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Day 15: Bucky/Tony - Body Worship

Day 15: Bucky/Tony - Body Worship
The thing is, Tony usually misses fuck-all. That said, the sight of Bucky sprawled on the medbay bed throws him enough to miss something unnervingly important.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 15.8k Bingo fills and cards under the fold
Winteriron Bingo: G1 - Ill Health @winterironevents

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Day 13: Bucky/Tony - Piercing
Pacific Rim AU
Holy shit, Barnes might be the hottest thing Tony’s seen this side of the Breach, and considering Tony’s spent most of his life surrounded by pretty faces, that’s saying something. Fury found Tony a fucking Jaeger in human form to drift with, and Tony’s mind is already running through a thousand different scenarios of what he and Barnes could do, none of which involve piloting an actual Jaeger. Tony spots a glint of something silver on his tongue, just behind his parted lips, and before he can even process that or the fact that he would absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, drop to his knees right here, Barnes walks right past him and pulls… Steve into a bear hug with, “Oh, man, it’s great to see you, punk.”
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 11.2k

Day 12: Bucky/Peter - Size Difference
Peter’s skates screech as a massive hand wraps around his waist, holding him up against one of those very solid, very broad chests he actively avoids on a daily basis, and a deep, rumbling voice rolls over him in a gentle thunder. “Careful, sweet thin', watch where you’re flyin’.” Peter tilts his head back. And keeps tilting. Jesus, did he accidentally crash into Everest in hockey pads? Does this guy ever end? His chin lifts so high, the back of his head is practically brushing his shoulder blades, and when he finally meets the guy’s eyes, Peter’s heart… flutters. For the first time in his life. Oh. Oh, whoa.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 15.4k
Bingo fills and cards under the fold
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Day 17: Steve/Tony - Hate Sex
How many times has Tony been sucker-punched by this particular all-American proudly rainbow-colored nightmare? One unfortunate case of Accords, one trip to Siberia, one betrayal of a lifetime, and a whole lot of running off with his ancient, muscly pal and super-soldier boytoy (of all the frozen relics to thaw out it had to be him; of course it had to be him). And now Steve has the balls to stand there, all Steve and golden, as if he didn’t rip Tony’s trust right out from under him and jog off into the land of sunsets with his one geriatric true love, only to have the audacity to—
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 4.2k

Day 18: Bucky/Steve/Tony - Blindfolds
How the actual, unholy fuck did he let it get this far? Tony knows it’s a bad idea. Just fucking knows it. But that’s the thing about Tony himself, isn’t it? His whole life is basically a highlight reel of bad ideas so horrendous and ridiculous they somehow defy logic, pull some Matrix-level shit, dodge reality, then loop back around and try to cosplay as good choices, alongside even worse decisions.
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 1.5k

Day 19: Bucky/Steve/Tony - Uniform Kink
God, sometimes Tony’s just scared. What if he’s the asshole ruining them all? What if one day this doesn’t work anymore? What if Steve wakes up and realizes he’s still trying to make up for everything—for Bucky’s scars, for Tony’s past? What if Bucky—who Tony’s caught looking at his wedding ring more than once, mind you—decides this isn’t enough? What if one of them—either of them—very wrongly assumes that Tony’s stretched too thin and—
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 4.6k