miss-conner3 - miss_conner3

1) Instagram 2) Twitter 3) Archive of Our Own 4) Deviantart I love stories / I like to draw / I want to write / My hobby is putting together AU's in my mind. Currently with 25 years old.

477 posts

Podras Contarnos Ms Cosas Sobre Andy? Como, Por Qu Cambi Tan Drsticamente? Me Encant Su Concepto

¿Podrías contarnos más cosas sobre Andy? Como, ¿Por qué cambió tan drásticamente? Me encantó su concepto

Muchas gracias, me hace feliz saber eso (>u<)

Bueno esa es una historia que me gustaría contar aparte, debido a que toca una de las tramas principales del AU de “The Hard Way”, pero aquí respondí un poco sobre la razón de su comportamiento (ouo)/

Espero te sirva.

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More Posts from Miss-conner3

6 months ago
Without Money There Are No Kisses.

Without money there are no kisses.

But thanks for coming (^u^)/


Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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5 months ago

are you still in with mk dad au?

any new ideas you think or comics?

Hello (ouo)/

I'm sorry to say that for now, MK Dad AU is on hiatus (U.U)

And it's not because I lack ideas, but because, at the moment, I don't have much interest, and I don't know when I'll get back to it. But I can share with you some sketches I made before I became obsessed with COTL.

Because yeah, I'm a little into that right now hehe...

But anyway, here are some of the sketches I made based on some little ideas I had at the time:

A little interaction with the main MK clones, although I didn't get around to drawing all of them.

Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?
Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?

I was still figuring out how to draw Lego style. I think that's part of the reason I left it unfinished because by then I had already changed the way I drew them.

Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?

¿Can you guess who this last one was? (ouo)

A little interaction between DingBang and his little brother Mao. I think this was intended to be a small animatic or some comic.

Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?
Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?

These little guys wanted to make a video of their dad to sell for candy or something XD

I think I still have that idea written down somewhere…

Some outfit designs for MK.

Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?
Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?

Repeating this pose because I liked it for MK (owo)

Some appearances of the mother. (I just remembered I had this.)

Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?
Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?

This was closer to being finished, but I didn't finish it because... I was embarrassed (owo)

¿What do you think? ¿Do I finish it?

The children. This was a letter of introduction.

They are ordered from oldest to youngest: Dishi, 13 years old, DingBang, 12 years old, Hao, 10 years old, Mao, 8 years old, and BaoBao, 5 years old.

Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?
Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?
Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?
Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?
Are You Still In With Mk Dad Au?

This one just needed a proper background and some corrections to the text, and it would be done. 

Uhm… I could (U-U)

But well, this would be all I have saved and boy did it have some interesting things (ouo)

And that's without getting to scribble down all the ideas I had for this AU, but well, only time will tell if I'll come back to it...

I want to believe so, but I don't promise anything.

Anyway, ¡thanks for asking! \(OvO)/

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6 months ago

Just imagine that…

Big gods who have equally big disciples (OoO)

I can almost imagine Shamura saying, "Disciples used to be as imposing as the deities they served… sigh… but those were the old days..."

I think I have an idea.

Crosses (COTL)

This may have some spoilers for the Unholy Alliance update, specifically the Pilgrim Pack part…

One thought I had after seeing Jalala's comic is that the crosses on the bishops' heads were more like… ¿arrows that were stuck in their heads than ornamental ornaments?

Let me explain, there is a part where Chemach tells her story and in some of her flashbacks I thought I saw a giant with his head pierced with something that looked like a very long cross and that cross looked similar to the bishops'. At least at the tip.

Someone, I don't remember who, commented that divine wounds never heal and when bishops become followers those crosses are still there…

Maybe it's not relevant.

But I wanted to share this idea since I haven't been able to get it out of my head.

¿What do you think?

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6 months ago
En Espaol: Aqu

En Español: Aquí

“¿What's up?”

Looking through my sketches, I found these cute expressions, and since I didn't want to erase them, I painted them and ended up turning them into this little GIF (ouo)

If you look closely, you will notice the other two expressions (7v7)

¡I hope you like it!

Extra: I also share my lamb's expressions, just because yes (owo)

En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu

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6 months ago
We Suppose So (ouo)

We suppose so (ouo)

So here's a hug for the cost of a golden follower head that will be valued at 5,000 gold coins.

We're making that estimate because we're not sure how much a gold-plated head would cost.


¡I hope you like it!


Context: As Ando Begins To Think About The Repercussions Of Accepting A Follower's Request, The Lamb

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.

“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.

Reblog and participate in this curious booth.

Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

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