I Love How Anyone New Just Knows Who Is Getting Thirst Trap Edits Done For Them
I love how anyone new just knows who is getting thirst trap edits done for them 😭😭😭
right, I'm watching Alice in Borderland, and we just got introduced to the guy with black hair and piercings, and-
I already know that there are edits of this dude with the song "criminal" by Britney Spears
(I think his name is niragi? I might have that wrong though, please correct me if I do)
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nothing but love and respect for all the funky little last boss fans out there, y’all are brave as hell and i admire that
that's how we love chishiya also, his condescending self is attractive asf and u write him amazingly so it's a win-win! also yea it's too soon for sure it's where it's good like we see the tension rising and yet nth's really happening. and yea I like the fact she's stunning for most of people and chi couldn't care less we love (1) man that values the brain instead. OMG okay i'm scared but at least kuina's here so we have hope!! can't wait for the best writing to come!! take ur time tho haha ily
!!! I THOUGHT I ANSWERED THIS AND I DIDNT 😭😭😭 But yesss!!! Slow and steady wins the race! For now 🌚 Chishiya is just that type of man who could care less about looks but like- big brain = sexy, which MC admits to not having so she’s on thin ice but Chishiya gives it a pass because she’s an enigma to him and vice versa, god I love writing their dynamic, ive never written a couple like this before so it’s really fun! And yes 🌚🌚🌚🌚 soon my love, soon. Things are gonna be a mess

HAHAHA every new creator goes through this especially on tumblr ! Fear not though, as you create you’ll get the hang of things, I can give a few pointers though of course!!
First and foremost almost everyone on tumblr is too shy to send asks without anon, so PLEASE remember to turn anon on (it’s automatically off unless you go into settings), this can be done on PC! Masterlists and headers alike can be created by a multitude of apps! I prefer PicsArt as they make it really easy to edit photos!
Masterlists can be done easily by simply making a post, adding the titles of your imagines, scenarios etc, and clicking over the title of a selected story

By clicking the chain you can then insert the link to your story there
Getting a link to a story is also very easy! You’ll just go to the post with said story and scroll down to the bottom of the post until you find all your options such as like reblog etc

You’ll just hit the arrow and click copy, then drop your link into the highlighted area as seen above!
Masterlists can be as fancy or as basic as you’d like! I’d totally recommend checking out other blogs for ideas on what you’d like to do!

This is my WIP Masterlist which for some reason I haven’t posted, last but not least, here is a quick guide on adding links into your bio such as a link to a masterlist! hope this helps and have fun!!! :)
can- can someone teach me how to tumblr properly😭
I wanna have cool headers & get requests & make a masterlist and shiz like actually have a rlly cool platform where people actively engage and I can openly share everything about my interests but I’m just so DUMB
lmao I have no clue how to rlly use this app can someone help

Imma try to be as non spoilery as possible!!! I wouldn’t say I loved the ending, but it ended the way I think it was meant too, if that makes sense? Like it fit the characters and the story even if it wasn’t what I had expected (or had hoped) and the way the name tied together was very clever! It definitely felt a bit lackluster imo, but I as I said before, it felt like it fit the story in a way that, even if it wasn’t the best, I’ll let it pass. When I first finished my feelings were very mixed, but I’ve come to terms with it and I even enjoy the idea of the ending now.
Wouldn’t be the one I chose but I can see why the author did it as it tied everything together flawlessly
To those who have read the Alice in Borderland manga:
What did you think of the ending? Did you like? Not like it? Or were you neutral to it?
I want to try and keep spoilers minimum for show-only watchers but I'm really interested in hearing opinions. Mostly I've heard people think it was okay. I personally liked it a lot (although there's aspects to it I didn't like)
I’m also happy to see they aged up the characters! Especially given some of the hmmm suggestive scenes in the manga that will probably get put into the series later 😅 reading was a little uncomfortable knowing they were still in highschool- not to mention it just makes sense to me!! I was happy to see everyone was around my age as well!
I love that they aged up the characters, I dont really see a lot of shows with characters around my age (early 20s), why do the teens always have to get everything, you know? And teen dramas dont actually have to have teens as the main characters.