309 posts
Water Tastes So Fucking Good
water tastes so fucking good
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oh I thought they were fighting, okay. withdraw my vote.
Blond Sweetheart Tourney: Round 1, Poll 46

Propaganda from submitters Under Cut
though she can sometimes be vain, i think ultimately she is very loving and sweet towards others
I think she is genuinely the nicest character in worm despite everything she has been through and she has never done anything remotely wrong, and is still able to be friendly with characters who are morally grey like Bitch. so i think vista is a sweetheart, though i know she probably would not want to be called one!
What was he doing? Why was he so focused on getting Bitch to admit it was over? Reputation, yet again. He needed to salvage this situation, and the surest way to do that, to recoup his losses and come out of this looking okay, would be to get the meanest, toughest, most notorious of us to bend at the knee and concede defeat. He really didn’t know Bitch, though. She pulled her cheap plastic dog mask off and threw it to one side. It was only a formality, really, since her face and identity were public knowledge. Her smile, as it spread across her face, wasn’t the most attractive. Too many teeth showing. “Lung underestimated her, too,” she told him, looking at me.
okay, continued forcing myself to spend time analyzing rachel lindt instead of letting her live in my worm blindspot for no reason. to recap: at this point in the story, she's gone on the ABB raid with rachel & had that gay little moment where rachel gave her her jacket when she was cold walking back home + got so close to taylor to inspect her injuries from lung that taylor thought she was going to kiss her. it had deep connotations of blossoming romance and taylor narrated some shit about still kind of being cold despite the jacket but the warmth in her core keeping her warm all the way back to the loft. now, although taylor is still only consciously ranking rachel at "i don't hate her" in her mind, rachel has now started doing shit like this.
one of the primary rachel/taylor theses is that taylor isn't rachel's dog, rachel is taylor's dog. it's established over the course of the worm that she trusts taylor completely implicitly. there's the part in the behemoth fight where the entire world is falling apart around them and rachel is still smug and happy about taylor having a plan. there's the part at the end that makes all of us want to smash our heads into the wall:

she trusts taylor in the same way a dog would trust their owner even on the table for euthanasia. she sees taylor as smarter than she is not in a self-deprecatory way--there are plenty of people who you might call smarter than rachel that she'll happily call morons--but because consistently, time and time again, taylor goes up against smart pieces of shit who are trying to fuck the undersiders over and figures out what to do about it. and this scene here, where she's responding to armsmaster's attempt to put her down by insisting that he's underestimating taylor, seems to be the first instance of rachel's trust in taylor shining through. in fact, this happens even before taylor considers them to be friends, before they've had any significant bonding. one of the very first positive things rachel feels about taylor--maybe even the first positive thing--is that, when people are putting her and her team down, when odds look grim, taylor can be trusted to solve it. it's actually, like, kind of bonkers compelling that rachel's first seed of positive response to taylor isn't "well, actually, i guess she seems nice" but "my teammate taylor could beat up this dickhole armsmaster."
it's worth explicitly noting, by the way, that rachel interprets smiles as like dog growls. the reason her smile is a little too wide with too many teeth is because it's not actually a proper smile. it's rachel being a growling dog, placing all of her trust in taylor. I Love You Rachel Lindt

taylor and lisa
help me come up with a novel way of saying "i'd forgive ward everything if vic and ashley fucked"
they have numberman for that though. I could see Coil being a small part of the laundering, sure.
Very late Worm opinion and spoilers but honestly Cauldron backing Calvert makes more sense if he was helping them launder money. Maintaining those black-book facilities is expensive. No need for an elaborate experiment when Cauldron can just steal from PRT ENE’s budget with Calvert’s help and get a big chunk of Calvert’s fraudulent earnings for the price of letting him run rampant and covering for him.