Atsuhina - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

While waiting for the second chapter to be checked, let me share two of the characters: the marquis Miya and baron Hinata!

While Waiting For The Second Chapter To Be Checked, Let Me Share Two Of The Characters: The Marquis Miya

De Profundis

Here, it's finally up!

De Profundis, my first and only fic so far, late Victorian Tokyo AU, of course Oikawa x Iwaizumi.

De Profundis
De Profundis

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6 months ago
Hinata Laughing At Atsumu's Stupid Jokes And Atsumu Being.. Atsumu

hinata laughing at atsumu's stupid jokes and atsumu being.. atsumu

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6 months ago

world stopping .

we do not talk enough about how this is basically a marriage proposal

We Do Not Talk Enough About How This Is Basically A Marriage Proposal

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6 months ago

suffering from atsuhina withdrawals because there are no atsuhiners here on tumblr im sad and missing my boys

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5 months ago
That Trend From Twt But Make It Atsuhina Because OF COURSE HE'D DO THIS
That Trend From Twt But Make It Atsuhina Because OF COURSE HE'D DO THIS

That trend from twt but make it atsuhina because OF COURSE HE'D DO THIS 🗣️🗣️🗣️

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9 months ago
Hinata Laughing At Atsumu's Stupid Jokes And Atsumu Being.. Atsumu

hinata laughing at atsumu's stupid jokes and atsumu being.. atsumu

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4 years ago

Haikyuu Hinata-Centric Shipping Fics Pt.1

It seems like among all the Haikyuu boys, i have a favourite. For my favourite sunshine boi, Hinata Shouyou, this is for you!

General Audiences

“drink up the sunrise” by beecalm (HoshiHina)

“the fireworks in your eyes” by omigiris (Osahina with unrequited AtsuHina)

“conscientious” by catgod (SakuHina)

“Roses Are Red” by KuriKuri (GoshiHina)

“love is a doing word” by SugaSugar (AkaHina)

“Prince” by mari_aye (HoshiHina)

“it’s like you told me, go forward slowly” by elenoir (Equal parts KageHina and AtsuHina with slight OiHina)

Teen and Up Audiences

“three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead” by omigiris (Osahina)

“i keep a close watch on this heart of mine” by inumvkis (SakuHina)

“eleven minutes past ten” by inumvkis (OsaHina)

“A Dri-Fit named Desire” by boomturkey (SakuHina)

“I’ll Stand Alone if I Have To (But I’d Rather Stand by You)” by ThePackWantsTheD (UshiHina)

“WINGED OBSESSIVE” by fatal (HoshiHina)


“the beat of my heart” by MooksMookin & spacegirlkj (Seijoh 4/Hinata)

“fever pitch” by Authoress (LevHina)

“an ocean with no borders, a spring that never ends” by spacegirlkj (HanaMatsuHina)

Not Rated

“Bloom” by yours_truly_akari (HoshiHina)


“blooming enchantment” by spacegirlkj (IwaOiHina)

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4 years ago

AtsuHina Fic Recs!

I have got to admit that AtsuHina is one of my favourite ships! Although it’s mostly new and rare, I find that a lot of the works are simply beautiful and great! 

General Audiences

“murphy’s law abiding citizen” by whatthehelena

“you look like you want him forever“ by otpismyoxygen

“che vita meravigliosa” by elvass

“and i can see what was hidden before” by croissantbleu

“eclipse of the sun” by noyabeans

“allured” by blithely

“What are feelings?” by orangemint

“Cowardice” by ElsaFH

Teen And Up Audiences

“like the faint scent of bergamots in the morning” by tinygumdrops

“in gold daylight” by lavendori

“this was the very first page, not where the story line ends” by fox_es

“what's yours is mine (but I cannot be yours)” by kiroiimye (Contains past Kagehina)

“in the night we are wild eyed“ by Flumes

“the world will never be the same“ by Slumber

“A Splash of Colour” by Crollalanza (Contains OsaSuna too)

“south of an early summer” by tothemoon

“fallen star, i’m your one call away” by trilobites

“Movements” by yaxuxi

“timmy play your trumpet (let the people go beserk)” by becauseitisbitter

“have my sympathy” by pissedofsandwich (Background BokuAka)

“the better miya twin” by infantblue

***"JUNO" by majunju and perennials (I beg of you to read this masterpiece. Please. I'm on my knees.)


“you can coax the cold out of me” by caniculeo

“into the heart of the stomach” by entremelement (Implied past OiHina and Unrequited AtsuKita)


“And they were Roomates” by boomturkey

Not Rated

“Hungry Youth” by welpplew

“The Path to Happiness” by Serendipity (Contains OsaSuna also)

“Why Are We Here If Not For Each Other” by loocusts (Contains unrequited Kagehina and slight Oihina also)

“Sunshine (you shine so bright)” by jhxnnats

“Let's Fall In Love“ by Serendipity (past Kagehina)


“Colliding universes” by ElsaFH

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1 year ago
marchdancer - Marchdancer


Setters & Hinata

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