Proudly serving up Starker, Winterspider and Winteriron of, let's say, 'unique' (questionable) quality on AO3.
54 posts
The Last Thing Bucky Remembers Is The Lounge, That Mouthwatering Scent, And Then Everything Going Straight

The last thing Bucky remembers is the lounge, that mouthwatering scent, and then everything going straight to shit with no pit stops. He rolls over, coming face to face with a bunch of blankets. They aren’t soft anymore. They aren’t clean. And they sure as hell don’t smell like anything close to heaven now. They reek of sweat, filth, and something vaguely burnt—the fuck? Must’ve been his self-respect torching itself and going up in flames. His head is pounding, his heart is pounding, his den’s a war zone, the bed broken. His goddamn mattress looks molested. Jesus. What the fuck was that?
In Bucky’s defense, the compound’s a revolving door, and he barely recognizes half the faces most of the time, let alone pays attention to memos that pop up on his phone. Rating: Explicit Chapter: 1/?
Chapter Fills:
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF G3 Square - Enchanted (depends on how you look at it / a stretch) @pparkerbingo Winterspider Bingo: SWF O1 Square - Avengers Compound @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF Alt - Scent Kink @winterspider-bingo
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More Posts from Maukree

Day 5: Bucky/Tony - Knife Play
It’s not actually about that move. You know the one. The knife flip. One day Tony wakes up, and this particular resident super-soldier is less that and more… just a grumpy asshole with a decent sense of humor who leaves the toilet seat up and flat Coke all over the place. Tony’s got a compound full of those. And most of them have plenty of kick-ass moves. So, yes, Tony doesn’t exactly forget about that specific move—as if he ever could—but it doesn’t bother him either. By then, he also doesn’t expect it will ever—ever—be used on him.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 7.4k

Day 7: Bucky/Peter - Accidental Stimulation
There’s a sharp thud, and Peter’s spleen gets introduced to Bucky’s chin. He winces, twisting awkwardly in the most cramped fucking space this side of a coffin, trying to suck in a breath without knocking his head into something else. Oh, no, wait—there it is. His skull just kissed the ceiling. Or the floor. Honestly, fuck if he knows at this point. Perfect. “Ow,” he nudges Bucky away with zero success. Another shift, and, yup, Bucky’s knee is dangerously close to his crotch. Great. Fantastic. And while Peter, if he is honest with himself, would normally have no objections to Bucky’s body parts anywhere near his junk—current circumstances being what they are—a few more inches and they’re about to have a very intimate, very painful moment. “Dude,” Peter hisses. “Careful, I like my balls intact.”
Peter and Bucky go to the ISS. They don’t stay there very long. Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 9.3k
Bingo fills and cards under the fold
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF N2 - Gravity @pparkerbingo Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF I4 - Multiple Orgasms @pparkerbingo Winterspider Bingo: SWF I3 - Mission Gone Wrong @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF B4 - Hand Jobs @winterspider-bingo

Day 8: Peter/Tony - Spanking
Tony’s earned a little indulgence. Maybe a lot. Especially when Peter’s practically offering himself up, two seconds away from “I’m stuck, fuck me loose.” Oh lord, have mercy— Or don’t. Tony presses his shoe against Peter’s back pocket, the sole staying there a little longer than necessary. Just… attracting his attention. No, let’s not call it that. That’s what Tony would’ve called it back when he lived in denial-land, pretending he had enough fucks left to spare. The sole stays there because Tony likes the way it looks—his foot on that ass.
Tony doesn’t dwell too much on how he came back. What’s the point? Or even on how he certainly came back wrong, as if showing up nearly a decade younger and sporting a black eye wasn’t a dead—ha—giveaway.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 5.4k Bingo fills and cards under the fold
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF G4 - Vacation @pparkerbingo Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF O1 - Foreplay @pparkerbingo







Working on my "Not Actually Unrequited Love" Starker. I am probably not gonna use them when I actually post, but here they are, just in case, so I can hot-link the crap out of them.
*There are months / years in between the texts, although they are chronological.





Day 11: Bucky/Tony - Competence kink
To understand what happens, and, most importantly, why it happens, you have to understand that Tony’s not one to toot his own horn. Not too loud, anyway. Not to the extent that he could. Sure, sometimes the horn gets a little toot, but that’s just the way it works. But, ultimately, when you’re him, you don’t have to shout it from the rooftops—people just know. It’s in the air, it crackles, it fucking sizzles, it’s expected. And yeah, maybe that makes him sound like an egotistical bastard, but if the shoe fits, wear the damn thing with rockets strapped to the heels. If anyone’s earned the right to be a cocky asshole, it’s the guy who can whip up nanotechnology between his third coffee and second mental breakdown while telling shareholders to fuck off and enjoy the profits. So, let’s state the fucking obvious for clarity: he has nothing—absolutely nothing—to be self-conscious about.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 7.1k