mahalkitajohnnysuh - Mahal Kita Johnny Suh
Mahal Kita Johnny Suh

A fanfic dump of the one and only Johnny Suh and other NCT127 members

92 posts



If I’m being honest with myself, this is one of my favorite Johnny and Essie stories I’ve ever written. I guess you have to read it to know why? 

Since this is quite the fluffy piece, here’s a GIF of Johnny during their ‘Touch’ era. I love how calming the green color scheme is too! 


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)


Summary: This piece was inspired by this Instagram post, and how we all Johfams know that the man loves his plushies. 

POV: 2nd person, ma’am/sir. 

Word count: 803 words – wow, I’m exact on this. 


You haven’t seen Johnny in days since he went back to his DJ work. He was working till the wee hours of the morning since he had a late-night radio program again with Jaehyun, and he took DJ-ing jobs at random bars in the area. 

He would always come home when you have already left the apartment, making you miss his presence. It has been a while since the house smelled like him, and to cope with missing his companionship, you decided to sneak into his room and get one of his stuffed animals lying around on his bed. 

You decided to get a white seal plushie, which reminded you of the one you borrowed from a friend. Too bad you had to return it, but it was one of the stuffed animals that you were comfortable hugging. You even remembered the name you gave it: Shiroyuki Fluff Puff. 

“He won’t even notice that it’s gone,” you said to no one in particular as you opened the cabinet where he stored more of his stuffed animals. You decided to pluck a white beluga whale plushie to take its place instead. 


The workweek was over for Johnny. He was tired from his schedule since he had to adjust his body clock again. He was grateful for the opportunities given to him, but at the same time, he had less time to hang out with his girlfriend. It was only this Saturday morning that he noticed that one of his favorite stuffed toys was missing. It was the one he fondly called Jay, the white seal plushie. 

Since he collected stuffed animals, he rotates the ones he hugs daily. It was Jay’s turn to be hugged, but it was missing on his bed.

There’s only one person he can blame, considering that she has been eyeing it for quite some time already. 

He stormed into your room and saw that you were sleeping, your legs half-covered in your blanket. He spotted Jay snuggled comfortably in your arms, and he could see that you were drooling.

Instead of getting mad at you and snatching the plushie away, he decided to join you in your bed. He plopped on your mattress carelessly, stirring you a little.

When you opened your eyes to see who was on your bed, you saw that your boyfriend was grinning at you. “So, you got Jay without asking for my permission,” he said sternly, giving you his best intimidating glare.

You rolled your eyes in response, clutching the plushie closer to you. “So what? You aren’t here most of the time anyway, you’re too busy with your job,” you mumbled before turning to the other side.

Before you could even roll to your right, he stopped you and grabbed the plushie. “Heeey! Jay is mine!” You whined, attempting to grab the stuffed toy from him. He didn’t let you and instead examined what happened to his toy.

“Jesus, baby! You are such a drooler! I can see drool stains on him!” He cried, pointing at the said stains on Jay’s head. You could only cover your face in shame, and you heard him fake sobbing at how one of his toys was ruined.

When he was done, you peeked at the spaces between your fingers and saw that he put the plushie aside. You felt his body come closer to you, and then his arms snaked around your waist.

“Come here,” he said gently as you closed the gap between your bodies. You placed your chin on his shoulder, and he did the same. You stayed in that position for a minute before he spoke.

“I missed you, baby. But we got to get that coin, you know? It’s for our future,” he pulled away a bit so he could see your face.

“I know, but I get lonely when you’re not around for too long,” you said, nuzzling your face on his neck.

“That’s so sweet of you,” he said as he kissed the top of your head. “Well, let’s sleep now. I’m sure you stayed up all night again,” he took a peek at your reddened face, “instead of sleeping early like I always tell you.”

“You and Nini act like my parents!” You grumbled as you dug your chin deeper into his shoulder.

“Well, you are a big baby that’s also mine. So,” he patted your thigh affectionately, “let’s go to sleep. Since you ruined Jay, you’re going to be my plushie for today.” 

Both of you readjusted your embrace until you found your comfortable spot. Once you did, you felt him tap your thigh again. It was one of the things he did to make you fall asleep. 

“Night night,” he mumbled, still tapping on your thigh. “Morning, my love,” you replied, sleep now taking over you.



In short, Essie likes to grab other people’s things without permission. Such a bad girl! 

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More Posts from Mahalkitajohnnysuh

4 years ago

Quarantine Series (Part III)

Remember their Relay V Lives last April? Yes, those have inspired me to write the next two installments of this series. 

For this one, the GIF below says it all. Isn’t it exciting? I got it from Tumblr too but I can’t seem to find its source, so please let me know who this belongs to. Thank you!


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)


Summary: I already said what you needed to know about this piece above, so I would just like to add that Johnny’s outfit here is inspired by this photo of my first love Adam Driver. Dang, I really have a thing for big, tall men! 

POV: 2nd person

Word count: 1,200+ words


“Get up, loser! We’re going to exercise!”

Johnny Suh screeched, banging open your door to report of this so-called mandatory activity. “Why are we going to exercise?” You whined, burying yourself deeper into the comforter. “No buts, ma’am! We’ve got to shake that ass to get that toned bod!” Your housemate said, removing the blanket that covered your body and twirling you to look at him. But before you could even complain that you didn’t want to, your eyes widened at his outfit.

“What the hell are you wearing?” You shrieked, absorbing Johnny’s chosen workout attire of a bandanna, skimpy tank top (with ‘Let’s Get Physical’ printed on it in silver glitter), and a pair of neon booty shorts. “The weather’s hot, baby. And maybe I want to show off the fruits of my labor so you and Mark will be motivated to work out even more,” he said, now showing off his rainbow-striped tube socks and retro sneakers.

“You look as if you stepped out of a cheesy 80s aerobic video, but whatever,” you grumbled, finally getting up from the bed. “Can you give me five minutes to change?” He responded with a thumbs-up before he screamed again in the hallway. “I’ll let you do ten push-ups if you don’t comply with that time!” You could only roll your eyes at his words before you search your closet for a pair of jogging pants.


Four minutes later – for fear of doing something you didn’t even know how to do properly – you emerged from your room and saw that Johnny had already set up the living room with mats, kettlebells, and weights.

“Wow, you’re early,” your instructor said, eyeing you from head to toe. “For a beginner, you sure dress well,” he gave you another thumbs-up, which you replied by flipping the bird on him. “Mark Lee! Where the heck are you?” His booming voice made the younger guy come out, who wore all black for his workout attire. “I see you’re in black, Mr. Lee. Maybe we’re going to mourn the loss of your excess fat after this,” Johnny snickered, earning giggles from you and your fellow attendee. “Now, let's get it!”


Although Mark was fitter than you, he was showing signs of fatigue from the routine that your instructor demonstrated. You can say the same for yourself, but you didn’t want anyone of them to see how exhausted you are. However, Johnny was still in high spirits by teaching you guys how to do exercises with the kettlebell and even pumped up the music. To be honest, you didn’t want to take his workout seriously because his playlist was all over the place – aside from the aforementioned cheesy 80s aerobics music, he also had promiscuous rap songs and even techno headbangers from the late 90s. As much as you wanted to laugh at how the playlist shifted from Vibez to Crazy Frog, Johnny berated you when he caught you not following instructions.

“Miss Park, please! If I catch you not following again, I’ll make you do 10 more,” he hissed while moving the kettlebell up and down.

“Can we get a break, please,” Mark groaned, looking paler than usual. “We’ve been at it for 20 minutes, hyung. Please?”

When the brown-haired guy dropped the kettlebell on the mat, you and Mark rushed to the kitchen to get some drinks.

“Don’t drink anything that isn’t water or any sports drink! We’re not yet done!”


Johnny’s exercise routine took 45 minutes, and it ended with you and Mark lying on your respective mats in pain. “Am I that out of shape?” He huffed, looking up at the ceiling. “Nonsense, you’re fitter than I,” you replied, your breath still catching up with your exercise. “Look at me, I might die anytime soon.”

“That’s even more nonsense!” Your instructor sat beside you with a huge smile on his face. “You did great, baby! I never thought you were that flexible,” he handed you a bottle of Pocari Sweat, which you accepted wordlessly.

“How about me, hyung?” Mark’s question was answered when Johnny threw another bottle of the sports drink at him.

“This was really fun! Maybe we should do it twice a week. We don’t have much to do during this quarantine anyway.” He was ecstatic at how he made you and Mark tired from exercise that his eyes were practically glowing.

“Who says we don’t have much to do? I can list a lot of things I can do during this quarantine that doesn’t involve exercise,” you grumbled, sitting up so you can now drink your Pocari Sweat.

“You and your sedentary activities,” Johnny scoffed. “Why don’t you and Doyoung make a club? You two are practically holed up in your bedrooms anyway.”

“There’s a certain joy of staying inside, Mr. Suh. For someone who isn’t an extrovert like you, you wouldn’t understand.” You placed the bottle on the floor with a thud, shaking Mark a bit.

“Hey, noona. Calm down,” he whispered, scooting closer to you. “And please, don’t fight. If there’s one thing I don’t want all of us to do, it’s that.”

You stared at Johnny, who returned the gesture. You had a stare-off that lasted for fifteen seconds before you heard Mark stand up and go back to his bedroom, mumbling something along the lines of ‘never-ending sexual tension’ and ‘dense as fuck’.

“But seriously, Essie. Exercise is good for everyone. I don’t need to remind you that, right?” You couldn’t look at the guy beside you, who talked with such a soft and loving voice. You could only nod in response and looked at your lap. “I’m going to make this a regular thing, and of course, you and Mark could also hold activities of your own that all of us can do.”

“I’m guessing Mark will make us perform a song together, considering all of us play instruments,” you chuckled, remembering the times that he gathered everyone in the living room so each one can perform a song of their liking.

“I think so too,” you heard Johnny move closer to you, “and I wonder what’ll be yours?” When you looked up, he linked an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. “Maybe eat,” you said matter-of-factly, making him laugh. You felt his abs as he did so, and you tried to move away, so you don’t completely become a flustered mess. He didn’t let you and tightened his hold.

“It’s all balanced then,” he kissed the top of your head before letting you go. “Our next session will be two days from now, so talk to Mark which one of you is in charge of tomorrow’s activity.” He helped you stand up, and in return, you helped him clean up today’s set-up. “I think I want to go first, I want us to eat something I haven’t eaten in ages…” you mumbled after packing away the last of gym equipment into its respective cabinet.

“Oh, is that so? But still, talk to Marky.” Johnny jerked his thumb toward the younger guy’s bedroom. “Yeah, I know. But thanks though for today.” You grinned, giving him two thumbs-up. “And thank you as well, my grumpy baby,” he messed your hair with his hands, “I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s feast.”

“Same here,” you laughed, now dashing toward Mark’s room. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to talk to Mr. Lee here.”



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4 years ago

MKJS Masterlist

Sorry, it took me long to do this, but I can say that now is the perfect time to do so because I’ve posted quite a lot since the lockdown started. 

Let’s divide it into three categories: series, character (then divided into series), and the main timeline.

Once I post more stories, this post will be updated further. 

Without further ado...


Sugar and Fluff - Random Johnny and Essie sweet moments

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4

Housemates - Inspired by descriptions from @markleesquishy on Instagram on how it would be like to have them as your housemates





Trysts with Mon Amour - Essie takes a chance with Jaehyun despite being in a relationship with Johnny (Also linked is my Spotify playlist in case you want to listen to the songs that inspire and accompany it.)


Snippets from an Affair

A Kiss for Luck

Day Dream

Couple Things - More Johnny and Essie moments that focuses on them as a couple

Part I

Part II

A Tale of Two Valentines - Johnny and Essie moments focused on Valentine’s Day

Part I

Part II

Cool Off - Johnny and Essie take a break from their relationship, which leaves Johnny miserable

Part I

Part II

Soul-Searching - A continuation of Cool Off, but focuses on Essie’s side of the story

Part I

Part II

Studies on Tension - Like most couples before getting together, Johnny and Essie experienced their share of sexual tension

Part I

Part II

Inspired by @neoculturedrabbles​‘ prompt list

MK (Part I)

JN (Part I)

JH (Part I)

JN (Part II)

JH (Part II)

JN (Part III)

JN (Part IV)

Intoxicated - A special take on some prompts from @neoculturedrabbles​

Part I

Part II

Quarantine Series - A timely collection of stories while the world is still in lockdown due to the pandemic

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV 

With Family - A collection of stories focusing on Johnny and Essie meeting the parents and family of one another 

Part I

Part II

Burnout - A romantic drama (with lots of angst?) featuring the love triangle of Johnny, Y/N and Jaehyun. Coming soon! 


Teaser, B-side




Standalone Fics

The Model and The Stylist 






From the Main Timeline 

How They Met

The Look

Love Song


Do I Wanna Know?

How He Loves


The Dream Synopsis

The Pull of You

Lost and Found


Sugar and Fluff 

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4



Couple Things

Part I

Part II

A Tale of Two Valentines 

Part I

Part II

Cool Off

Part I

Part II

Studies on Tension

Part I

Part II

Inspired by @neoculturedrabbles​‘ prompt list

JN (Part I)

JN (Part II)

JN (Part III)

JN (Part IV)


Part I

Part II

With Family

Part I

Part II



Standalone Fics 

Jamming with Mark

I Will Follow You into the Dark

Two Birthdays

You’re Such an Ass

From the Main Timeline 

Cruel Game


The Dream Synopsis



Inspired by @neoculturedrabbles​‘ prompt list

MK (Part I)



Trysts with Mon Amour (which are also part of the Main Timeline) 


Dangerous, B-side

Cruel Game


Snippets from an Affair

A Kiss for Luck

Day Dream

Reality Checklist



Inspired by @neoculturedrabbles​‘ prompt list

JH (Part I)

JH (Part II)




Housemates (Ten)


Fling Things


Soul-Searching (Part I)


Soul-Searching (Part II)

Steal Your Girl



To be honest, I didn’t expect that these stories will have a timeline. There are other stories I haven’t written or posted that will help put things into a better perspective, but this is what we have for now. The links will start in the order that you should read it first. 

How They Met

The Look

Cruel Game

Steal Your Girl

Love Song


Do I Wanna Know?

How He Loves


The Dream Synopsis


Wicked Games

The Pull of You

Lost and Found


Cool Off Series - please see links above 

Soul-Searching Series - please see links above 

With Family - please see links above

Please take note that although some of the stories can coincide with the main timeline, consider them as side stories if you will. If you have any questions, my inbox is open. 


First post and update: September 6, 2020 

Second update: September 13, 2020

Third update: September 20, 2020

Fourth update: October 4, 2020

Fifth update: October 12, 2020

Sixth update: May 30, 2022 (OOPS SORRY ABOUT THAT)

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4 years ago

JN (Part IV)

We’re back with yet another installment of this series, and I believe it will be the last one for our One and Only. 

To unofficially wrap this up, here’s a GIF of him looking all cute and cuddly in this cozy hoodie! Yes, I’m a sucker for alliterations. 


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 


Summary: As always, that GIF is a clue! Read on more random scenarios based on the prompt list of @neoculturedrabbles​, and please take note that these were written with the tensest timeline in mind still. I’m going to call the pre-Johnny and Essie as a couple timeline as that from now. 

POV: 2nd for the first, 3rd for the second. 

Word count: 1,700+ words

Warning: Italics are for foreign terms this time. 


Prompt #3: “Is that my hoodie?”

Living with Johnny and Mark means you get to swipe items from each other. If not that, either one of you uses the item of the other.

For example, every time you bring out your sandalwood soap, Johnny and Mark use it. You noticed that it was used when there were remaining bubbles on the soap when it was your turn to take a bath. You wrinkled your nose in annoyance, remembering that Johnny criticized your soap preference.

“Baby, this smells like a man’s soap. Unless you like that, of course,” he told you one time you stepped out of the shower after using a newly-opened bar of sandalwood soap.

“The hell you care, dude. I’ve become used to it, and it helps with my skin conditions,” you grumbled in response before storming back to your room.

To get back for his bashing and using your soap with no permission, you decided to get one of his million hoodies inside his closet. You were lucky that he didn’t lock his room at all – it was easy to get one of them whenever he was out. Mark was abroad again, and that means you have the apartment all to yourself lately.

You got a light brown hoodie from his closet, which was one of your favorites on him. You tried it on, and you wiggled in delight at how soft and comfortable it was. “This is mine for now, Johnny Suh,” you whispered to no one in particular before leaving his room.


When he arrived at home late that night, you were lounging in your room in his hoodie and your jogging pants. You were working on your novel again, writing about the back story on one of your characters. As you typed furiously in front of your laptop while listening to a curated playlist to get into the mood, you didn’t notice him enter your room.

As you were about to finish writing one sentence, you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up and saw the towering form of your housemate, who raised his eyebrow at you.

“Hey,” you greeted briefly before going back to your manuscript.

“Hey yourself,” you heard him through your headphones, “and is that my hoodie?”

You didn’t respond, intent on finishing the sentence you were working on.

“Is that my hoodie you’re wearing?” He asked again, his voice louder (and a bit annoyed) this time.

You took off your headphones and looked at up him again with a smile on your face. “Yeah, it is. It’s mine now,” you said confidently, flashing him your pearly whites.

“Hey, is this your payback for using your soap? Come on! I like that hoodie!” He whined, now sitting beside you and tugging the sleeve of the hoodie you were wearing.

“You have a lot of hoodies, Youngho. You bought what, like 4 or 5 of them in one go? It wouldn’t hurt for you to let go of one,” you muttered, prying his fingers off your arm.

“But that’s one of my favorites! It’s part of my Top 5!”

“Nope, it’s mine now.”

“Essieeeeee!” Johnny tackled you on the bed, and you thwacked him on the head. “Duuuude!” You grumbled, sitting up to put away your laptop on your vanity. “Don’t do that when my laptop is here.”

“And you’re more concerned about your laptop than me?” He fake-sobbed first before tackling you again back to the bed.

What ensued was a hilarious (and a bit awkward) bed wrestling fight – you two were a tangle of limbs on your messy bed.

“Ow!” He cried when he got poked by your plastic hand bookmark that has now escaped the book you were hiding under your bed. “Serves you right for messing with me!” You stuck your tongue out and pushed him off you.

He didn’t let you do that easily – he pinned both your arms and was now on top of you.

“Give back my jacket please, baby,” he purred, giving you his best aegyo even if his face was as flushed as a tomato.

“No, it’s mine. For now, that is. Can’t I borrow it for a week?”

Johnny let go of his hold on you and laid beside you on the bed. “Fine, just for a week. After that, it goes back into my closet.”

“Then I’ll pilfer another one next time,” you snickered, which earned you a pinch on your sides. You glared at him, which he ignored as he continued to pinch you more.

“No, I get to choose which one you’ll get next time,” he said, now tilting his body to face you. “There’s nothing wrong with you wearing my stuff, but you’ve got to ask permission first, okay?”

“But you didn’t ask for my permission when you used my soap!” It was your turn to whine, and he just laughed at your statement.

“Essie, it’s just soap. And I bet you have a truckload of that since you always ask your sister to get you that every time she goes to the States. So please, don’t mind us when you use your soap.”

His words took a moment for you to absorb. “Mark uses it too?!” You were close to hysterics already, making the tall guy laugh harder. “Yeah. As you said, it smells good, and it helps with skin conditions.”

You looked at him for a hot minute and focused your attention on his neck. “I doubt it’s helping you,” you said, pointing at the red mark on his neck. “Your insect bite is still there.”

“Heeeeey!” He swatted your finger away from his neck and held it. “That doesn’t count. But maybe if I use it more…”

“Fine. Let’s call it quits. You can use my soap, and I get to keep this hoodie.”

“No way, Jose! It’s still mine. You can use it for a week, that’s it.”

“But Johnnyyyyy!”


Prompt #9: “What are you doing?”


When Essie and Johnny weren’t still roommates, he often texted her or left her a voicemail to hang out with him.

“What are you doing?” Ninety-nine percent of the time, this was the first message that Essie would always playback.

“…nothing,” was her usual reply. Later on, he would text her about some activities he wanted to do with her. There were some that she agreed to, and there were some that she declined out of tiredness or she wasn’t up for it.

Since Johnny vlogged during his free time, he would always tag along with Essie and Kibum in his adventures. They did challenges together, and the three became known as the Le Fabuleux Escouade, thanks to Kibum and Essie’s French vocabulary and the netizens agreeing that it was a nice nickname for the trio.

There was a time that the two had their usual exchange that ended up with them having a mukbang at his apartment. Kibum was out of the country, so it was just the two best friends who filmed while eating Essie’s favorite Filipino dishes – Bicol Express, afritadang manok, ensaladang pako, palabok, and pichi-pichi. There was a newly-opened Filipino restaurant downtown and the girl was too eager to order almost everything from the menu.

“Since I asked you guys on my social media what you would like to know about me and Essie, we’re going to read some of them right now as we eat all this glorious food,” Johnny said to the camera, pointing at the pichi-pichi and palabok near him. Essie gave a small wave and pointed to the Bicol Express and afritadang manok beside her.

As Johnny scrolled through his phone for the questions he received, the girl started eating. She put some rice on her plate first before getting a portion of the Bicol Express. “I’m so hungry right now, guys,” Essie whispered loudly enough to be considered ASMR.

When he looked at her, his eyes widened. “Hey, don’t start without me! Wait!” He was quick to whip out his plate and put some rice and Bicol Express on it as well.

They ate a bit before Johnny went back to his phone to answer questions. He almost choked when he read the most asked question.

“Are you and Essie dating?” He read aloud before showing off the proof that almost everyone wanted to know the real deal between him and his best friend.

The girl looked at him incredulously before staring into the camera with the same expression. “Seriously, guys?” She asked before eating a spoonful of rice and meat.

“Well, Essie and I are best friends. I mean, I have a lot of people I consider that, and she’s one of them. We have been friends for over a year now,” he looked at her briefly before turning his attention back to the camera, “and I’m glad that we still are. What can you say, baby?”

She slapped his shoulder playfully before sharing her answer. “That’s true. He’s one of my best friends as well. Even if our friendship isn’t as long as my other besties, I still feel that we are. Sometimes, it isn’t about the labels that define things. It just happens, you know?”

The two gave each other a high-five before they went into their friendship clap.

“We’re just best friends, guys!” Johnny started, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “But who knows?” He glanced at her, hoping that his look of longing wasn’t that visible on camera.

To be honest, he was starting to fall for her. The more time that he spent with her, the more he wanted to be with her. He tried not hanging out with her for a week, and he felt empty. It wasn’t the same anymore.

“Hey!” Essie shouted, pushing him away from her. “Don’t lead them on like that!” If Johnny was paying close attention to what her words meant, then he would’ve realized that her statement reflected what she was feeling and not the viewers.

Essie shared the same feelings too, and their life would be even more complicated if they do get together.

Who would like their relationship to be projected onto screens, right? Not Essie, but she’s not sure if Johnny feels the same.



P.S. All those Filipino dishes made me hungry! I hope you get to eat your favorites today!

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4 years ago

With Family (Part I)

Since we’ve got the friends-to-lovers thing down pat, there’s got to be a part of the story that focuses on meeting the parents or the rest of the family. Am I right? 

Here’s a new mini-series with that concept, and I hope you’ll like it. 

As always, here’s Johnny, but serving boyfriend looks in his white shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I wish I was already a fan when Ennana was still airing though.


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :)


Summary: In this first installment, Essie takes Johnny to her family home and introduces him as her boyfriend for the first time. Do things go smoothly or end up hilariously? Well, go ahead and read the darn thing. 

POV: 2nd person

Word count: 900+ words

Warning: Italics are for foreign words. 


You hyperventilated in the car as you realized, for the nth time today, that you were bringing home Johnny to meet your family. This time, it's as your boyfriend, not the close friend you brought last Christmas. 

“Baby, please. Don’t be nervous. We can do it. They’ll love me,” your driver, who is actually your boyfriend, reassured. He held your hand with his free one while the other was on the wheel. 

You took a glance at him and gulped. He looked so perfect in just a white shirt, faded blue jeans, and a pair of high-top Chuck Taylors. 

“I know they’ll do. But still, I’m nervous. More so when I meet yours…next week?” You buried your face in your free hand, and your breathing got worse.  

“I’m sure Eomma will love you too,” his grip on your hand tightened. “But remember, I’m not pure Korean. I have Filipino blood in me too,” you mumbled, focusing your attention on the scenery outside. 

“That doesn’t matter! She’ll love you no matter what. Anyway, we’re near your home now!” He said in a singsong voice, making you uneasier in your seat. 

When you saw the all-too-familiar red arrow gate of your home, you shut your eyes. “This is it, Mommy and my sisters will meet him as my boyfriend now,” you mumbled to yourself, which Johnny heard. 

“Yes, and they will adore me. They will think I’m perfect for you. They will think you hit the jackpot with me,” he responded to your soliloquy before kissing the hand he held. 

“Where do you get that confidence, honey? I wish I had that as well,” you said, now looking at his face. He gave you one of the most heartwarming smiles of mankind, and you sighed dreamily. 

“I hope that smile gives you confidence,” he chuckled, now letting go of your hand. “Sorry, I have to focus on parking first.” You placed the hand he held on your lap as he went silent for a moment since double-parking remained a challenge for him. 


Now that you were outside the gate of your house, Johnny slipped on a black jacket and a baseball cap. He didn’t want to look too casual at first but shared his plan to remove these items once inside. 

You rang the doorbell to your house, and your elder sister opened the gate for you two. “Hey John,” she greeted, giving him a fist bump. She has met him before your other sister, and apparently, they bonded over sports, which you couldn’t get into no matter how hard you tried. 

As you stepped inside your house, the dining table was filled with your favorite food. You noticed that there was some Korean food too – your other sister must’ve cooked that. She appeared a moment later, still in her apron. “Hey, you two,” she greeted, giving you a peck on the cheek while she shook hands with your boyfriend. “I’ll just freshen up a bit, and I’ll meet you back here.” With that, she disappeared into her room.

Your mother was the last to show herself, and Johnny was quick to help her. She had a cane, and you rushed to her side as well. “Hi Mommy,” you said softly, “we’re here now.”

“Hi sweetie,” she responded, giving you a small smile. “And if it isn’t John! I knew you two would end up with each other,” she addressed Johnny with a bigger smile, making the guy blush. 

“Thank you if you thought that way, Mommy,” he said as he held your mother’s free hand. “And you’re calling me Mommy already!” Your mother guffawed before looking at you. “I think he wants to marry you, sweetie. But aren’t you still young?” 

It was your turn to blush now, and your sisters were looking at you funnily. 

“Told you, she’s the one who’s going to get married next,” your elder sister said before holding out a hand to your other sister. “Five bucks, please.”

“Nuh-uh! Unless there’s a ring on it, I won’t pay you!” The eldest one replied, flipping her hair before heading toward her seat on the dining table. 

Your mother continued to laugh at the scenario, and you and Johnny could only exchange awkward smiles. 


The dinner turned out great – your boyfriend loved the Korean dishes your eldest sister prepared. He also loved the Filipino food your other sister cooked, such as the tinolang manok and afritada. 

“Never knew Filipino cuisine was this diverse,” he commented as he bit a potato from the afritada. 

“There’s more to our cuisine than just seafood, hijo,” your mother commented, who was now extracting meat from crab pinchers. 

“And I don’t like seafood, sorry,” you mumbled, taking another spoonful of rice and meat. 

“It’s okay, I cook more meat dishes anyway,” he said, smiling at you as he finished the potato he was eating. 

“You’re lucky you found a guy who can cook for you, hija,” your mother said in between chewing crabmeat. “John, do you know she has quite an appetite?”

“Moooom!” You whined, feeling your cheeks warm from her expose. “But it’s true!” Both of your sisters said simultaneously, which made your boyfriend laugh. 

“Yes, I do. She eats a lot, especially when it’s her favorite food. I saw her finish a gallon of ice cream in one sitting,” he said, making your family laugh this time.  

“Jooooohn!” You glared at him, which he responded to with a wink. “Don’t be shy with them! They’re your family! They’re the first to know of your appetite before me, duh,” he patted your arm to calm you down. 

“Yeah, why are you shy sharing this information with us? You know we still love you even if you can finish the contents of the fridge in a week,” your eldest sister said, earning the sniggers of everyone else on the table. 

You puffed your cheeks in defeat and continued to eat in silence.



P.S. I know, it seems incomplete – I ran out of creative juice when I wrote that. I’m leaving it there, or maybe I’ll update it when I’m inspired again.

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4 years ago

Steal Your Girl

It’s been a busy week for me, hence the lack of updates. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to post as much in the coming weeks, but rest assured that this blog will not die. 

Anyway, let’s get back to complicating things with EXO’s maknae Oh Sehun this time. Say what? 


Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 


Summary: This piece is a precursor to this. Read about Essie meeting Sehun for the first time, and the hilarious shit that she says when inebriated.

POV: 3rd person 

Word count: 1,200 + words

Warning: Italics are for thoughts and foreign words. Since they’re all adults here, expect a lot of alcohol mentions. Please drink responsibly, and don’t get into trouble for this if you’re a minor. Damn, I miss drinking my wine, beer, and soju, y’all.


Meeting Oh Sehun for the first time was an uncomfortable and awkward experience for Essie.

The guy didn’t do anything at all – it was just his vibe that put the girl off. He visited the apartment she shared with her best friend Johnny Suh after his schedule, and he wore a surly face almost throughout the night.  

She knew that Johnny was Mr. Congeniality, but she was surprised that he hadn’t introduced Mr. Oh Sehun to her until now.

“Hey, Essie. I’d like you to meet Oh Sehun. You can call him Sehunnie,” was her housemate’s introduction to the guy who almost obscured his face with a black bucket hat.

“Youngho, not that,” he whined, nudging Johnny on the ribs.

“Aw, come on! She’s a great girl, you’ll love her,” the Korean-American returned the nudge to his friend.

It was the first time Sehun looked at Essie, and she felt a mixture of fear and shyness. It was as if he was staring straight into her soul with his piercing gaze. When he didn’t say anything, Johnny proceeded with his spiel.

“And this sweet girl is Essie Park, my bestie and housemate.” The girl felt her best friend’s arm loop around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. She went along with his act and gave a small smile to her guest. He didn’t return it and continued to stare at her.

“Nice to meet you, Sehun,” she said, reaching out her hand for him to shake. He took it wordlessly and gave it a good shake before he plopped himself on the sofa.

“Do you have any soju or beer here?” The girl winced at Sehun’s voice, which sounded hoarse and a bit scratchy. Maybe he smokes a lot. Ugh, I hope I don’t end up talking like that…she thought, breaking away from her best friend’s hold.

“But of course! Do you think we’d run out of alcohol here? Not with this chick around,” Johnny pointed at Essie, who flipped the bird at him. Sehun chuckled at their interaction, making the girl look at their guest.

He stared at her again, and she was becoming more bothered with it.


Sehun had dinner with them first before they set up the balcony for drinks. It was a good thing that Essie just replenished their alcohol supply with soju, beer, and wine. The guest helped himself to a bottle of grapefruit-flavored soju while Johnny and Essie started with cabernet sauvignon.

“Really, wine first? You’ll regret your choice later,” Sehun commented before taking a swig of his drink.

“Is there a rule on drinking which alcohol you should take first?” Essie felt sassy after sipping on the wine.

“No, you drink whatever you want. I was just about to share that drinking wine first before soju didn’t end well with me, but since you seem so riled up about it, I won’t continue.” The guy in the all-black outfit huffed, turning away from her as he continued drinking his soju in peace.

The girl looked at her companion for help, but all she received was a shrug. “That’s just the way he is, baby. Let him be,” Johnny whispered, swirling his glass of wine.

It was Essie’s turn to stare at Sehun – specifically the back of his head and his phone – and she hoped that she made him feel uncomfortable this time.


The night was still young, and all of them were on the verge of being thrashed. Sehun was massaging his temples, Johnny was a laughing mess, and Essie kept on bumbling about anything.

“So I told him, he should go home because I can’t bear the thought of him shitting all over the place,” the girl was slurring, but she did her best to finish her story.

“And then what did he do? Did he listen to what you said or made a shit of himself?” It took Johnny to reply as he kept on laughing now and then.

“Ugh, you two! Shut the fuck up!” Sehun groaned, covering his face with both hands. “You’re making my headache with your noise…”

“I suggest you leave then,” All signs of Essie slurring disappeared as she glared at their guest. “If you can’t tolerate our noise, go ahead. You’ve been nothing but a rude guest who can’t seem to smile at others who are sharing theirs with you.”

“Baby, please stop,” It seemed that Johnny was (sort of) back to his senses as he held his best friend’s arm. “Don’t provoke him. That’s just the way he is, I told you.”

“Me? A rude guest? Because I’m not smiling? Well, I’m sorry, princess. It’s your first time meeting me, and you’re already closing your doors on me.” Sehun positioned himself on the floor, right across from Essie.

“See? The way you talk is so…cocky! You’re so self-assured! You’re overconfident! You’re worse than him!” The girl pointed her thumb at her best friend, who called her out. “Hey! Don’t drag me into this baby!”

“Who did he learn it from, huh? Of course, it’s me who taught him to be like that!” The guy across Essie pounded on his chest to emphasize his point.

“Hey, I didn’t learn it from you dude! This is all-natural self-confidence!” Johnny piped in, his turn to pound his chest.

“Ugh, whatever! Both of you are pompous idiots who happen to be very handsome!” Essie raised her hands in frustration before standing up to leave the balcony.

The two guys looked at each other first before they looked at the balcony’s sliding door.

“Did she just call us handsome?” Johnny asked, slowly tilting his head to face his close friend again.  

“Very handsome, at that. I wonder who she could be referring to,” Sehun replied, running a hand through his hair.

“She did say it’s us, Sehun hyung,” the younger guy started laughing again. “I told you she’s a lovely girl. The words that come out of her mouth amaze me every time, especially when she’s drunk.”

“I get what you mean. She amuses me. I want to get to know her more, Youngho.”

“You know you’re like a brother to me, but I won’t allow that.”

Sehun raised an eyebrow at his dongsaeng. “You already got first dibs?”

“Back off, Sehun hyung. Please. She’s mine.”

“But she doesn’t know that she’s yours. Technically, she’s a free woman with no attachments.”

“Oh Sehun. Please. Don’t.” Johnny’s words hung in the air as the two men stared at each other.

“I can’t promise you anything, bro…” Sehun stood up from his position and went inside, presumably to follow Essie to wherever she was.

Johnny was quick to follow, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his friend went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

“You think I’m just going to sweep her away?” Sehun smirked before he drank another glass of water. “I know you could that,” his close friend said, folding his arms over his chest.

“Relax. I just want to get to know her better as a friend too, you know.”

“Sometimes, you make me feel nervous hyung, and tonight is one of them.” Johnny sighed, leaning against the wall.

Sehun laughed at his reaction and patted him on the back. “But really, I’ll do let you know if I’m going to steal your girl, so you better watch out.”



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