309 posts
Megamuscle885-blog - I May Be Dumb - Tumblr Blog
number man post
favorite number easily one quadrillion. rolls off the tongue, plus it's got that glutenous spherical sound and feel.
she's not blonde that's why
how come theres no memes about rachel pissing on the other undersiders to mark her territory. ive seen piss memes about... 6 or 7 other parahumans
Lews Therin anytime Rand meets with Mazrim Taim:
yep, and the second time is when nynaeve finally regains a measure of self-confidence, after her panic attack in dream tear on the riverboat to salidar in tel'aran'rhiod where she tearfully confesses her fears to elayne and birgitte, and then decides to join elayne in tel'aran'rhiod using one of the other ter'angreal (the plaque) so they can meet egwene together - rather than each going solo as they have been up until then - to ask about her dreamwalking visits, who instead berates nynaeve again the moment they get near to the truth, infront of amys, the latter whom already had a shaky perspective of nynaeve and elayne as aei sedai because they would act childish and nynaeve would get into fights with the other women of valen luka's show, sabotaging their reputation in the eyes of the aiel wise ones.
as a tangent, maybe that informed the wise one's treatment of the captured aei sedai after dumai's wells. apologies if you haven't gotten that far.
kinda fucked up how egwene destroyed the confidence and social standing (between themselves) of a woman whom she trusted and respected, to the point that nynaeve has a massive crisis of self-confidence that may have contributed to her being beaten by moghedien, the whole deal with birgitte, and her decision to take the group to salidar and hand over her responsibilities and the threat of the forsaken in tel'aran'rhiod (though smart) in the hands of strange aei sedai who might not even support rand.
all so egwene can avoid punishment by the aiel for dreamwalking when she shouldn't be, because they would cease teaching her as per their threat, and rightly so. iirc she only ever decides that she needs to apologize for misleading them on being a full aei sedai (which is a pretty fucked up thing when everyone assumes everything you say is the whole truth, though the fact that egwene helped rand blow shit up at cairhien should've clued the aiel in that she's not bound by the three oaths like all tower trained aei sedai, and I am certain moraine must've brought that up at least once.) and only ever gets punished for her specific toh in that moment.
it is never reconciled, never apologized for, never explained, and egwene belittles nynaeve twice for almost revealing to the wise ones that she's dreamwalking. i don't think they see eachother again until egwene is in salidar and she is then raised to amyrlin seat, and then egwene places special emphasis on nynaeve not undermining her while she leads the rebel aei sedai.
worse still is how egwene's brow beating worked in preventing nynaeve from figuring out that egwene is hiding something from the aiel wise ones, especially after the blowup from egwene in front of amys, who egwene should really trust with anything said in tel'aran'rhiod, and nynaeve and elayne, who already know she's dreamwalking into elaida's study. its really emphasized a little later when nynaeve gets to salidar and shows that she's an incredibly smart person when she's not being rode over and bullied, and figures out the entire scheme between siuan and leane, something they're keeping from the salidar aei sedai so they can continue to manipulate them, practically instantly.
fucked up. sorry if anyone likes egwene particularly and is defensive regarding her, i like her too and she has many redeeming qualities and as many amazing accomplishments, but this is one of the many things that she's never apologized for. it shows more and more that her story is about a complete abandonment of emond's field to become the most aei sedai she can be, and she's certainly adopted bullying and brow beating to get her way in a topic she knew she shouldn't have gotten her way, but valued knowledge acquired through any means necessary over her personal relationships. the aiel aren't spared here either. she ferrets out their secrets, pushes dangerously far beyond what they've taught her and almost damages her relationship with them too when it becomes impossible to continue the lie.
she doesn't even reveal that she's an accepted until she's no longer going to be in the wise one's camp to learn from them, summoned to salidar, at which point there's no real punishment she can suffer from them, short of death, since she'll have learnt everything she can out of them and won't be able to learn anymore anyway, and despite all her talk of acting like an aiel and fulfilling her toh, I seriously doubt she would've calmly accepted death as her punishment if that was what the wise ones decided, even though any other aiel apprentice would have.
anyway, I know I'm not doing a liveblog, I'm just re-reading the wheel of time books and I'm almost finished with the fires of heaven (book 5). wanted to get this thought out there.
kinda fucked up how egwene destroyed the confidence and social standing (between themselves) of a woman whom she trusted and respected, to the point that nynaeve has a massive crisis of self-confidence that may have contributed to her being beaten by moghedien, the whole deal with birgitte, and her decision to take the group to salidar and hand over her responsibilities and the threat of the forsaken in tel'aran'rhiod (though smart) in the hands of strange aei sedai who might not even support rand.
all so egwene can avoid punishment by the aiel for dreamwalking when she shouldn't be, because they would cease teaching her as per their threat, and rightly so. iirc she only ever decides that she needs to apologize for misleading them on being a full aei sedai (which is a pretty fucked up thing when everyone assumes everything you say is the whole truth, though the fact that egwene helped rand blow shit up at cairhien should've clued the aiel in that she's not bound by the three oaths like all tower trained aei sedai, and I am certain moraine must've brought that up at least once.) and only ever gets punished for her specific toh in that moment.
it is never reconciled, never apologized for, never explained, and egwene belittles nynaeve twice for almost revealing to the wise ones that she's dreamwalking. i don't think they see eachother again until egwene is in salidar and she is then raised to amyrlin seat, and then egwene places special emphasis on nynaeve not undermining her while she leads the rebel aei sedai.
worse still is how egwene's brow beating worked in preventing nynaeve from figuring out that egwene is hiding something from the aiel wise ones, especially after the blowup from egwene in front of amys, who egwene should really trust with anything said in tel'aran'rhiod, and nynaeve and elayne, who already know she's dreamwalking into elaida's study. its really emphasized a little later when nynaeve gets to salidar and shows that she's an incredibly smart person when she's not being rode over and bullied, and figures out the entire scheme between siuan and leane, something they're keeping from the salidar aei sedai so they can continue to manipulate them, practically instantly.
fucked up. sorry if anyone likes egwene particularly and is defensive regarding her, i like her too and she has many redeeming qualities and as many amazing accomplishments, but this is one of the many things that she's never apologized for. it shows more and more that her story is about a complete abandonment of emond's field to become the most aei sedai she can be, and she's certainly adopted bullying and brow beating to get her way in a topic she knew she shouldn't have gotten her way, but valued knowledge acquired through any means necessary over her personal relationships. the aiel aren't spared here either. she ferrets out their secrets, pushes dangerously far beyond what they've taught her and almost damages her relationship with them too when it becomes impossible to continue the lie.
she doesn't even reveal that she's an accepted until she's no longer going to be in the wise one's camp to learn from them, summoned to salidar, at which point there's no real punishment she can suffer from them, short of death, since she'll have learnt everything she can out of them and won't be able to learn anymore anyway, and despite all her talk of acting like an aiel and fulfilling her toh, I seriously doubt she would've calmly accepted death as her punishment if that was what the wise ones decided, even though any other aiel apprentice would have.
anyway, I know I'm not doing a liveblog, I'm just re-reading the wheel of time books and I'm almost finished with the fires of heaven (book 5). wanted to get this thought out there.
I'm a dummy and deleted the ask but thank you for the request! here's little Amy and vicky

New sisters

Really just pathetic
Hello my name is Mahmoud Helles and I am a Palestinian living in Gaza with great sadness, I am contacting you today to get help to evacuate my family from Gaza
My house was bombed and destroyed and I lost many friends in this war
During the war, my family and I were forced to evacuate from the north of Gaza to the south and we became homeless and now we live in the streets

My family is my father and mother and 6 brothers and 40 grandchildren and there are two blind Fathi and the other Abdullah with visual impairment in the house their mental health is very bad and the sounds of the continuous explosions scare them very much my father is sick with diabetes and high blood pressure and cartilage and heart disease
Diseases are spreading quickly and we do not find any food or water

I hope that we can leave Gaza and find a safe place to live for me and my family as Gaza was completely destroyed during the long aggression against us for months

Please help me collect the application fees and travel costs for the family
In order to facilitate my evacuation and my family through Egypt to another safe country to collect the required amount Go funme
Every donation no matter how small will make a big difference in the safety of my family will be used The funds raised are transparent and efficient
To ensure every euro is spent on ensuring their safety
My family and I are extremely grateful for your support and I am extremely grateful for any help you may be able to provide during this difficult time.
Please share this campaign with your friends, family and colleagues so we can reach our goal and provide safety for my family
Please accept my sincere thanks for your kindness and support as well as your willingness to stand with us in solidarity as together we can make a difference and help my family find safety and security

hey what the fuck is up with Ward?
If Nursery wasn’t such a fucking creep, I’d feel bad for her literally having the definition of “my power is to sexually assault you”. On a decent person, that is literally the ultimate cursed power to bear and like… never ever fucking use.
Like, there’s no way to go hero with that power in the first place, but goddamn if Nursery isn’t like, “Welp… time to forcefully impregnate people”.
now that would be a kickass crossover. detective victoria on the case and in her 40s. waking up in her trashed and gouged up hotel room with the wretch ripping up the floor and ceiling. being a member of The City's parahuman citizen militia. rather than an interinsula phone call, it's an interdimensional call to Amy. she used to be a basketball coach before she joined the force.
Disco Wardlysium, a game about being a cop. What capeotype are you? The Warrior Monk? The Wretch? Victoria Ambrosius Costeau?
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
Hello Tumblr community!
This blog has been started to document and share fundraisers vetted by @nabulsi, @el-shab-hussein, and Moh'd Ayesh. We felt it would help to create a space dedicated to this documentation process.
The fundraisers we are vetting will be added to this page as well as included in our google sheet.

We will continue to reblog and share on our personal blogs, and that will not change, but this blog will help better organize these fundraisers.
Please spread this as we'd like to start using this primarily to share newly vetted fundraisers.
~ Thank you
I know this site is like 99.9% usamericans so all of the political posts are focused on the US election but I think it's important for everyone to know that the Australian Liberal Party (which is actually the conservative party) straight up missed the deadline to put in the nominations for local elections, which means there are a stack of electorates where there is no nominee for the major conservative party and it's the funniest thing that's happened in years.

Cleaned up a WolfSpider doodle i had lying around for a while…

A guide to Rand al'Thor's love life, simplified:
Elayne Trakand: "I will have him for my throne." *giggles*
Aviendha: "I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I need him inside my guts right now! I hate him!"
Rand al'Thor: "Oh Min, you're the only normal woman in my life."
Min Farshaw: "I am a woman and I will have you beg for it like a dog, drooling into the carpet."
Rand al'Thor: "Why are all my relationships so terrible?"
Lews Therin Telamon: (sounding haunted) "Ilyena used to grip it with her feet like the teeth of a darkhound and leave me seeing stars. Oh light how I miss her."
Moridin: "I will see you dead." (Princess Bride narrator: "But what he meant was "I love you."")
coil could've worn a slick rubber fetish suit instead, ribbed like the segments of a snake, just a michelin man rubber tube- *the rioters break through my fortifications and my people's republican guard are slaughtered to a man before I am hauled out screaming by my coat sleeves and ankles to the gallows where I am justly executed for my crimes against the proletariat.*
on one hand the design of Tar Valon is super cool with the island in the middle of the river and the bridges and everything. on the other hand I can't look at it without thinking Robert Jordan Absolutely Did That On Purpose

oc guy moodboard

Skitter Flow
We're so s-small in the end man.
She wanted pussy but I gave her trauma. Haha.
Opp was talkin crazy. Shot him in both timelines.
We're out here smokin the shit that'll send you to the birdcage.
I have no loyalty for anyone. Never did, never will.
My money longer than Pale. My money longer than a Grey Boy loop.
Popped a xanny and wiped out every op within the state.
Fed him spiders. Made his ass a statistical outlier.
The worms are back.
I'm on twelve vicodins smokin that shardspace bisexual warrior monk cultivated sidepiece myrrdin deluxe cauldron reserve hashish. Shit will send you into a trigger vision, it'll have you witness Crystal God Whales.
Shorty told me no tongue so I made her gag on it.
The opps cut up shorty's face so I took two thirds of his gang in the divorce. Sent his ass into a two year coma. Froze him solid in a whole other dimension. Turned that motherfucker into a footnote at his own execution.
I don't give a fuck if I go blind, I don't need to see the price tag anyway. [The Undersiders laughing in the background. Scapegoat expresses his disbelief.]
I'm wearin that darwin bark spider gucci. Haters in shambles, dressed in their mom's pantyhose. Everyone can see your gross dick son. Should get that checked out.
I love drugs. I love drugs.
This miasma got me making out with them butch puppygirls. Changed the trajectory of her life.
The bugs are back. [Long pause followed by howling laughter from the Undersiders.]
This fight was over the moment I stepped into the room, cunt.
These cops are interrogatin me about this S-Class gamer girl as if I hadn't left their new boss buried under a freshly poured concrete foundation not two hundred feet away.
I'm out here huffin those bakuda bomb brain blasters. Shit will give you a concussion. I'm numb to all forms of pain.
Ventilated that three year old nazi with the gold plated glock to spare her ass the torment nexus.
This zaza will turn your skin translucent and make your skeleton visible. This zaza will turn you into a teenage mutant ninja salamander with LSD spit. This zaza will turn you into solid carbide titanium.
I only handed back the free world cuz I was bored.
I'm eatin that premium challenger pussy juice marinated Fugly Burger meal. The Endbringers are all I think about.
All I need is a pack of newports and the touch of a woman, and I'll fight God.
AAAAH! The worms!
You keep talkin mad shit for someone who still has eyeballs. I don't fuck with warning shots, jit.
There are bugs under your skin.
Made her choke on it so hard they had to weekend at bernie's her ass.
Surrounded by pussy but I chose war. These lesbians screamin their hearts out. I'm sorry babe.
Fuck it, cut ties.
They forgot I'm her.
This shit's so small in the end man.
So... I found this and now it keeps coming to mind. You hear about "life-changing writing advice" all the time and usually its really not—but honestly this is it man.
I'm going to try it.

I didn't have any alliteration for cockroach.
as the dorohedoro wormies we need to make some kind of Atlas Johnson crossover post
my apologies for not responding earlier, the depressions have eaten me for a few weeks now.
Wormblr, did you know that there is another perfect beetle boy for you to enjoy?

His name is Jonson (according to the wiki.) Check out his Jordans! Shocking!!!