Haikyuu Oneshot - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

A/N: How’s it going guys? After Kiyoomi and Kenma, I decided to try out writing for Daichi! I did a lot of research on Daichi’s character, since I don’t identify that much with him. But I tried my best. Hope you like it! Also, I am so sorry I don’t know unfortunately where Osamu has his shop, but I just made one up that is located in the Miyagi Prefecture :3 .

Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated!<3 PLEASE DO NOT COPY OR PLAGIARIZE MY WORK! genre: fluff, a tinsy tiny pinch of angst (since Daichi gets injured)

warnings: mentions of blood, cursing, Brooklyn Nine-Nine spoilers

words: 1419

Scars and Souvenirs (Daichi Sawamura xf!Reader)

It was a warm Saturday night in summer. The sounds of a knife chopping up spring onions, shiitake mushrooms and garlic cloves fill up the comfortable silence in the kitchen. The scent of boiling chicken stock and mirin spreads through the room as well, making the two people cooking it even more hungry than they already are.

Daichi finally has the weekend off after working the last couple weekends. It’s an enjoyable evening for you and your boyfriend since the both of you have busy working schedules, him being a police officer of the Miyagi Prefecture and you being a paramedic.

The both of you met during one of your calls, when Daichi got injured by a knife due to one of the thieves that tried to rob a store.

On a cloudy Wednesday, you were waiting in line at Onigiri Miya for your lunch break when you suddenly got called on scene after one of the police officers got injured.

Annoyed by your beeper going off, you unfortunately had to leave the restaurant in a rush and you jumped right into the passenger seat of the ambulance.

When you arrived at the scene, your hunger and annoyance due to your empty stomach were quickly swept away, when you saw a young and very handsome police officer sitting in the trunk of a police car, holding a towel pressed against his hand.

The moment both of your eyes met, you still swear to this day, you felt the butterflies in your stomach going crazy and your heart felt like it almost burst out of your chest with the rate it was going.

The two of you engaged in a flirty but still somewhat awkward conversation and when you had him all wrapped up in a pressure bandage on his hand, he asked for your number.

Daichi and you hit it off immediately, you were both easy to get along with and both had their fair share of stories to tell.

Your thoughts of the fond memory are being interrupted, as you jump by the sudden loud noise of Daichi cursing and dropping the knife against the wooden cutting board. Your head snaps into his direction and you can see a few drops of blood dropping on the white Quartzite kitchen counter coming from Daichi’s left hand. Daichi quickly gets a kitchen towel and applies pressure on his left index finger.

You drop the kitchen utensils from your hands with a loud clatter and rush over to him to take a look at his cut.

Daichi lifts the towel for you to take a look at his finger and feels bad for interrupting your cooking time together since you and him don’t cook together as much as you used to.

His gaze follows your movements as you hold his hand over the sink underneath the water hose as you turn it slightly. The water hose brings out lukewarm water as you hold his hand underneath it to wash off the blood and to see how deep the cut is.

As Daichi keeps his eyes on you, he admires your beauty and concentration as you take a look at his finger.

You grab some paper towels and wrap it around Daichi’s finger, making him wince a little bit.

,,Sorry Dai, but I got to put pressure on the wound, it‘ll help to stop the bleeding a bit faster.“

You explain to him, while still keeping focused on his injury.

What you don’t realize is that your partner is watching with the most lovesick smile anyone has ever seen.

Finally glancing up, you see his goofy smile and return one of your own.

,,What?“ You chuckle out, while still keeping the pressure on his finger.

,,Oh nothing, just admiring my beautiful girl.” He replies innocently while giving you a wink.

You blush a bit by his comment and tell him to take over for putting on pressure on his wound.

,,Aye aye ma’am.”

Waiting for your return, he checks out his hand as he twists it around.

Noticing the white outline of his old scar on the inside of his hand, he remembers the day he received it.

He had been called to a store robbery in downtown and got hurt while defending himself from a thief with a knife.

The thief tried to run away and Daichi was chasing after him, running down the street. He saw him taking a turn into an alley, quickly following him into it. As soon as Daichi ran around the corner he got tackled to the ground by the criminal. Trying to fight him off, the thief pulled out a knife and tried to go for Daichi’s throat. Daichi was able to stop him by pushing his hands against the attacker, protecting his face and neck.

Crushing his knee into the back of his attacker, Daichi held the arms against him in a restraining matter, kicking the knife away with his foot.

Daichi’s partner came around the corner, panting heavy breaths and talking into his Walkie-Talkie for a medic.

After getting the confirmation from the main station, his partner quickly cuffed the guy and pulled him up to his feet.

Daichi got up as well, scrunching his face in pain, as the blood from his hand dropped on the ground.

The young police officer watched his partner shoving the runaway into the back of the police car.

Slamming the door shut, his partner went immediately to check on Daichi.

,,Sawamura! Shit! You okay man?” His coworker frantically looked at Daichi’s hand, quickly getting out a towel from the trunk of the car, handing it over to Daichi.

,,Yeah I am fine, just a little cut, that's all.” Daichi growled through his teeth in pain.

,,I already called for a medic. The Ambulance is on their way. I have to tape up the broken shop, will you be alright by yourself?”

Daichi nodded in understanding and sat down in the trunk and continued to hold the towel against his wound.

Hearing the ambulance siren in the distance, Daichi tried to calm his pain by inhaling and exhaling through his nose.

The ambulance vehicle arrived on scene and Daichi lifted his head, his breath immediately stopping, as he took in the beautiful creature right in front of his brown eyes.

Daichi remembers the day, as if it just happened yesterday.

The way you took care of him and flashed him your breathtaking smile, gosh it felt like the world was going in slow motion.

The former Volleyball Captain sees you re-entering the kitchen with medical supplies that you have snatched from the bathroom cabinet.

Wrapping up his hand once again as you did four years ago in the most gentle manner, you see his old scar.

,,Do you remember the day you got this nasty scar?” You ask him while taping up the bandages around his hand.

,,Yeah, of course. I treasure this memory of being able to meet you that day. And I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the whole world.”

You blush at his statement and giggle lightly.

After bandaging up his hand, the both of you finish making the Shoyo Ramen and watch some more episodes on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Cuddling together, the both of you rooting for Amy and Jake, as they finally got married after five freaking seasons.

Daichi might have gotten that nasty scar from the incident that day, but at least he got one of the most precious souvenirs ever in his life, your phone number and to be able to call you his girl.

@nerd-of-karasuno @lyditheoverthinker @satisfactooru @wake-uptoreality <3

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2 years ago

A/N: Yello everybody! Here’s a new One-Shot with our hot Atsumu Miya<3 wrote this while I was on vacation :D

Genre: fluff

Warnings: cursing, Atsumu Miya being a shithead

Words: 4849

Hotter than Hell Itself (Atsumu Miya x f!Reader)

It was a very hot day in the middle of the summer in Osaka. Seriously, no one told you it could be THIS hot in Japan when you decided to move here.

When your hospital offered you an international job opportunity, you wouldn’t have thought of moving to Japan, let alone to the hottest part of it.

Since it’s not even midday, all you wanted to do was to sleep all day long after you were done with work and enjoy the cold air of your AC blowing down your naked skin. But of course, the universe needs some popcorn to chew on once in a while. And you just happen to be one of those kernels ready to pop just for their entertainment.

It all started when you came out of your night shift at 07:30 this morning. Afterwards, you drove with heavy eyelids back to your apartment, only to find out that your AC broke while you were at work. As if that wasn’t enough, you received a text message from your friend during your shift, asking you to join her at the pool party she is hosting. The problem is, you’re not exactly a social butterfly. You met her in your preparation class for Japan 101, both of you coming from the United States, taking the opportunity to venture out into the world and experience something new.

Unfortunately, since you already quit her too many times, she threatened to change her Netflix password. Obviously, you can’t let that happen, you need to know if Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica make it out alive from the hostage situation of the evil Russian weapon company.

So like the good and supportive friend you are, you agreed. (And also saving you a Netflix subscription every month.)

‘There r gonna b sum hot 🔥 boys @ my party, I think some basketball or volleyball players. Dunno I think they are called the coyotes or smth. And you’ve been a little bitch recently, you need to get laid, girl. And m’ not accepting a no as an answer or any other shitty excuse y’gonna come up with!’

So here you are, in front of the building of your friend. Still sitting in your car, tired and hot as hell, you’re overthinking this again. You glance into your rearview mirror, checking if your makeup is still as good as it was earlier when you applied it. ‘Good. Even though it’s hot as hell outside and only 11:43, I still look somehow presentable.’ You think to yourself as you grab your purse and get out of your car.

Locking it, you hear the car honk twice and you make your way across the street to the building.

Since your friend is an event planner, she earns accordingly. Having the penthouse all to herself is still something that you are envious of.

But then again, you chose the route of being an OR nurse. Prepping patients, prepping the OR table, and sterilizing everything are tasks daily for you. Your coworkers are easy to get along with, the working hours aren’t too bad and it’s always the same routine for you. Which is great, since you are a person of habit. Sometimes though, you get called in on your off days due to someone calling in sick last minute.

Now entering the building you see a tall and bulky security guard standing next to the revolving doors. He is wearing a full black suit, and dark sunglasses and is carrying an earpiece in his left ear. Giving you a watchful look, as he is eyeing you up and down, like a hawk stalking its prey.

Feeling uncomfortable and honestly slightly scared you show him your electronic invitation with shaking hands.

The security guard with the name tag „Daisuke“ bends down a little bit to read the letters on your phone. He then takes out a device himself from the front pocket of his suit to scan the QR code.

After hearing a confirmation sound from his phone, he backs up a little bit to let you pass through the doors.

“Geez, a security guard at the front door? She must have invited someone special.” you mutter to yourself as you enter the building.

Suddenly, you remember the text message from your friend, stating that some famous athletes are going to be there since she is good friends with someone that works at the Sports Promotion Division.

Your steps carry you to the elevator and you press the button for going upstairs.

Waiting for the elevator to arrive, you glance around yourself.

Your eyes wander over the rich-looking decorations of the building.

Taking in the eggshell-colored walls and the sculptures of Greek women decorating the side of the hallway immediately give you a rich vibe feeling.

Scoffing to yourself about the unnecessary decorations, you glance back at the floor guide for the building which shows that it’s still six floors away from the lobby.

Breathing out a heavy sigh, you cross your arms and sway gently from side to side on your feet.

All of sudden you hear someone loudly greeting somebody else from outside and you turn around to see a tall younger guy with short blond hair greeting the security guard at the front. They give each other a firm handshake and start talking together, sharing loud laughs in between their conversation. You can’t see him that well, you’re only able to make out black jeans, a white button-up shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of sunglasses resting on top of his nose.

You’re guessing that the security guard wants to take a picture with the blond-haired kind of good-looking guy, as he pulls out his phone from his back pocket. The mysterious yet handsome stranger moves beside him and holds up a peace sign. After taking their picture together, the mystic man moves back to the side, almost ready to enter the building.

Shocking and almost in disbelief, you continue to observe them.

The blonde guy tells the security guard something with an almost cheeky smile on his face and pats him on the shoulder a few times. Now walking inside as well, he takes off his sunglasses and places them on top of his head.

You give him one last look before turning back to the elevator and seeing that it’s still two more floors away.

’Just hurry up!‘

The stranger stops right next to you, almost too close to your liking, as you can smell the strong aroma of his cologne. His very strong scented cologne you might add, smelling like a pinewood forest with a hint of vanilla.

Scrunching your nose a bit at the strong smell, you move a bit to the side, which catches the stranger’s attention.

“What’s yer deal? Don’t like my Sauvage perfume?” he smirks at you.

“As a matter of fact, I don’t. You smell like a male prostitute.”

Taking your words in, he lets out an offended gasp and turns around a little bit to view you a little bit better.

Now looking into his face, you see him scowling directly at you.

You turn towards him as well, trying not to get intimidated by his towering figure.

You’re not scared of him, you have handled far worse than this.

“Do you have any idea who I am?“ he looks at you, hopefully expecting the right answer.

You size him up and down with your eyes, thinking hard.

The fact that you take so long to think, kind of concerns him. By now you should apologize profoundly and give him the biggest heart eyes as any other woman would.

“No I don’t. Should I? Are you one of those basketball players or something?“

He scoffs at your answer and retorts.

“It’s volleyball ya little shrimp. The fact that ya don’t know who I am honestly concerns me. Ya been livin‘ under a rock or somethin‘? Every human being in Japan knows who I am.“

“Oh, I am sorry that I have better things to worry about than knowing who you are. You must be very special then. A thousand apologies to your highness.”

You pause while looking at him with the most disinterested face you ever made. And it irritates Atsumu even more.

“Geez yer a real happy camper ain’tcha? Must be fun to have you at parties.”

Okay the fact that you barely slept and the audacity of this freaking guy are just about enough for you. You close your eyes, turn around and inhale deeply through your nose. As soon as you open your eyes and you breathe out, you start to feel a little bit better. You’re not going to let him worsen your already bad mood.

Choosing to ignore him, you hear the ‘ding’ of the elevator and its doors finally open.

The blond guy and you enter inside and you press the button for the penthouse of your friend.

Remembering that your nephew likes someone called the ‘Schweiden Adlers’, you know that he always brags about one of the players. Not knowing if Blondie is on the team, you decide to ask him about it.

“Are you from the Schweiden Adlers? I heard that they’re the best team in Japan and my nephew loves them. I’d like to get an autograph for him.”

You give him an almost aggressive sweet smile as you stare at him, waiting for an answer.

What you don’t expect though, is for him to reach out for the fire alarm button, which immediately stops the elevator.

Utterly shocked by his actions, you start yelling at him.

“Are you crazy?! Why did you do that?!”

He whips around and gives you an angry look.

“First of all, I am NOT from the Schweiden Adlers, I am from the MSBY Jackals princess. And excuse the shit out of my goddamn French but did you just say ‘best team in Japan’? We have beat those guys twice now! Second, since you obviously got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, I am NOT going to give you an autograph even if I was part of their team. Third, since you still don’t know who I am, I am Miya Atsumu, the best setter in Japan!” He exclaims loudly while still staring at you.

Not having any of his shit, you decide to poke the bear a little bit more with the stick.

“Is that so? Well dye-job I have a newsflash for you. I don’t care that you apparently hold that title. I honestly feel sorry for your teammates that have to put up with you every single day. Send them my deepest condolences.“

Atsumu just gives her a look of fury but doesn’t reply.

‘This small ass chick is crazy.’ He thinks to himself.

“Just push the button so the freaking elevator starts again.”

After hearing her words, he forgot that he was the one who pressed it in the first place, but still went with her request anyway.

Feeling the elevator move again, she can still feel her blood slightly boiling and her heart racing from the frustration she just had to witness.

Atsumu is not feeling any more different than her, clenching and unclenching his fists, while still trying to calm down himself.

What feels like a thousand years later, the elevator finally reaches the final floor, doors slowly opening.

‘I need some fuckin’ beer.’ Atsumu thinks to himself as he heads straight for the bar, without even saying goodbye to the woman that he shared the elevator ride with.

Atsumu sits down in one of the bar chairs while glancing over the menu of the drinks that were offered today.

He turns to the barkeeper and asks him for a beer.

“I am sorry sir, since this is a sports division event, no alcohol will be served. It was requested from the coach.“ The barkeeper gives Atsumu an apologetic look as he cleans a glass with a green little towel.

“Yer gotta be shittin‘ me.“ Atsumu puts his face in his hands and lets out a small grunt of frustration.

You step out of the elevator, taking a few steps before stopping to look around.

You notice that the event party has a lot of tall guys there, most of them probably over 6 feet tall.

Compared to your small size, they are giants. Before you can look around any more, someone runs towards you, attacking you in a bone-crushing hug.

You stumble back a little bit by the sudden force but quickly catch the person that engulfed you into a hug.

The scent of cherries and almonds fill into your nose, recognizing your friend by the body lotion she always uses.

“Hey girl, how’s it going? I missed you so much!“ She gushes at you, while giving you a look over.

“Goodness, you look a little bit pale, those night shifts aren’t doing you any favors. But good thing I just have the right things around here.“ She points to various things, giving each an explanation.

“So over there is the buffet, help yourself with all those treats! And in the corner over there, is the bar but since this is a sports event, no alcohol unfortunately. Since, you know, all these hot guys are volleyball players, they need to stick to a strict diet plan and blah blah blah.“

She rolls her eyes a little bit and you just nod along, quietly thanking her for the invitation. Looking back at you, she gives you a mischievous smile and wiggles her thin eyebrows up and down, almost in a suggestive manner.

Bumping your hip with hers, she starts talking again.

“Soooo… I saw that Atsumu Miya exited the elevator with you. Tell me, how hot is that dude! Did he talk to you? Did he give you his number? Did he give you his number one ‚one-in-a-million-smile‘? Did you guys make out in the elevator? Because both of you were having quite the flushed faces whenever you both exited the elevator.“

You give it out a small sigh and shake your head a little bit in reply, slightly irritated by her flooding questions, as you recall the conversation you had with Atsumu.

“No we didn’t do anything, don’t be silly. He was just being a rude asshole and I was bitching back at him.“

You cross your arms over your chest as you spot the blonde sitting at the bar, talking with an orange haired smaller guy and another tall guy with white-blackish spiked hair with a grumpy look on his face.

Your friend gives you a shocked look, following your gaze.

“Really? According to these magazines I read, he is a proud guy with a flirty personality. Ah well, looks can be deceiving. But not to worry my precious little birdie, there’s plenty of hot guys here. Talk to one of them and maybe see if one of them can take you home with them. Or even multiple if you’re into that shit.“

She gives you a wink and starts laughing at your flushed face.

Embarrassed that she would even dare suggest such a thing, you gave her a reply in a squeaky undertone.

“W-what? No! I am NOT into that! And I already have had enough volleyball players in one day. One is more than enough.“

“Whatever you say sweetie. Well at least eat some stuff from the food table, I paid a lot for that shit.“ She gives you a slight pat on the shoulder and walks around to greet more of her guests.

Turning your body a little bit, you start heading towards the table with all the goodies on it.

Taking a plate you let your eyes wander over the delicious varieties of food.

From Onigiris, to Takoyaki and even a big grill with tons of Yakiniku and Yakitori on it, makes your mouth water like a waterfall.

You haven’t eaten anything yet, you stayed awake since you were too hot in your apartment and you had to wait for the AC repairman.

Suddenly, you feel a presence beside you and you tilt your head a little bit to the side to see the white-blackish haired guy that was talking to Atsumu earlier at the bar.

Eyeing the massive amount of food on his plate, especially the meat, you can feel your jaw almost dropping to the floor.

Bokuto can feel you staring at him and just gives you a laugh combined with a large grin.

“Sorry, just a huge meat fan, trying to grow some more.“

“You're already pretty tall, and having meat fill up almost 90% of your plate doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to grow much more. Also, eat more eggs or whole grain foods, they should help better.“

You explain while looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

Bokuto raises both of his eyebrows, then his face transforms into a deep thinking one and quickly develops into a beaming smile.

“Really?! Oh my gosh thanks I will definitely take up your advice. Here, have some! You‘ll definitely need it more than me!“ Handing you his heavy full plate, he takes off to his friends and starts talking to them energetically.

Dumbstruck, you stare at him with wide eyes, then looking down to his plate.

Blinking a few times you were about to put the plate down, when Atsumu joins you at the buffet table.

He looks at your plate and raises one of his eyebrows at you.

“A bit much don‘tcha think? ‘Specially for someone yer size.“

You can feel your eye twitch in annoyance but don’t reply anything to that.

You set Bokuto‘s former plate into the hands of one of a very confused waiter, before grabbing your still empty plate to move around him, to look for something to munch your frustrations out.

A single pink-frosted vanilla cupcake has caught your eye and you were about to grab it when a bigger hand snatched it right away from you. It was the last one on the platter too. That asshole did not just do that.

Your hand is still frozen midair, trying to process what the hell just happened.

“I was just about to grab that and it’s the last one. Couldn’t you have at least asked me if I wanted it? You usually do that to be polite.“

Atsumu thinks hard for a moment, taking a good look at both beauties in front of his hazel brown eyes. Analyzing the situation for mere seconds, he chose to play dirty.

He wants to get you back for insulting his pride earlier.

Before you can blink, Atsumu shoves the entire cupcake into his mouth, looking almost like a snake devouring a mouse in one single bite.

Dumbfounded, you watch him with an open mouth as he chews and swallows.

“Man, that was good. Ya wanna taste?” He smirks at you while he licks the pink frosting off of his lips.

Still shocked, you act before you can think.

You push him into the pool behind him.

The sound of splashing water rips you out of your fury, realizing what you‘ve just done.

Holy shit.

You just pushed a star athlete in the pool.

Not just any star athlete, freaking Atsumu Miya.

The Setter of the Dingos.

Still highly in shock, you stare at the moving water of the pool.

Atsumu’s drenched head pops out of the water, coughing some water out of his mouth.

“The hell’s yer problem?! Yer could’ve killed me!” Atsumu shouts at you in exasperation.

“Don’t be so melodramatic! You’re obviously fine.” Crossing your arms against your chest, you stare at him with an annoyed frown.

“Can ya at least help me outta here?” You scoff at his request and retort.

“You’re a big guy, get out yourself. Also, you're way bigger and taller than me, how am I supposed to pull you out?”

He just gives you a look and thinks for about two seconds.

“Aint’cha a nurse or something? Use yer super strength to pull me out.”

Sighing, you still give in, after seeing his begging eyes.

You hold out your hand for him to grab onto. Atsumu gets closer to the edge of the pool and you can feel his very wet hand grabbing your own.

Flinching at the wetness you try your best to pull 80,4 kg out of the water.

As soon as you try to pull him out, his other hand comes out of the water and pulls you into the water with him.

Screaming at the sudden tug, you splash into the pool.

The cold water of the pool soaks through everything. Your hair, dress and make up are now ruined. All thanks to that blonde shithead.

Your head pops through the water surface and you give Atsumu the most hateful look anyone has ever seen.

Even if you’re fuming right now, Atsumu still has to admit that you’re even beautiful looking this angry. He just HAS to ask you out.

“You’re the most inconsiderate, most rude piece of shit I have ever met!” You furiously yell at him.

“Yeah, yeah I got that part from the start. Ya wanna go out with me sometime?” The drenched blonde gives you a tilt and his brown eyes kind of remind you of a cute Golden Retriever and- STOP. NO! Not only has that asshole just pulled you into ice cold water, it’s his fault you’re completely soaked, he was incredibly rude to you, he has the audacity to ask you out?!

Gaping at his request, you glance around you, to see that all eyes were on the two of you. Their mixes of emotion completely overwhelm you. You see confusion, pity and some even have a mix between shock and disgust.

Groaning loudly in frustration, you walk to the end of the pool to step out.

You see a hand outstretched for help and you see a black-haired tall guy whose hair is mid-length and slicked back.

Thankful for his help, he helps you out of the water and hands you his big soft yellow jacket, so you don’t freeze.

“Thank you but I am leaving now so you can keep it.” You say to him with tears in your eyes as you make your way to the elevator with hurried steps. Your pace begins to quicken, as you can hear Atsumu’s voice yelling after you to make you stop. Ignoring him, you bolt through the door to run down the stairs.

A few seconds later you can hear the sound of door opening again and loud footsteps chase after you.

“Stop, please! I want to apologize!” His deep voice echoes in the stairwell.

Still ignoring him, you can feel your tears running down your cheeks and you finally reach the bottom of the stairs.

Seeing your car on the other side of the street gives you a relief and you fetch your car key and unlock it.

As you are about to enter your car, you can hear Atsumu’s quick steps coming closer to you.

“Wait! Please!” He huffs out of breath.

“What the hell do you want?! Haven’t you humiliated me enough already?!” You whip around to yell at him.

Breathing heavily, flushed cheeks and with a worried look he looks to the ground like a kicked puppy.

“I am really really sorry. I didn’t mean ta humiliate ya up there. I know I was a jerk so I want to make it up to ya.”

Your hands wipe your tears away from your cheeks and you listen to what he has to say.

Still guilty as hell, he looks up to you with regret in his eyes.

“Please let me make it up to ya by takin’ ya out to dinner. I know I don’t deserve it but please give me a chance.” He pleads with you.

Your eyes fall to the concrete of the street as you overthink his offer.

The cold wind makes you shiver and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Atsumu. With another idea in his mind, he asks you to wait a few seconds.

You watch in confusion as he runs to what you’re guessing is his car and Atsumu grabs a yellow jacket with a black lettering that spells out ‘MSBY’.

Quickly running back to you, he hands you his jacket with the words that you should wear it so you don’t freeze.

You grab his jacket with uncertainty and remember you haven’t given him an answer yet.

His effort to try to make you feel better kind of helps you with your decision.

Breathing out with a heavy exhale you look up to him with ambivalence and accept his offer.

The concern in his eyes disappears and all of sudden his eyes shine brighter than the brightest Christmas lights.

“O-Oh awesome! Great! I’ll uh… Just give me yer number and we can arrange the date.” He stutters with a slight blush across his cheeks, you doubt it’s still from chasing you down the stairs.

You type in your number on his phone and his adorable smile is making you blush. If you actually look closer, you can make out some freckles across his nose and cheeks.

To be honest, Atsumu is really attractive. So attractive that it annoys the hell out of you.

Yet, you can’t wait to see what the date will turn out like.

Realizing you’re still wearing his jacket, you want to give it back to him.

“Nah, keep it beautiful. It looks better on ya anyway.” He compliments you with a wink.

Laughing a little bit, you push a loose wet strand of hair behind your ear and give him a cute smile that he returns.

Bonus scene <3

“So….. Papa and mama met at a party?“

Two sets of hazelnut eyes watch you and Atsumu carefully with confused but still exciting looks on their faces. Both of your children are a spitting image of their father, when he was younger. Cheeky hazel colored eyes, with messy dark brown hair.

“That’s right kiddos, yer ma was super into me the first time she laid eyes on ya handsome dad.“

Atsumu gives them a proud smile and turns around to look at you.

You catch his gaze and he gives you a wink, rolling your eyes as you continue to clear off the dinner you just shared with your family.

The younger one raises his hand to ask a question.

“Mama, why did you push papa in the pool?“

Your husband looks at you, with a mischievous smile on his face.

“Yeah mama, why did ya push poor dad in the pool?“

Giving your idiot of a husband a fiery look, you still answer your child’s question.

“Well to be honest, your dad had it coming. He snatched something precious away from me and obviously had to pay for it somehow.“

“Aw c‘mon baby yer not still mad ‘bout that are ya?“ Atsumu pouts.

“Mad about what?“ The mini Miyas glance at you with a twinkle of curiosity in their eyes, while scooting closer to listen to their parent‘s “romantic” story.

You stop wiping and hang up the dishwasher towel for drying. Standing behind your husband, he gives you a fearful look.

You lean over the chair, set both of your hands firmly on Atsumu‘s shoulders and you can feel the anxiety from his tense shoulders.

“He stole Mama‘s precious cupcake.“ You whisper to your children in a dangerous tone.

Both of your children gasp loudly at the reveal of the reason why you pushed your husband into the pool out of anger back then.

Atsumu chuckles a bit nervously but regains his composure quickly.

“Lesson learned not to steal food from mama. But I got her back for it, I pulled her in the pool as well.“

The gasps of your twins get even louder as they stare with open mouths and wide eyes at their father.

“In the end though, it kinda looked like the lion king scene, when Simba pulled Nala into the water. Afterwards…. Well let’s just keep that PG-13 for now. Ain’t that romantic kiddos?” Atsumu holds your hand with his own and squeezes it gently while giving you a lovesick smile as he looks up at you.

“What does papa mean?PG-13?“ The older one of the twins asks, while tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.

Atsumu turns his face from you to his children, is about to give the talk about the birds and the bees and you quickly interrupt him.

“Atsumu! They are six years old for crying out loud!“ You scold him from behind and hit him lightly on the back of his head.

The blond Setter is startled by your loud voice and slap directed at him and he immediately shuts up.

“Hehe, Papa is scared of mama.“ The older twin turns towards his brother and starts giggling.

“I ain’t scared of her!” The Setter argues with his children.

“Atsumu.” You give him a deadly look.

“Shutting up dear.” Puts a hand to his head in a saluting way and glares at his children, as they continue to giggle and laugh at their cowardly father.

@wake-uptoreality @nerd-of-karasuno @rukia-uchiha-98

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1 year ago

THEIR “FANGIRL” ACTUALLY LIKES YOU, NOT HIM!! (oikawa, atsumu, and suna)

warning: gn!reader, crack, some pouty boyos!. a random idea i thought of~

[ part 2 (sugawara and iwaizumi) ]



“i swear if they don’t leave in 60 seconds, i’m going to serve a ball towards them.”

leaning against the bus with crossed arms, you watched the herd of squealing girls surrounding your boyfriend. iwaizumi is right by your side, glaring at the sight of his best friend being showered with affection and treats.

Keep reading

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4 years ago

— daily texts with bf!sugawara

warnings: swearing, suggestive content

pairing: sugawara x fem!reader

a/n: these aren’t really that good, but suga just makes me so soft🥺 i simp for him 24/7. also if you guys want me to do this with other haikyuu characters, please let me know! :D

 Daily Texts With Bf!sugawara
 Daily Texts With Bf!sugawara
 Daily Texts With Bf!sugawara
 Daily Texts With Bf!sugawara
 Daily Texts With Bf!sugawara
 Daily Texts With Bf!sugawara

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4 years ago

— daily texts with bf!bokuto

warnings: VERY suggestive

pairing: bokuto x fem!reader

a/n: i think i’m gonna do a series of these bc they’re very fun to make so let me know which characters you’d like to see :)

 Daily Texts With Bf!bokuto
 Daily Texts With Bf!bokuto
 Daily Texts With Bf!bokuto
 Daily Texts With Bf!bokuto
 Daily Texts With Bf!bokuto
 Daily Texts With Bf!bokuto

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7 months ago



second part of this series! i love to see more of this team <3

[sakusa version]

this fic features…

haikyuu timeskip!spoilers, highly suggestive content (as the title entails), inappropriate language, atsumu keeps getting violated by his teammates, i headcanon sakusa to be fluent in english (argue with the wall), genre: crack, some of these are actual tweets i found lol.


The videos begins with multiple flash shots of Atsumu screaming, Hinata and Bokuto bursting into laughter, and a clip of the camera zooming in on Sakusa’s disgusted face.

- cut scene -

“Hi, we’re the MSBY Black Jackals, and we’re here with Buzzfeed to read your thirst tweets.” The 4 of them say together.

Hinata drums on his chair, “Miyaaaaa Atsumuuuu edition!”

Atsumu smirks at the camera, “I know you’ve all been waiting for this.”

The cameraman speaks up, “Are you excited?”

Atsumu nods enthusiastically, “Hell yeah! I can take this like a champ, unlike Omi-Omi…”. He side eyes the outside hitter, who, in return, flips off the setter—but the video pixelates it for censorship.

Bokuto snorts, “That’s what she said…”

Atsumu chuckles and claps his hands together. “Let’s get started!”

- cut scene -

The crew tosses a phone to Atsumu. He catches it and clears his throat. “Alright, first one…”

“How can I transform into one of those cameras used for volleyball games? Oh to get that view of Miya Atsumu’s dick all up in front of me when he does his sexy low set.”

Atsumu chuckles, “I can practically see you drooling from here, user.”

Hinata wiggles his eyebrows and pretends to hit a spike, “It is a sexy set, Miya.”

Bokuto fakes an animalistic growling noise, “When you get down low and—“

“Oh please, why are we praising Miya for flashing the camera?” Sakusa cuts in.

Atsumu huffs, “I’m not flashing them on purpose!” He then turns to the camera and winks, “Unless you want me to…”


“Shut yer trap, Omi-Omi!”

Hinata snickers, “Miya, your accent is slipping in…”

His voice is high pitched and whiny as he replies, “No, it’s n—!”, he clears his throat, his voice now two octaves deeper, “No, it’s not.”

Bokuto chuckles, slapping the setter on the back. Atsumu simply passes the phone to him to read the next tweet.

“Funny how I want to throw hands at Inarizaki Miya Atsumu, but at the same time, I want to throw my panties off for MSBY Miya Atsumu.”

Sakusa laughs, actually laughs, for the first time since they started the shoot. His rowdy companions slowly turn to him, eyes blown wide at the rare sight of their stoic teammate showing an ounce of amusement.

Sakusa’s laugh trails off, “Yeah…you were a piece of shit in high school.”

“No, I wasn’t!”

“Yes, you were. Still are.”

Hinata tries to reassure the blond, “Don’t worry, Miya, I thought you were cool.”

Bokuto quips, “Hinata, I thought you couldn’t tell the difference between him and Osamu.”

Hinata’s eyes widen and Atsumu glares at the orange-head, “Seriously, Shoyo?”

Hinata waves his hands dismissively, “I-I-I…”

Atsumu sighs, “You guys keep distracting me! I’m supposed to be replying to these thirst tweets.”

Bokuto holds a hand to his heart, “We are sorry, your highness.”

Atsumu looks at the camera and smirks, “Keep your panties on, ladies. I like to do it with them on.”

Sakusa stares at Atsumu in disgust, the beginning scene of the video making its’ debut as the cameraman zooms in on Sakusa’s revolted expression.

“How do you do it with it on?” Bokuto thinks out loud.

Hinata responds, “I think he means it’s pulled to the side?”

Bokuto’s mouth turns into an animated ‘o’ shape, “Ohhh, or or or he—“

Their pr manager coughs loudly off screen. Sakusa gives their manager a grateful look, mouthing a ‘thank you’.

The other three pout as their conversation is cut short. Bokuto hands the phone to Hinata; he squints his eyes at the screen as he tries to make out the words. He begins to read:

“Have y’all seen Miya Atsumu? If that dick slap his thigh when he walk, I shall listen when he talk.”

Hinata laughs but continues, “The Twitter user reposted themselves saying ‘Sheesh.’ with 18 fucking android emojis.”

Bokuto leans closer to Hinata, “Ooh! Lemme see, lemme see.”

Atsumu grins smugly with his eyes closed in satisfaction, his hand coming up to run through his platinum hair.

Sakusa speaks up, “Stop posing for the edits.”

Atsumu seems to ignore Sakusa’s comment as he faces the camera. “Well in that case, I guess you’ll all be listening to me.”

Hinata snorts, “Proof?”

Bokuto guffaws while Hinata holds his laughter in behind a cheeky smile.

Atsumu’s cheeks flush red at his words, “I ain’t showing you nothin’!”

Sakusa rolls his eyes, “Trust me, we’ve seen enough in the locker room.”

Bokuto hides behind Atsumu and holds his hands up a certain distance to insinuate the length of Atsumu’s…commodity.

Atsumu continues, practically flirting with the camera, “But trust me y’all, it does, indeed, slap.”

Hinata leans his elbow over Atsumu’s shoulder, “Yeah and so does he!”

The sound effect of a turntable skidding plays.

Atsumu flinches away from Hinata, “WHAT???”

Their pr manager stands up quickly from their seat, a horrified expression on their face; the threat of losing their job rushing in their head.

Bokuto is holding a hand over his mouth, the Buzzfeed crew members are exchanging nervous looks, even Sakusa has his eyes wide open.

Hinata realizes his mistake and freezes for a moment before he’s jumping and scuttling around in a panic.


Sakusa snorts and covers his face with his hands, Bokuto has tears in his eyes from how hard he’s holding in his laughter, the MSBY pr manager sits back down, their pale face slowly regaining its color. Atsumu is left with what can only be described as a sea-sick expression, almost constipated. After a few seconds, he remembers how to speak and says:

“Shoyo…what the fuck.”


Sakusa opens his palm up, he’s biting his lip to not let a chuckle escape. “Give me the phone, Hinata.”

Hinata wordlessly hands the phone over as Bokuto giggles and places both his hands on Hinata’s shoulders and jumps in place to brighten up the mood.

Atsumu finally laughs a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “Almost caught myself a scandal there.”

“Wouldn’t be the first,” Sakusa mutters as he scrolls to the next tweet he has to read.

“Miya is so fucking hot, I want that man to turn my legs into jello.”

Atsumu grins, “Well well well—“

Sakusa continues reading the tweet, “I’m talking about Miya Osamu btw, aka the better twin.”

Atsumu opens his eyes, “Huh??”

Sakusa snickers, “Finally a tweet I agree with.”

Bokuto raises his hand to cup around his lips and whispers to Hinata, “Here come the SakuSamu shippers…”

Hinata whispers back, “I thought they were called Omigiris…”

The camera crew turns to a very confused Atsumu, “We thought it would be funny to add an Osamu tweet” one of them says.

Atsumu scowls like a petulant child.

Hinata perks up, “Osamu is pretty sexy, ey? In his Onigiri Miya compression shirt too…”

Bokuto nods in agreement, “And that cap? Smash.”

Atsumu whines, “Guyssss, this is supposed to be about meeee!”

“Womp womp.”

“Omiii :(“

Sakusa gives the phone back to Atsumu, who pouts and sticks his tongue out before he grumbles, “Y’all love to bully me, huh? And here I thought we would have deep team bonding conversations.”

Sakusa quirks an eyebrow up, “…at a thirst tweets shoot?”

“It’s personal and vulnerable,” Hinata replies.

“The only vulnerable thing at risk here is my wellbeing,” Sakusa retorts.

Atsumu sighs as he grabs the phone from Sakusa. “I hope the next tweet makes me feel better…”, he mutters.

“I just know that if Miya Atsumu called me a real good boy, it would awaken something in me.”

Bokuto starts barking at that, “Yeah, it awakens that inner dog in me.”

“We are the Black Jackals.” Sakusa comments, matter-a-factly.

“Are they talking about that time you and Kageyama were at that youth camp?” Hinata asks.

Atsumu nods, “I believe so.”

“Then how do they know you said that…?”

Sakusa responds amusedly, “Knowing Tobio, he probably tweeted about it. That man hates Miya.”

Atsumu defends himself, “Hey now, hate is a strong word. Tobio-kun is just jealous that I’m Shoyo’s setter.”

Bokuto, once again, leans in closer to Hinata to whisper, “Here come the KageHina and AtsuHina shippers…”

Atsumu stares right at the camera with a smoldering expression, “User, you’re being a real good boy…”

Bokuto barks again. The video adds a sound effect that makes it sound like a chorus of Bokutos are barking all around.

Atsumu laughs and passes the phone to Bokuto.

“Someone on here said the English equivalent to Miya Atsumu’s Kansai dialect is a country accent. Well then, call me a cowboy the way I’d be riding that man till the break of dawn. #SaveAHorseRideACowboy”

The video adds a cowboy hat and lasso to Atsumu, who pretends to be on a horse. His voice is much deeper as he says, “Yeehaw~”

“Oooh we have international fans!” Hinata speaks excitedly.

Bokuto’s eyes light up at Hinata’s comment, “Oooh, Omi-kun, say something to them!”

Sakusa squints his eyes and raises an eyebrow, “What do you want me to say?”

Atsumu jumps in, “Tell them I’d be happy to let them have a go at this rodeo ride.” He clicks his tongue with a wink.

Sakusa sighs then looks directly at the camera, and says the following in perfect English: “I hope your taste in men improves from what it is now. My condolences.”

Atsumu smiles, completely oblivious to the insult. “Thanks, Omi-Omi.”

Sakusa smiles, an evil little smile. “My pleasure.”

- cut scene -

Atsumu tosses the phone back to the crew, “And that was it! I thoroughly enjoyed the ego boost, minus the parts when the team bullied me.”

“You were a good sport, Miya.” Hinata tells him.

“Thanks, Shoyo. And you’re a horrible speaker.”

Hinata’s face burns scarlet again at the reminder of his misfortunate wording earlier.

“2 out of 4 completed!”, Bokuto exclaims.

“Yes, we’re so close to being done.” Sakusa says, though he looks way too happy and relieved.

“More coming your way!” Hinata adds.

“Stay tuned~” Atsumu points at the camera.

“We’re the MSBY Black Jackals, goodbye!”



🏷️ @dervngedgf

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Haikyuu MasterList!

Haikyuu MasterList!

Hi! welcome to my MasterList!

this post will constantly get updated,so make sure to visit it from time to time if you dont wanna miss my work!

do not reblog this post please because of the same reason

please keep in mind that most of my work contains NSFW content, so pay attention to the warnings before reading the text

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Haikyuu MasterList!

◆Rintarou Suna

⇝Smut drabble

⇝How is it like to be his s/o

⇝Seeing you in a wedding dress for the first time

⇝Challenge Accepted(Fic)

Haikyuu MasterList!

◆Osamu Miya

⇝With a reader who gets jealous when a customer flirts with him

Haikyuu MasterList!

◆Atsumu Miya

⇝Making up after an argument

Haikyuu MasterList!

◆Asahi Azumane

⇝Dating Headcanons

Haikyuu MasterList!

◆Tobio Kageyama

⇝Second chance (Fic)

Haikyuu MasterList!

◆Tooru Oikawa

⇝Seeing you in a wedding dress for the first time

Haikyuu MasterList!

◆Yuu Nishinoya

⇝Feeding his s/o

Haikyuu MasterList!

◆Various Characters

⇝Smut drabble | Suna & Osamu & Atsumu

⇝How their Female version would be like | Karasuno members

⇝How their Female version would be like | Kenma & Kuroo & Iwaizumi & Oikawa & Bokuto & Akaashi

⇝Reacting to their s/o squirting | All Characters

⇝When their s/o is feeling cold | All Characters

⇝Telling them "I hate you" while being intimate | All Characters

⇝Things they would cheat on you with | All Characters

⇝Their reaction when you wipe their kisses off | Kenma & Tsukishima & Suna

⇝Smut drabble | Oikawa & Iwaizumi

⇝When you fake an orgasm | All Characters

⇝Giving them head | Atsumu & Osamu & Iwaizumi & Oikawa & Suna & Kunimi & Sugawara & Kuroo & Tendou

⇝Calling them by their name instead of pet names | Atsumu & Osamu & Suna & Bokuto & Kenma & Kuroo & Oikawa & Iwaizumi & Yamaguchi & Tsukishima

⇝Going down on you | Tsukishima & Daichi & Osamu & Atsumu & Suna & Sugawara & Kuroo & Iwaizumi & Oikawa

⇝Feeling sore the morning after | Suga & Kuroo & Atsumu & Suna & Iwaizumi & Oikawa

⇝Sitting on their lap | Kuroo & Lev & Bokuto & Tendou & Kenma & Atsumu & Suna & Oikawa

⇝Sitting on their face | Atsumu & Osamu & Suna & Suga & Kuroo & Iwaizumi & Oikawa & Akaashi & Hinata & Kageyama & Yamaguchi & Nishinoya & Asahi & Kenma & Ushijima & Bokuto

⇝Messing up his meeting with your dad | Hinata & Kageyama & Yamaguchi & Daichi & Asahi & Suga & Kuroo & Atsumu & Suna & Iwaizumi & Oikawa

⇝Public sex | Suna & Atsumu & Osamu

⇝Worshipping your boobs | Nishinoya & Sugawara & Kuroo & Lev & Bokuto & Atsumu & Oikawa

⇝Needy, needy boys | Oikawa & Iwaizumi & Kuroo & Suna & Osamu

⇝Eating your snacks | Oikawa & Suna & Osamu & Atsumu & Lev & Sugawara & Tendou & Daichi & Tsukishima & Nishinoya & Kuroo & Bokuto

To be added...

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2 years ago
Split | Suna Rintarou

split | suna rintarou

pairing: suna x reader

tags: fluff, friends to strangers to lovers

word count: 2.0k

in which you and suna both miss your flight back to tokyo and you find yourself confiding in an old friend as you wait for the morning to come

for @sxphilia - lol shay you read this already but here, ily <33

Split | Suna Rintarou

everything seemed to be going wrong today.

first, your alarm wasn’t set properly so you woke up an hour late. second, your taxi to the airport arrived late, which only led to you inevitably missing your flight back to tokyo. and to top it all off, the next flight was four hours from now. it certainly wasn’t a big deal, you’re expected back at work the day after you arrive anyway. but there’s been a lot on your mind recently, a debate you just wanted to solve, yet it only seemed like you could start working on it when you arrived back in tokyo. so at the moment, all the what ifs and scenarios just marinated in your head, waiting for some kind of decision to be made.

and your current situation did absolutely nothing to help.

you were leaving america to return home from tokyo. you were there for a prospective job, finally having the chance to follow the career you spent years dreaming about. but japan was your home, and america was so far. you lived in tokyo all your life, your friends, your family, everything was back in japan. you were at a crossroads, unsure of which path to choose.

your old life, or the career of your dreams.

and your vacation only made the choice worse.

the flight attendant nods apologetically again when he hands you your ticket. “thanks,” you nod.

“of course,” he replies, “have a nice day.”

“you too.” but as you walk off a familiar voice makes you freeze in your tracks.

“yes hi, i just missed my flight is there any flight i can take instead?”

you hear the flight attendant’s voice, “yes, of course. where are you going sir?”

“tokyo,” he replies, and your heart drops.

that’s not who you think it is, is it?

“i’ve got a flight at 6 pm tonight,” the flight attendant answers.

wait, that’s your flight.

“sounds good,” and you can hear a hint of disappointment in the familiar voice, turning around to face the desk again.

“alright sir,” the flight attendant nods. “let me just print out your ticket.”

the boy doesn’t turn around, yet his stature, his hair, it just looks so familiar, and before you know it, you’re stepping closer wanting to indulge and curiosity and see the boy.

“thanks,” he replies before his eyes find yours.

it’s him.



Keep reading

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2 years ago

You Look Just Like a Dream…

You Look Just Like A Dream

… the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen

Hajime Iwaizumi x reader

haikyuu mlist

You Look Just Like A Dream

“Sometimes, I look at you and I think, ‘wow, I can’t believe you’re real,’ y’know?”

You pause, turning away from the tv to find him already gazing at you; watching you as someone who had never seen the sky would watch the sunset.

It was rare for him to say things like that, so affectionate and sweet. Iwaizumi had always been on the shyer side, the type that struggles with communicating how he truly feels. To you, it was an endearing trait, how he stumbled and fumbled, and flustered over such small little things to the point he could barely get anything to fall from his mouth.

Of course, you knew he loved you, it was something he showed you every day: periodic texts throughout the day reminding you to eat, making your favourite food on bad days, doing your laundry when you didn’t have the time, coming home with small gifts that he knew you would like. The list is endless. Iwaizumi was amazing at showing you how much he loved you… but hearing it… hearing it when you knew how hard vulnerability was for him? Fuck, it set you alight; something that should very much be considered a natural wonder of the world.

Smiling up at him from where you were nestled into his chest, you kiss the underside of his jaw before mumbling, “why thank you, baby. What brought this on?”

He sighs, closing his eyes bashfully as he lightly glides his hand up and down your spine, “I just think you’re beautiful, on the inside and out, so beautiful that it almost seems impossible” — he takes a stuttered breath, to calm himself down from the rambling — “and well beautiful people deserve to know that they’re beautiful... but only if they’re you.”

Giggling at the way his words practically tickle your heart, you quickly straddle his lap, littering soft pecks across his pretty face. He groans at the onslaught of affection, exasperated as his hands fall tight on your waist, but you can see the faint hints of a smile as you continue kissing his sun-kissed skin. You knew what he meant by that, how he felt he didn’t tell you how much he cared enough — it was a ruthless insecurity of his stemming from times where people said he was unapproachable and rude. It was a shame he felt as though he was somehow not loving enough, especially when loving was all Hajime ever was. It wasn’t his fault that his way of doing so was just unique outside of the movies.

Breaking away, slightly breathless, you stare deeply into his eyes and try your best to count all the flecks of gold as you state, “you’re beautiful too, Hajime Iwaizumi, the most prettiest, most beautifulest, most handsomest man I have ever seen.”

And it was the truth, you meant every single word. In fact, there were perhaps not enough words to describe just how perfect he was to you, never enough for you to say — although you would make sure that he would hear every last one, for the rest of your lives together. After all, you were lucky to have him by your side, even though he would deny it, claiming that the lucky one was him instead.

There was just something about him that was so irreplaceable, so utterly unique, like a work of art. He was gorgeous, there was no denying that because Hajime looked like a dream… but it was his personality that seemed as though it was formed from pure stardust; fiery, hot, and admired for all the magic it held.

Booping your nose, Iwa raises an eyebrow teasingly, “hmm, you think so? Even more handsome than Chris Evans?”

A soft smile takes over your face, so full of love — a love that you could only ever feel with the man before you. Stroking his cheeks with the pads of your thumbs, you place a gentle kiss to his lips before saying, “even more handsome than Chris Evans, baby.”

There was never a competition. Iwa never had to worry about other people, even Chris Evans, because he was all you ever wanted; with his determination, cute frown, and godzilla obsession, Hajime Iwaizumi was a dream come true.

Leaning down, you kiss along his face until you reach his right ear before dramatically whispering, “though keep this between us when I say that I think you have better arms than him anyway.”

His laugh that follows is pure and sweet, the prettiest sound you have ever heard in your life. It floods your apartment, decorating every room and open space with happiness. You loved his laugh, you wish you could hear it more often.

Once he calms, Iwaizumi smiles dopily at you — mirroring your own smile you imagine — before shaking his head, “ok, baby. If Chris Evans ever asks I’ll say nothing about how you prefer my arms to his.”

“Hmm, good. Can’t have him knowing the truth, Haji. He’d be absolutely heartbroken.”

And as you watch the joy dance across his face, you cannot help but think that never have you been more in love than now, with Hajime Iwaizumi — the most beautiful, most prettiest, and most handsome man you have ever seen.

You Look Just Like A Dream

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4 years ago

Under the Christmas lights

Kuroo Tetsuro x reader

a/n: Omg Merry Christmas!! Or happy holidays! Whatever works for you!

Please reblog if you enjoyed!

Warnings: fluff, angst?

Under The Christmas Lights

He was sure. He was 100% sure. It had to be today. It was Christmas today. Your absolute favorite holiday. You loved to go out at night during the holiday season to look at the light displays in the park or making gingerbread houses or decoration the tree or going ice skating. You loved every single little thing about the holiday from giving gift to Christmas movies. That is reason it had to be today. The morning was spent cuddling in bed, your head on his chest as he caressed your hair. The afternoon was left spent opening presets and baking cookies. You were completely engrossed in whatever holiday tasks you were doing, but Kuroo’s mind was searching the the right moment to get on one knee and propose. The wait was weighting him down as he watched you dance around the kitchen island or talking to Kenma.

The day was almost over and Kuroo that time was running out. Every minute that past brought you more joy, but him only more worry. Worry about if he will get a chance to propose. You on the other hand, were worried as well. You knew that if you didn’t at least pretend to be happy, Kuroo would worry for you. You had been with Kuroo for so many year, but he was yet to make it obvious that he wanted a forever with you. Sure he a,ways took good care of you, but if he was unwilling to commit, you didn’t want to waste your time. Even if you loved him more than there were stars in the sky. You had felt like this for many weeks now, but you had to chive him a chance right? It was almost night, and you wanted to go see the lights by the park. It was better than sitting at home in Kuroo’s embrace while questioning if you would even be able to do something as simple as hold him in 1 year or even 5 years.

You had on several layers to help fight off the cold, but somehow the cold still bit at your body. Kuroo noticed the shivers that raked throug your body and wrapped his arms around you to help keep you warm. His scent of pine filled your nostrils as his arms held you close to his chest. The night was clear enough to see the full moon hanging above and the Christmas lights were vibrantly shining. The park was surprisingly full for the bone-chilling cold night. Families with young children walking around the park, admiring the beautiful light displays and young couples who were spending their first Christmas together. There was laughter and conversations surrounding the two to you. You let Kuroo’s body heat engulf you in a pool of warmth and he kissed the top of your head tenderly.

You and Kuroo had walked around the park many times, admiring the displays in awe regardless of the number of time you have seen each Christmas decoration. You had spent at least an hour there, both your toes and fingers were numb with cold, your face and nose were flushed red. You were enjoying the warmth provided to you by your boyfriend whose ignorance blinded him from your worries, but you were equally of oblivious. Kuroo had led you to the center of the park, where the most stunning Christmas stood with small gathered groups of people all around, taking pictures and admiring it’s beauty. Kuroo suddenly released you from his embrace, leaving you missing his warmth. Guiding you by the hand, he lead you to an open area in front of the large Christmas tree. As confusion hit you, your boyfriend held the small, red, velvet box in his pocket. He knew he had to do it now, in front of the sparkling Christmas tree.

“Kuroo what are you doing?”, you ask as you stared into his hazel cat-like eyes.

“Y/n, you are the literal light of my life. Without you I have no idea where I would be today. You have helped me through so much and I can’t even begin to explain how much you mean to me.”, he began, emotion filled every word he spoke and tears began to gather in your eyes. “I know that today is Christmas and I know how much you enjoy this holiday, so my promise to you if to make everyday Christmas for you, if you would let me. So Y/n l/n, please let me keep my promise to you and will you please marry me?”, he finished. He was on one knees, with the small velve red box open, presenting a magnificent ring. It had a large oval diamond in the middle and two smaller stones surrounding it with a silver band. Tears raced down your cheeks as you nodded furiously, too shocked for words. See your nod, Kuroo stood up and placed the ring on your finger before embracing you in a nice long hug. You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck as his large hands held you close and his dark unruly hair tickling your neck. And just like that, you fell in love with the the Christmas holiday and your now fiancé all over again.

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2 years ago

THEIR “FANGIRL” ACTUALLY LIKES YOU, NOT HIM!! (oikawa, atsumu, and suna)

warning: gn!reader, crack, some pouty boyos!. a random idea i thought of~



“i swear if they don’t leave in 60 seconds, i’m going to serve a ball towards them.”

leaning against the bus with crossed arms, you watched the herd of squealing girls surrounding your boyfriend. iwaizumi is right by your side, glaring at the sight of his best friend being showered with affection and treats.

Keep reading

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1 year ago

Cheater, Cheater. ♡

———— ♡ ————

Pairing: Rintaro Suna x Reader

Synopsis: Suna’s cheating on his girlfriend with you. He can’t help it. You’re just so… addictive. Something about you. He’s obsessed.

CW(?): Implied smut, not explicit. Reader is shameless and doesn’t really care that he has a girlfriend. Reader is into him, but doesn’t want anything more (and he hates this).

———— ♡ ————

“Why do you lie to her so much?” You ask, tilting your head. His fingers tighten into your hips as you sit on his lap. “What’s the point?”

Suna sighs.

“Because she’s my girlfriend and I’m cheating on her with you. It’s not like I can just come clean with that information.” Suna leans in, kissing your neck softly. “It's fun. I don't love her like I love you. I don't feel real passion with her. I don't feel like she completes me. When I'm with you, I get that excitement. That rush.”

Suna stops for a moment, thinking of his next response before murmuring against your lips. “I have fun with my girlfriend, yeah, but that's it—fun. You make me feel… alive.”

“So?” You ask in response, pressing your lips back to his. “Why are you with her?”

“She’s good company. She’s my friend. She’s… comfortable, I guess. I can’t just break her heart like that.” Suna looks into your eyes. “I might not love her, but I do care for her. She just doesn’t give me what I need.”

You hum softly, sliding your hand under his shirt. “And? What is it that you so desperately need?”

Suna chuckles, his pupils slightly widening as your fingers softly trail circles on his toned abdomen. “I said it earlier—the excitement…”. He looks you in the eyes, his lips just barely an inch from yours as he whispers, “the passion… the rush.”

You nod, acknowledging his answer silently and resting your hands on your thighs. “Right, well. I gotta go.”

“Wait, no.” He rests his hands on top of yours. “Where? Why?”

“Relax, Rin. I have a final tomorrow.” You take his left hand and pull it close to your mouth, sucking on his index and middle fingers as you stare innocently into his eyes.

Suna groans, pulling his hand back. “You know that’s torture for me. Don’t do shit like that. Don’t look at me like that.”

You laugh softly, giving his cheek two little taps and getting out of his car. You lean in the passenger side window and continue your conversation. “I’ll see you later. Hopefully the sweet girl waiting up for you can take care of…” You glance down at his obvious erection. “That.”

“You’re such a bitch.” You smile wickedly as he says those words. “I like you, you know that?”

You roll your eyes. “You’ve told me once or twice. Bye, Rin.” Your smirk returns to your lips as you turn around, walking back through your college campus, swaying your hips with the knowledge that he was watching you.


Suna spends time idly pleasing his girlfriend by taking her for dinner and dessert. He couldn’t stand this. As much as he loved you, he couldn’t stand the sick thoughts running through his head as he sat across the table from such a kind girl. A good girl. Tall, blonde, athletic. They had so much in common. On paper, they made a great match. Perfect, even. But Suna was bored. She bored him, and he didn’t know why. She was safe.

You, on the other hand, were unpredictable. You didn’t fawn over him the way other girls did. Hell, he wasn’t sure you even liked him half the time. But when your lips met for the first time he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop. Ever. It was like a hit of the most delicious high he’d ever had. He wanted you. Even if you didn’t want him, you were his.

Suna begins to think of you the moment he’s alone again. You didn't want him to call or text you very often, so he contemplated just popping by your dorm. He wondered if that would be too much, and if he should wait until the next time he was on your mind.

Suna shrugged, threading his fingers through his hair.

Fuck waiting.


You lazily opened your eyes as your phone buzzed and woke you from your half asleep state.

>> I’m coming over.

You laugh to yourself, typing back.

<< I ruined you, didn’t I?

The response was instant.

>> Yeah, you really did.

You get up and open the door as you hear his footsteps in the hallway.

“Hi.” You grin, trailing your gaze down his tall, muscular body as he comes in.

Suna gives a soft grunt in response, shutting the door with his foot and sliding his hands down your sides, squeezing your ass.

“You have a good evening?” You ask, looking up into his eyes with a false innocence. “Good time with your girl? Have a good fuck?”

He nods, looking back into your stare. “Yeah, it was… alright.” His voice is quieter. It’s almost as if he was on autopilot, he was barely even listening to your words. Something else was on his mind. “Can I kiss you?”

You nod. Suna smiles and leans forward, putting his lips to yours. Your lips were different than hers. So soft and sweet, so delicious, he could never get enough. He pulls back for a moment and looks at you, his eyes squinting slightly as his fingertips caress your face. “You're so beautiful.”

You smirk up at him, putting your hand over one of his. “You’re a sick fuck, you know that?”

A low moan leaves his lips as he kisses you again. “I know, I'm disgusting. But I can't help it.” He leans back slightly, looking at you. “I can't fucking help it, I need you. I need your lips… I need your hands on me.” Suna bites his tongue slightly and swallows. “And I need you so much that it hurts. I'm in so deep and I can't get out. My body needs you, my brain... God, I just want you so bad.”

“Hm.” You shrug. “It’s too bad you can’t have me.”

Suna slightly lowers his gaze and breathes sharply through his nose. “Why? Why can't I have you? I just want to feel you more. I just want to touch you more. To love you and to make you feel good in my arms.” He chuckles and takes a deep breath. “You're cruel, you know that?”

“I’m cruel? You’re the one with a girlfriend.” You shake your head, sliding your hands in the back pockets of his jeans as you continue to look up at him. “Plus, I don’t do relationships.”

“Of course you don’t.” Suna laughs quietly, “But you're just so damn tempting. You're so irresistible.” His fingers trail down your cheek and neck, stopping at your collarbone. “You could break my heart with the slightest touch.”

“Aww, poor baby. I’m sure you’d recover.” You tease.

He purses his lips in thought. “I'd never get over you. I'd feel the loss of you all the time.” He pulls away slightly and shuts his eyes. “But we could have... this. Just these moments, when we're with each other. Nothing more than that would be needed.” His eyes glance down to your lips. “You just tempt me so much. You're like a drug to me.”

You sigh, looking down. “So why do you even stay with her?”

“It's comfortable. I told you.” He frowns and looks at you. “I love her, I do, but it's never been like this with her. She'll never pull me in like you do. And fuck, you don’t even need to try.” Suna takes a deep breath. “I love spending time with her, but it's not the same. I love you so much. I'm so goddamn sick of her, even though I love her.

You lead him over to the couch, sitting next to him and resting your legs on his lap. “I’m sure you’re sick of me too, hm? Sick of how in love you are with me?”

He sighs and chuckles quietly. “So fucking sick of it. But God, I love it so much. I'm like... obsessed. With you. I swear, I think about you all the time. Suna shakes his head as he smiles at you. “God, I'm so screwed up. Look at me. I can't stop thinking about how much I want you.”

“I kinda like it.” You grin.

Suna bites his lip. “You do? You like seeing a guy obsessed with you? You like it when a guy wants to throw away his entire life and jeopardize his relationship all because of you?” He leans in again and kisses you, pulling you on his lap. “And to think you call me the sick fuck.”

You kiss him back, grinding your hips down on his. Suna lets out a low groan.

“You're so cruel.” He chuckles quietly. “I'm literally obsessed with you. I don't care about anything else. My grades, my team, any of it. I just want you.” He kisses you again, his hand slowly sliding down your back. “You really like seeing me lust after you this much?”

You smile against his lips, tangling your fingers in his hair and opening your mouth slightly. He moans softly, gripping your thighs tightly and grinding back up into you.

The two of you separate as you’re startled by knocking on your dorm room door. Your name is called, your best friend practically in hysterics as she calls for you. “Are you home? Please tell me you’re home. I think he’s cheating on me.”

Suna’s eyes widen. The last person he expected to interrupt the two of you was his girlfriend.

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3 years ago
Pairing: Terushima X Black!reader

pairing: terushima x black!reader

synopsis: terushima can't stand his gf being in pain

word count: 302

warnings: its terushima

type: one-shot/drabble

a/n: lol i love black history month

Y/n ended the call and groaned in pain. Her boyfriend gave her a list of assignments she missed at school while she was sick. She was feeling better then yesterday, but she really missed her boyfriend.

She unwillingly got up and headed for her backpack. She hadn't done any work all week and probably wouldn't get extra time on it. Grabbing her notebooks out of it, she began flipping through the pages.

No sooner then that, a sharp knock was at her window. She hesitated before walking up to the window. Y/n pulled the curtains beside to see who was there. Her loving boyfriend, Terushima, was still in his volleyball clothes. She quickly opened the window and let him in.

He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before moving to her desk. "Since you said you weren't feeling well princess I got you some things." He pulled out two plastic bags from his backpack. One was filled with all her favorite snacks. The other had a pink teddybear holding a heart.

Y/n cupped Terushima's face and kissed his forehead. "You know you didn't have to do this?" He took her hand off his face and kissed it. "I wanted to. I brought some movies too in case you were bored without me being here."

Terushima reached in his backpack again and searched for the dvd player near her tv. Y/n grabbed the two bags off of her desk and placed them on one of her nightstands before settling under the covers.

Once he got the movie playing, Terushima joined Y/n in bed. "Your gonna get sick if you lay in bed with me you big dork." He planted a kiss on her neck. "I wouldn't mind. That way I can spend all day with you."

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