misshyori - Hyori

Age: 18+ I usually re-blog stuff I like including NSFW🔞 so MINOR please be smart

355 posts

Heart Stealer

heart stealer

Heart Stealer

yandere! crown prince x maid! reader

warning|| mention of an injury+blood, humiliating(not to reader),i guess that's it?

reference|| you,she/her,y/n(one time),maid.

a/n|| i planed on making it longer but i lost motivation to complete it (╯︵╰,)

Heart Stealer

you've been raised in this castle,your parents were servants under the royal family,your father was the head butler but your mother was an ordinary maid.

and you inherited this from them,at age 18,after a year from the death of the emperor and his wife,you became a maid working along side with your mother.

month after month you have been chosen by the court to become the personal maid of the crown prince himself.

you don't know if you should be excited or anxious,you've never meet the crown prince but you did hear a few things about him and it wasn't pleasing at all.

plus,it will be more work for you by this time as the royal coronation ceremony is close.

standing nervously outside the crown prince's room,you inhale a deep breath as you knock on the door,after two minute a "come in" was heard from the inside,you step inside and stand by the door waiting for him to notice you.

he was sitting on the edge of the window,his sword in his lap as he wip the blade, he glanced at you for a brief moment.

"who are you?" he asked as he return his attention to the sword.

you bow " I will be your personal maid from now on,your royal highness, i would try my very best to please you."

taron hummed in acknowledge "very well," he walked up to you and threw the sword at you "Clean it well."

"oh...ah! as you wish your highness!." you bow and run to clean it.

the next few days went the same, weird requests, trying to please him, and on above of all of that is the preparation for the royal coronation ceremony.

he wasn't interested in anything of it, not the choice of the clothes nor the food that has to be served, the food problem can easily be solved but the clothes, the accessories that all have to be his choice and you,as his personal maid, need to help him with these things but if you can't see him how can you help him??

you know he spend most of his time on the training ground, but it's forbidden for servants to go to this ground so you can't do anything but wait.

one day you stayed in his room after the work hours, you were determined to make him do what he has to.

but to your surprise he returns with an injury, you couldn't see how serious it is but you rush to his side, it was involuntary reaction (i don't know if that's true)

"your highness!,what happened?." you stops close to him but you don't dare to touch him.

taron glares at you clearly pissed "what the heck are you doing here until now?" you can hear the tireness in his voice.

"your highness,let me patch i-" "i do not like to repeat myself."

"i-i was waiting for you to return..." you back away a little in obedience.

taron heads to the bed with a groan and sits on the edge "you can go now then."

"let me patch your wound first."

"what did i say?."

"i know, but your highness...you are bleeding and it is my duty to help you.." you mumble the last part.

taron sighed "how annoying." he say under his breath.

you took this as an approval and take a closer steps to him, you sit down beside him and looks at him asking for approval to touch him, he turn to his side.

you couldn't help the faint smile that plays on your lips when he shows that side of him, he was always putting the tough face but in the few hours you got to spend with him through the days you've worked in under him you've come to know that he has a soft spot but he doesn't show it.

you hesitantly lift his clothes off and takes it to his bathroom and searched for few things that could help him until a doctor comes to him tomorrow.

finally you found alcohol and a white rag that you think it's clean. you return to him quickly putting the alcohol on the rag.

"This might sting,your highness, tell me if i hurt you."

taron scoff "you think something like that is going to hurt me?"

"oh-uh i did not mean to offense you in any way,your hi-!."

"just do your job."

you shut your mouth and begin wrapping the rag around his wound carefully, it was pretty awkward, taron didn't move nor talked, he was just looking in the space in front of him.

you couldn't help stealing glances from time to time, his body isn't that muscular, but his skill in sword is incredible, or that what you've heard.

you were lost in thought that you didn't notice your hand still laying on taron's body when you've finished.

taron moved your hands away jolting you out of your thoughts "are you done?"

your face redned in embarrassment and you stand up quickly taking a step away "i-yes, i wish you a quick recovery, now if you will excuse me, your highness."

taron nodded and you get out the room heading to the servants' suite. taron groan and lay down on the bed, putting his hand where was yours, the only thing he didn't get as an soon-to-be-emperor is affection wich you gave just now, and it's a foreign feelings to him.

the next day you make your day to the crown prince to check on him and to call a doctor, but when you entre the room you see at least eight of nurses and a doctor around him, you hurry to his side asking one of the nurses.

"what happening? is his highness okay?"

"oh miss, who are you?"

"I'm-..I'm his personal maid."

"ah very well you might give information....when did his highness get injured?."

"yesterday he came covered in blood, and i, myself,treated his injury."

"....oh no miss, so you are the one who bandaged it with this rag?" the nurse holded the rag to you.

"i am, it was clean, as i saw it."

"well, it was not, and his injury got effected."

"what?! is he okay now?!"

"i do not know what will happen after, but for now he has a high fever."

you gasped in horror, what if something happened to him?? then you'll be the killer of the only royal blood, your life will end there.

the next three days, taron didn't wake up, and you didn't leave him, yes there was always a nurse beside him, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave him, one because you need to make sure he'll stay alive for your life, and second there's just this feeling that toging you to stay by his side, so you stayed either working in the room or taking the nurse's place while they rest.

he sometimes would call names, like his brother's or some foreign names to you, but he never called his parents name,weird, is it a sin that you wanted to be one of these names?

rumors spreaded quickly within the castle, and everyone was talking about 'how the soon-to-be-emperor maid tried to kill him' you couldn't walk comfortably in the castle, everyone was giving you the nasty star and worse sometimes they talk shit to you or even hurt you, and what are you going to do to stop all that? everything scream that you tried to kill taron.

the forth day, exactly at noon, you were cleaning the desks when you heard a groan from taron, you hurried to his side thinking he got worse or uncomfortable, but when you got to his side, his eyes were opening, you didn't waste a time to call for the nurse as they were eating.

"thank god you woke up, your highness, we do not know what we would have done if you did not wake up." the nurse says as she checks on his temperature

"how many days have i been asleep?" taron asks, he closed his eyes from the sun, and you run to close the curtain.

"for three and a half now, your highness."

you can hear taron curses under his breath when he hear that, he turn his head and looked at you, raising his eyebrow as 'what are you doing here?'.

the nurse cleared their throat, and you knew where was that going to, you looked down in shame.

"your highness, this maid is the reason you are in this state, her dumb mistake to bandage your injury with a rag put you in danger." the nurse explained with a harsh tone

you started to tear up, you don't want to die nor you want taron to think bad of you, "your highness, i-i was too worried i wanted to stop the bleeding quickly i did not know it would....get to this." your voice cracked at the last sentence as you looked in taron's eyes, you know this is not an enough excuse, but how can you defend yourself in any other way? telling the truth is the only thing you can do.

taron stared intensely at you for a moment before a smile cracked his face, why is he smiling? have you said something funny?

"that's just an unbelie-"

"enough" taron cut the nurse off in annoyance,turning his his head to the selling "your yapping make my head hurt get out." you didn't quite know who he was talking to, but it was obvious wasn't it?

"well? what are you waiting for?" the nurse shouted at you.

"not her, you." taron point at the nurse

"...m-me? as you wish your highness." the nurse bow and left.

you start getting anxious, wondering why did he kept you here, are you in a problem? what a stupid question of course you are, taron isn't a forgiving person that for sure.

taron tried to sit up with a groan and you rush to his side to help him, after his sit comfortably he speak "trying to kill me, are we?." he joked.

"i swear i did not mean to,your highness!" you said quickly in fear.

taron only giggled softly, his dimple showing up, you stared mesmeraisedly at him, it was rare to see him smile or laugh that what you learned from the old servants, but to see this sight it was worth everything, "i know you would not dare do it." taron say.

"really? you believe me, your highness?!" you asked in relief.

"of course, a weak coward and naive maid like you would not even kill a fly."

"oh-at least you could have said it more kindly.." you thought. "i appreciate that you believe me, your highness." you say in happiness, after all if the soon-to-be-emperor believes you that's enough.

taron's smile fades away, did he lost himself with a mere maid? he can't believe what he's doing, you're really starting to get to him. he laid down back and cover his head with the blanket "close the curtain and get out." he ordered.

you did what he told you, despite his tone, nothing can change your mood now, before you can set your foot outside the room taron speaks again "and come tomorrow by the evening to complete the preparation for the ceremony.", your face lit up "gladly!" you say a bit loud.

"she is adorable." taron thought as you made your way out

you were heading to your mother to tell her that you've finally made the heir prince do what he has to.

the next morning you were too excited to prepare for the ceremony with taron that no one could change your happy mood not even the shitty talk around and about you.

you were heading to taron's room holding breakfast for him when suddenly a maid stopped you, she looks old.

"is that for his royal highness?" she asks firmly.

you nod "it is."

"get it back to the kitchen, no one can trust what you have put in it." she demanded like she's your boss.

"what? are you implying that i poisoned it?" you start to get angry, that's starting to get too much.

"you are not trustworthy, i do not know why the curt kept you untill now."

"that just prove that they see me more trusting than anyone here, even than the old ones!" you raised your voice a bit.

"you already tried to get rid of his royal highness once."

"that-! i did not-..." your voice trail on the end, what will you say? no one will believe you.

"now take it back to the kitchen if you may." she said coldly

you lower your head and went back to the kitchen putting the breakfast on the table frustrating, you've had enough of all of this, should you tell taron about that? maybe he'll help you...

other maids has cooked a new break and escort you to taron's room so they'll make sure your wouldn't "put something in it".

taron noticed your fallen face when you put his breakfast, you usually have a smile on your face whenever you're around him, you start rambling around in the room, getting outfits ready or organizing things in the room, taron couldn't help glancing in your direction ever so often, you just seemed...off?.

"what got into you? why do you even care? focus taron! " taron thought with himself,his eyes darting to you again "....there is no wrong in asking though, i have the right to do."

with that he grabbed your wrist when you walked closer to his reach "what is with you?" he sounded angry rather than concerning "i did not want it to sound like that! "

you hesitated to tell him about what happened earlier "no it is noth-" you cut yourself off, why would you cover their act up? if the crown prince himself is asking what is wrong, you should take this to your advantage "...your highness...the servants and the maids are treating me badly, they call me...names, and earlier before i bring the breakfast to you, one of the old maid stopped me and she forced me to go throw the food that i made.." you explained.

taron didn't say a thing but you could feel his grip on your wrist tighten, a second later taron was dragging you along with him heading to the hall, he stopped by your father, the head butler and told him to announce that he want every single servant and maid to come to the main hall, your father looked at you worriedly, you shrugged mouthing "i don not know" he seems to relax a bit when he sees that you're not scared or seem in trouble, your father bow in respect and went to do what taron told him.

taron dragged you to the main hall, where the throne was he climbed near it, and tugged on you to get up there with him, but you refused you couldn't just go near the throne could you?

"your highness, i do not think this is a proper thing to do!"

"you are going to teach me what is proper and what is not?" he says a bit mockingly.

"no..that is not what i meant.." you mutter.

taron sigh and roll his eyes before he pulls you over to him, you stumble into him and he wrap his hand around your shoulders, you tried to get away a little bit but taron squeezed your shoulder when he felt you slip, for a moment he only star at you before he exhale sharply and say something under his breath that you couldn't quite catch then he let go of you and sit on his throne.

before you can ask anything the room start to be filled with the servants, you catch your mother eyes looking at you worriedly, you smile at her in reassure.

taron clear his throat to get everyone's attention.

"..I have heard...there is someone who have been harassing my maid." he pauseed for a second, "do you all have a problem with her?" he suddenly took your hand and put it near his lips as he looked at you "Because from my side, I don't mind if she is the one who wants to kill me." you were so in shock to respond or do anything, taron then looked at the crowd without letting your hand "do you have something to say?" when no one said anything taron continue "If I hear that anyone bothered her again, they will meet the blade of my sword....everyone may leave now but the maids that on the kitchen."

the crowd start to leave,leaving the ones who work in the kitchen and the woman tha- "tell me who bothered you earlier." taron demanded

"...your highness it is not necessary anymore-" "did i stutter? tell me who is she."

you pointed hesitantly at the woman and she looked at you with wide eyes filled with fear, the next thing you knew, taron made her apologize on her knees in front of you.

what have you got yourself into?

Heart Stealer

have a nice day/night♡

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More Posts from Misshyori

11 months ago

can I request a yandere alban and sonny where maybe the reader like to make them a little jealous even liking how yandere they are and at the end maybe the reader get breed and blindfolded as punishment please and thank

ft. alban knox, sonny brisko x f! reader — noctyx, nijisanji en

╰₊✧ getting punished by yandere alban & sonny after making them jealous┊0.8k words

contains: smut!! dom alban, sonny & sub reader┊yandere, mentions of murder, established relationship(s), bratting/brat-taming, no dialouge, blindfolds, rough spitroasting (blowjobs & unprotected), edging/orgasm denial, swallowing & breeding, pure filthy filthy smut like it’s dirty dirt, ooc probably

➤ author's note: i was so stuck on how to write this, but once i realized how straightforward the prompt was, i managed to speed through it! enjoy!

Can I Request A Yandere Alban And Sonny Where Maybe The Reader Like To Make Them A Little Jealous Even

it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that you did it on purpose, it’s just so much fun to poke at the two men on opposite sides of the law who are willing to dirty their hands at anyone who so much as looks at you in a way they deem offensive to them! it didn’t take more than a giggle and hair twirl towards some guy’s flirtatious advances for alban to rob him blind and sonny to “dispose” of him. you didn’t predict they would go that far to get rid of him, but you guess he must have been collateral damage to get what you want after feeling like your boyfriends weren’t giving you enough attention. quite a bit fucked up on your end, but it’s easy to play innocent even though both of your boyfriends know you aren’t half as coy as you make yourself seem.

and the cop is telling you as much, berating you for being such a tempting vixen and forcing their hands to intervene while splitting you open on his cock. as expected of a man like him, his voice was steady even though he was mercilessly pistoning in and out of you. you couldn’t even reply properly since you were also sucking off the thief, unable to do anything but moan around him and have him push your head on him more as a result.

you couldn’t see a thing, your vision obscured by a silk blindfold, but you could feel their complete focus on you which made all of your efforts worth it. although they were crazy enough to lock you up and isolate you as punishment, they were too obsessed to go any more than a few hours without you. teaching you a lesson like this was the next best thing, fucking you mercilessly while marking you up with bruises and hickeys of all sorts of intensity. it isn’t really a good form of discipline since you enjoy it too much like the little attention whore you are, but the way they manhandle you and treat you like a toy certainly feels like it.

the roughness mixed with the pleasure has beads of tears forming at the corners of your eyes, choking on alban cock every time sonny thrusts into your cunt and feeling your chest start to ache with how much your tits bounce with every push. he always manages to fill you up so perfectly every time, dragging his cock against your gummy walls then assaulting your sweet spot with every snap of his hips and making your vision spark every time even though all you could see was darkness.

the brunette isn’t as firm with you as the blonde, more sloppy with his movements and prone to wavering in his resolve to fix your bratty attitude in favor of getting himself off first. he tugs on your hair so hard that it almost stings when he used your head like a living fleshlight while you suck him off, unable to control his hips when your tongue feels so heavenly along his length. it doesn’t take long for him to reach his peak, cumming with an erotic gasp while your mouth quickly filled with the hot and bitter-tasting substance. you tried to spit it out as a show of defiance, but when he pulled on your locks more harshly with the force of threat behind his actions, you reluctantly let him win and swallowed it.

however, the officer wasn’t done with you yet, holding your legs wide open for him and still pounding into you like there was no tomorrow. the training from his occupation was making itself known with his insane stamina, but you weren’t even close to reaching your climax either. he only stopped whenever you were showing the signs that you were close, smiling almost wickedly when he hears you whine in response. it wouldn’t be a proper punishment if you got to cum before they did, now would it?

fortunately for you, he was coming near with his pace beginning to slow and becoming less punctual. his grip on your thighs tightened and you heard him grunt, rutting into you a few more times before painting your insides white and leaving you sticky and full. he reached over to pull of the blindfold and pinched your cheeks, asking you if you’ve learned your lesson yet on not to flirt with other men and making them jealous just for the sake of it.

as expected, you stubbornly shook your head and complained that you didn’t do anything wrong. all the two men could do was sigh, knowing that they may need to take more drastic measure to get an apology out of you… maybe tying you up with some red rope and edging you with a vibrating wand on your clit would be enough to have you crying and begging for mercy…

Can I Request A Yandere Alban And Sonny Where Maybe The Reader Like To Make Them A Little Jealous Even
Can I Request A Yandere Alban And Sonny Where Maybe The Reader Like To Make Them A Little Jealous Even

Tags :
11 months ago

[Yan Scientist approaches Slime Reader's cage]

"Doctor! Keep your distance! That creature's slime dissolves clothing as if it were tissue paper."

[Slime darling looks around their cage before pointing at themselves]

Slime Reader: ???

[They make eye contact with the scientist - opening their arms wide for a hug despite the walls of thick glass between them]

Slime Reader: :D <3

Yan Scientist: Everyone out of the lab.


Yan Scientist, messing with the keypad wired to the slime's cage: Emergency testing - everyone out of this room right fucking now.

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10 months ago

Mage reader is definitely the type to purposefully jump into siren infested waters lmao.

Like imagine you overhear some sailors talking about how they have to sail past siren territory and your ears perk up. You beg the sailors to let you join, under the pretence that you're a studious mage who's "researching sirens" and "studying their magic". 

The sailors believe you and bring you along the trip to the rough waters of the siren's territory. They've all plugged and covered their ears as usual, except for you, you're too busy leaning over the ships edge to get a peak at any sirens below. And wouldn't you know, the second you hear the siren's song you're gone. Lost in a trance, blank expression unable to hear the sailors yelling at you as you stand up on the ships edge and jump right into the sea.

The cold waters shock you out of your trance as you take in the quiet surroundings, salt water burning your eyes. You try and swim to the surface but feel a strong tug on your leg. Squinting down into the deep darkness you finally see the creature you were looking for. 

Dark black eyes stare up at you from below, it's powerful tail swaying behind it. The siren pulls you down, deeper into it's predatory hold with it's clawed hands. You stare at it in awe and the siren stares back, confused as to why you aren't struggling at all. 

You then feel a pinch in your lungs as you run out of air. You promptly take both hands and firmly grasp the sirens cold cheeks before pulling the creature into a deep kiss. 

The siren freezes in absolute shock as you kiss them deeply. The kiss breaths magic into your lungs, giving you temporary air. You release the sea creature from the kiss and take a hesitant breath.

"That actually worked?!?!"

Your excited yell comes out as just bubbles in the water as the siren continues to stare, dumbfounded. Your hands move from their cheeks to the sirens agape mouth, excitedly exclaiming how sharp their teeth are while touching the pointed tips with your fingers. 

You're very touchy, the siren learns as they let you marvel at their body. Running your fingers down the sirens arm, comparing your hands, intertwining your fingers. The siren is at a complete loss of how to deal with this but before you can touch anything too important you feel that pinch in your lungs again. 

You look up at the beast and tap your lips. The siren finally huffs at you in disbelief and you take that as a yes and pull them in for another deep kiss. You kiss for much longer than is necessary and you even try to sneak your tongue into the kiss which earns you a little nip from the siren. 

The creature grins at you, pulls your body against theirs and comes to the conclusion not to eat you

You bring your arms around the shoulders of their much bigger frame as they hold you close to swim deeper into the cold depths. 

They have to show the rest of the pod this very strange human they caught.

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11 months ago
Bunny Suit
Bunny Suit
Bunny Suit

bunny suit

Tags :
11 months ago

Tags: NSFW, alien x reader, alien boyfriends, fem reader, established relationship, double penetration, ovulation, laying eggs, mentions of labor and delivery

Word count: 877


Imagine having two alien boyfriends who can’t resist you. They love ravishing your holes every chance they get. Thankfully, you have two of them so they don’t have to fight over one, although you wouldn’t be entirely opposed to that.

They always open you up so carefully so they don’t hurt you, their long, nimble fingers exploring your insides as easily and with as much curiosity as they explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

One of them sits down on the comfy couch in your quarters, his aching cock emerging from his genital slit with an obscenely wet sound, glistening with mucus. It makes it so easy for you to slide down onto him. You approach him, your hole having been thoroughly stretched out on the bed, turn with your back to him, and sit on his cock, gasping at how far this position forces him inside you. How far your tight little hole stretches around him.

You sit there for a moment while your body adjusts, luxuriating in feeling him so deep inside your guts. He runs his soft yet textured hands all over your back and hips. Worshiping you.

Your other alien boyfriend watches from the foot of the bed, playing with his own genital slit to coax his cock out. It doesn’t take much, as desperate as he is for you. He crosses the room in two long, smooth strides and pushes your legs apart, kneeling on the floor between them. No matter how many times they’ve seen you naked, they always marvel over your anatomy. Your delicate, pink folds; your sensitive clit, your two holes that they think are absolutely beautiful, the way you get so wet for them at the slightest touch.

He doesn’t push inside you right way, but instead circles your clit with his fingers, the texture of them sending shivers through your body. It makes you clench around the cock in your ass. The one whose lap you’re sitting in nuzzles into the side of your neck and holds your legs apart while the other one continues exploring you.

He slips two fingers inside you, tracing the outline of the other’s cock through your wall. That right there almost makes you come. You love the way they coo over you, their sweet little human, always making sure you feel good, making sure each of your holes receives the amount of attention it deserves.

You’re right on the cusp of begging for it when the one kneeling between your legs finally pushes inside you. A cry rips its way out of you as you’re filled to the brim with dripping wet alien cock. They immediately start fucking you, one of them pulling back while the other surges forward in perfectly coordinated movements. You’re so glad the walls of the ship are soundproof, otherwise every single one of your crewmates would be able to hear you screaming, crying, begging them to fuck you harder.

It doesn’t take long before you’re trembling between them, completely at their mercy, but knowing that you’re completely safe with them. They would never dream of harming their precious human.

You come long and hard, arching your back and clenching so hard around their cocks, you think you might pass out. Maybe you did pass out there for just a moment because the next thing you know, the one in front of you is stroking your face while the other one draws soothing circles on the backs of your thighs with his fingertips. You become dimly aware of something latching on inside you, your cervix being dilated, and a moment later, he begins depositing eggs inside your womb. He is ovulating, so he gets to fuck your pussy. Those are the rules.

You sigh and relax and let them take care of you. They let you know what a good job you’re doing receiving his eggs, what a good vessel you will be for them. You preen under the attention. You’ve done this enough times that it doesn’t even hurt anymore as egg after egg pops inside you. By the time he is finished, your belly curves outward slightly. He’s laid a big clutch inside you this time. He kisses you on the forehead as he seals up your cervix so none of his eggs escape.

Laying eggs always takes a lot out of him, so he stretches out on the bed while the other one eases his cock out of your ass and carries you to the bathroom, where he draws you a nice, hot bath. He gently cleans between your legs with a washcloth; their mucus can really make a mess sometimes, but you stopped caring a long time ago.

You run your hand over your slightly protruding belly while he tends to you, thinking about the labor and delivery you will go through in a few months. The eggs have to be delivered under water; their shells will crack if they are exposed to air too suddenly. The medical wing has several tubs for this specific purpose, but if no complications arise, you plan on delivering them right here in your own quarters, where you’re the most comfortable, and your two alien boyfriends will be there for you every step of the way.

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