl, einen Zauber, der in diesen nördlichen Bereichen begeistert. Mit Elefanten, Flusspferden, unzähligen Vogelarten, Seerosen und afrikanischem Busch bietet ein Besuch ein bereicherndes Abenteuer in der Natur - begleitet von Wasserlilien, Vogelstimmen, Flusspferdgrunzen und dem beruhigenden Geräusch eines Bootes, das durch Wasser gleitet. An Bord der Flussboote auf einer Flusskreuzfahrten am frühen Morgen oder am späten Nachmittag, um die Kanäle zu erkunden und die vielfältige Vogelwelt zu entdecken. Oder man macht einen Ausflug in den Bwabwata-Nationalpark, zuerst mit dem Boot entlang der Wasserstraßen und um dann später in ein Pirschfahrzeug umzusteigen und einen Ausflug in den afrikanischen Busch zu unternehmen. Am Ende des Tages gibt es nichts, was mit einem roten Sambesi-Sonnenuntergang vergleichbar wäre.

  • perfectlyglitterypeach
    perfectlyglitterypeach liked this · 3 years ago
  • logi1974
    logi1974 liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Logi1974

3 years ago

The N/a’an ku sê Foundation Wildlife Sanctuary provides a safe haven and  second chance for countless injured, orphaned and conflict animals.  Wherever possible the aim is to release animals back into the wild.  Only animals too ill, abused or habituated remain at the sanctuary. This  is done purely for their safety and survival chances, particularly  vital for big cats. The release of carnivores, both cheetahs and  leopards, is a top priority at N/a’an ku sê – “returning the wild to the  wild” being the mantra that forms the backbone of their projects.  At N/a’an ku sê they limit human contact  with those large carnivores ear-marked for potential release, as  habituation of any kind can lower their survival chances in the wild.  Those animals having found a permanent home at N/a’an ku sê through  various circumstances are provided with enrichment activities crucial to  their emotional well-being.


Das Wildlife Sanctuary der N / a'an ku sê Foundation bietet unzähligen verletzten, verwaisten und Konflikttieren einen sicheren Hafen und eine zweite Chance. Wo immer möglich, ist das Ziel, Tiere wieder in die Wildnis freizulassen. Nur Tiere, die zu krank, missbraucht oder zahm sind, bleiben im Park. Dies geschieht ausschließlich wegen Sicherheitsgründen und Überlebenschancen, insbesondere für Großkatzen. Die Freilassung von Fleischfressern, sowohl Geparden als auch Leoparden, hat bei N / a'an ku sê höchste Priorität - „Die Wildnis in die Wildnis zurückbringen“ ist das Mantra, das das Rückgrat ihrer Projekte bildet. Bei N / a'an ku sê beschränkt man den menschlichen Kontakt mit diesen großen Fleischfressern, die für eine mögliche Freilassung vorgesehen sind, da Gewöhnung jeglicher Art ihre Überlebenschancen in freier Wildbahn verringern kann. Diejenigen Tiere, die unter verschiedenen Umständen ein dauerhaftes Zuhause in N / a'an ku sê gefunden haben, erhalten Beschäftigungsaktivitäten, die für ihr emotionales Wohlbefinden von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.


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3 years ago

Situated on the Namibian banks of the Chobe river, Serondela Lodge is facing the world renowned Chobe National Park. This will ensure all year round close encounters with free roaming wildlife to guests. Just 17km from Kasane but far enough to ensure exclusivity the guest will be part of the positive impact of sustainable tourism on this incredibly beautiful area which is situated within a very dynamic conservancy.


Die Serondela Lodge liegt am namibischen Ufer des Chobe-Flusses mit Blick auf den weltberühmten Chobe-Nationalpark. Dies garantiert den Gästen das ganze Jahr über enge Begegnungen mit frei lebenden Wildtieren. Nur 17 km von Kasane entfernt, aber weit genug, um Exklusivität zu gewährleisten, wird der Gast Teil der positiven Auswirkungen des nachhaltigen Tourismus auf diese unglaublich schöne Gegend sein, die sich in einem sehr dynamischen Naturschutzgebiet befindet.

Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe
Situated On The Namibian Banks Of The Chobe River, Serondela Lodge Is Facing The World Renowned Chobe

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3 years ago

Painted Dogs are found in savanna grasslands and woodlands and love playing in waterholes. In fact bonds between pack individuals are so strong that the fittest pack members will hunt and provide food for the sick and elderly. Painted Dogs rely on cooperation to survive. Cooperation enables them to be one of the most successful predators in the world. On average they can catch their prey 80% of the time. These dogs are cursorial hunters meaning they pursue their prey in a long, open chase.

They are cunning and stealthy hunters but rely on their incredible vision to locate prey such as wildebeest, impala or zebra. During the hunt dogs will communicate with each other using high pitched yapping calls.


Afrikanische Wildhunde kommen im Grasland  und Wäldern von Savannen vor und lieben es, in Wasserlöchern zu spielen. Tatsächlich sind die Bindungen zwischen den Mitgliedern eines Rudels so stark, dass die besten Rudelmitglieder jagen und Nahrung für Kranke und Ältere besorgen. Wildhunde sind auf Teamarbeit angewiesen, um zu überleben. Durch die Zusammenarbeit gehören sie zu den erfolgreichsten Raubtieren der Welt. Im Schnitt können sie zu 80% Beute fangen. Diese Hunde sind Laufjäger, was bedeutet, dass sie ihre Beute in einer langen, offenen Verfolgungsjagd erlegen.

Sie sind listige Jäger, verlassen sich aber auf ihre unglaubliche Sehfähigkeit, um Beute wie Gnus, Impalas oder Zebras zu lokalisieren. Während der Jagd kommunizieren die Hunde über hohes Kläffen miteinander.


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3 years ago

The region around the Waterberg, including the town Otjiwarongo and the Hochfeld area are ideally situated for travellers on the way from Windhoek to the north and to the Etosha National Park. The Waterberg Mountain forms the centre of the region and is one of the main attractions of Namibia. It is an impressive table mountain, geologically and historically of great interest. Part of Waterberg plateau are covered by the Waterberg Plateau Park, an important nature conservation area.


Die Region um den Waterberg inklusive der Stadt Otjiwarongo und der Hochfeldgegend liegt ideal auf dem Weg von Windhoek in den Norden oder zum Etoscha Nationalpark. Im Zentrum der Region liegt der Waterberg, eines der Haupttourismusziele Namibias. Der Waterberg, ein beeindruckender Tafelberg, ist sowohl historisch als auch geologisch interessant und auch für den Naturschutz von wesentlicher Bedeutung.

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The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated
The Region Around The Waterberg, Including The Town Otjiwarongo And The Hochfeld Area Are Ideally Situated

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3 years ago

Steve Braine has been involved with ornithology and natural history within Namibia from a very young age, contributing invaluable data to Namibian Ornithology and natural history. He guided many specialized eco- and ornithological tours throughout Namibia.

During the past ten years Steve and his wife have travelled extensively doing birding and photography. Steve has passed his on-going enthusiasm and love for natural history to his two sons who now assist with birding, wildlife and photographic tours.


Steve Braine hat sich bereits in jungen Jahren mit Ornithologie und Naturgeschichte in Namibia befasst und wertvolle Daten zur namibischen Ornithologie und Naturgeschichte beigetragen. Er führte viele spezialisierte ökologische und ornithologische Touren durch Namibia.

In den letzten zehn Jahren sind Steve und seine Frau viel gereist, um Vögel zu beobachten und zu fotografieren. Steve hat seine anhaltende Begeisterung und Liebe zur Natur an seine beiden Söhne weitergegeben, die jetzt bei Vogelbeobachtungen, Wildtieren und Fototouren behilflich sind.

Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young
Steve Braine Has Been Involved With Ornithology And Natural History Within Namibia From A Very Young

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