manofsteel851979 - The Life Of A Simple Man
The Life Of A Simple Man

462 posts

I Never Close Grip Bench, Nor Pause On Bench, But When You Do And Its A PR !!! Plus, You Have To Show

I never close grip bench, nor pause on bench, but when you do and it’s a “PR” !!! Plus, you have to show off to the gram 💪🏽 @rahmantrainingsystems @rahman___noodles #iifym #leangainz #superman #manofsteel #musclesaregettingstronger #musclesaregettinghuge #nike #converse #dedicationhasnolimitation #dedicatednutrition #chestworkout #chesticles #summershredding #summershredding2018🔥🔥🔥 #nicaraguan #nicaraguanboy #nicaragua🇳🇮 (at LA Fitness)

More Posts from Manofsteel851979

7 years ago

Ginyu Force on fleek, we trying to bring in the New Year with Force!!! #manofsteel #leanmuscle #nicaraguanboy #nicaraguan #bringthenewyear2018 #2018watchoutimcomingforya #ginyuforcechallenge #ginyuforce #dedicationhasnolimitation #dedication @edrascon @itz_jimmster

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7 years ago
That Last Squat Rep Got Me Like... @rahmantrainingsystems @rahman___noodles #iifym #leangainz #superman

That last squat rep got me like... @rahmantrainingsystems @rahman___noodles #iifym #leangainz #superman #manofsteel #musclesaregrowing #stillgotit #summershredding #summershredding2018🔥🔥🔥 #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguanboy #nicaraguan camera 📷 credit @edrascon 👌🏽 (at Anytime Fitness)

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7 years ago

Close grip bench session brought to by @rahman___noodles , 250x4 was a “PR” sadly I couldn’t get that 5th rep in!!! Definitely going work harder next I can’t believe I just hit 250 on close bench 😱 #rahmannoodles #iifym #leangainz #leanmuscle #summershredz2018 #superman #manofsteel #dedication #dedicationhasnolimitation #stillpushing #stayfocused #staystrong #nicaragua🇳🇮 #nicaraguan #nicaraguanboy (at Anytime Fitness Grand Parkway)

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7 years ago

I don’t really care what people think of me...I just do my own thing, I like being loud and letting people know I’m here!!! #iifym #keepgoing #staytruetoyou #staytruetoyourself #bereal #superman #manofsteel #nevergiveup #dedicationhasnolimitation #dedication #dedicationarmy #imacatch #nicaragua🇳🇮 #Nicaraguan #nicaraguanboy (at Barbara JordanElementary)

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7 years ago

Thanks to @rahman___noodles , I “PR” on close grip bench with a pause, 240x1x5 💪🏽 #iifym #leanmuscle #leangainz #gettingstronger #benchpress #closegripbenchpress #superman #manofsteel #nicaragua🇳🇮 #Nicaraguan #nicaraguanboy #nevergiveup #neverstoppushingyourself #quailtywork #quailtysuperstrength #dedicationhasnolimitation #dedication (at LA Fitness)

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