- Religion: Christian Protestant. - Some NSFW! - Female - 40 years old. - Biracial. - Hetero monogam. (Mutual monogamy) - The only relation I am interested in is a commítted-, mutual monogamous-, lifelong romantic relationship. - Females are a total turn off!!!! - I only have sex if in a hetero committed mutual monogamous relationship. - Night Owl. - Loner. (And liking it) - I believe in true monogamous love. - BDSM + DD/LG. - I support: https://anima.dk/

894 posts

Miaisabelwinther - Welcome

miaisabelwinther - Welcome
Antisocial personality disorder
Find out what antisocial personality disorder is, what the signs are, and how it's diagnosed and treated.
Psychopathy | Definition, Studies, Characteristics, Origins, & Treatment
Encyclopedia Britannica
Psychopathy, personality disorder characterized by a set of dysfunctional interpersonal, emotional, lifestyle, and antisocial tendencies. Pe
Antisocial personality disorder
People with antisocial personality disorder are sometimes called 'psychopaths'. They tend to disregard the law or other people's rights.
Psychology Today
Psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment, and

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7 months ago

A soft morning playlist.

I just listen to the sound, not the lyrics.

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