logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

1575 posts

Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In

Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) is located southeast of Sesriem in the Namib-Naukluft National Park. On the edge of the Namib, the oldest desert in the world, wildlife is fascinating in its adaptation to the harsh conditions. Sparse, yet thrilling to see, are Springbok, Oryx, Ostrich, bat-eared Fox, the rarely seen Aardwolf and many small fauna. Excursions to the incredible dunes of Sossusvlei are a must. As are guided walks and scenic nature drives.


Das Desert Homestead Outpost (ehemals Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) liegt südöstlich von Sesriem im Namib-Naukluft-Nationalpark. Am Rande der Namib, der ältesten Wüste der Welt, ist die Tierwelt in ihrer Anpassung an die rauen Bedingungen faszinierend. Spärlich, aber spannend zu sehen, sind Springböcke, Oryx, Strauße, Löffelhunde, der selten zu sehende Erdwolf und viele kleine Tiere. Ausflüge zu den unglaublichen Sossusvlei Dünen sind ein Muss. Ebenso wie geführte Wanderungen und malerische Naturfahrten.

Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
Desert Homestead Outpost (previously Kulala Wilderness Tented Camp) Is Located Southeast Of Sesriem In
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    squinty-cat liked this · 2 years ago
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    logi1974 liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Logi1974

2 years ago

Erindi Game Reserve is a private reserve covering an area of 79000ha. The reserve is home to about 20000 animals including various rare and endangered species. Erindi Game Reserve also hosts the Old Traders Lodge with 40 luxurious rooms and Camp Olifants with 14 self-catering bungalows and 30 camp sites.


Erindi Game Reserve ist ein privates Reservat, dass sich über ein Gebiet von 79000 ha erstreckt. Das Reservat beheimatet zirka 20000 Tiere, einschließlich einige seltene und bedrohte Tierarten. Auf dem Gelände des Erindi Game Reserve befindet sich auch die Old Traders Lodge mit 40 luxuriösen Zimmern  und das Camo Olifants mit 14 Selbstversorger-Bungalows und 30 Zeltplätzen.


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2 years ago

The 108-year-old Voigtsgrund farm is a historic relic as it was the first producer of Karakul pelts, known as the black diamonds of Namibia, and known for its quality worldwide and a valuable foreign currency earner.  What was once described as the most beautiful farm and a remarkable artefact in Karakul pelts production in the South from 1907 is now in a horrifically dilapidated state since it was vandalised and neglected in the last eight years as government property.


Der 108 Jahre alte Gutshof Voigtsgrund ist ein historisches Relikt, war er doch der erste Produzent von Karakulfellen, bekannt als die schwarzen Diamanten Namibias, weltweit bekannt für seine Qualität und ein wertvoller Devisenbringer. Was einst als die schönste Farm und ein bemerkenswertes Artefakt der Karakul-Pelzproduktion im Süden von 1907 bezeichnet wurde, befindet sich jetzt in einem furchtbar baufälligen Zustand, da es in den letzten acht Jahren als Regierungseigentum zerstört und vernachlässigt wurde.


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2 years ago
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen

Happy St Andrew’s Day to all who celebrate

Happy St Andrews Day To All Who Celebrate
Happy St Andrews Day To All Who Celebrate

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2 years ago

Onduruquea is located east of the Erongo Mountains between Karibib and Omaruru. The guest farm offers different kinds of accommodation facilities from standard rooms to private waterhole suites. Onduruquea offers various massages and wellness programs, a sauna and a swimming pool.

Activities include game drives and day trips to the highlights of the Erongo such as Omaruru, Ameib or Spitzkoppe.


Onduruquea liegt östlich des Erongogebirges zwischen Karibib und Omaruru. Die Gästefarm bietet verschiedene Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten vom Standardzimmer bis zur privaten Suite. Onduruquea bietet verschiedene Massagen und Wellness-Programme, eine Sauna und einen Swimming Pool.

Aktivitäten beinhalten Pirschfahrten und Tagesausflüge zu den Höhepunkten des Erongo, wie z.B. Omaruru, Ameib oder Spitzkoppe.


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2 years ago

Cape Town (Afrikaans: Kaapstad; Xhosa: iKapa) is located on the shore of Table Bay, Cape Town, as the oldest urban area in South Africa, was developed by the United East India Company (VOC) as a supply station for Dutch ships sailing to East Africa, India, and the Far East. Jan van Riebeeck's arrival on 6 April 1652 established the VOC Cape Colony, the first permanent European settlement in South Africa. Cape Town outgrew its original purpose as the first European outpost at the Castle of Good Hope, becoming the economic and cultural hub of the Cape Colony. Until the Witwatersrand Gold Rush and the development of Johannesburg, Cape Town was the largest city in South Africa.


Kapstadt (Afrikaans: Kaapstad; Xhosa: iKapa) liegt am Ufer der Tafelbucht. Kapstadt wurde als ältestes Stadtgebiet Südafrikas von der United East India Company (VOC) als Versorgungsstation für niederländische Schiffe erschlossen die  nach Ostafrika, Indien und in den Fernen Osten segelten. Jan van Riebeecks Ankunft am 6. April 1652 gründete die VOC Cape Colony, die erste dauerhafte europäische Siedlung in Südafrika. Kapstadt wuchs über seinen ursprünglichen Zweck als erster europäischer Außenposten am Castle of Good Hope hinaus und wurde zum wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Zentrum der Kapkolonie. Bis zum Witwatersrand-Goldrausch und der Entwicklung von Johannesburg war Kapstadt die größte Stadt Südafrikas.


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