Tolerance - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
A DBT guide for Distress Tolerance


Use this skill when you are fully in your Emotion Mind to stop yourself from reacting impulsively to a distressful situation.

S - Stop: When distress is high, don’t react. Just freeze!

T - Take a step back: Remove yourself from the situation. Take 15-30 seconds to focus on your breathing and slow down your heart rate.

O - Observe the situation: Take in what’s going on around you and in your body. Remember to stick to the facts.

P - Proceed Mindfully: What’s your goal in this situation? Consider your thoughts and feelings, and those of others.

*More DBT guides here*

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1 year ago
A DBT guide for Distress Tolerance and Crisis Management


Use this skill when you are overwhelmed by intense emotions or are feeling the urge to self-injure.

*If you’re in crisis and are having suicidal thoughts please call a Crisis Hotline! (Call 988 in the US)

T - Temperature: To relax fast or distract your mind with sensation, hold an ice pack to your cheeks or eyes or dunk your face in a bowl of ice water for at least 30 seconds to activate your Diver Reflex*.

*If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before trying.

I - Intense Exercise: Doing a few minutes of vigorous exercise will release Endorphins. Try a few minutes of Jumping Jacks or running in place (or around the block). Play your favorite fast paced song and dance it out.

P - Paced Breathing: Breathe deeply into your belly, expanding your lungs as much as you can. Pace your inhales and exhales to 5-6 per minute. Then make your exhales longer than your inhales (5 seconds in, 7 seconds out).

*Try a 60 bpm Metronome track from your music streaming app or YouTube for pacing.

P - Paired Muscle Relaxation: Breathing deeply, tense your muscles (not so much that you cramp up) section by section, move your focus from your feet up your body. Tense up with every inhale, relaxing and melting with every exhale.

*More DBT guides here*

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7 months ago


*Corresponding DBT Skill*

This worksheet is a way for you to plan ahead and show up for yourself when you're in distress.

Print this out, fill it in and have it as a tangible list of things to take your focus off the emotional storm and avoid harmful coping mechanisms. 

List activities that will take your focus in the moment (for example draw, play a video game, put together a small puzzle)

List things you can do with someone who calms you (for example help with washing dishes, fold laundry, cook a meal)

List 2 times before when you were struggling emotionally and got through it (to remind yourself that you have before and can survive again)

List things you can do to activate opposite emotions (for example watch some funny videos to counteract sadness with laughter)

List numbers you can call for help (For example a crisis hotline, therapist, or loved one)

Bonus Project: Self-Soothing Tool Box 

Fill a small box with anything that you can grab in a moment of stress to occupy your 5 senses.

This can include things like fidget toys, stress balls, mini plushies, small puzzles (25 pieces or so), a laundry sheet or perfume that calms you, a print out of the lyrics to one of your favorite songs, photos of loved ones, a Box Breathing guide, post-it notes with helpful affirmations, and even sour candies or mints.

The goal here is to have a go-to collection of self-soothing assistants so you're not searching and struggling in the midst of your distress.

*More DBT Skill guides here*

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10 years ago

Place de La Republique, 11/01/15

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7 years ago
This Is Why I Dont Tell 99% People Im Bisexual
This Is Why I Dont Tell 99% People Im Bisexual
This Is Why I Dont Tell 99% People Im Bisexual
This Is Why I Dont Tell 99% People Im Bisexual
This Is Why I Dont Tell 99% People Im Bisexual

This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual

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7 years ago
A Little Sketch Comic About How Bisexuality Is Totally Cool And Good And Not Bad.
A Little Sketch Comic About How Bisexuality Is Totally Cool And Good And Not Bad.
A Little Sketch Comic About How Bisexuality Is Totally Cool And Good And Not Bad.
A Little Sketch Comic About How Bisexuality Is Totally Cool And Good And Not Bad.

A little sketch comic about how bisexuality is totally cool and good and not bad.

The format is cliché!  I know.  But it makes it easy to talk about things I want to talk about.  Thanks for reading!

(I shouldn’t have to say this, but since a lot of people wanted to educate me on twitter: The words listed in panel seven [yes even in the parentheticals!] are just examples of how often acceptable language around gender and sexuality changes.  They are not lists of synonymous words, and many of them are now considered unacceptable.  That’s why they’re on the list. That’s what the list IS. I know.)

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7 years ago
A Christian Group Is Paying For Transgender Peoples Surgeries To Atone For The Churchs Discrimination

A Christian Group Is Paying For Transgender People’s Surgeries To Atone For The Church’s Discrimination

Transitioning is a varied process that differs from individual to individual, so it doesn’t always involve surgery. But when it does, those surgeries might not be covered by insurance and are often expensive, which is why a Christian group is encouraging church members to donate to help transgender people with surgery costs.

Faithfully LGBT, an organization that seeks to share the stories of LGBTQ people of faith, has started a campaign called the Tithe Trans Campaign to raise money for the transgender community. The campaign takes its name from a practice in which some Christians donate a tenth of their earnings to the church.

Faithfully LGBT is collecting donations to send to the Jim Collins Foundation, a non-profit organization that raises money to provide grants to cover gender affirming surgeries.

(read more)

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7 years ago

gay culture is knowing and accepting that aces and aros belong in the LGBT+ community

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7 years ago
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood
Bisexuality Is A Concept Too Often Misunderstood

Bisexuality is a concept too often misunderstood 💖💜💙

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6 years ago
Im Not A Very Good Gate Keeper. But I Think I Can Live With ThatHappy Trans Day Of Visibility!
Im Not A Very Good Gate Keeper. But I Think I Can Live With ThatHappy Trans Day Of Visibility!
Im Not A Very Good Gate Keeper. But I Think I Can Live With ThatHappy Trans Day Of Visibility!
Im Not A Very Good Gate Keeper. But I Think I Can Live With ThatHappy Trans Day Of Visibility!
Im Not A Very Good Gate Keeper. But I Think I Can Live With ThatHappy Trans Day Of Visibility!
Im Not A Very Good Gate Keeper. But I Think I Can Live With ThatHappy Trans Day Of Visibility!
Im Not A Very Good Gate Keeper. But I Think I Can Live With ThatHappy Trans Day Of Visibility!

I’m not a very good gate keeper. But I think I can live with that Happy Trans day of visibility! <3 <3 <3

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7 months ago
miaisabelwinther - Welcome
Antisocial personality disorder
Find out what antisocial personality disorder is, what the signs are, and how it's diagnosed and treated.
Psychopathy | Definition, Studies, Characteristics, Origins, & Treatment
Encyclopedia Britannica
Psychopathy, personality disorder characterized by a set of dysfunctional interpersonal, emotional, lifestyle, and antisocial tendencies. Pe
Antisocial personality disorder
People with antisocial personality disorder are sometimes called 'psychopaths'. They tend to disregard the law or other people's rights.
Psychology Today
Psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment, and

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6 months ago

September, elevate my perspective and lower my tolerance for anything pushing me out of alignment, nourish my self-assurance, and starve any feelings of comparison. water my discernment with love so flowers can grow from all my decisions. may I find clarity every time I choose me.

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2 years ago

Kinda weird how you say you’re against fascism yet you shut down anyone just because they share a different opinion than you. You guys are exactly what you say you hate... FASCIST! How come I have never seen any member of antifa actually sit down with someone and have a civil debate? I’ve only ever seen them yell and throw tantrums. Doesn’t look good for you guys, yikes.

Kinda Weird How You Say Youre Against Fascism Yet You Shut Down Anyone Just Because They Share A Different
Kinda Weird How You Say Youre Against Fascism Yet You Shut Down Anyone Just Because They Share A Different
Kinda Weird How You Say Youre Against Fascism Yet You Shut Down Anyone Just Because They Share A Different
Kinda Weird How You Say Youre Against Fascism Yet You Shut Down Anyone Just Because They Share A Different

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  i look at me today and i see i have grown.  I have grown  not in size but in heart  not in age but…

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3 years ago

Tolerance the only powerful and effective weapon to bring peace to this weird universe.

Tolerance The Only Powerful And Effective Weapon To Bring Peace To This Weird Universe.

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