Steve X Tony - Tumblr Posts
[Steve keeps trying to call Tony who refuses to answer]
Radio: The next one’s dedicated to Tony from Steve. Tony, he wants you to know he’s deeply sorry for what he did and he hopes you can find it in your heart to forgive him.
[With or Without You plays]
[Tony seems touched. He pauses for a moment, then picks up the phone and starts to dial. Cut to Steve in Wakanda.]
Radio: Uh, we’ve just gotten a call from Tony, and he told us what Steve did. It’s pretty appalling, and Steve, if you’re listening, I don’t wanna play your song anymore. Why don’t we devote our time to a couple that stands a chance? Charles, Erik’s sorry he hit you with his car and he hopes you two will work it out.
Steve: I'm a very private person, you need to really know me before I actually open up.
Headcanons to You getting married and going on a honeymoon with Yandere Steve Rogers (NSFW):
WARNING: Non-con, mature language, sex, forced pregnancy, forced breeding, breeding kink, riding, creampie, forced sex, etc.
SUMMARY: After being forced to get married to a heavily obsessed and insanely in love Steve Rogers, you will have to go through the honeymoon he planned specially to get you to stay with him forever.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I don't know how to feel about this in all honesty, but i hope you enjoy it!!

First of all, it doesn't matter if you had willingly or unwillingly marry Steve, because even you refuse, he would find a way for him to be with you for the rest of your lives.
• If you were, however, willing to marry him in the end, then he would grant you a little bit of "mercy" from his rage and made sure to keep his promises and do you good, but that rage would not be kept if you only say that to escape and he would turn into his deadly yandere side.
• If you were more than willing to marry him in the beginning, then many people would send prayers to your way because you are either a very, very, very oblivious idiot or you are the type of person to have accepted your fate. But whatever the reason is, the good news is that you would be spared from his rage, be warned though that it may appear a bit if you fight back in the near future of your marriage.
• If you had fought back from the very beginning with the common sense pretty much everyone would have (but then again, let's face it, all of you would just love Steve Rogers to be your hubby, won't you?), then it would make it harder for him. He loves the sweet doll you are whenever he stalked you from a far distance and he would not take it lightly to you fighting back, especially after both of your marriage.
After the wedding ceremony, he would immediately take you on a honeymoon with him in a deserted island he found with Tony's help.
He had always wanted kids and often found himself imagining having some with his sweetheart, so don't be suprised when you find out that he is busy trying to find ways to make you pregnant.
He is quite possessive and protective of you too, and would constantly beat up anyone that tries to breathe in your way. He doesn't like seeing his darling being with someone else that is not him, especially during both of your honeymoon, although that's not much of a problem since the island you two stayed in only had a few people. He would make sure to keep you to himself and constantly tries to busy the both of you with activities you both can do together.
Speaking of possessive, whether you like it or not, he would place many hickeys and love bites all over your body and expose them whenever you two are outside. He wants to make sure everyone knows that you are his, and would keep on finding ways to take away your concealer, so that you had no choice but to reveal it.
For revealing clothes, he doesn't really want his sweetheart to show off things that is reserved for him. But in the extreme case of that situation, you wouldn't even be seen by anyone, except Steve, because he would probably just lock you up somewhere. However, if his possessive side took over, you would be able to wear some sexy clothes, but only because he wants everyone to see your hickeys and bruises after sex.
With the mention of sex, that would definitely take place in your marriage during your honeymoon one way or another.
• If you are the oblivious female or the female who is in acceptance of their fate, then he would go gentle on you for the first time you two have sex together. He would always whisper how much he loved being inside you and had accidentally mentioned that he had been wanting this for the longest time when you two were still just friends, but you just shrug it off, thinking that he was just speaking blurting random things out and continued moaning in pleasure. But the you only in acceptance would probably just wonder exactly how long this man had been stalking you. Though for the other times you two have sex, Steve would go rough on you but would ask a few times if you were comfortable with it.
• If you are the reluctant but eventually willing female who married Steve, then he would go gentle on you too. However, he would be rough when the session was almost finished, which will leave you feeling more sore than you should be. Be careful though because he can direct his anger towards you during sex and go rough on you, leaving a few deep marks here and there. But hey, at least he took care of you after sex by massaging your back and preparing a warm bath for the both of you...
• If you are the female with common sense in your stomach, then be prepared to get fucked. Literally. Steve would direct all of his anger during your sex session and would make punishments for you that could leave more than a few marks after and he would constantly leave hickeys on your body that made it impossible for you to hide them all, unless you had a large amount of body paint with the same shade as your skin colour. Even when you had fainted a couple of times during the very long sex that took many, many hours, he would just simply keep on thrusting into you and continued to milk his cum into your womb, very much obssessed with the idea of a child and thought that if you two had one, you would behave around him and stop fighting back. However, after you had woken up, Steve forced got you to ride his cock and squeezed your butt cheeks or waist whenever either of you came again.
After you two had finished your honeymoon, your stomach was probably swollen with a life living inside of it for the next 9 months until you can finally pop out a baby from your body. But don't worry, even if you aren't pregnant after the honeymoon, Steve would make sure that you are after you both went home to your isolated house where no one would find you.... ever.
Stephen bursting through the door: "WHAT HAPPEND!?"
Tony: Morning.... wait. Is it only roosters that are allowed too do that during the day?
Tony: What do you do for fun anyway?
Steve : I get WASTED (Wake up early. Anticipate a productive day. Stay hydrated. Take my best shot. Exercise. Don’t break the rules)
Unpopular Opinion :
People who gender-swap either Steve or Tony in Stony fanfics, to make them a straight couple are fucking weak.

Imagine: Steve Rogers finally tells Tony about his feelings toward him
“…so, yea, Steve. I’m fucking serious” Tony was leaning his forearm against a large window, in his office, at one of the highest floors of S.H.I.E.L.D. base.
Steve was still walking around the room, looking for any clues or ideas to end a conflict between him and Mr Stark. Again, they were arguing about Sokovia Protocol. “You know my statement in the case” Steve finally shrugged, taking a seat on a leather couch and crossing his legs nicely. “I won’t change my mind. You know that Avengers are yet devided by this” his voice sounded more firmly than he was planning to.
Tony growled, turning around to face Steve. “Liar!” he snorted. “We’re not divided by THIS. We’re divided only by YOUR sick visions, Rogers” Tony briefly ran his fingers through his black hair. “If you wouldn’t start to give them arguments to not do it, all of them would sign it a long time ago!” Steve only rolled his eyes, looking at the ceiling. “Shame on you, Stark. Your fucking decision about even give it a chance! It changed everything. If you wouldn’t promise government that you’ll take a look at that, everything will be as it was” Steve slowly was getting frustrated. He was still trying to explain his point of view, but Tony seemed to screw it all.
Stark sighed, clinching hands in fists as he turned with his back to Steve once again that day. “You think you’re a Mr know-it-all, don’t you, Steve?” the simple question hung between two men like a sharp knife. Rogers stayed silent, however deep inside in his soul he was fighting with himself. He just wanted to get up, walk to Tony and just punch him straight in the face. But…
It was impossible to him to do it. Because he felt something to that guy. He didn’t want to admit it even in front of himself, but it was a true. He fell for Tony long time ago. When there was good. Notwithstanding, he never found a courage to tell his friend about that feeling…
Suddenly something, a little cheeky voice, which was coming from back of Steve’s head, said: “Do it now or you’ll lose him, you fucking coward!”
Steve cleared his throat and still trying to stay calm, he got up and walked to Tony. He placed his large palm at Stark’s shoulder before he spoke. “Okay. You won. Maybe it’s exactly like you said it. But, please..” Steve’s voice got weaker immediately when Tony turned his face to him. Only one look into those beautiful hazel eyes of Tony made Captain vulnerable.
The awkward silence prevailing between them has been interrupted by Stark’s strong voice. “Finally, Steve. What happend, that you finally understood it?”
But Steve wasn’t definelty listening to Tony’s words. He found a courage to take Tony’s face in his palms, to pull black-haired man closer and finally to kiss his friend.
Steve felt that Stark was more than surprised by that action, Tony’s muscles stiffened in a second. But he didn’t push Steve away. No. He did it not.
After a few seconds Stark broke the kiss to look deeply into Rogers’ blue eyes. “Fuck, Steve… what the fuck..” Captain let out a quiet whimper. “I had to. I just.. I can’t explain that. It just happend. I think I fell for you. Months ago. Just… I just couldn’t tell you earlier.”
Steve was the most scared of a rejection. But at the moment blonde man was happy that finally he managed to tell Tony the truth about hia feelings.
Stark cleared his throat and with pale face took a little step back. “Steve.. for fuck’s sake.. what I’m supposed to do now.. what are you expecting from me? It’s… I need time to think of it..” Captain’s eyes sparkled with kind of a hope. “Just promise me… that even if… if you won’t feel the same.. that we’ll stay friends. I just can’t think of a day when you’ll go away..” Steve’s voice shivered a bit as he was speaking. Tony rubbed his chin, nodding slowly. “Okay. That I can guarantee you for sure.”
Steve smiled gently, then he quickly left Stark’s office, leaving Tony with an vortex of a thoughts.
Author: Ailo
Gif: X

SUMMARY: Tony has a nightmare.
AUTHOR: Killer raccoon

It was the quietest morning there'd been in months, save the dull croak of the piano and the moaning of the floorboards beneath the pianists tapping foot.
Tony stood behind the rows of white chairs, stiff and unmoving, hands clasped tightly behind his back. Across the quickly filling room, Bucky noticed him and attempted a smile, but immediately his lips began to quiver and he turned down to look at his feet before Tony could try to return the gesture.
Bucky, the only one in this room who fully understood Tony's presence here, the only man who knew what had been going on behind closed doors. Because Steve had insisted he know, had told Tony that if he couldn't trust Bucky, then what were they even doing?
Tony watched Sam slide in next to Bucky, place a hand on the man's shoulder and sit him down, and then Tony was alone again. Something he hadn't felt in years.
The more people filed into the room, the more sullen the mood became. Natasha sat on the other side of Bucky, and Clint next to her, and Tony's throat tightened in anguish as even Nick Fury, accompanied by Phil and Maria, made their way down the rows of chairs. It didn't matter if nobody had the time for a full blown ceremony: they made time.
Sam had pulled him aside a few days ago to assure him that he'd be welcomed with open arms, but Tony had his doubts, and therefore kept his distance. He was somewhere deep in his own head anyway. He didn't even notice Pepper next to him, brows furrowed as she tapped furiously at her phone, or Rhodey, dressed up in his navy blue suit, hands also clasped behind his back, but in respect rather than anxiety. Tony knew he should have been one of the men carrying in the... but of course he chose to stand next to Tony, and in some lost part of his conscious mind, Tony appreciated that.
But when the music slowed and died and what was left of the hushed conversations among the room was cut off, Tony was sure his heart stopped. He was able to keep himself composed, lips pursed and face blank, all of his muscles tensed to keep from shaking. However, when the first two soldiers stepped into the room, shoulders straight and hats in their hands, and Tony knew what would be following them, he fucking lost it. His breathing shortened, his head swayed dizzily, and before he knew it, he was busting through the side door into the empty hallways, straight towards the wall to keep him right side up. He pressed his forehead against the cool, brick walls, gasping for air. Luckily he was in the back, so he hardly disturbed anyone.
But of course, one man had noticed. One man had dashed out after him, was now placing a hand on Tony's shoulder, gentle, but firm.
Both hands were on him when he wouldn't calm down, and he knew that they learned this in the military, he understood, but with the steadiness of his voice, with the serum, Bucky sounded and felt too much like Steve, all those restless, summer nights when Tony was kept up and he had been there for him, and it made everything worse. He couldn't get air into his lungs, his eyes spun in and out of focus, and he trembled violently beneath the other man's grasp. And who the hell was Tony to Steve, to be comforted by the dead man's best friend. It was absolutely unfair to Bucky, and Tony felt sick with guilt and selfishness. He turned around, gently pushing Bucky away from him.
"I'm sorry," He wheezed, and Bucky was shaking his head like Tony had no reason to apologize, but he absolutely did.
Within the next few seconds, Rhodey was in the halls, pushing Bucky to the side to get to Tony.
"Thank you, Buck, but I can handle this." He said.
"I don't think you understand" Bucky protested.
"The hell, I don't understand." Rhodey snapped. "I know Tony better than he knows himself. I'm not stupid, and I'm not blind." He looked up to Bucky then, and his face softened apologetically.
"Please, you are the last person who should have to do this. Go pay your respects to Steve. I'll take care of him." He said. Bucky nodded silently and turned to leave.
By then, Tony was catching his breath, letting a warmth flood through him and calm his nerves, though his hands still shook hard.
"You knew?" He asked quietly, and Rhodey, despite everything else, managed a smile.
"You thought you could keep a secret like that from me? I mean, honestly, Tony."
Tony huffed, just then realizing how foolish it was to actually believe that he had kept the relationship between he and Steve from Rhodey.
"He's gone," he breathed suddenly, clasping a hand over his mouth in awe at what had just escaped, a electric shock shooting through him as the words rang true, and then Rhodey was pulling him into a hug, burying Tony's face into his shoulder. Tony clenched his teeth, refusing to cry, but breathed heavily through his nose, gasps shuddering through his body as he held it all in, and Rhodey became the only thing holding Tony in one piece.
Steve was gone okay, and did Tony ever fully appreciate when he was around? Did he take the time to let him know that? Looking back, he knew it had always been a frantic, desperate rush of fumbling fingers and clothes strewn across the floor. Tony always thought they'd have time to take their time.
Did he even ever tell Steve that he loved him? That he was doubtlessly, unconditionally in love with him?
Did he even know at the time?
Tony shut his eyes tight, held on to Rhodey tighter in horror as his knees buckles. He could feel his heart wasn't going to hold together, could feel the world around him crumbling, and when he managed to open his eyes...
There was darkness. Tony blinked once, twice, realized he was on his back. His hair, shirt, and the mattress beneath him were all soaked in sweat. Tony shot up, the force causing an immediate headache, and searched the room as his eyes adjusted to the dark. His heart was pounding hard in his chest, fear in his throat as he chanced a glace at the weight he felt against his hip. He sucked in a breath.
"Steve?" He croaked. There was a small, groggy yawn and then two large, muscled arms that peaked through the covers, revealing a half asleep, but definite Steve Rogers as he stretched, shifted to turn around, and put an arm around Tony's waste, pulling him back down and against his own body heat. Tony's sigh of relief came out as a choked sob, and he pressed his nose into Steve's chest in an attempt to muffle his sudden sounds. However, that startled Steve completely out of sleep.
"Tony? He tried to sit up, pulling Tony away from him and brushing his damp hair out of his face. "Tony, are you okay?" He was pouting at him as Tony quickly regained control of his emotions.
"No, I'm not okay. I love you."
Steve stared at him, confused in his half dream state, cheeks flushed with the heat of the summer night, hair sticking up in a way that warmed Tony's heart.
And then he was kissing him, the slowest kiss they'd ever had, and Steve kissed his cheek, his jaw, his neck, his shoulder. Tony felt dizzy as Steve took his hand and pressed his lips gently to his wrist, the palm of his hand.
"I love you too."
Little letters

SUMMARY: Some letters Tony and Steve exchanged between each other.

AUTHOR: Killer raccoon
This phone is embarrassing. I’m embarrassed to have it anywhere near my person. Pretty sure you must have recovered it from an archeological dig of a Neanderthal cave. Which would be fitting for you, them being your people and all. Still pissed by the way, haven’t reached that ‘understanding’ yet.
Dear Tony,
I know. Both about the phone and the understanding. I must admit that I did get slightly amused imagining your reaction to it. The phone that is, not the other thing. I think it portent that older phones don’t have tracking chips in them, and they aren’t being monitored by the NSA. Kind of thinking that says something about modern society and not really in a good way. Trading privacy for security. It’s devastating. As for the other thing… I know you're upset. You have reason to be. I get that, I do. I should have told you about your parents. I wish I could go back in time and do things different. But I can’t. So the only thing I can do is to repeat that I am sorry.
As for the ever so subtle dig, how did the party-line go? Fire bad, tree pretty? Or, you know, ooga-booga. Or whatever it is that Neanderthals like me say.
Yours most sincerely,
I have been ‘tracking’ you since they found you on the ice. Trust me sweetums, the NSA is the least of your worries. Also, did you just crack a joke at me? And used pop culture at that? I am shocked. Shocked I tell you! Kindly cease destroying my world view, I’m too busy being livid at you to be amused (at how bad you are at it). Thank you.
Also, why? And don’t give me that ‘protecting me, protecting you’ bullshit. Details. All of it.
P.S. Paper letters are so undignified.
Dear Tony,
Not sure how to react to the tracking thing or how to take it. In a weird way it’s good to know? I don’t know. When I first came off the ice I would have done anything to get back in it. The grief of losing Bucky was still fresh, and on top of that everyone I had ever known was either dead or only experienced occasional moments of lucidity, like Peggy. I didn’t recognize anyone, or anything and when I went down, I was a soldier. I slept on the ground, for the most part. The Commandos and I used to take shifts so no one would creep up on us in the middle of the night and capture or kill us. I still heard the ring of gunfire and bombs going off in my head. To go from that back to civilian life and not just civilian life but civilian life in a completely unrecognizable world… I wasn’t in a good place.
I sat outside your tower once, at a little cafe near the tower, hoping to get a glimpse of you. I don’t know what I would have said or done if that had happened. But SHIELD gave me a file on you and I knew that you were Iron Man, so I thought maybe if anyone would understand what it was like to wake-up in this strange world that sort of turned you into this impossible legend while you slept it would be you, being a legend yourself. There are days when I still wonder how the Captain America thing became so rampart. Trading cards?! But after we met I didn’t think you liked me much, so it’s strangely touching to hear that you tracked me, as messed up as that probably sounds. I mean, I know that our first meeting was under the worst possible conditions. We were stressed, I was so lost, and we had Loki’s scepter bringing out the absolute worst in both of us, but I always got the feeling that I annoyed you a bit.That my old fashioned ways, my ethics, my confusion... I just always felt that it kind of rubbed you the wrong way, even after we became friends and teammates.
At least I know why now. Howard. Would you believe me if I told that I was surprised to find out that Howard spoke so fondly of me to you? Don’t get me wrong, I admired Howard a lot. He was brilliant, he was funny and very charming. Not nearly as charming as you, of course, but he did have it. And I will always be forever grateful for what he did for me, flying me into enemy territory so that I could save the 107th. Without Howard there would be no Howling Commandos. But the truth of the matter is that while Howard was generous and brilliant, he sort of talked to me like I was a kid, you know? He didn’t act like he was all that impressed by me the entire time we knew each other.
I regret how he died. And your mother. I do grieve for them and for what happened. You want answers and I’ll try my best to give them to you but in all honesty I’m not sure I understand it entirely myself. First and foremost I feared for Bucky. You have to understand, Bucky and my Mom were all I had as a kid. I was sick, and weak, and picked on like you wouldn’t believe. Bucky always stood up for me, protected me. Without him my childhood would have been a completely different story and I probably wouldn’t have made it out of it. And when my mom died he was there for me again. I actually crashed on his couch for months afterwards. No one knew Bucky like I did, and no one left alive but me had seen him at his best, so full of life.
He is a good man, he didn’t deserve what happened to him. And it’s my fault - what happened to Bucky - it was all my fault. I recruited him into the Howling Commandos even though he could have left the army. He had been captured and tortured by Zola, the army was ready to release him. But he followed me back into war because I asked. He was so loyal. So honorable. Maybe too loyal and honorable. I was concerned that because there was no one but me left who had known Bucky pre-Hydra programming, that no one but me would believe him redeemable. And so I wanted to protect him and I thought that if I told you about your parents that you would be just one more person gunning for him. I mean, even Sam had his doubts that Bucky was still Bucky deep down and Sam is a former soldier, a VA counselor and a good friend. If Sam didn’t fully believe Bucky could be reached, what hope did I have that you would?
Still though, I realize that whether you would have reacted poorly or not, and whether you would have become just one more person I’d have to race to get to Bucky first, I shouldn’t have kept Hydra’s involvement in your parent's’ death from you. You had a right to know, a right that didn’t supercede my drive to save my best friend, and I was wrong to keep it from you.
This letter is long. Longer than I intended. But you asked for answers and I hope I gave them to you.
P.S. I don’t know, call me old-fashioned (you do anyway) but I like paper letters. They just seem more… personable. Besides not only are email accounts trackable, but they’re also annoying. No matter how many firewalls you put on my accounts, I’m still getting emails from some guy in Nigeria who is most eager to inform me that I’ve magically inherited millions of dollars.
Stars and Stripes,
Of course I am more charming than my father.
Dear Tony,
Not that I’m complaining here, it’s always great to hear from you and I know I have no right to ask... but is that really all you took from my last letter? It’s just you didn’t insult me, my parentage, or my honor at all in in your response, so I’m concerned.
I am processing. I need time. I’ll be in touch.
Okay, so I’ve processed. Sort of. It’s ongoing. James Buchanan Barnes has been cleared of the U.N. bombing in Vienna. Officially. As such you, Wilson and the others have also been cleared of the aiding and abetting charge, and a financial donation from yours truly went a long way in clearing up the property damage charges. I know Barnes is in cryo in Wakanda, I may be able to help with the de-programming.
Meanwhile I need you to get your (admittedly fine) ass home. Bring your big boy pants, you and I are going to have a very long conversation. We’re going to put it all on the table.
Dear Tony,
I’m on my way (and by the time you receive this I’ll probably already be there).
Dearest Steven,
Well that conversation, after hours of deliberation, ended rather smashingly, I thought. And by smash I mean that I was quite impressed that you managed to break a solid oak, steel bar reinforced desk while I fucked you on it following said conversation. The Hulk himself couldn’t have done better. Good job. I told you we would put it all on the table. No worries, I’ll buy sturdier for next time.
Love Always,
Dear Tony,
I’m looking forward to it. Now can you come to bed? I want to snuggle.
With love,
P.S. In my day we built furniture that lasts (while we walked uphill to school both ways)… Couldn’t resist. Oh come on, it was right there!
P.S.S. You’re sending texts in letter form now. Admit it, you liked the letters.
Steve, dearest,
The sarcasm. I’m almost proud. Almost. And I admit nothing. Love, He who is heading to you right now...

Day 17: Steve/Tony - Hate Sex
How many times has Tony been sucker-punched by this particular all-American proudly rainbow-colored nightmare? One unfortunate case of Accords, one trip to Siberia, one betrayal of a lifetime, and a whole lot of running off with his ancient, muscly pal and super-soldier boytoy (of all the frozen relics to thaw out it had to be him; of course it had to be him). And now Steve has the balls to stand there, all Steve and golden, as if he didn’t rip Tony’s trust right out from under him and jog off into the land of sunsets with his one geriatric true love, only to have the audacity to—
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 4.2k
Heyyy, sorry it's been a while.
Been having some troubles here and there, couldn't get in my dream school and had a bit of a slump for a little while, but all good now.
Day 10 of marvel fics I love and recommend
A little oneshot just to warm up the return of the series
It's Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Some of the tags: tony stark and avengers team, protective avengers, implied/referenced child abuse, Howard stark's A+ parenting, Hurt tony stark.
Basically howard stark somehow got himself in the future and the avengers notice that he was degrading and insulting tony so they become protective.
Day 11 of marvel fics I love and recommend
this one is Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Some of the tags: supervillain ironman, secret identity, wedding planning, James Rhodes/Sam Wilson, enemies to friends to lovers.
Ironman is a villain and captain america is a hero, each is going to be the best men to rhodey and sam at their wedding so they have to plan things together. Classic hero/villain and pretty cute really 10/10 am currently reading again( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)