logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

1575 posts

Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South

Chapman's Peak Drive on the Atlantic Coast between Hout Bay and Noordhoek in the Cape Peninsula in South Africa is one of the most spectacular marine drives in Africa and in the world. Chapman’s Peak Drive is affectionately known amongst locals as “Chappies” and is the must for anyone who is passionate about the majestic scenery of Cape Town and South Africa. Initially constructed during the WW1, this 9 km route with its 114 curves, skirts Chapman's Peak, the 590 m high southerly extension of Constantia Berg, and follows the rocky coastline to unfold breathtaking views in both directions. Car companies from all over the world like to shoot their commercials here.


Der Chapman’s Peak Drive ist eine neun Kilometer lange Küstenstraße auf der Kap-Halbinsel südlich von Kapstadt. Er schlängelt sich in 114 Kurven unmittelbar zwischen Meer und steilen Felswänden entlang von Hout Bay nach Noordhoek und führt über den Chapman’s Peak, einen 160 Meter hoch gelegenen Aussichtspunkt. Touristen und Einheimische halten häufig an den Aussichtspunkten entlang dieser Straße an, die einen spektakulären Blick auf die Hout Bay, den Sentinel Peak und die Umgebung sowie auf die unberührten Sandkilometer am Noordhoek Beach bieten. Autohersteller aus aller Welt drehen hier gerne ihre Werbespots.

Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
Chapman's Peak Drive On The Atlantic Coast Between Hout Bay And Noordhoek In The Cape Peninsula In South
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4 years ago

Nur 30 km von Swakopmund bietet sich ein spektakulärer Blick auf eine der schönsten Wüstengegenden der Welt – die Mondlandschaft. Hügel, Schluchten und Bergrücken prägen diese faszinierende Wüstenlandschaft mit ihren abwechslungsreichen und kräftigen Farben.


Only 30 km from Swakopmund there is a spectacular view of one of the most beautiful desert regions in the world - the Moon landscape. Hills, gorges and ridges shape this fascinating desert landscape with its varied and strong colors.


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4 years ago

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Botswana is a vast land-locked area of approximately 582,000 square kilometres. Two-thirds of the country is covered by the Kalahari Desert. Places of interest are the Chobe National Park, Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Okavango Delta, Linyanti Swamp, Makgadikgadi Pans, Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Tuli Block and Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.


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4 years ago

Steve Braine has been involved with ornithology and natural history within Namibia from a very young age, contributing invaluable data to Namibian Ornithology and natural history. He guided many specialized eco- and ornithological tours throughout Namibia.

During the past ten years Steve and his wife have travelled extensively doing birding and photography. Steve has passed his on-going enthusiasm and love for natural history to his two sons who now assist with birding, wildlife and photographic tours.


Steve Braine hat sich bereits in jungen Jahren mit Ornithologie und Naturgeschichte in Namibia befasst und wertvolle Daten zur namibischen Ornithologie und Naturgeschichte beigetragen. Er führte viele spezialisierte ökologische und ornithologische Touren durch Namibia.

In den letzten zehn Jahren sind Steve und seine Frau viel gereist, um Vögel zu beobachten und zu fotografieren. Steve hat seine anhaltende Begeisterung und Liebe zur Natur an seine beiden Söhne weitergegeben, die jetzt bei Vogelbeobachtungen, Wildtieren und Fototouren behilflich sind.


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4 years ago

Abandoned oil rig near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast:  An abandoned oil drilling rig lost in the Namib Desert near Toscanini, was operational in the late 60's and early 70's. At the centre is V16 Caterpillar engine - the main power unit. A rig was erected by hopeful entrepreneurs long before Skeleton Coast National Park was proclaimed.


Verlassene Bohrinsel in der Nähe von Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Westküste Namibias: Eine verlassene Ölbohrinsel, die in der Namib-Wüste in der Nähe von Toscanini zurück gelassen wurde, war Ende der 60er und bis Anfang der 70er Jahre in Betrieb. Im Zentrum steht der V16 Caterpillar Motor - das Hauptaggregat. Lange bevor der Skeleton Coast National Park proklamiert wurde, wurde von hoffnungsvollen Unternehmern dieser Bohrturm errichtet.

Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil
Abandoned Oil Rig Near Toscanini, Skeleton Coast National Park, Namibia's West Coast: An Abandoned Oil

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4 years ago

Africa is a world of its own. A lot of travelers may only think of some top destinations like Cape Town when thinking about the continent, but there’s so many different cultures, developed from each country’s history, and natural beauty that you can’t believe until you see it. There’s an adventure waiting for you on the continent of Africa, especially the beautiful country of South Africa.


Afrika ist eine Welt für sich. Viele Reisende denken vielleicht nur an einige Top-Reiseziele, wie Kapstadt, wenn sie über den Kontinent nachdenken. Aber es gibt so viele verschiedene Kulturen, die sich aus der Geschichte jedes Landes und der natürlichen Schönheit entwickelt haben, dass sie es erst glauben können, wenn sie es sehen. Auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent wartet ein Abenteuer auf jedermann, insbesondere in dem wunderschönen Land Südafrika.

Africa Is A World Of Its Own. A Lot Of Travelers May Only Think Of Some Top Destinations Like Cape Town
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Africa Is A World Of Its Own. A Lot Of Travelers May Only Think Of Some Top Destinations Like Cape Town
Africa Is A World Of Its Own. A Lot Of Travelers May Only Think Of Some Top Destinations Like Cape Town
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Africa Is A World Of Its Own. A Lot Of Travelers May Only Think Of Some Top Destinations Like Cape Town

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