Winterspiderbingo - Tumblr Posts
When Mr Delmar recommends Peter for a last minute cat sitting job, Peter isn't prepared for who the adorable feline's owner is.
part 1 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose
For the @winterspider-bingo round 1 SFW: Alpine
For the @pparkerbingo round 2 SFW: Pet(s)
Bucky finds one of Peter's library books left behind in his apartment his first morning back from a long mission, and it leads to a confusing morning for both of them; the beginning of something even more unexpected than Peter becoming Bucky's cat sitter.
Part 2 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose featuring Peter as Bucky's cat sitter and Bucky almost remembering Peter. Neither of them have enough emotional stability for this, but they have cooking and memories of women who cared for them as mothers to share...
For the @winterspider-bingo SFW Fill: In the Kitchen
(which I know isn't a row link with Alpine, this is just a good filler prompt)
The Avengers' team briefing on the impending arrival of their newest member, Spider-Man, goes awry and leads to Doctor Strange bringing up serious concerns to Sam about Bucky's stability.
[ In which this series has a deeper plot arc than just cat sitting and falling in love, oops. ]
Part 3 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose featuring Peter as Bucky's cat sitter. For @winterspider-bingo SFW Round 1: Avengers Compound
I was going to keep the bingo to the sfw card but I've been getting tempted by that nsfw card... I've not written smut in years, maybe I should get back into that
"My type as you all like to call it these days ain't tall Hercules-looking dorks with blonde hair and blue eyes… I uh… I guess I've always had a thing for big brown eyes on brunet geniuses."
He peeks at Peter through the corner of his eye, chin down looking up through his lashes. The way he says it, the small smile on his face. Oh. Peter's stomach swoops and he feels his face heat up. Bucky can't be insinuating what Peter thinks he is, it's not possible.
I'm having so much fun with these bingos, here's a little preview of one of the up coming ones that should be out by Monday
Peter goes to have dinner at Bucky's the day before he's set to "meet" the Avengers as their newest recruit, unaware the man is already tense from an episode earlier that day. Curious to see what type of music Bucky listens to, Peter's snooping sets off the Winter Soldier's killer instincts.
Peter Parker Bingo Round 2 SFW: Music [ @pparkerbingo ] WinterSpider Bingo Round 1 SFW: Modern Tech [ @winterspider-bingo ]
Part 4 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose featuring Peter as Bucky's cat sitter.
I am losing my shit over this. Omg omg omg. So many ideas, so little time. I think some of the other Bingo cards might have to take a back seat, unless there are overlapping themes. aKJFHkljfhkljsHDF. I think I am going to have to go for the blackout here. Which is... probably something I am going to fail at, but I can absolutely try.
WinterSpider Bingo Round 1!
Hello! Welcome to WinterSpider Bingo, a creative fandom event for our favorite boys: Bucky Barnes and Peter Parker! No sign-ups for this event, just fun! There are two (2) cards (found below), one sfw and one nsfw, with five (5) alt prompts if you’d like to/need to swap any of the squares. You can do one card, or both!
Standard bingo rules apply: five (5) spaces horizontal, vertical, diagonal, four corners + free space, or black out! But you can fill as many or as few of the squares as you’d like, no pressure! You can write fic, make fanart, playlists and more! All fanworks are welcome, and there are no word count minimums or maximums for fic.
This event is open from August 1st - December 31st
The AO3 collection (winterspiderbingo) will open on August 1st. Also, please tag this blog in your posts here on tumblr, and use #winterspiderbingo so that your work can be shared here for all to enjoy!
The Rules for this event can be found on AO3 on the collection's main profile page, or under the cut! Plain text of the prompts can be found in the image description of each card.
If you have any questions, the ask box is open, or you can message one of the mods: @papermacherainbow or @starksvinyls!
Have fun, and happy creating!

One work per square and it must be a new work, this does include a new chapter of a WIP or new part of an ongoing series! Anything created prior to the start of this event can not count for a square on your card, however. If you are writing fic and would like to create one multi-chapter fic, you are more than welcome to do so, but each chapter must be it’s own prompt/square. 1a. You may use two prompts for one fill if one is from the SFW card, and one is from the NSFW card!
Please use proper trigger and content warnings!
Combining fills with other events is a-okay!
Absolutely no kink shaming will be tolerated within this event! If you are uncomfortable with something in someone’s fill, please just block that content tag and/or user and move on.
Absolutely NO generative AI “art” or fic will be accepted as a fill for this event.
There is one SFW card and one NSFW card for everyone. There will be five (5) Alt Prompts on the cards for if you aren’t vibing with one of the squares for whatever reason. You can use none or all 5 alts, it’s up to you and what you’d like to create fan works for!
Have fun!!!!!!!!

Fills: Peter Parker Bingo: Love Confessions - @pparkerbingo Winterspider Bingo: Steve Rodgers - @winterspider-bingo
Rating: Explicit Status: Chapter 4/5

Bucky knows what people see when they look at him: the metal arm, the distant stare, the scars both visible and hidden. Damaged and, obviously, stupid for letting the government stomp all over him, stupid for signing up to get broken in the first place. It has to be that, right? Stupid. That's the only reason why this kid, who picked out a restaurant too fancy for Bucky’s comfort, would sit here and lie his ass off by saying, "I have a stalker," and think he is getting away with it.
That hooker WinterSpider AU that someone actually asked for. Peter is an escort looking for a driver, and Bucky needs a distraction. It's not what you think. Unless it is. Rating: Explicit Status: Completed Wordcount: 45k Last chapter Bingo Fills: Winterspider Bingo: SWF O3 Square - Nightmares @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF G4 Square - Escort (getting it out of the way, will never write one again, lol) @winterspider-bingo Peter Parker Bingo: SWF B3 Square - Nightmares @pparkerbingo Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF O2 Square - Walked in on @pparkerbingo

The last thing Bucky remembers is the lounge, that mouthwatering scent, and then everything going straight to shit with no pit stops. He rolls over, coming face to face with a bunch of blankets. They aren’t soft anymore. They aren’t clean. And they sure as hell don’t smell like anything close to heaven now. They reek of sweat, filth, and something vaguely burnt—the fuck? Must’ve been his self-respect torching itself and going up in flames. His head is pounding, his heart is pounding, his den’s a war zone, the bed broken. His goddamn mattress looks molested. Jesus. What the fuck was that?
In Bucky’s defense, the compound’s a revolving door, and he barely recognizes half the faces most of the time, let alone pays attention to memos that pop up on his phone. Rating: Explicit Chapter: 1/?
Chapter Fills:
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF G3 Square - Enchanted (depends on how you look at it / a stretch) @pparkerbingo Winterspider Bingo: SWF O1 Square - Avengers Compound @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF Alt - Scent Kink @winterspider-bingo

Day 1: Bucky/Peter/Tony - Spit-roasting
Bucky always figured the end would be… well, different. Not that he wasted time mulling it over, but if pressed, he’d have bet on firestorms, maybe at least something to fight. But, nah. It’s this. At least for them, it’s this. And they are certainly not fighting.
Wordcount: 4.7k
Rating: Explicit
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF Alt Prompt - Tony Stark @peterparkerbingo
Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF G2 Square - Threesome @peterparkerbingo
Starker Festivals Summer Bingo: N4 Square - First time making love @starkerfestivals
Winterspider Bingo: SWF Alt Prompt - Tony Stark @winterspider-bingo
Winterspider Bingo: NSWF I4 - First time @winterspider-bingo

Day 2: Bucky/Peter - Glory Hole
And it’s not that Bucky has no right to have hobbies or plans of his own, outside of work. He’s a big boy with big muscles; let him live. But the side-street building is sort of… sketchy as fuck. As in, “you’re about to end up in a bad Netflix docuseries” levels of sketchy. That’s why Peter lingers. No other reason. Zero other reasons, to be precise. Christ. He frowns under his mask, wondering if there’s a new level of pathetic he’s yet to hit or if this is finally the cap.
Wordcount: 7.5k
Rating: Explicit
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF I4 - Patrol @pparkerbingo
Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF N4 - Identity Porn @pparkerbingo
Winterspider Bingo: SWF B4 - Leather Jacket @winterspider-bingo
Winterspider Bingo: NSWF G1 - Anonymous Sex @winterspider-bingo

Day 6: Bucky/Peter/Tony - Double Penetration Cyberpunk 2077 AU
Trust Tony, trying to do the right thing by people in Night City is about as pointless as claiming nobody can break through a Blackwall—whether you’re twenty-something without an eddie to your name in a red-and-blue onesie or a billionaire with a vendetta who saw the light during a glitched-out braindance.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 2.8k Bingo fills and cards under the fold
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF G1 - No powers (technically) @pparkerbingo Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF B5 - Somnophilia @pparkerbingo Starker Festivals Summer Bingo: B3 - Double Penetration @starkerfestivals Winterspider Bingo: SWF N4 - Bucky is not the Winter Soldier (also technically) @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF N4 - Super Stamina @winterspider-bingo

Day 7: Bucky/Peter - Accidental Stimulation
There’s a sharp thud, and Peter’s spleen gets introduced to Bucky’s chin. He winces, twisting awkwardly in the most cramped fucking space this side of a coffin, trying to suck in a breath without knocking his head into something else. Oh, no, wait—there it is. His skull just kissed the ceiling. Or the floor. Honestly, fuck if he knows at this point. Perfect. “Ow,” he nudges Bucky away with zero success. Another shift, and, yup, Bucky’s knee is dangerously close to his crotch. Great. Fantastic. And while Peter, if he is honest with himself, would normally have no objections to Bucky’s body parts anywhere near his junk—current circumstances being what they are—a few more inches and they’re about to have a very intimate, very painful moment. “Dude,” Peter hisses. “Careful, I like my balls intact.”
Peter and Bucky go to the ISS. They don’t stay there very long. Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 9.3k
Bingo fills and cards under the fold
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF N2 - Gravity @pparkerbingo Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF I4 - Multiple Orgasms @pparkerbingo Winterspider Bingo: SWF I3 - Mission Gone Wrong @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF B4 - Hand Jobs @winterspider-bingo

Day 12: Bucky/Peter - Size Difference
Peter’s skates screech as a massive hand wraps around his waist, holding him up against one of those very solid, very broad chests he actively avoids on a daily basis, and a deep, rumbling voice rolls over him in a gentle thunder. “Careful, sweet thin', watch where you’re flyin’.” Peter tilts his head back. And keeps tilting. Jesus, did he accidentally crash into Everest in hockey pads? Does this guy ever end? His chin lifts so high, the back of his head is practically brushing his shoulder blades, and when he finally meets the guy’s eyes, Peter’s heart… flutters. For the first time in his life. Oh. Oh, whoa.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 15.4k
Bingo fills and cards under the fold
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF O2 - Hurt/Comfort @pparkerbingo Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF N2 - Fingering @pparkerbingo Winterspider Bingo: SWF G5 - Hiding Injuries @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF O1 - Size Kink @winterspider-bingo

Day 14: Bucky/Peter - Dacryphilia
Their first time... Bucky’s got about as much time to think about it as a bullet does before it leaves the chamber. That moment when something finally gives in the armory. What starts as an awkward, lingering hug turns into them pressing into each other like they’ve only got minutes to live and didn’t just win, tears just pouring down Peter’s face, and after—after—Bucky bullshits himself into thinking his reaction to Peter crying is a non-reaction. Yeah. Sure.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 3.1k
Bingo fills and cards under the fold
Peter Parker Bingo: SWF G2 - LGBTQ+ @pparkerbingo Peter Parker Bingo: NSWF B4 - Kink discovery @pparkerbingo Winterspider Bingo: SWF G2 - Super Strength @winterspider-bingo Winterspider Bingo: NSWF B1 - Broken Bed @winterspider-bingo