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More Posts from N0tamused
Decided to join this lil bandwagon, looked fun so I gave it a go. Jerenika wants her chicken nuggets with the bbq sauce-

i saw ur reblog on my post, and am loving your blog so far :)
i want some headcanons for tighnari trying to learn new things that his girlfriend likes <3 like learning how to braid their hair, or teach them to make flowers crowns, or something cute like that hehe
Flower Stems

A/N: Hello! I'm so happy to hear that from you, it really warmed up my heart. I love your writing. And of course, I love Tighnari and his overall character. I hope this does him justice, and that you like it <3 I tried something else with this text divider too, reminded me off Tighnari's voicelines about bookmarks, so I doodled a flower.
Genre: fluff, not completely proofread

The lead Forest Ranger may present himself as the warm, stern teacher to most of the folk around him, and with that being said - no one is really surprised when they catch Tighnari doing something more... domestic
He was never the kind of person to try and hide away and softness he may hold within him, but he also ensured that his kindness was never taken for granted and as some form of blindness to the rest of the world around him. If his status as a former Akademiya student isn't enough to prove his level of knowledge, his actions in his work field definitely does.
Even the mundane way he picks up long, thick stems of flowers, and the way his bare fingers weave the same stems through loops and knots - the elegant way he arranges the flower crown before your eyes makes it seem so easy, but when you try it, you're quickly proven otherwise
The fragile stems are smushed or get cracked, but Tighnari doesn't anger nor does he flick your forehead in disappointment. At best he would throw one of his witty comments, and then he'd gently take your hands, and help you weave a new flower through the previous loop, guiding you with his voice all the while
"You just need some more practice, don't wear yourself down just due to one mistake..come on, I'm watching over you. How about you go with this flower next?"
It's rare for him to find much free time to properly wind down, so he doesn't waste it whenever a sunny day comes by. He loves the feel of sunlight and lightly warm air on his tail and ears, and he loves feeling the weight of your head on his thigh as you both rest on some high branch, or in the warm shade of the undergrowth
You wouldn't have to ask him to play with your hair, he would do so on his own the moment you lay down and those strands fall over him
He knows one or two things about braiding, and he's so gentle at picking and separating small portions of your hair to play with and braid. Tighnari doesn't want to pull on your hair, and if either of you have a brush at hand, he'd brush out any knots first. He doesn't ask for you to teach him, he would prefer to hone this little skin on his own, but the first time you wince when he accidentally pulled too sharply he's asking for your aid
Those big ears of his are perked forward as you pull some hair to the front and begin explaining the classic way of braiding, and his fingers follow your motions on the previous strands he began a braid on
It feels weirdly intimate to him. He even suggested to wear matching ones, just a small one if you would prefer to do something else with the rest of your hair. He would braid yours himself, and you can make a small one in his hair. He would pull on it gently throughout the day when he's reminded of you, or just needs a semblance of stability
If, by chance, you are interested in some essential oils for your hair, Tighnari will be more than happy to offer some of his top favorites. Although he makes sure they aren't harsh, since he usually uses those on his tail, and fur and hair are quite different.
It goes without a doubt that he'd try and introduce you to more mushroom recipes. Tighnari is always mixing new ingredients into his mushroom dishes, and he would always make a portion extra for you. He would try it with you if the meal looks too intimidating to you and he would tell you all about it you're willing to listen
If the mushroom is big and sturdy enough, he would try cutting out some shapes, like crescent moons, fish, flowers..etc.
Tighnari makes a note to visit you before bed (if you are not living together again) and kiss you goodnight. He's almost parental with it, but he just wants you to be well and healthy and sleep well. He would grow grays besides his green streaks if you were to fall ill
Opposite of the last note, he would visit you earlier in the morning before his patrols, leave a flower or some breakfast on the table for you, and then he'd leave, without disturbing you.

Ⓒ n0tamused 2022. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
This is what I needed
Hello!! Congratulations on the 1 year anniversary!!! I’d like to request Zhongli with prompt 23 (don’t leave me) and some 🌶️ if possible!
“don’t leave me.”
zhongli x gender neutral reader smut with a little bit of angst to comfort (teyvat metro)
read at your own discretion. not proofread.
author's note: thank you for being my first request for the event :> I hope you like it ;3
he loves you in missionary, a position that makes the both of you feel like you're floating on air. he can't help but cup your face in his hands as he presses a tender kiss on your jawline, sniffling as he trails his hands down your shoulders to hold both of your hands, looking you in the eyes with creased eyebrows and a gaze that cries for your touch again.
it's been only a couple of weeks since you have seen each other, yet, eternity feels like your relationship has drifted apart. such feelings eat away at the both of you: and you both can only wonder "will the lack of time tear us apart?"
yet, you can hear zhongli sniffle in a choked voice, pressing your thighs together as he closes them within his knees. trembling just slightly, you feel his elbows resting against your sides, along with his stiff cock gently brushing up against your thigh.
"don't leave me, dearest," he whispers. "time has taken you away from me—yet... i can promise you that I will make all of that up to you in any and every way you desire."
he doesn't ever cry. but perhaps, it's the memory of past lovers that he may or may not have had that haunts him. some say that solitude brings a world of pain, yet a world of self-reliance. because of such, zhongli is multi-talented in many matters of life essentials, but has you to be the other half that brings him up when he's down.
hearing and seeing tears trickle down his cheeks, dropping warmly onto your chest is like feeling and watching as your heart gets torn in half into tangled threads. you lean up, kissing him on the lips as you wrap your legs around his waist, attempting to weave back your bond through the matters of the flesh. although he is saddened, and so too, are you—you let go of his hands to cup his face reciprocating, kissing, and reassuring him that you would never leave the most elegantly loving man in this entire world.
interested in my 1 year anniversary event? head to the event landing page to learn more and feel free to request!
Immortal Love
→ Masterlist

Summary: Zhongli is troubled by some thoughts that are keeping him awake, lucky for him, he has you.
Pairing: Zhongli x (gn!) Reader
Tags: Angst to comfort, very domestic setting and fluff towards the end, Zhongli is having a bit of an existential crisis, Reader picks him up again and reassures him
A/N: The Zhongli brainworms are kicking in again recently so I had to drabble something for him because he is amazing. Shoutouts to @lychniis and @zhongrin for fuelling my Zhongli brainrot more again recently. Definitely check them out, too!! (I know you're not on my taglist so I hope you don't mind the tag x.x)

Zhongli shifted on the bed unable to find rest. No matter how hard he tried, sleep simply wouldn’t find him tonight because of the endless thoughts that had been plaguing him. So he lay awake, turning to the side, so he could watch the steady rise and fall of your chest and listened to your calm breathing and occasional huffs as you slept peacefully. A fresh breeze wafted through the open window and past the curtains in your shared bedroom. He saw goosebumps rise on your arms before you curled into your blanket more with a satisfied hum in your sleep.
The moonlight from outside the window, shone through a crack in the curtains and landed on your form in a way that perfectly illuminated your features, wrapping you in an ethereal veil of liquid silver, that was contrasted by the molten amber-gold of his irises which continuously wandered over your sleeping form.
He softly placed his hand over yours, carefully tracing patterns over the back of your palm with his thumb and feeling your warmth under his touch, prompting you to smile in your sleep.
As he watched you lie there so peacefully, his heart suddenly grew heavy again, when the dim light revealed the fresh scar on your shoulder that had been caused by a wound which had been inflicted during one of your commissions for the Adventurer’s Guild not too long ago.
You had shrugged it off as nothing and had simply put a bandage over it with a nonchalant smile but Zhongli just couldn’t help but worry and be reminded how he could lose you in just the blink of an eye. He worried every time you got hurt, every time you fell ill and every time a wound healed again, letting him know again and again that your time was running out and he was yet another step closer to losing you. He often had to remind himself that you were still there, right now, by his side, so his worries and his heartache were unjustified, yet he knew, you were mortal and he was not.
He wanted nothing more than to spend eternity with you, until bedrock turns to dust and until the sea dries out, but unlike his, your time on this world was finite and he was painfully aware that you didn’t have forever.
He had already lost so much in his life, one would assume he is used to it by now, but he was not, every time he had lost a big hole had been left in his heart, one that could never be filled again, for the person that filled it before was gone. And despite having to endure so much loss and grief before, never had he feared losing anything as much as he did losing you. Whenever it would happen, there was nothing that could ever prepare him to lose his anchor, his shield… the light of his life.
Day in and day out he was reminded of your fragility, of your mortality, of the things in this world that could potentially steal you away from him finitely, and there was nothing he could do about it. An illuminated being, a god like him, entirely powerless about the natural flow of life and it pained him more than anything he had ever experienced or was able to comprehend.
He suddenly felt hot tears spill and stream down his cheek, dampening the pillow he was resting his head on, as he lifted his hand to cup your cheek gently in your sleep. He could faintly feel your steady heartbeat under his palm and the warmth radiating off your body. You are still here.
You suddenly stirred in your sleep and drowsily opened your eyes, looking at him and smiling at him adoringly, nuzzling your cheek further into his hand.
"Hey. Are you still awake?", you croaked sleepily, equally reaching your hand out to cup his face, suddenly feeling the dampness of his tear stained cheeks under your fingers.
"What's wrong?", you asked worriedly, gently brushing some of his brown locks out of his face with your finger.
"I don't want to lose you.", he said, his shaky voice barely even above a whisper.
"Hey, hey… what’s with this all of a sudden? I have no plans to leave, love.", you reassured, placing soft kisses on his nose and forehead and kissing his tears away, giving him a loving smile.
“One day you will be forced to.”, he wept softly. And at that moment you began to understand what it was, that was keeping him awake and it made your heart painfully clench in your chest, wanting nothing more than to kiss his sorrows away and telling him that everything will be alright.
“Hey, listen! No matter what happens, I’ll always be here.”, you emphasized as you placed your palm over his chest where his heart was, feeling the steady beat of it under your palm. “Okay?”
"If this is a contract, you better not break it."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
You cuddled closer to him, burying your head in his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and engulfed yourself in his warm embrace before drifting off into sleep once more. With the arm he placed over your waist he pulled you a little closer and placed a tender kiss on the crown of your head, closing his eyes as well.
It was no use to dwell on things of the future in the present, because all it would do was ruin the precious time he had with you and he’d do everything in his capability to show you just how much he loved you in the time you had together and make the best of it.

Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments and asks about Genshin or my fics are always appreciated <3
Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.

TAGLIST@irethepotato @euphierosyne @x-zho @stygianoir @polalcee
(send and ask to be added/removed)
Albedo came home at last!! Woo! 👀 Now I gotta save for Hu Tao too.
I wish you all Albedo/Nilou wanters good luck!