Haikyuu Fanfic - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago
Paring: Toru Oikawa X Female Reader

Paring: Toru Oikawa x female reader

Requested: no

Genre: smut, female receiving

Warning(s): cunnilingus, figuring, degradation

Summary: Toru eating out his freeuse slut aka you

Word count: 743

Other works

Beta reader: none

disclaimer: this is my first time writing smut, so dont expect it to be stellar (do lemme know if it was good or not)

a/n: I request each and every one of you to comment on this fic don't be a silent reader it helps me as an author to understand my readers and i would love to communicate with all of you. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by me so do talk about this fic or send me an ask.

[permanent taglist] [only for those interested, don’t fill the form otherwise]

-----------------------smut under the cut--------------------------

Oikawa was your pretty cute roommate. You both had met during your college days and as dorm partners and had bonded over time. Now, three years after finishing, you both are still going strong as roomies.

He has settled into his big-boy job of playing volleyball full-time, and you have the most boring nine-to-five ever. Although the big-time celebrity he is, plus the wealth that is flowing into his bank, says he is a richie rich dude, but the boy still refuses to move out, and who are you to say otherwise?

Now, the refusal to move has some ulterior motives, but it's not like you were not aware of that. The man is obsessed with you, more like your pussy, so much so that he refuses to let you have a moment of peace in the house when you both are alone.

The fact that neither of you are in a relationship helps a lot in contributing to it, not like a simple boyfriend would stop the man from bending you over in the most obnoxious place and ramming his cock into you, but surely it would create a bit of hindrance, and no one likes those.

To put it in the most simplest from, you are his personal free-use slut; that’s what you are. You could deny it, but you know it as well as he does, that you'd bend in the middle of a crowded street if he wanted you to.

Not like he actually wanted that to happen, but you get the point. So, as a general rule in the house, it is forbidden for you to wear panties or a bra, not like you liked to do so anyways. He liked having access to your pussy at all times of the day so that he could always take you anywhere and everywhere.

 Just like this time, when he came back from the gym all sweaty and thirsty, for your pussy.

Walking into the house, he looks around for you only to find you on the balcony tending to those basil plants you have started growing a few months ago. Leaving his gym bag on the couch, he strides over to you and without a single word, he pushes you towards the railing of the balcony and, bending down, he settles himself between your legs.

“Been thinking about you all day,” he says from between your legs and without letting you answer, he pulls down your shorts to get the view of your glistening pussy, with its puffy lips.

“Did you play with yourself while I was away?” he asks, looking at you, only for you to let out a flustered whine.

“I just edged myself, Toru, I couldn’t cum,” you say, thoroughly flustered.

“Dumb whore can’t even make herself cum without my cock, that’s what you needed, wasn’t it?” he laughs as you vigorously nod.

Without wasting another moment, he dives into your pussy, licking a long stripe of it and sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. With each and every lick it becomes even harder for you to keep your voice lower, eventually your screams pierce through the quite evening, making sure to let all the pedestrians know who is eating you out so well.

Latching his face further into your heat, he adds two fingers inside you and immediately starts curling them. Your essence dripping onto his tongue is like heaven, sweeter than any candy he could ever have.

While letting out lewd breathy moans, you grip his hair hard as he keeps abusing your cunt.

“To-toru, ahh-”

“Yes, scream my name, slut, let the world know who makes you go all dumb over his tongue,” he groans.

“Toru, I’m gonna-”

Before you could complete your sentence, the waves of pleasure hit you harder than anything else. With a loud scream of his name, you come all over his face and like a starved man, he drinks you up till the last drop of your cum is gone and you are shaking with overstimulation.

Emerging from between your thighs, he gives your pussy a quick slap, saying, “I'm gonna go take a shower, I expect you to be naked on your knees beside my bed, slut.”

With that, he is out, leaving you to shakily walk into the house towards his bedroom, because what Toru wants he gets, and you are no one to deny him the pleasure he so politely asked you for.


a/n: again if you have read till the end do tell me how you liked it, and thanks for reading.

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9 months ago

if the world was ending you'd come over right?

If The World Was Ending You'd Come Over Right?

summary: you're not at home when the earthquake happens, but your ex doesn't know that and sees that your apartment building has collapsed on the news...loosely based off this song

cw: ex! osamu, mentions of blood, earthquake, angst, a little bit of comfort, not as fluffy as i promised sorry

wc: 923

note: this was a sponsored fic for @ficsforgaza's fundraiser!! check out how to send in a request here, or sponsor a wip here! i initially had a different idea for the fic, but it ended up like this. however i may write the other version i originally planned at some point in the future!!!

haikyuu masterlist | blog navigation

If The World Was Ending You'd Come Over Right?

You were returning to your apartment from getting your morning coffee when the earthquake hit. One second you were walking along, the next the ground was bouncing and you were thrown to the ground. You slammed your head hard against the pavement, and instinctually curled up into a ball, wrapping your arms around your head to protect it from further harm. 

After what felt like an eternity, it stopped as quickly as it had started, leaving you laying dazedly on the cracked pavement. You knew something was wrong with your head, that you were likely concussed and couldn’t fall asleep, but your body was battered and aching and you couldn’t bring yourself to stand.

Time was moving weirdly, so you didn’t know how long you laid there, but by the time you managed to stagger to your feet the blood dripping from your head had crusted in your hair and on your face. It took you a bit to find your footing, but once you were upright you began walking unsteadily towards your apartment, distantly realizing that you should go check on it.

“Maam! Hey! Are you okay? Do you need help?” A middle aged man you vaguely recognized as owning the grocery store you frequented approached you, concern evident on his face. “You don’t look too good. Where are you trying to go? I can help.”

It takes you a few tries to speak, your mouth sticky and dry from inhaling dust and a lack of use. “My apartment. It’s right around the corner. The one across the street from the park.” As you speak, the pounding in your head only increases and a wave of nausea washes over you, causing you to stagger.

Pity crosses over the man’s face as he reaches out to steady you. “Ah, well, I saw on the news that the buildings in that complex collapsed, so I don’t know if there will be much to see. It might be best if we try to get you some medical attention for your head…”

“I’m fine.” You attempt to keep walking, but he has to catch you as your legs give out. “Whoa. Take it easy. It looks like you hit your head pretty hard.”

“I need to go home.” You know it’s not logical, but you want to see the extent of the damage and try to salvage what you can despite knowing it was very unlikely anything remained.

The shop owner sighed, slinging your arm over his shoulder to support you better as he helped you limp along. “Fine. You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you. We’ll go to your building, but we’re going to find someone to look at your head after that.”

You don’t have the energy to reply, focusing on putting one foot ahead of the other, not the throbbing in your skull. After what felt like hours, but was probably only around five minutes in reality, you got back to your building, and were immediately greeted by chaos.

EMT’s raced stretchers with people covered in dust and blood on them to waiting ambulances, new helicopters whirred overhead, neighbors and other onlookers gathered to the side in shock, a man fighting tooth and nail to get into the building screaming at the men holding him back-wait.

“Hey, that’s your boyfriend, right?” The shop owner pointed at the man thrashing against his captors. “I’ve seen you two together in the store before. We should probably get you over to him, he looks worried sick.”

And sure enough, upon closer inspection it’s Osamu who’s raging against Kita and Atsumu as they each hold one of his arms to stop him from charging into the unstable building. 

“Uh, well he’s my ex. I don’t really know why he’s here. We broke up months ago.” You’re too tired to try and puzzle out what was going on, overwhelmed by everything that had happened so far. Then you heard your name.


“She’s over here! YN is over here!”

Somehow Osamu manages to hear the shopkeeper over all the noise, and instantly stops raging against Atsumu and Kita, whipping his head so fast in your direction you’re surprised he didn't break his neck. Seeing you, his brother and friend release him, knowing that there’s no danger of him charging in now that he knows where you are. 

He makes his way across the courtyard and is in front of you, frantically checking you for injuries in three seconds flat as the shopkeeper pats you on the arm and walks off.

“Yer here. Oh my god. The news- I thought, I thought ya were still in there. Ya can’t do that to me.” His eyes zero in on the blood caking your head. “Yer head! Yer bleeding. C’mon we need to get you to the hospital-”

He begins dragging you off towards an ambulance but you’re still unstable and your legs give out. Crumpling to the pavement you look up at him, your mind still foggy.

“Samu…? Why are you here? We broke up…” You can hear your words beginning to slur, and the last thing you see before your eyes close is his stricken face, his eyes fearful as he frantically pats your face and yells at you to stay awake.

Slipping into the soothing darkness, you think about how much you’ve missed him the past few months, and can’t help but be grateful he’s here.

Even if took an earthquake, he came. That was all that mattered.

If The World Was Ending You'd Come Over Right?

taglist: @arlerts-angel @ponderingmoonlight @hotvinimon

please lmk if you want to be added to/removed from any of my taglists!!!

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4 years ago

LEV LEV LEV‼️ THIS IS NOW A LEV HAIBA FANPAGE - IF YOURE NOT WITH THAT,, YOU CAN LEAVE 🔊🔊 jkjk but i love this so muuuuch 🥺🥺🥺 ty for being an amazing writer 😌👊🏽

omg i’m back w another request my brain is just overflowing w these ✨creative juices✨maybe a hc or scenario (whichever fits better) but lev having the biggest crush on nekomas third year manager and it’s kinda just like this cute lil puppy love that everyone teases him for

summary: lev has a crush on nekoma’s third year manager.

pairing(s): lev x chubby fem reader

warnings: none, just fluff!

a/n: thank you so so much for the request and your patience, i know it took a while but here’s one of them! i caught up on a lot of work recently so i should have lots of time this weekend to get some writing done! (maybe a lil ooc btw, sorry)


because you’re not there when try outs and such take place

he doesn’t meet you until the first actual practice

and let me tell you

he is absolutely entranced by you


he cannot get over how cute you are

he stands in the middle of the court for a solid 3 and a half minutes just staring at you

he’s mesmerized by how soft and full your body looks

he’s lowkey daydreaming about laying his head on your plush thighs because he can just tell they make the best pillows for naps

you don’t really notice honestly

but of course

kuroo does

and at first he’s thinking

‘i should just let the poor kid live, i mean i felt the same when i first saw her in my first year’

and then he thinks about it some more and ultimately is just like

‘yeah, no, i’m never gonna let him live this down’

so kuroo walks up behind lev

and gets real close to his ear

lev doesn’t notice until he hears kuroo say

“what’s got you all wide eyes and red faced???”

lev sputters and loses his balance

“n-nothing! nothing at all!”

kuroo smirks at him

“hey! what’s going on over here?!!!”

inuoka comes up excitedly 

“oh nothing, i just think our little russian boy here has a little crush!”

lev’s face is literally beet red

but yeah so that was his first time meeting you

and let me tell you it has not gotten much better

he’s still so flustered but so hopelessly infatuated

“y/n! hey! i uh, i s-saved you a seat!”

lev pats the seat next to his

you give him a big smile and his heart practically melts

you gladly take the seat he’s pointing to

“thank you, lev! that’s very nice of you!”

lev.exe has stopped working

he has actually malfunctioned 

about halfway through the ride

lev does the worst thing imaginable 

at least what he thinks is the worst thing imaginable

he accidentally lays his hand on your thick thigh that’s slightly exposed due to your shorts

he kinda just stares in shock with his face all red

he looks up at your chubby face to find you looking back with the same expression

“a-ah! i’m sorry! i’m really sorry i promise i did-”

and of course kuroo had to see

“whoa whoa whoa, lev! what do you think you’re doing!”

“n-nothing! i promise, it was an accident!”

kuroo knows this of course, but he would never in a million years miss an opportunity like this

“yeah, right...then why haven’t you moved your hand yet?”


and here comes yaku ready to chop him on the head

and obviously you don’t really care and you’re kinda just sitting in between giggling and watching the whole thing go down


and that would be yamamoto 

inuoka is kinda confused but is still teasing him nonetheless 

you discreetly give lev’s hand a small squeeze in a way to say sorry, and farewell

because you slip away from the whole mess

somehow unnoticed

to go sit with kenma and watch him play on his switch

the teasing and bickering continues for the rest of the trip poor lev :(

but in the end it’s fine

you don’t really mind the little crush lev has on you because you know he’ll eventually grow out of it

and if he doesn’t maybe that wouldn’t be so bad anyway<3

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6 months ago

I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me.

prev. masterlist next.

It was graduation day, and “finally” was all that was running through Iwazumi’s mind. he couldn’t wait to get started with his life and what he wanted to do. he got into the college he had been dreaming about since he was a kid, Oikawa is… well we don't know what Oikawa is doing but he “Iwa-chan, I'm fine I have a plan trust”. of course, there was still you. he’s liked you since elementary school, while he didn't know this, so did you. This whole thing had been driving Oikawa up the wall since elementary school, the pining is “soooooooo annoying you don't understand like just bone it out right now” is what Oikawa would tell anyone who would listen. Plus it wasn't like he was outing you guys for liking each other, the whole school thought that you guys where dating until told otherwise. 

You, Iwa, and Oikawa were all sitting in that order waiting for your names to be called to go up and get your diplomas, and when you got called up, Iwazumi’s eyes followed your form, just as they always did. One by one everyone is called up, but as you were walking back to your seat, diploma in hand, you followed Iwazumi’s form just as he did you. After everyone was given their diplomas and the ceremony was over, everyone was out on the field, taking pictures with family, friends, underclassmen, and teachers. At some point, the yearbook class had given out the yearbook they worked on all year. 

You had been standing with Iwa when they gave you your yearbook and handed him his, with a warm smile for both of you. “I wonder who got best couple haji” you say when you flip to the page with all of the titles he is standing next to you and sort of behind you. Iwazumi’s eyes land on it before your do as you where looking at all the other titles before that one, he doesn't say anything. “Oh look tooru got best smile” you say with a amused snort. Iwazumi laughs, he loved your laugh. Your eyes landed on best couple and you froze. You say not only your name and Iwazumis, but a picture of you guys just laughing walking together, you felt your heart swell. Along with Iwazumi, you turned to him and both of your eyes where wide. 

“y/n, i-” he was then cut off by tooru running and jumping onto him, you where whisked away by someone your parents wanted you to meet, and you lost hajime in the crowd. 

“I love you” he had said defeated, to himself in the crowd. At least he thought he said it to himself, because your best friend (aside from him and Tooru) had heard. 

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3 years ago

Lost and Found

This is just a random Haikyuu oneshot that I wrote.

Hinata wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation, all he'd done was follow the path. Yet somehow he still managed to get himself lost, and to make it all worse, his phone had died around 10 minutes ago. The last time he checked the time it was 21:15pm. He wasn't even sure why he went for a walk, but he was starting to regret the decision. 

It's creepy being out in the dark he thought to himself. He pulled his jacket tighter around himself.

Hinata looked around him in an attempt to recognise where he was, he failed to do so. He considered trying to find one of his team mates houses, but doing that could get him more lost. So he decided to just keep walking in hopes he'd find someone he recognised.

He shivered as a gust of wind went past him, he looked around him again. He'd never really liked being alone in the dark, so being lost alone in the dark was terrifying to him.

As he walked, Hinata heard a sound from behind him. He yelped and took off into a sprint.

Sure it seemed pathetic, after all it was just a simple sound. But Hinata was already on edge. He felt tears prick at his eyes as he ran, why did I have to come outside he thought.

He ran for a solid couple of minutes before slowing down, he looked around and realised he'd just gotten himself more lost. A couple of tears fell down his face, he gripped his arms and shivered.

"I wanna go home..." he murmured to himself. He continued to walk aimlessly around.

The wind continued to blow past him, it seemed to get colder. Hinata pulled his jacket around him more, he felt tired and scared. His legs were starting to ache and his eyes felt slightly heavy, he yawned and continued walking slowly.

 Sugawara didn't know what caused him to go outside for a walk, something was telling him that there was something wrong. He simply followed that instinct and went out.

He was wearing a t-shirt, a jacket and a thick coat. He knew it was cold outside, he'd also grabbed his phone.

He pulled out his phone as he walked and checked the time, it was 22:05pm. The streets were pitch black besides the light from the street lamps, he had to admit it wasn't very relaxing.

As he walked, Suga decided to see if anyone from Karasuno was awake. Pulling out his phone, he opened messages and went onto their group chat.

  Group of Crackheads

Sugamama is Online

Sugamama: Anyone awake?

Rolling Thunder is Online

Tanaka is Online

Dadchi is Online

Dadchi: I'm awake

Rolling Thunder: Same here

Tanaka: Yup

Dadchi: Everything okay?

Sugamama: Yeah everything's fine, just on a walk.

Tanaka: Why are you on a walk at 22:10pm at night?

Sugamama: I felt like something was wrong, so I went outside

Dadchi: What do you mean by 'something was wrong'?

Rolling Thunder: ^

Tanaka: ^

Sugamama: I don't know, just kinda like an instinct?

Dadchi: Okay, be careful though.

Sugamama: I will

 Suga continued to message the group chat as he walked, he looked up and saw something leaning against a tree.

Looking closer at it, he realised the thing was a person. They seemed oddly familiar. He realised who it was when he saw their hair.


He ran over to where his little crow was sat, Hinata didn't appear to be asleep. He stopped and kneeled down in front of him.

"Hinata?" he said, the boy looked up at him with tired yet fearful eyes. It was then that Suga realised Hinata was shaking, there were tears running down his face.

"W-Who-" Hinata started, he looked closer at Suga before realising who it was.

He lunged forward knocking Suga backwards, he hugged onto the older male tightly. His body continued to shake as he cried into his chest.

"Woah, Hinata are you okay? What happened?" Suga asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I-I went for a w-walk and got lost. It was dark and I was alone and it was scary-" the ginger haired boy explained as he cried. Suga realised that Hinata had probably gotten scared while alone.

"Hey it's okay, come on let's go back to my house." he said as he helped Hinata up, the boy leaned heavily on Suga most likely due to him being tired. 

Suga opened the group chat as they walked.

  Group of Crackheads

Sugamama is Online

Sugamama: Just found Hinata outside.

Dadchi: Wait Hinata was outside? How did he manage to get that far from home?

Rolling Thunder: Is he okay?

Tanaka: ^

Sugamama: Not sure if I'd say he's okay, but he isn't hurt.

Sugamama: But he got himself lost while walking and it scared him. I found him leaning against a tree shaking.

Rolling Thunder: Poor Shouyou.

Dadchi: Isn't it cold outside?? Is he cold?

Tanaka: ^

Sugamama: Now you mention it, he does feel rather cold.

Tanaka: Why didn't he text or call anyone?

Dadchi: His phone probably died.

Dadchi: Just focus on getting him inside and warm, tell us when you're both inside.

Rolling Thunder: ^

Tanaka: ^

Sugamama: Will do.

 Suga looked down at Hinata, his body was shaking due to the cold. He pulled off his coat and put it around the boy, Hinata snuggled into the warmth.

"How long have you been out here?" he asked, he put an arm around him.

"O-Over a-an hour.." Hinata replied, his voice was shaky.

Hinata stayed glued to Sugawara's side as they walked, Suga saw his house and they walked over to it.

He unlocked the door and went inside with Hinata, he heard him sigh as the warmth of the house got to him.

Hinata collapsed into Suga, he supported the shorter male's body before scooping him into his arms. Judging by his slow and even breathing, he guessed that Hinata had fallen asleep.

Walking over to the couch, Suga placed him down onto it before going upstairs to get some pillows and blankets.

After he got what he needed, Suga went back downstairs and over to Hinata. He removed his coat and jacket before placing a pillow under his head. He covered him with a couple of blankets, Hinata snuggled into them.

He messaged the group telling them that Hinata was safe and asleep before putting the boy's phone on charge. He went upstairs and got ready for bed, after checking on Hinata one last time he got into bed and fell asleep.

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7 months ago


pairings. iwaizumi hajime x reader

genre. romance, fluff, comedy, social media alternate universe, cousins-best-friend, friends-to-lovers, mutual pining, idiots in love, more tba.

in which, you slowly start to harbor feelings for your guy friend Iwaizumi Hajime—the same guy you swore not to catch feelings about.

warnings. timeskip! characters, characters are aged up!, it will all be sfw content throughout the whole smau, more tba.


[ masterlist. | ... — next. ]

# notes !

✧ [l/n] [f/n] often video calls with The Girls whenever she's feeling homesick

✧ oikawa tooru sends her updates about Iwa whenever they're together (which happens to be almost every other day 💀)

✧ hanamaki takahiro did not, in fact, block you. YAY ! COUSINS !

✧ the 5th to 9th pictures are spoilers/sneak peeks from the future chapters aye 😎🤙


✯ mssg. ⟩ AND I LIVED !!! REVIVED AND ALIVE AND KICKING!!! ik it took me so long to finally start this smau (this is just a teaser WHAT WYM THERE'S MORE 😭) but anywho! i really hope u guys enjoy this smau (that's totally not properly planned,, whaatt ofc noottt)

✧ taglist. »

( if you can't be tagged please change your mention settings to “everyone” )

@iheartpinky @oneiratxxia10 @bunninio @punkhazardlaw @soraya-daydreams @gsyche

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© httpsleely 2024 | reposting, modificating, stealing, plagiarizing, and translating my works on any platform are strictly prohibited.

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3 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Last Chapter

Title: the cherry on top

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 2.2k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: i know this is supposed to be a gen fic, but my gosh i couldn't stop the couple lines of fluff. if you're not into that stuff, i am not apologizing cause y/n deserves only the best (; feel free to skip those couple sentences or gush over it once :D


Onigiri Miya Tidbits Last Chapter

The summer air is buzzing with excitement for the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. Banners of the big sports event line the streets above all of the shops and stalls. The year may be 2021, but it seems like the event’s delay only fueled the nation’s anticipation.

The street you’re walking down hasn’t changed much in the past three years since you last worked in the area, so it doesn’t take long for you to spot the familiar Onigiri Miya sign. Nostalgia overtakes your senses when you reach your destination and slide open the entrance to the restaurant.

“Welcome to-! Oh, hi!” Your cousin Kimura greets you as you walk in and then swiftly turns around. “Boss, she’s here!”

Osamu looks up from the counter and smiles when he makes eye contact with you. He doesn’t seem to be busy at the moment, so you both walk towards the back of the room to stand in front of one another.

He gives you a small pout. “It’s been a while. I missed you, (Name).”

“Osamu, we went on a date last week.” You giggle at his expression and place a hand on his cheek. The two of you instinctively lean towards one another and share a sweet kiss. After parting, you look up at him to continue the conversation. “The Olympics is less than two weeks away. Of course, I’m gonna be busy. You know, ‘cause that’s like a big thing for sports? And, my job is also kind of big on sports?”

“I knooww, but you’ve been so busy with work,” Osamu whines.

“I just happened to get my job right before one of the biggest sports events in Japan. You can blame Kuroo-san for that.” You remember when you had called Kuroo a couple days after your graduation asking if he could still hook you up with a job offer. It didn’t even take a minute for him to pass the phone to one of his superiors. You’re still shocked to this day on how you were able to secure a job after how much you stuttered in that call. If he hadn’t helped you get your job, Kuroo would’ve been on your hit list.

“Speaking of jobs and sports, I’ll let you in on a little tidbit.” Osamu places a hand next to his mouth as if he were about to tell you some big secret. “I heard there’s a super competent sports nutritionist working with the men's’ national volleyball team.”

A laugh escapes your lips as he mentions your occupation. “Really? I’ve heard her say that Onigiri Miya is her favorite restaurant of all time and that she’s dating the owner.”

“Lucky girl.” Osamu shifts his legs so that he’s able to lean against the counter. “What made you choose being a sports nutritionist again? You originally applied for your program ‘cause you wanted to be an exercise physiologist, right?”

“My program had a pretty broad range of studies and all of the students were able to have some exposure to a bunch of professions before we ultimately had to choose. An exercise physiologist seemed pretty cool, but I really loved the dynamic of a sports nutritionist and how they work with athletes. And, I don't know, I guess sports and food just clicked?” You shrug your shoulders lightheartedly while Osamu nods his head in understanding.

Your conversation is cut off by your phone’s ringtone indicating an incoming call. When you look at the caller ID, you see Bokuto’s name with a silly picture of his nostrils that he had taken when he had given you his number. You take a seat on one of the counter chairs and give Osamu a confused look when he sits down next to you. “Aren’t you in the middle of work right now?”

Osamu shrugs his shoulders. “It’s been a slow day, and the few customers here are doing alright. I’m curious about how they treat you now.”

With a simple nod, you slide your finger over your screen to answer the call with an automatic greeting, “Hey, Bokuto-san. Did something happen?”

“(Surname)-chan!” Bokuto’s exclamation causes you to wince at the loudness. “I have a question!”

“What’s your question?”

There’s a brief rustling noise on the other end before Bokuto replies. “I know we’re supposed to be on a pretty strict diet, but Mori-Mori brought some tasty jelly snacks! Can I eat some?”

You sweatdrop at the childish inquiry. “Yeah, that’s fine. Ask Komori-san to bring some tomorrow as well.”

“Got it! Thanks, (Surname)-chan!”

Bokuto hangs up the call right after thanking you, and Osamu snickers at the interaction. “So, this is what it’s like being the nutritionist of the biggest volleyball team in the nation?”

“Oh, you have no-” You're interrupted by your phone’s ringtone once again. When you look at your screen, you see Bokuto’s name flash. With a sigh, you answer. “Hello?”

“(Surname)-chan! Yayaku brought some really delicious honey chips and I was wondering if I could eat those too? They look really good!” Bokuto asks fervently.

You bring a hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose. “Bokuto-san, you know you don’t have to ask me every time you want to eat something. I’m a nutritionist, not a mother. I just help you with your diet. Snacks are okay in moderation. I’m sure Yaku-san wouldn’t mind letting you have some.”

“That’s true…Okay, I won’t call you anymore today! Bye, (Surname)-chan!” Bokuto hangs up but not before you hear another voice in the background that screams ‘See? I told you!’.

Osamu finally lets out a hearty laugh as he watches you place your phone on the counter. “They sure keep you on your toes. Is work always like this?”

“Nah. They all have a pretty good amount of respect for me, so it’s actually really nice working with them most of the time. Although, I’ve had to wrangle in some of the guys before they did anything stupid.”

“I'd imagine it’s been pretty hectic considering the people you’ve been working with.”

“It’s...definitely a strange dynamic. Most of the guys on the team are pretty chill with a few exceptions. Atsumu’s the same as always, but at least I have Ojiro-san now to reel him in. Not to mention my co-worker, Iwaizumi-san, is a godsend.”

The man beside you raises an eyebrow at the unfamiliar name. “Iwaizumi? Can’t say I’ve ever heard of him before.”

“He’s the athletic trainer for the team. We work together to make sure everyone’s taking care of themselves.” You scroll through your phone and pull up a picture of your co-worker when he was helping some of the athletes with their stretches.

“Damn.” Osamu eyes the screen intently. “Should I be worried that he’ll steal you away from me?”

“Based on your reaction, I should be worried he’ll steal you away from me. Plus, apparently some of the guys have been secretly plotting for you and me to get together for the past three years and will make sure nothing gets in the way.”

You share another moment of laughter. You’re about to change the subject to ask him about the shop, but your phone rings for the third time today. When you check, you’re surprised to see a call from the man you were just talking about. “Speak of the devil.”

This time you answer with the speaker on so that Osamu can hear. “What’s up, Iwa-san?”

There’s a tired sigh from the other end before Iwaizumi finally speaks up. “They’re going insane over eating too many snacks, and they don’t want to get in trouble with you. It doesn’t matter what I tell them ‘cause they won’t listen to me. When are you coming back? I’m about to rip my hair out or punch someone.”

“I’ll be back in Tokyo by tomorrow, so you’re gonna have to hold them off until then.” You don’t hide the amused smile and Osamu audibly snickers.

“Oh, shit. Are you with someone? Sorry, to bother you on your day off,” Iwaizumi apologizes.

You let out a small noise of reassurance. “No, you’re good. I know it’s a handful to watch over them by yourself. You could probably get the coach to let them start a practice game or something to keep them distracted for the rest of the day.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, (Surname)-san. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

This time, you hang up the phone first and silence your ringer. When you face Osamu again, your heart flutters at the way he’s staring at you. He has one hand squishing into his cheek from being propped up on the counter making his face rounder, and his gaze is soft. He’s going to be the death of you.

“S-so, any news on the shop? I kind of miss working here. We went through quite a lot of...interesting experiences.” You curse at yourself silently for stuttering, but it seems like Osamu doesn’t think too much of it.

“Not really. We have been getting a lot more customers but nothing too crazy. It was honestly the craziest when you were around,” Osamu responds. For the next couple minutes, you both reminisce over the year you worked at Onigiri Miya with a couple added thoughts from the two of you.

Your first day of work. (“I’m sure Bokuto-san has figured out his taxes by now, right?”)

When you met Atsumu. (“Really? He told me you knocked over the eggs.”)

The MSBY welcome party for Hinata. (“I never let them into the shop with any form of alcohol after that. Even Sakusa-san’s sanitizers are a hazard.”)

When you met your favorite Youtuber. (“He won’t let me pay for his patreon. He just keeps giving me stuff for free! No, I’m not complaining.”)

The Shiratorizawa alumni reunion. (“I really didn’t mean to kick him that hard.”)

Meeting the Schweiden Adlers. (“Hey, don’t laugh at me. I admired Romero-san just as much as you admired Kozume-san.”)

Meeting Osamu’s high school friends. (“Yeah, I was jealous when Kita-san gave you his sweater.”)

The MSBY promotion day. (“Oh, stop pouting. It was an accident, Osamu. I always remembered to lock the door while changing after that.”)

When you were stuck because of a storm. (“A month? You had that hoodie in the back room for a month??”)

The big game day. (“Wow. You had yourself a whole harem- ow! That was a joke!”)

Your last day of ‘work’. (“I still have the card you gave me on my nightstand. Means a lot to me.”)

As you’re wrapping up your trip down memory lane, a phone suddenly rings. It can’t be yours since you’ve silenced it, and your suspicions are confirmed when Osamu takes out his phone from his pocket. He doesn’t seem to recognize the number, but answers in case it’s for work. “Hello? Miya Osamu speaking.”

A familiar voice shouts into the phone from the other end. “‘Samu! I wanna ask (Name)-chan something. I know she’s with you!”

“‘Tsumu? Who’s phone are you calling from?” Osamu asks.

“I...borrowed Yaku-san’s phone for a bit. (Name)-chan isn’t answering my calls, and I know you wouldn’t answer if you saw my number,” Atsumu whines. “Why is (Name)-chan ignoring my calls?!”

At your confusion, you pull out your phone. Surely enough, there are 3 missed call notifications from Atsumu. You and Osamu give each other a look of understanding before Osamu directs his attention back to his phone. “Because she has better taste in men. Don’t call again while she’s with me. Ask her tomorrow.”

“What?! I want to talk to her right now- gah! Yaku-san-!” The call cuts off right after you hear the blonde’s outcry. (He probably got caught by the libero and is going through hell right now. Rest in peace, Miya Atsumu.)

Once the call disconnects, the screen flashes back to Osamu’s lockscreen and a warm feeling encompasses you when you see that it’s the picture that you took on the day of the Adlers vs. MSBY game. “Your lockscreen is still that old picture?”

The male looks at his phone fondly. “Yeah, I couldn’t let it go. Yours is still the one from our first date, right?”

You nod your head and turn on your own lockscreen. As he said, it’s a picture of when you went on your first date to a food festival in Hyogo. Wide smiles adorn your faces while an ungodly amount of street food hangs from your arms. It was a good memory.

You wish there was more time to talk with Osamu, but it seems like the world is still against you when a large group of teens walk into the restaurant to order food. Kimura sends a look towards his boss and Osamu nods his head in acknowledgement. You both stand up from your seats and turn to face each other.

“Looks like our time’s up,” Osamu comments. He takes your right hand and pulls it up to brush against his lips dramatically. “Do you think the pretty lady in front of me might want to go for some dinner together after I close up later tonight?”

“Osamu, we’ve been dating for 6 months.”

“Then, I’ll take that as a yes?”

“I’ve got a little tidbit for you.” You peck his lips with a chaste kiss. “It’s a yes.”





1. a small piece of tasty food

2. a small piece of pleasing or interesting information

Onigiri Miya Tidbits Last Chapter

A/N: and that’s a wrap! thank you guys for all the support for this series for the past couple months! i know the updates were a bit wonky, but you guys were very patient with me, and i appreciate it! next time i write a series, i promise to plan ahead of time hehe

I’ll probably start focusing on some more oneshots while i write up a new series so i wont disappear for too long (no promises cause im a sporadic writer) there will be more bnha and haikyuu though!

thanks again for all the love and i hope y’all were able to find some comfort in my writing. ‘til next time!

taglist: @kiyoo-omi, @tris-does-stuff, @livshotel, @bokuatsubro, @akkeyomi, @kaleidoscopekai, @hirugachan, @geektastic84, @ntimacy, @sagefzy

Tags :
2 years ago

Onigiri Miya Tidbits BONUS Chapter

Title: August 14, 2022

Genre: gen fic, reader insert

Word Count: 3.3k

Summary: Onigiri Miya is now hiring and you just happen to be the right person for the job. The business has been gaining popularity since its grand opening, and many customers travel from different cities just to have a bite of Miya Osamu’s delicious recipes. You did expect some craziness from working in food services, but what you didn’t expect was to be bombarded with frequent tomfoolery from a bunch of attractive volleyball players during your shifts.

disclaimer: manga spoilers

A/N: IM BACK WITH A BONUS CHAPTER. FURUDATE FEEDING THE NEEDY SO I DECIDED TO DO THE SAME. enjoy the utter chaos that ive manifested with my self-indulgent intrusive thoughts



You let out a sigh of relief as the hot and humid summer air is replaced with the chill of Ota City General Gymnasium’s fresh air conditioning as you walk indoors. The sweltering August heat often makes you feel sluggish and uncomfortable, so you’re grateful that you don’t have to be standing outside for the whole day. Bless indoor volleyball.

The person walking next to you lets out their own relieved sigh as they wipe a few beads of sweat from their forehead. You let out a small chuckle as you compare your comfy t-shirt and jeans to your companion’s attire. “No one said you had to wear a whole button-down and vest combo to the game.”

Kuroo lightheartedly rolls his eyes at your comment. “Not everyone has a day off like you, (Name)-chan. I organized this whole event, so I’m still on the job. Gotta keep up my professional look to make sure everyone knows of my hard work.”

“I will admit I’m pretty impressed by how you managed to get everyone here today.” You remember the day Kuroo had called you from Brazil to ask for a favor. He had wanted you to recruit Aran and Suna in person since you happened to have been nearby where they were practicing at the time. Technically, it wasn’t really your place to do so, but the man had seemed so desperate and you caved when he had told you his flight to Japan had been delayed for twelve hours. “Traveling the world really paid off, huh.”

The businessman shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly and gives you a smug smile. “What can I say? I’m a master at motivating.”

“More like a master at manipulation.”

“That’s a bit of a fancy word for it, so I’ll stick with what I came up with.”


The both of you make your way towards the main gym while trying your best to avoid the large crowds of excited people. You’re about to walk up the steps to find a good spot to sit down and watch the game, when Kuroo stops you by placing a hand on your arm. You look at him curiously when he digs into his pockets and takes out a plastic card attached to a lanyard. 

“I pulled some strings to get you this special pass to watch the game from the court. All you have to do is flash this at the security guards at the barriers and they’ll let you in. I’ve already let both supervisors on each team know to expect you, so you’re free to sit alongside the other players on the bench,” Kuroo explains.

Your eyes widen once you finish processing what the man had just said. “Is that even allowed?”

“Like I said, I was able to pull a few strings with the event organizers. This game technically isn’t official since it’s mostly for promotions, so there aren’t any issues with it.” Kuroo smirks in amusement. “Plus, you’re not just any fan or civilian. You’re a very valuable and well-known sports nutritionist.”

You definitely weren’t too far off in labeling him as a skilled manipulator. His tactics are well thought out. Was it working on you too? Perhaps.

You take the pass from him and place it around your neck. “I really appreciate this. It would be incredible to watch this game from up close. Will you be joining too?”

Kuroo pats your shoulder in acknowledgement as he shakes his head. “Nah. I’m gonna be walking around making sure everything is running smoothly, so I probably won’t even be able to watch the full game sitting down. I’ll see you around.”

With that, the two of you say your goodbyes and part ways. By the time you reach the court, the volleyball players have already been introduced to the crowd and are waiting to warm up before the actual game. True to Kuroo’s words, the security guards don’t even bat an eyelash as they push aside one of the barriers for you to walk past after they recognize your pass.

The first person you make eye contact with just so happens to be one of your favorite coworkers standing off to the side with an exact replica of your pass hanging around his neck. “Hey, Iwaizumi!”

Said male gives you a small smile as you share a fistbump with each other in greeting. “I told you Hajime is just fine. I see you got yourself one of the special passes from our local con man too?”

You grin at the taller male. “Well, Hajime. We’ve definitely got some good connections.”

Before you could really start a proper conversation with the athletic trainer, a loud gasp fills the air and catches both of your attentions.


Without even giving you a moment to react, a large, muscular body barrels towards your direction and practically slams their hands down onto your shoulders with familiar aggressive affection. You have to hold back a flinch when Bokuto leans to take a good look at your face. 

Another shorter figure follows Bokuto from behind. Hoshiumi grins as he moves his head around his teammate’s broad shoulders to look at you. “Isn’t it your day off today, (Surname)-san?”

“Yeah, but I thought this game was too good to pass up on. I haven’t seen some of you since the Olympics,” you reply as you slowly peel Bokuto off your body but lightly pat his head to let him know that you have nothing against him. “I was going to go up to the stands, but I got a pass to sit with you guys on the bench during the game.”

Bokuto’s eyes sparkle at your revelation. “That’s awesome! You can come sit on Team B’s bench and watch all of our cool spikes!”

You’re just about to respond when two new voices interrupt you once again.

“Now, why would (Surname)-chan sit on the loser’s side of the court?”

“She would be much more comfortable sitting on Team A’s side of the court. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

Two tall shadows loom behind you, but the tone of the voices have already given you a good idea as to who they may be. When you turn around, Oikawa and Atsumu stand side by side smiling threateningly at Bokuto and Hoshiumi. 

Ah, shit. Here we go again.

“What makes you say that we’re the losing team, hah?! We’ve clearly got the stronger players, so (Surname)-san would prefer to be with the strongest.” Hoshiumi gives his opponents his signature sneer. 

Atsumu glares back with confidence. “In that case, (Name)-chan would prefer to be with us. Plus, she has good taste, so the obvious choice is Team A.”

Your heart starts to drop into your stomach when you see some pointed stares from the crowd at the little group gathered around you. It seems like…whatever this is has attracted the attention of quite a few people including the other players on the court.

“Is that (Surname)-chan?”

You let out a sigh of defeat when you hear a few more footsteps scrambling over to your direction. The last thing you want to do is risk being kicked out for being a distraction to the players, but alas, nothing really seems to go your way when it comes to these chaotic volleyball players.

You’re bombarded by more familiar faces and they each greet you in their own unique ways whether it be a friendly wave or a simple nod. Hinata is the first to speak up, “Hiya, (Name)-chan! What’s going on?”

You relay the whole situation for everyone to hear, fully expecting them to brush off the silliness with a shared lighthearted laugh. What you didn’t expect was the spike in tension in the air.

Kageyama steps forward with his typical stoic expression, but there’s a hint of competitiveness in his stare. “It’s true, though. Team B is the winning team.”

Hinata sports a determined look and faces his rival. “We’ll see about that, Kageyama! I’ll defeat you today and even the score to 1,657 wins!”

Goshiki stands proudly behind Hinata. “That’s right! We’re going to win with the beautiful, (Surname)-san, on the bench with us!”

As if appearing out of thin air, Yamamoto slots himself in the conversation as well. “I think you mean the gorgeous, (Surname)-san, is going to sit on the bench with Team B!”

Alrighty, time to move on. You spot two of your favorite liberos and quickly shuffle away from the new problematic group.

“Komori-san! Yaku-san!”

The two males give you sweet smiles that drastically lowers your stress level. They’ve always had a much more mature demeanor compared to their previous teammates, and you can’t help but appreciate their level headedness whenever you start feeling overwhelmed. You raise both of your hands to give them a high five and they respond happily.

“Seems like you’re in high demand, (Surname),” Yaku jokes.

You shake your head in mild disappointment. “I can’t seem to catch a break even on my day off.”

“I can’t blame them though. You are pretty reliable.” Komori bashfully rubs at his neck. “There are very few people in the world that can stabilize their chaotic mess.”

The shorter libero laughs heartily in agreement. “Yeah, even the teams for today aren’t spared. Team B’s got the loudmouths Bokuto, Hoshiumi, and Yamamoto.”

“I’d take loud and boisterous over dramatic and sly. It’s either bickering between Miya-san and Oikawa-san or underhand comments by Suna-san and Kiyoomi. There’s really no end to it,” Komori sighs.

“You’re telling me. Team B would definitely benefit greatly from (Surname)’s presence,” Yaku supplies.

Komori’s smile twitches. “I think Team A would really appreciate (Surname)-san’s calming aura more or they might break out in a fight or something. That would really mess up the flow of the game for both teams.”

Yaku narrows his eyes. “No way. Ushijima and Kageyama were talking about charcoal in the locker rooms with the most stoic expressions I’ve ever seen on a person and next to them, Bokuto was spouting nonsense left and right. There’s definitely only one brain cell in my entire team, so (Surname) should definitely sit with us.”

“Well, Kiyoomi almost pepper sprayed Goshiki when he stepped a little too close for comfort and ended up running into Hinata who ended up accidentally tripping Ojiro-san all while Suna-san recorded everything on his phone for blackmail.” Komori’s smile is visibly strained as he takes a deep breath. “So, (Surname)-san can substitute for the lack of brain cells when she sits with us.”

Cue your nth sigh of the day. You’re slowly losing the little faith you had in these men. The two liberos continue to ramble about their respective, troublesome teams and don’t even notice when you start to walk away. 

You hear a strange strangled noise and turn your head in that direction only to find Iwaizumi, who had somehow migrated to a spot near Team A’s bench, hunched over with puffed up cheeks. He had clearly been holding in his amusement for who knows how long, but once you make eye contact, the athletic trainer bursts out in laughter. The people around him glanced at him strangely for a moment before shrugging their shoulders and going about their own business.

If you weren’t in such a public area, you would’ve definitely flipped him off. In the middle of rolling your eyes, you bump into two very solid objects…or rather people. There’s a hand on both of your shoulders to keep you from falling backwards and when you look up, Ushijima and Sakusa are staring down at you.

You wait with bated breath at what kind of nonsense they might come up with to get you on their side of the court. However, you find yourself blinking owlishly at them when they both just simply pat your shoulder almost sympathetically before walking back to their respective benches. That seemed to have been the last straw in completely defeating your last ounce of patience.

“This is ridiculous.” You start walking back to the way you entered the court and get ready to ask the security guards from before to kindly let you out of your misery. You’ve made the decision to just simply go back upstairs to the stands and watch the game far away from any volleyball-athlete-tainted grabby hands. Maybe you’ll even get the chance to watch the game with Kenma if you find him quick enough.

And, of course, the universe decides to give you the exact opposite of what you wanted when you feel a hand grab onto your left wrist. Hoshiumi had been the one to grab you and is now pulling your body towards Team B’s bench. “Let’s go, (Surname)-san! These guys don’t know what they’re talking about!”

Just as you’re about to tell him that you’re planning on leaving instead, a much larger and calloused hand grasps onto your right wrist. This time, Atsumu was the one to seize you from the other side and is also tugging in the opposite direction, effectively stopping you and Hoshiumi in your tracks. “Now, now, little one. I’m taking (Name)-chan to where the adults are, so let go.”

Hoshiumi’s face reddens at the little jab at his height and a newfound strength seems to overwhelm him. You let out a yelp when the white haired outside hitter yanks your arm and even starts dragging Atsumu with his heels digging in the ground. For someone that’s not much taller than you, he’s a lot stronger than you expected.

Oikawa has also entered the fiasco again and grabs onto the crook of your elbow to help Atsumu tug you to Team A’s bench. “We’ve had enough fun. You’ve had more time with (Surname)-chan in Japan, so let us spend some time with her!”

By now, you can practically feel the curious looks from a large portion of the audience from the floor as well as the stands. To make matters worse, the volleyball players seemed to have completely forgotten that this game is a very public event that’s supposed to be shown on live television. You make the effort to ignore the large cameras starting to point in your direction before you actually burst from anxiety.

“Oh, boy! This looks kind of fun!”

You look up at the ceiling for a couple seconds to silently curse at the universe as Bokuto joins the human-centered tug-of-war battle. However, instead of grabbing onto you, the enthusiastic male grabs onto Hoshiumi sides. The shorter of the two outside hitters starts cackling intensely as Bokuto unintentionally grips onto the most ticklish portion of his body. Hoshiumi’s hold on your wrist loosens completely which causes you to fling right into Atsumu and Oikawa.

Your body twists around in the air until your back hits Oikawa’s chest and Atsumu hugs your arm possessively.

“Ha! We win!” Atsumu yells in victory as Oikawa sticks his tongue out childishly. The two laugh together comically and your head slumps in mental exhaustion when a sudden eerie chill fills the air. Hoshiumi and Bokuto have terrified expressions on their faces as they focus their eyes on something behind the three of you, while Atsumu and Oikawa instantly grow silent. You feel the two that are still latched onto you stiffen their entire bodies as a pair of arms encircle their shoulders.

“I’ll give you 2 seconds to take your hands off my girlfriend before I teach you who the real monster is in this generation.”

The deep timbre of Osamu’s voice rings through the air and even some of the onlookers have stopped breathing. Atsumu and Oikawa spring away from you as if your body was burning theirs and gulp nervously as the CEO of Onigiri Miya stares them down.

You finally turn around and see your boyfriend out of his uniform and dressed in a comfortable shirt and shorts. His hair is a bit disordered from wearing his work hat all morning in the food truck, and he probably ran his hand through it several times to make it a bit more presentable but ultimately gave up. There are still some signs of sweat around his neck and his cheeks have a slight red tinge to them meaning he probably came straight here after work. The intense look in his eyes is a pretty big contrast to his usual calm expression, but you definitely notice how he softens when he looks down at you. “Hey.”

A blush makes its way onto your cheeks, and you can’t help the smile making its way onto your lips. “Hey.”

The matching smiles on your faces seems to be enough for everyone to finally breathe normally again.

“Let’s go sit. Warmups should be starting soon.” Osamu takes your hand into his and locks your fingers together. He chuckles when he sees your eyes questioningly trained on the lanyard around his neck. “Kuroo-san stopped by a while ago to give me a pass too. Said something about needing someone to make sure you don’t lose your sanity with these guys.”

“Then, I guess I’ll have to thank him later because I was just about ready to risk it all and get canceled on Twitter for putting a few famously attractive volleyball players in an embarrassing headlock.” You huff in exasperation.

When you look back towards Team A, you see Atsumu sulking on the bench with Aran patting him on the shoulder comfortingly while Suna looks to be recording the whole situation on his phone. Oikawa is equally sulking in the corner as Iwaizumi laughs until his face turns beet red.

Osamu leads you to Team B’s bench and Bokuto and Hoshiumi celebrate your presence without overstepping their boundaries this time around. The rest of the team greets you both amiably before making their way onto the court to finally start their warmups.

As you sit beside Osamu and watch all the players turn serious on the court, a huge contrast to their wild personalities, a warm feeling encompasses your heart. It’s quite crazy to believe that all of these volleyball players from around the world have gathered today to simply play together and tell everyone about the sport once again. Sitting here feels like you’re reliving the memories of your time working at Onigiri Miya and meeting everyone. Many of the friends you made along the way are standing before you doing what they love with bright expressions on their faces as if there are no current concerns in the world or responsibilities for tomorrow.

There’s no need to think about the future or worry about what comes after because what matters right now is getting absorbed by the fun and enjoying the sport called haikyuu.



“My what did what, now?”

Osamu looks at you dumbfounded by what you had just told him while scrolling through social media.

“Your fansites grew after the game,” you repeat. “In fact, they’ve apparently tripled in size after you showed up and threatened the guys on live television. People have now labeled you as one of the ‘hot volleyball guys’ and now Onigiri Miya fans are keeping track of all the games you go to.”

“That’s…a little freaky, not gonna lie.”

“Well, you did show up looking like the hottest man alive, so I kind of get it.” You laugh as your teasing flusters him. 

Osamu walks over and joins you on the couch you're currently lounging on and places his arms around you in a gentle embrace before kissing your temple lovingly. “As long as they don’t get in the way of our relationship, then I guess it’s fine for now.”

“As if anything will be more of a nuisance than Atsumu,” you reply.

Your boyfriend chuckles in agreement. “You’re definitely right about that.”


A/N: i dont plan on writing any more chapters for this series (unless furudate brings out more crumbs for me to pick up off the ground with my bare hands) thank you for loving this series and i hope this surprise chapter was able to make you smile! :D

i tried to include an updated taglist for this series in the hopes that y’all actually want to read this but some of your @s have changed and i couldnt find the updated ones so i took them out (if you’d like to be taken off the list, feel free to message me!)

taglist: @omiisangel​, @bokuatsubro, @kaleidoscopekai,  @geektastic84, @ntimacy, @sagefzy

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2 years ago

Cat-egory: Love (Kuroo x Reader)

Cat-egory: Love (Kuroo X Reader)

Summary: In which you enjoy working at a cat café and Kuroo enjoys your company.

Genre: fluff, slice of life, timeskip (but no heavy spoilers!)

Word Count: 4.9k

A/N: a quick haikyuu oneshot that had me rolling on floor :D i decided to just post it on both tumblr and ao3 since it’s not too long, so read on whatever platform you please :)))

read on ao3


You’re quite proud of the quaint little cat café you opened up a few months back near the outskirts of Tokyo. All of the customers love the arrangements of pastries and cookies complementing the many types of coffees and teas that you sell. To top it off, there are six different cats roaming around the shop to keep anyone and everyone company during their stay.

It’s near the end of the work day, only an hour left before closing, and you’ve just handed off the last muffin available to a kind elderly woman. You sweetly smile at her and let out a huff of breath once she leaves. Normally, you work with one other coworker, but they had called out for about a month or so last week due to a family emergency. You were pretty confident that you would be able to take care of everything on your own since your café was pretty small with a limited menu, but it’s still been a pretty rough couple days.

Just as you’re contemplating on sitting down for a quick break, the bell above the door rings signaling that a customer has entered. With your best customer service smile plastered on your face, you turn towards the approaching individual.

“Welcome to Cat-alyst!”

A tall, attractive man confidently walks up to the counter dressed in a sleek, grey suit that catches the attention of a few customers from their tables. Despite the professional outfit and posture, what probably stands out the most is his gravity-defying spiky, black hair that could pass as bed head. The dichotomy is actually quite charming in your opinion.

It takes everything in you to avoid ogling at the sharpness of the man’s jawline or the broad shoulders fitted perfectly into his jacket. “What would you like to order today?”

“I’ll take a black coffee and a danish pastry with custard filling.”

He pays with his card and you hand him his pastry. “Name for your order?”

“Oh, it’s K-”

Before the man could finish, he suddenly freezes in place and quickly looks down near his feet. It seems he was startled by one of the cats rubbing up against his leg.

You laugh and lean against the counter to look down on the black Bombay cat that has yet to move away from your customer. “Kuro! What are you doing all the way over here?”

The man’s head snaps up in your direction with wide eyes.

“Sorry about that. He’s not usually this affectionate with newcomers,” you comment as you turn your attention back to the customer. “What did you say your name was?”

The black haired male strangely hesitates for a moment before sporting a suspicious smirk. “Tetsurou.”

“Alrighty, Tetsurou. I’ll let you know when your drink is ready.”

You think you see a small tinge of pink on his cheeks, but it’s gone just as quickly as it appeared. Must’ve been your eyes playing tricks on you again. It’s been a long day.

He walks to the side and the cat follows him. The feline takes this chance to quickly climb the male’s long figure all the way onto his shoulders and simply drapes around his neck comfortably. You’re too busy with the order to notice him subtly sneezing into his arm a few seconds later.

You cap off the black coffee and smile as you hold out the drink. “Tetsurou!”

He pockets his phone and scratches your cat’s ears leisurely as he takes his coffee with his free hand.

“Why don’t you take Kuro with you while you sit? He’s always been my favorite too.” You reach up to gently pet the cat and he purrs at the attention. “Kuro’s such a good boy.”

This time, you definitely catch the man’s cheeks blossoming in a brilliant shade of red and he refuses to make eye contact with you.

“R-right. I’ll just, um, take him with me. Right now.”

You’re not sure what made him so flustered, so you just shrug your shoulders and get back to work as he walks away to one of the nearby tables without another word.

The next half hour goes by slowly as fewer and fewer customers stop by for the day. The man you know as Tetsurou sneaks a few glances in your direction when he thinks you’re not looking and you try not to act like you notice. It’s a bit difficult to do that though when his glances are accompanied by slightly watery eyes and not-so-subtle sniffles. You’ve seen more than a handful of people having the same reaction when they visit your café for more than a couple minutes.

Is he…allergic?

You’re wiping off one of the tables nearby when you see him stand up and throw away his empty cup. You cringe a bit when his voice comes out a bit nasally as he speaks to the black cat that’s still lounging next to him. “Sorry, little guy. I have to go now.”

Putting your cleaning rag to the side, you dig into your apron pocket and pull out a packet of tissues that you keep with you for emergencies. “Here, take one. Are you alright? You don’t seem to be having the best time of your life coming to a cat café with allergies.”

“No worries. I’m just fine and dandy,” he replies before sniffling once more for emphasis. He still takes a tissue gratefully and your hands briefly brush against each other. His hand is significantly larger than yours and there’s a warmth to them that almost makes you want to never let go. But alas.

Before you could pull back, he quickly grabs something from his back pocket and places it onto your palm. Based on the size and shape of the object, you don’t even have to look down to realize that he had just handed you his business card. His sharp eyes squint at something on your uniform before grinning. “I like your naming sense. See you around, (L/N).”

He turns to leave while you’re still dumbstruck by his sudden words and blinding smile. The chime of the bells above the door snap you out of your trance and the last thing you see is his back beyond the glass. You finally take the time to look down at the business card and read the text.


His name is Kuroo.


It hasn’t even been 24 hours since you met human Kuroo, so you’re surprised to see him back at the café so soon. He walks in his all-suited glory once again an hour before closing, eyes searching for you expectedly.

You give him a smile that’s a bit more genuine than the one from yesterday as he walks towards the counter. “You’re back.”

“Indeed, I am. I’ll have a black coffee and a chocolate croissant today,” Kuroo responds.

“I got you.”

Similarly to yesterday, your cat Kuro runs up to the tall male and doesn’t hesitate to greet him with head rubs.

“It seems like Kuro…um…that might be a bit confusing.” You twirl a piece of your hair as you sweatdrop at the predicament.

The businessman chuckles. “Tetsurou is just fine.”

His words catch you a bit off guard, especially now that you know his full name, but you mentally tell yourself to calm down. You’re not some lovesick teenager that gets overly flustered by using someone’s first name. You’re both fully grown adults. “Then, (Y/N) is fine by me too.”




“I’ll go get your coffee for you now.” Your words are mumbled as you quickly grab his desired pastry from the display and pass it to him, avoiding any eye contact. “Enjoy the croissant!”

Kuroo doesn’t utter another word and simply pets the Bombay cat and intentionally avoids making contact with his face. The feline tries to climb his human counterpart just like yesterday but is stopped by a persistent hand each time.

When you return to the counter with Kuroo’s coffee, you sigh at his failed attempt to stop a sneeze after you hand him the drink. “If you’re struggling so much, wouldn’t it make more sense to go to a different café? I’m sure black coffee isn’t that hard to come around.”

Kuroo brings a hand up to rub at his neck sheepishly. “I just…really like cats.”

His wistful tone makes you pause for a moment. There must be more to his stubbornness than you know, but hey, that’s none of your business. All you really need to do is make sure all of your customers are happy and satisfied. Although, a little teasing wouldn’t hurt.

“Are you sure you’re not allergic?”

“I’m paw-sitive.”

Cue your eye roll. Alright, that’s the end of that conversation.

You look at him for a moment and Kuroo meets your gaze curiously. “I can take Kuro off your hands for now while you get yourself a seat. Do you mind waiting for a bit? I’ll be right back.”

The man looks like he wants to ask you something but stops himself and simply nods his head. You quickly take your black cat to the back room and gently pick up one of the cats that have been resting on the cat tower. Kuroo raises an eyebrow as you walk towards him with a brown cat that he hasn’t met yet.

“This little friend is Chestnut. She’s a Burmese cat and they’re known for being hypoallergenic,” you explain as you place Chestnut into Kuroo’s arms.  “You can hang out together for as long as you’d like and you shouldn’t have any issues.”

Kuroo looks at you with stars in his eyes. “Thanks. I really appreciate it, (Y/N).”

“Anytime, Tetsurou.” You give him a warm smile. “Let me know if you need anything.”

Kuroo stays in the café until closing and he’s significantly less red-eyed and sniffly than yesterday when he finally stands to leave. He’s the last customer inside, so you’re a little less embarrassed to walk up to him and tell him what’s been sitting on your mind since yesterday. “I can text you a list of antihistamines that you can take the next time you come by. You’ll be able to pet Kuro and some of the other cats if you’d like?”

Kuroo smirks. “Is this your way of asking for my number, (Y/N)?”

“You already gave me your number, genius.” You roll your eyes and fish out his business card that you’ve conveniently kept in your apron since the day before.

The man’s ears flush red at your words and scratches his cheek awkwardly. “Right. Then, I guess I’ll be waiting for your text.”

Your heart flutters at the prospect of him looking forward to a message from you, even if your original intention was just to send him medication recommendations. Jeez, that sounds lame.

But, with the way he warmly winks at you before leaving gives you a little hope for something more.


For the rest of that week, Kuroo visits all of the days you’re open and you can tell he’s been taking the antihistamines you told him about because of how well he’s interacting with all the cats. He’s pretty adamant about stopping by your shop at the same time every day too and you assume he stops by after work.

It’s now the middle of the third week since his first visit and Kuroo hasn’t shown up for a few days. You’re a bit worried at his sudden absence, but something stops you from texting him to see how he is. You’re still not really sure where your relationship lies and you’ve never met up outside of the café.

You’re just about to start putting up the chairs when the bell above the door rings behind you. Without turning around, you muster up an irritated greeting, “Welcome to Cat-alyst! We literally close in like 5 minutes.”

You hear a familiar burst of laughter come from the customer that just entered and it causes you to snap your attention towards the door. Sure enough, Kuroo is standing by the door in his suit, but something seems a bit different. You’ve become so used to his neat outer appearance that it catches you off guard when you notice his disheveled form. His jacket unevenly sits over a coffee-stained button down and his slacks are slightly wrinkled. His bed head seems even more chaotic than usual, so he’s definitely had a long day, if not week.

“Yeah, you’re right. My bad. I can stop by next time,” Kuroo responds apologetically.

He’s just about to turn around when your voice cuts him off. “W-wait! Um…it’s okay. I can get you something to drink and let you hang out for a bit. You look like you might need it.”

“I wouldn’t want you to work overtime just for me. I’d be staying past closing.”

You wave off his concern. “I don’t mind. Let me just finish taking care of some chores and we can just chill? I’ll even grab myself a drink too.”

Kuroo gives you a hopeful smile. “Sure.”

As you flip the open sign around and make your drinks, Kuroo walks over to an empty table. You get slightly distracted when he takes off his suit jacket and places it on the back of the chair before sitting down and crossing his legs. He pulls up his sleeves and cuffs them near his elbows. His fit, yet slim body almost makes you swoon and the veins running along his forearms have never looked more appealing on anyone else.

When Kuroo suddenly looks up, you let out a small noise of embarrassment for getting caught staring and quickly get back to focusing on the drinks. If you had looked up one more time, you would’ve noticed his smirk accompanied by reddened cheeks.

With two warm mugs in your hands, you head over to Kuroo who’s now petting both Yuki, the white Ragdoll, and Shark, the grey Russian Blue. When you place his mug on the table, he thanks you.

You sit across from him. “Long day?”

“It was shit,” Kuroo replies. He takes the mug into his hands and stares down into the liquid that most definitely does not look like his usual coffee.

You look away nervously. “It’s a decaf green tea. You didn’t specify what you wanted and I thought it might be good to go without so much caffeine for the night.”

He takes a sip of the tea and hums with content. “It’s good. I probably should lay off the caffeine a bit, especially after work.”

The two of you take a moment to relax a bit in the comfortable silence as you enjoy your respective teas while the cats lay across the floor. Despite the tranquil atmosphere, you have a  strong desire to converse more with Kuroo and listen to his witty, yet kind words. “So tell me, what’s got you so exhausted this fine evening? Spill the tea if you will.”

Kuroo chuckles at your choice of words and you think you like that sound a lot. “Just an asshole coworker that’s lacking in docosahexaenoic acid.”

“Says the guy with a cat allergy that decided to frequent a cat café.”

“Shh. I thought we were past that.” Kuroo feigns offense before shifting his expression to one that was significantly softer. “Plus, I’m not just here for the cats.”

“Oh?” Your cheeks flush at the insinuation. “Care to explain?”

“Well, I have a day off tomorrow and I know you’re closed on Thursdays, so maybe I could tell you more if you let me take you out for lunch?” He runs a hand through his hair with confidence, but the slight twitch in his eyebrow gives away his nervousness.

You already know what your answer is going to be, but you purposefully place a hand under your chin as if you were still contemplating on a decision. You hold back a laugh when you see Kuroo shift in his seat with anticipation.

“I’d love to.” You place your hands back on your mug to distract your attention from the warmth on your cheeks to the warmth in your fingers instead.

Kuroo’s smile widens at your words. “Great! There’s actually a nice onigiri place pretty close by. An old friend of mine is the owner and I think you’ll like the food.”

“Can we meet here and walk there together? I’d like to check up on the cats before we head out,” you ask.

“Fine by me.”

You smile.

“Then, it’s a date.”


You head over to the café about half an hour before your lunch date and step into the back room where all the cats rest during off hours. Chestnut and Yuki, who are already awake and roaming, come to greet you at the door. Shark and Kuro are playing with some toys, while your orange Persian cat, Carrot (aka Bastard), is still snoozing away in his bed. The only young kitten of your café, a Siamese cat named Almond, is nowhere to be seen, and you become a bit worried since he’s usually the first to greet you.

A muffled sneeze from one of the cat towers catches your attention and you look into one of the enclosed compartments. Sure enough, you see Almond laying on his side and he looks up at you lethargically. You bring a hand inside and carefully take him out. Now that you can see him in better lighting, you notice his inflamed eyelids and the discharge around his eyes. The poor baby looked sick.

Without another moment to lose, you quickly grab a small cat carrier and a few blankets before placing Almond inside and locking it up. You rapidly check up on the other cats to make sure they look healthy too. Afterwards, you call a taxi to come pick you up as you walk outside the café and lock the doors.

After you get in the taxi and give the address for the nearest vet, you remember that you were supposed to meet up with Kuroo soon. You curse under your breath at the situation and pull up his number on your phone.

The call rings once before he picks up. “Hey, I’m about 10 minutes away from the café. What’s up?”

“Hey, Tetsurou. I’m really sorry, but we’re going to have to cancel lunch. Almond got sick and I’m heading over to the vet right now. I know I might be overreacting a little, but he’s still so young, so I don’t want to risk it.”

“Oh, shit. No problem at all, (Y/N). Let me know if there’s anything you need and keep me updated if you can. I want to know if the little guy is okay.”

“Will do. Thanks, Tetsurou.” You hang up the phone just as the taxi pulls up to your destination. You pay the driver and quickly go through the process of admitting your kitten. Thankfully, today’s been a slow day, so the front desk is able to get the vet to check up right away without an appointment.

Once the vet gets a look at Almond, you’re finally able to let out a sigh of relief when they tell you that the kitten is experiencing a pretty common upper respiratory infection that can be treated at home. The vet sends you off with a couple medications and instructions that don’t seem too difficult to follow. It hasn't even been an hour since you left the café, but you’re already set to leave with Almond.

You call another taxi and make your way back to the café with a peaceful, sleeping kitten next to you but not before shooting a quick text to Kuroo about any updates on the situation. He doesn’t respond right away, so you just pocket your phone and look out the window.

During the drive, you can’t help but feel upset at the missed opportunity to spend time with the man that’s caught your interest, but you don’t feel comfortable leaving Almond alone, especially since you have to keep him isolated from the rest of the cats.

As the car approaches the café, your eyebrows raise in surprise when you see a tall figure standing in front of the entrance. There’s no mistaking that the lone person is the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou waiting for you and wearing casual clothes for the first time since you’ve met him. You’re so used to his formal attire that his casual wear makes you fall for his looks all over again. He’s wearing a black t-shirt with dark jeans and black running shoes. His hair is not as styled but still looks put together, and he just looks…ready for a date.

When you exit the taxi, you notice that he’s holding a plastic bag that has an unfamiliar logo with the name Onigiri Miya written on the bottom. The two of you make eye contact and stand in front of each other for a few moments.

Kuroo’s the first one to break the silence, “I know you said you didn’t want to leave the cats unattended and you probably haven’t eaten yet, so I thought I’d bring the lunch to you. If you’re still down?”

Your heart swells at the gesture and you find yourself unconsciously nodding your head with a smile. “Let me just take care of some things first and then we can dig in.”

Kuroo follows you inside the building and sets the food down as you let the other cats out in order to clean up any potentially contaminated items.

“Need any help?” Kuroo asks as he watches you run around to finish your tasks as soon as possible.

“No, it’s okay! I’m pretty much finished. You can- ah!” A yelp escapes your lips when one of the cats suddenly runs in front of your legs and you have to maneuver your body to the opposite direction. You were able to avoid stepping on the cat, but it caused you to lose your footing. Fortunately, you’re not falling for long when a strong pair of hands grasp onto your shoulders as your face bumps into a hard surface. You’re disoriented for another few seconds, but the arms around you keep you secure.

Once you catch your bearings, you turn your head towards the feline culprit. “Bastard! I told you not to run around like that.”

You can practically see the orange cat smirking as he gets comfortable in his usual spot on the cat tower.

A voice above you startles you out of your one-sided conversation. “I thought his name was Carrot?”

“That’s what I officially changed his name to when he was first brought here since I couldn’t have kids running around calling for ‘Bastard’. I still call him Bastard, though, since he’s a cheeky one.” You grin as you look up at Kuroo, but your smile quickly disappears once you realize what position you were in.

Kuroo’s arms have yet to leave your side and your chests are close enough to feel your racing heartbeats syncing up. The two of you are lost in each other’s gazes and his eyes occasionally flicker towards your lips. You both unknowingly lean closer until your faces are only a few inches apart. Your eyes flutter closed when you suddenly feel something furry against your mouth that most definitely does not feel like another pair of lips.

When you snap your eyes open, the first thing you notice is Kuroo’s close proximity and wide eyes looking just as confused as you were. When both look down, you see a small black paw slotted between your lips. Apparently, while you both were distracted, your Bombay cat had climbed on top of the man’s shoulders again and decided it would be a great day to be a menace.

With a little bit more awareness, you pull away from Kuroo with bright cheeks and the man’s own cheeks mirror yours. You point at the food sheepishly. “Maybe we should eat?”


You both sit across from one another and take an onigiri from the pile. You must have been hungrier than you thought because the moment you take a bite, the only thing that floods your mind is the delectable taste of a perfectly seasoned rice ball. “This is amazing.”

“Right? I’m really glad they opened up a shop in Tokyo. I always stopped by Onigiri Miya whenever I visited Miyagi,” Kuroo responds just as content with the taste.

“I’m guessing you bought these from the place we were supposed to have lunch at?”

“Yeah. I didn’t want you to miss out, so here we are.”

“We can’t seem to meet up anywhere away from this café, huh,” you comment humorously.

“Not a problem. We’ve got more opportunities to go out together in the future.” Kuroo smirks. “As a matter of fact, I’m free Sunday night, and I know a good ramen place for dinner.”

“I’d like that.” You then point your finger at him teasingly. “You sure you’re not allergic to ramen though?”

Kuroo snorts and pretends to make the gesture to slap your hand away but instead lightly grabs your hand and links your fingers together smoothly. The next hour is spent getting to know each other more and sharing stories of your lives. Throughout the whole time, your hands never stray far from each other.

At some point, you get up to brew some green tea and you both migrate to a carpeted part of the floor to sit closer to the cats. You opt to sit next to Kuroo, shoulder to shoulder, and your hands find his again.

Good food, good cats, and good company. Despite the slight mishap in the morning, you’d say this was a pretty good date.


One year later

Kuroo doesn’t come to the café every day, but he stops by enough that all of your regulars know him by name. The rest of the customers mainly know him as ‘that one tall, handsome man with the ridiculous bed head who’s dating the owner’. He still comes in near the end of work hours, but now that your coworker is back, you have more flexibility in spending time with him.

Today, Kuroo had texted you earlier that his meeting was being extended, so he probably wouldn’t be able to make it to the café. It’s now past closing time and your coworker had already left since you were in charge of locking up for the night. You’re sitting in the back room feeling a bit sad that you couldn’t see Kuroo today, but those feelings were immediately alleviated when feline Kuro jumps onto your lap and rubs his head against your chest in comfort.

Your heart melts at the cuteness and you pet him lovingly. “You’re right, Kuro. Who needs men when I have you?”

The black cat meows as if responding in agreement.

You bring him closer to your chest and nuzzle his face while cooing. “I love you, Kuro.”

The sound of a plastic bag dropping on the ground startles you and the cat on your chest jumps away in fright. Your head quickly turns towards the door and you see your boyfriend standing stock still, a familiar bag from Onigiri Miya sitting at his feet. He’s completely red from the bottom of his neck to the tips of his ears and he’s sporting an endearing expression on his face.

For a moment, you’re confused as to why he was so flustered, but you realize that it’s the first time he’s ever heard you say that special three word phrase. He’s said it to you a few times now, but he has yet to hear it from you directly. Technically, you hadn’t even said it to him directly this time, but…right. His name is Kuroo too.

“I-I meant the cat! My cat that is named Kuro! Black cat Kuro! Not that I wouldn’t say it to you, um…” Your rambling just seems to make the situation more awkward.

Kuroo is the first to recover and he walks over to where you are while holding out a hand for you to take, abruptly silencing you and lifting you to your feet. “No worries. You can say whatever you’d like whenever you’re ready, (Y/N).”

His gaze draws you in and before you know it, your lips meet his in a deep kiss. His hands come up to gently cup your face, while your arms latch onto his sides in a tight grip. He tilts his head more to draw you in even closer and his movements cause you to take a few steps back until your back hits the wall.

The sweet moment almost turns more desperate when something lightly paws at your leg.

You break from the kiss and look down to see all six cats surrounding the two of you and watching your every movement with their curious eyes. Almond is standing the closest and is also the one who interrupted you. You let out a small giggle. It seems you could never catch a break from them.

When you look back up at Kuroo, you see him already staring at you with a soft smile gracing his lips. His eyes are filled with so much adoration and affection that you can’t stop your next words.

“I love you, Tetsurou.”

Kuroo looks surprised for a moment before his expression shifts back to a wide grin.

“I love you too, (Y/N).”


A/N: enjoy my product placement for Onigiri Miya. my tidbits series is still wedged deep into the dark crevices of my soul (and if you haven’t read that yet, !!!!!)

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3 years ago

a second chance with iwaizumi

(comfort angst, ex-lovers)

word count: 1.2k

warnings: cursing (one swear word), mention of death (hypothetical), a little steamy but nothing inappropriate

“Want to go out for dinner tonight?”

You arched an eyebrow slowly, causing one end of your mouth to flick upwards into amusement, your eyes glittering darkly.

You let out an exasperated sigh. “Knowing you, Mr. Iwaizumi, I presume that this dinner is more than just a dinner.”

His jaw clenches, swallowing the hard truth. It was going to be him reconciling and apologizing for what happened two years ago.

“So you have forgotten the kind of person I am, I presume.”

This time, your jaw tightens dangerously with a look that said: the audacity. Ambitious and indomitable, you are the personification of the sea. Your eyes shimmered like pools of dark abyss. No wonder things between the two of you have been rocky ever since.

Tipping your head back just slightly, you flash your teeth in an almost sadistic smile, the tip of your tongue prodding the inside of your cheek in lazy regality.

You were tangling his mind further into knots, confused, conflicted and yet you managed to undo him until he was completely and utterly vulnerable. Glee was written all over your face while scarlet heat rushed up his cheeks.

“I will go to dinner with you.”


You went to dinner, but that wasn’t the important part. Not even close.

After the dinner, you both ended up in the family restroom, Iwaizumi’s hands pinned at either side of your head, the faint aroma of wine still lingered on his tongue, his green eyes burned and flickered with intensity.

You promised and promised and promised and swore and swore and sworn to yourself that all of this, this, was never going to happen again; that you were never going to stay within close proximity of your ex but here you were with his hands gripping your hips with an untamable ferocity, his breath tickling and warming your neck, sending a wildfire down your spine, igniting an inferno of blazing heat to your stomach. You shivered anyway, your body unable to contain any semblance of control.

He hesitates like he’s scared to dive into the deep, afraid to let instinct take control because he still knows you so well. Your fingers gripped his hair and you felt him move his lips up to your ear. You swallow. He’s gravity and you’re about to crash land; he keeps pulling and pulling and you keep falling and falling.

“Is this how we resolved our fights?” he manages, voice husky.

You didn’t remember and you certainly didn’t care to remember. Every crevice and valley of your brain wanted him all over again and for the first time, you let your deepest desires take over.

“I don’t know,” you murmured.

He’s silent and then slowly and gently, he brushes his lips on your jaw. It was hardly a kiss, but what’s left of his restraint snaps and you’re falling into oblivion once again.

His lips roam your neck, your shoulder, your collarbone, your jaw, hands tracing paths on your body like a map, rewriting everything anew and covering all remnants of your regrets and resentment. You lean back your head and swallow hard, gasping for air. It felt like the room was spinning wildly. He was going insane, he was making you go insane. You were veering off course and no longer did you yearn for control or take back any regrets.

It was just you and him in this universe, mindlessly clinging onto each other and wisps of chaos because nothing made sense anymore and nothing mattered. You could die right at this moment and you wouldn’t feel it coming, but you would feel him, all of him, and only him.

His palm rested respectfully on your lower thigh before leaving to place it on your lower back, a growl clawing at his throat. God, you forgot how exhilarating this was. You forgot what it felt with just the two of you, the lack of barrier between you and him, skin burning, lips and tongue on fire, fingers gripping nothing but fragments of sanity and blazing skin.

You were so close to him and it closer than imagined, like he feared even light would pry you apart if it were to make space between you so he pulled you closer until your skin nearly merged with his. Your hands explored the wide expanse of his chest, perfect and so welcoming under your touch.

Slowly, he brought two fingers to your neck, feeling for your pulse. You gnaw on your bottom lip as he continues to make his way to the hollow between your neck and shoulder, his quick breathes in sync with yours.

“110 beats per minute,” he mutters before harboring his lips on that soft crevice. Desperate, you pull him closer, wanting to feel more, wanting nothing more than your bodies to blend and merge together so you couldn’t let go.

“How do you know?” You pant.

He chuckles a little, sending goosebumps that reverberated down your arms. “I’m a certified athletic trainer, I know how to look for a pulse.”

He’s blushing when makes the cocky comment. “I must be stupid to forget that.”

He grips you tighter, a hand running along the length of your spine. “No, I don’t think so.”

With the back of his hand, he strokes your cheek soulfully like you were made of glass before resting at the nape of your neck, cradling. You resist the urge to lean back and let the pads of his fingers knead your flesh.

He finally pulls away, forehead resting against yours. “I’m sorry.” He whispered those words like it was a vow and it made warmth pool at the base of your stomach. “I didn’t mean to get this carried away.”

There were possibly a million other apologies behind his voice that he wanted to declare, but the air, this moment, was too fragile, too small. It would break at too many words. It would shatter you.

Iwaizumi refused to make eye contact still shy and possessing a twinge of self control, arms still around you, and you mentally squeezed yourself smaller.

“Neither did I.”

He angles his eyes upward, almost hopeful and it disintegrates something in you. He leaned in again and you sucked in a harsh breath, a breath that felt like glass was stuck in your throat. This time he hovered over your shoulder, your hands inched up his chest where you could feel his heart palpitating.

“I hope you know,” he begins. “I was a complete idiot.”

“I can partially agree on that,” you say breathlessly and a chuckle escapes.

“I really wanted to say I’m sorry,” he said, then sighed. “I’m sorry, that sounds like a lame excuse, but it really isn’t.”

You simply hum in response. “Continue.”

He takes a sharp intake of breath. “You were enough, more than enough and you deserve someone who can carry that. I know I wasn’t that kind of person for you. I wasn’t strong enough to carry you. I wasn’t enough to deserve you. Hell, I don’t even think I deserve another chance.”

You close your eyes as he makes his way to the edge of your lips, kissing you so softly you want to sink to the floor. Every word hits you like a needle.

“I also hope,” he whispered so fervently, so reverently like he was worshipping a deity, you nearly buckle. “You know how brilliant you are, how beautiful, how intelligent, how irresistible you are, and how insufferable you can be.” He laughs at the last part, a beautiful laugh that you wanted to capture with your lips, with a canvas and paint and ingrain it into your memory. It danced across your skin like a ballet routine.

“I’m sorry, I am truly, genuinely sorry. I was reckless. If only I was able to think about what I was going to say and how much it would hurt,” he shook his head. “I wouldn’t have said it. I shouldn’t have said that you were…” He pursed his lips, as if the words hurt him as much as it did to you.

You swallow nervously. Confrontation was your weakness and he could see it right through you.

“What did I say about second chances?” You asked instead.

Before he could answer, you whirled around, this time he was against the wall, your nose brushing against his and featherlight brushes of your lips on his, already trembling.

“And where did you get this confidence?” He asked with a hidden smile, already pressing your body flush against his hard chest. He didn’t have to ask that, he already knew.

A dark smirk curved on your face as you lean in closer. “I stole yours,” you whispered.

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