Long Time No See - Tumblr Posts

Next drawing ahead! Thought it was time to go back to the anime which really got me into animes in the first place: ONE PIECE! Did you know I had a crush on Zoro? Because of him, I got 3 earrings on my left ear xD (and now two on the right ear because of Winry :D). So, here you go <3

quick gameplay sesh
“I am Home”
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst and Mediocre writing
(GIF, like always, is not mine)
Author’s Note: Long time no see, huh? I’ve been dying to write again and while this first attempt isn’t great, it’s a start. This is #63 from a recent prompt list I reblogged onto my page. Please feel free to leave a number in my inbox with one of the characters I’ll write for. I’d love some inspiration!

You were a fool.
From the moment Steve volunteered to return the stones, you had assumed he’d come back. That he’d back in a few seconds and sweep you up in his arms before you both helped the world recover from Thanos.
You hoped that he’d choose the life he made with you.
Yet as you fiddled with your wedding ring, leaning against the wall by the open door, your heart broke as you overheard your husband and Bucky talk on the other side.
“You’re really going back to return all those stones?” Bucky asked, leaning against the counter as he watched Steve fasten his gloves. His feet fiddled with some of the damage from the recent fight, his eyes focused on the floor to hide his sullen expression. “Someone has to Buck. I know the locations of where to return the stones and honestly? I don’t think any of the others are fit to do this right now.” Steve sighed, running his hand through his hair as he leaned down to fix his boots next.
Bucky paused. “You’re not coming back, are you?”
“What are you talking about?” Steve finally looked up, watching as Bucky did too to reveal his bloodshot eyes.
“Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it. You have the chance to go back and have a life with her. She’s the love of your life, Steve.” It broke your heart that he didn’t object. Or at least, you didn’t think he did as the room went quiet. You almost jumped when Bucky finally spoke up again. “You deserve a happy ending Steve. You’ve done enough for this time. It’s about time you went back to yours.”
Once again, the silence killed you. You felt like your heart stopped as you painstakingly waited for Steve to speak. Whether to confirm or deny it, you just needed to know. You needed to prepare yourself for a world without your husband. You held your breath as you counted the seconds until someone would speak and break the tension that seemed to haunt the room and the hallway where you were.
“Stop being ridiculous Bucky.” Steve finally said. But his voice was flat, completely unlike the one you came to love. Steve’s voice that you knew was full of conviction, truth laced in each word. Whether it was to save the world or to promise you that he’d be home for Thursday pizza movie nights, you never once doubted him. But this time, you faltered and obviously Bucky did too as he sighed again.
“Whatever you say pal. I’ll see you over there.”
You needed to go. You didn’t want them to catch you eavesdropping. But you stood frozen in your spot. The tears raced down your face as a hand flew over your mouth to hide the sobs. Your ring scraped over your lips, as if reminding you of all the precious memories you had and the ones you would lose the opportunity to experience if he chose to leave you behind.
Bucky froze when you saw you on the other side. He didn’t alert Steve of your presence though. Instead, his arm wrapped over your shoulders as he steered you away while he whispered words of comfort in your ear. But nothing helped. The only thing that could would be to see the man you loved return back with an empty briefcase and a smile on his face.
The three of you were silent as Bruce and Steve discussed the details of the mission. Sam had been oblivious just like you had been, hands tucked into his pockets as he waited nearby. But you and Bucky knew better. Bucky hovered near the end of the clearing, hands tucked into his pockets while you...you didn’t know what to do. You stood next to the platform, struggling to find the strength to speak when Steve finally came your way. You were losing him. What could you say?
It all happened so fast though. The briefcase was locked, Mjolnir was picked up, and in just a few moments Steve was standing by your side. A small smile was on his face as he took your hand, lifting it to his lips to kiss it gently.
“Why the long face, doll? I’ll be back before you know it.” Lies. But you couldn’t say it as tears welled up in your ears. It felt hard to breath as he gently placed his hand against your cheek. You held it tighter against your skin and savored the feeling. With shaky hands, you finally took his hand and kissed his wedding ring.
“I hope I made you happy. Even if it was just for a small amount of time.” Steve looked at you in confusion.
“Doll, I don’t understand.” He said, letting out a weak chuckle as he pulled you close against him. “Is this another one of your song references? Because now really isn’t the time.”
You just shook his head, trying to force a smile on your face. “I love you.”
Steve smiled. “I love you too. Always.” He kissed your forehead before he finally let go. You missed his touch, your arms instinctively reaching out to grab for him before they fell limp against your side. No. There was nothing you could do to change his mind. Not when his best girl was waiting for him.
As he finally took a step onto the platform, he shot you one last smile before he disappeared. Then there was nothing. You were nothing. Your arms wrapped around yourself as you stepped away from the scene, venturing off towards the nearby lake to clear your head.
Steve had left you. He left the life he made with you. It made you feel insecure. Did you mean that little to him? You’ve been with him since the attack on New York but it meant nothing compared to the little time he spent with his precious Peggy. But you didn’t blame him. She was perfect. Unlike you. The bitter thoughts in your head kept repeating your insecurities, the panic attack that hit you making it hard to breath.
You didn’t even hide the tears as you fell to your knees, clutching the grass as you struggled to catch your breath. You missed him. You missed everything about him and it was too late. It was too late to tell him to stay. It was too late to tell him how much you needed him.
How quickly you crumbled apart without him. As you still struggled with your thoughts, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Quickly, you shook it off as you tried and failed to wipe the tears from your face.
“Leave me alone Bucky.” But it wasn’t his voice that said your name next. You gasped as you whipped your head around. It was like seeing Steve after years apart and not trusting your legs, you remained sitting there, looking at him in shock. Your mouth was wide open, your eyes wide as you struggled to speak.
“You thought I’d stay?” He asked, kneeling beside you as he gently helped wipe your eyes. Your silence was enough of an answer as he weakly chuckled, leaning forward to rest his forehead on yours. “How could I leave my best girl?”
It was then that you pulled away, constantly shaking your head as you struggled to put some distance between you two. “Best girl? No Peggy was. Is.” You paused, trying desperately to speak despite the pounding in your head. “You could have stayed in the past. You could have gone home.”
Steve couldn’t stand the distance. He pulled you close, not that you objected, holding you tight as he looked in your eyes. His voice was firm, the same truthful tone was back as he leaned closer to whisper against your lips.
“Love, I am home.”
wanted to put a jenna ortega icon randomly, maybe she is my platonic celebrity crush
these two weeks I'm with a new psychologist, she is cool, a lot of work to do but I'm grateful, really 🌷 yep therapy <3
We were moving so fast that it made me dizzy, and when we started moving slow I got vertigo. It was so good yet felt so wrong like riding on a roller coaster without wearing the safety belt. I knew I was not ready. We both were not ready. We were such in a rush. Why I still wonder sometimes. What was all that for anyway? We were fool and reckless like we got no time left for each other. We were just in love I guess... but it was not right. I was relieved that we both came into our senses just in time, before everything good we had together were torn apart.
hi again
me when I haven’t even played the game and I have brain rot already

“High school”

Izumi is giving her counterpart a plate with delicious three-coloured dango. "I...I hope you like it!"
Izumi’s eyes sparkle with delight at the sight of her favourite sweet snack.
“How did you know I—?”
She stops mid-sentence and giggles, offering a playful wink as she does so.
“Of course you know I love these! Thank you very much!”
She gratefully accepts the plate of tri-coloured dango and offers one to her counterpart.
“Lovely food is always better with lovely company~!”
( Grammar Nazi... compels me... )

“Werewolf” means, literally, “man-wolf” (were = man). Sonic’s ALREADY a man-hedgehog. The form should be called the Hedgewolf or Wolfhog or something!
#Let's play a game

Chanelling songs for you *
About game:
Ask me a question it could be abt yourself or if you want any messages from another person or even message from your another realm, a specific deity ,demon guide ,spirit guide ,animal guide anyone....
Mention that person likes its a frnd ,crush ,or just a random message for me?
And include your initials with your question
Or my current energy through songs
No rules but you can ask for clarification if you dont understand why you received this message and I'm gonna help you with it(:
Please be respectful and patient.
Anons are allowed
thanks for participating!! I appreciate your time (:
me with the last three projects:

@popokki approached

❝ a---ah!! yer da otha cat! u-um, i ain’t trespassin’ again, i swear!
Wait a damn minute just wait pls What is this about a Sherlock S5??? being teased?? This is too much i can not process this I feel like i fell through like a weird wormhole or somehow slipped into an alt. timeline. I need a fucking moment to catch my breath