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N0tamused - @jarttavia_

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More Posts from N0tamused

2 years ago

Zhongli Spirited Away Au..... that sounds comforting and sweet ngl. Anyone else interested?đź‘€

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2 years ago

Immortal Love

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Immortal Love

Summary: Zhongli is troubled by some thoughts that are keeping him awake, lucky for him, he has you.

Pairing: Zhongli x (gn!) Reader

Tags: Angst to comfort, very domestic setting and fluff towards the end, Zhongli is having a bit of an existential crisis, Reader picks him up again and reassures him

A/N: The Zhongli brainworms are kicking in again recently so I had to drabble something for him because he is amazing. Shoutouts to @lychniis and @zhongrin for fuelling my Zhongli brainrot more again recently. Definitely check them out, too!! (I know you're not on my taglist so I hope you don't mind the tag x.x)

Immortal Love

Zhongli shifted on the bed unable to find rest. No matter how hard he tried, sleep simply wouldn’t find him tonight because of the endless thoughts that had been plaguing him. So he lay awake, turning to the side, so he could watch the steady rise and fall of your chest and listened to your calm breathing and occasional huffs as you slept peacefully. A fresh breeze wafted through the open window and past the curtains in your shared bedroom. He saw goosebumps rise on your arms before you curled into your blanket more with a satisfied hum in your sleep.

The moonlight from outside the window, shone through a crack in the curtains and landed on your form in a way that perfectly illuminated your features, wrapping you in an ethereal veil of liquid silver, that was contrasted by the molten amber-gold of his irises which continuously wandered over your sleeping form.

He softly placed his hand over yours, carefully tracing patterns over the back of your palm with his thumb and feeling your warmth under his touch, prompting you to smile in your sleep.

As he watched you lie there so peacefully, his heart suddenly grew heavy again, when the dim light revealed the fresh scar on your shoulder that had been caused by a wound which had been inflicted during one of your commissions for the Adventurer’s Guild not too long ago.

You had shrugged it off as nothing and had simply put a bandage over it with a nonchalant smile but Zhongli just couldn’t help but worry and be reminded how he could lose you in just the blink of an eye. He worried every time you got hurt, every time you fell ill and every time a wound healed again, letting him know again and again that your time was running out and he was yet another step closer to losing you. He often had to remind himself that you were still there, right now, by his side, so his worries and his heartache were unjustified, yet he knew, you were mortal and he was not. 

He wanted nothing more than to spend eternity with you, until bedrock turns to dust and until the sea dries out, but unlike his, your time on this world was finite and he was painfully aware that you didn’t have forever.

He had already lost so much in his life, one would assume he is used to it by now, but he was not, every time he had lost a big hole had been left in his heart, one that could never be filled again, for the person that filled it before was gone. And despite having to endure so much loss and grief before, never had he feared losing anything as much as he did losing you. Whenever it would happen, there was nothing that could ever prepare him to lose his anchor, his shield… the light of his life.

Day in and day out he was reminded of your fragility, of your mortality, of the things in this world that could potentially steal you away from him finitely, and there was nothing he could do about it. An illuminated being, a god like him, entirely powerless about the natural flow of life and it pained him more than anything he had ever experienced or was able to comprehend.

He suddenly felt hot tears spill and stream down his cheek, dampening the pillow he was resting his head on, as he lifted his hand to cup your cheek gently in your sleep. He could faintly feel your steady heartbeat under his palm and the warmth radiating off your body. You are still here.

You suddenly stirred in your sleep and drowsily opened your eyes, looking at him and smiling at him adoringly, nuzzling your cheek further into his hand.

"Hey. Are you still awake?", you croaked sleepily, equally reaching your hand out to cup his face, suddenly feeling the dampness of his tear stained cheeks under your fingers. 

"What's wrong?", you asked worriedly, gently brushing some of his brown locks out of his face with your finger.

"I don't want to lose you.", he said, his shaky voice barely even above a whisper.

"Hey, hey… what’s with this all of a sudden? I have no plans to leave, love.", you reassured, placing soft kisses on his nose and forehead and kissing his tears away, giving him a loving smile.

“One day you will be forced to.”, he wept softly. And at that moment you began to understand what it was, that was keeping him awake and it made your heart painfully clench in your chest, wanting nothing more than to kiss his sorrows away and telling him that everything will be alright.

“Hey, listen! No matter what happens, I’ll always be here.”, you emphasized as you placed your palm over his chest where his heart was, feeling the steady beat of it under your palm. “Okay?”

"If this is a contract, you better not break it."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

You cuddled closer to him, burying your head in his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and engulfed yourself in his warm embrace before drifting off into sleep once more. With the arm he placed over your waist he pulled you a little closer and placed a tender kiss on the crown of your head, closing his eyes as well.

It was no use to dwell on things of the future in the present, because all it would do was ruin the precious time he had with you and he’d do everything in his capability to show you just how much he loved you in the time you had together and make the best of it.

Immortal Love

Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments and asks about Genshin or my fics are always appreciated <3

Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.

Immortal Love

TAGLIST@irethepotato @euphierosyne @x-zho @stygianoir @polalcee

(send and ask to be added/removed)

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2 years ago

so albedo has synaesthesia

2 years ago

Can you make xiao headcannons? It could be about anything you prefer but if you aren’t sure then an idea is daily life

Can You Make Xiao Headcannons? It Could Be About Anything You Prefer But If You Arent Sure Then An Idea

A/N: A very late response to this, my apologies! I do hope you like this regardless. I did a mixed bag of some headcanons for Xiao here.

Pairings: Xiao x Gn! Reader (headcanons)

Can You Make Xiao Headcannons? It Could Be About Anything You Prefer But If You Arent Sure Then An Idea

Xiao, the heroic, youthful, or demonic, looking man on top of Wangshuu Inn?

One would say he doesn't do much at all, other than sit there and bask in the elements around - not caring whether it's raining, snowing or if it's a blazing sun outside

Xiao cares very little as for what the ordinary, mortal lives think of him. As long as he's fulfilling his duty, protecting them - he is satisfied, and needs no other opinion. He's been doing this for over 3000 years, he knows what he's doing.

Some days are more peaceful than others, and he does laze around, enjoying the warm southern breeze that carries that specific smell that remind him of times long gone

Xiao is able to both reminisce about the long and recent past while standing guard, in his own peculiar way.

The look in his eyes grows duller, softer like silted waters, but he's not losing himself in those murky waters. Some of those memories would be downright terrifying to someone else, as they hail from a time darker than even the Archon War.

When on duty he is as meticulous as anyone would expect, and just as cool and distant when interacting with others, should he really have a need for it

Yet, every now and then he does run into more... domestic things that he couldn't have predicted or escaped. Like aiding a half blind eldery to collect the bamboo shoots, being mistaken for their grandchild due to his height, or helping a child find a way home or get their toy back. These are all people of Liyue, or they just happened to be on those grounds. Xiao is a sworn spear of protection to them.

For his close ones, the ones that are still alive, he makes sure to check in every once in a while, or at least send some things their way so they know they're on his mind

He's not the one to write letters, and has a penchant for a sort of "acts of service" type of show, so if he really must send some paper, he makes a talisman to make up for the lack of words on the paper. Or anything of that sort, even infusing a little bit of his power into the pieces so that it would last longer

If you're someone he truly does care about, or you simply don't want to leave him to rot in his solitude, the act of visiting the old graves and tombs of old comrades and friends with you warms his heart in a comforting way that's still unfamiliar to Xiao

He enjoys listening to you talk about the people he seldom has time or the will to interact with, even if he finds some of their interests weird or pointless, he likes to hear all the variety of personalities and jobs. So much has changed over the years, and so much has also stayed the same. He likes to hear how the Harbor has grown, inside and outside.

During Lantern Rites, he would hope you'd join him, he even goes through the "tedious task" of acquiring a Xiao lantern that the two of you can set into the sky when the time comes. You would do so from one of the mountain tops surrounding Liyue, and both of you can watch the your lone light join the other dozen ones

It's a magical moment to him, no matter how keen he is on rejecting that claim later on. In that moment he's not the Vigilant Yaksha ridden with Karma, he's not general Alatus, he's not a bird with a broken wing nor is he some random immortal soldier. He's just.. Xiao.

Can You Make Xiao Headcannons? It Could Be About Anything You Prefer But If You Arent Sure Then An Idea

â’¸ n0tamused 2022. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.

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