modagayday - an organized mess
an organized mess

spreadsheets and lists bring me joy✨

5 posts

Modagayday - An Organized Mess - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago
I Created An AO3 Site Skin!

I created an AO3 site skin! 

It’s based on Simply Twilling, but the link, hover link, and relationship tag colours are changed to purple, and the background image is customised. 

The code is here, with a few notes on how to change the background and colours! To use, simply go to “create site skin” and paste. Feel free to use and edit as you see fit; it’s easy to do so even if you know nothing about code :)

4 years ago

Low-Contrast Skin for AO3

Low-Contrast Skin For AO3

I was struggling with AO3′s default accessibility, so I made a skin for my visual processing needs. I put it up for public archiving a few weeks ago, but I’m not sure what their backlog is. In the meantime, anyone who wants and/or needs it is welcome to it.

Feel free to copy/paste/repost/edit as you see fit. Credit would be nice, but it’s not necessary. I just want to help make AO3 easier to access. Thank you!

Find the code in a gdoc, here: [link]

4 years ago
Edward Robert Hughes + The Greatest Showman
Edward Robert Hughes + The Greatest Showman
Edward Robert Hughes + The Greatest Showman
Edward Robert Hughes + The Greatest Showman
Edward Robert Hughes + The Greatest Showman
Edward Robert Hughes + The Greatest Showman

edward robert hughes + the greatest showman

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4 years ago
Anyway Here Are Some Oddly Specific Pop/hip Hop Playlists For Self Care
Anyway Here Are Some Oddly Specific Pop/hip Hop Playlists For Self Care
Anyway Here Are Some Oddly Specific Pop/hip Hop Playlists For Self Care

anyway here are some oddly specific pop/hip hop playlists for self care

00s it girl dancing in front of the mirror eating strawberries in the bath

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