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Were Tired Of Him

We’re Tired of Him

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Ao3 // Wattpad

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We’re Tired of Him (part 4)

Damian and Dick were late and Tim was starting to get impatient. How long could it take to retrieve the stupid brat?

Distantly, he heard the elevator bell ring, signaling that someone was going up, and he couldn’t stop his eyes from widening with glee.


A few more minutes and Damian’s secrets would be theirs for the taking.

The doors opened and everyone went to their stations, discreetly watching as Damian sat on the only empty seat left.

They specifically left that seat open so that Damian would be in the middle of the room. That way everyone can keep an eye on him and Damian would be able to feel the pressure of everyone’s eyes on him.

The kid’s face was blank but Tim could see the confusion laying in his eyes.

He couldn’t help the small smirk that formed on his face. Of course Damian would be confused. He’s probably never been in Titans Tower when there hasn’t been a mission.

Hell, Tim bets that no one has ever willingly hung out with him before.

The heavy air of silence was interrupted with Damian’s question, "Don't you guys have a movie to watch?"

"It was closed." Crush said, not wanting to answer Damian’s stupid questions.

Damian’s eyebrows furrowed, "How would it be closed? It's barely 10 o'clock."

Tim rolled his eyes, interrupting whatever Jason was saying with a cold, "Don't I get a welcome, Demon?" When Damian didn’t answer, he continued. “Plus, last time I checked, you didn't know what cinema they were going to, so how would you know what time it would close."

Tim knew he won when Damian rolled his eyes right back. "Tt, whatever."

He stared at Tim with a bored expression for a few seconds before turning to Dick. "Can I go now?" When their oldest brother didn’t reply, Damian hesitantly continued. "I just remembered that I had to do something."

This time, Tim couldn’t stop himself from scoffing. It was such an obvious lie.

All the assassin training that Damian always bragged about and that was what came out of his mouth?

He was honestly disappointed.

Plus, even if Damian said that confidently. No one in the room would even believe that Damian had plans.

The brat’s life consisted off of training, school, and being Robin. There was also no way that anyone would want to hang out with Damian.

His dad might be Bruce Wayne, but the kid’s attitude was enough to turn everyone away.

After Damian finally realized that he wasn’t going to get an answer, Tim watched as he got up from his chair, walking towards the exit.

He notices Dick signaling for someone to block the door and he didn’t bother to try and stop the smug feeling from spreading across his body as he watched the brat’s face shrivel with uncertainty the moment he realized that he wouldn’t be able to leave.

Damian turned around, his eyes glaring at everyone who would meet his gaze. "What do you guys want?"

Though, the intensity of the glare faded away when Damian’s voice cracked, filled with insecurity.

The night has only just started and the entitled prince’s facade was already breaking.

Jason leaned forward, a mug in his hand as he spoke. "I don't know what they want, but can you try this? Alfred gave me the recipe."

Everyone watched as Damian narrowed his eyes at the drink. From the corner of his eye, he noticed some of the girls blush as Damian ran his hands through his damp hair.

It was a sign of nervousness, he realized. Tim made sure to file that information in his head for later exploration.

Knowing when the demon brat got jitters would make amazing blackmail material.

His thought process were cut off with Damian’s arrogant voice. “And I should care about that because…?"

Tim grit his teeth. He hated how Damian acted like he was holding the cards in this conversation.

He wasn’t!

Tim and the others were. That was the only reason that Tim hasn’t blown up and ripped the brat to pieces.

Crush continued to provoke Damian. "Please don't tell me that you're scared."

Damian scoffed before pausing, not answering the question.

It was the wrong move.

The fact that Damian didn't answer only boosted everyone's confidence.

After all, it wasn’t everyday that Damian Wayne had nothing to say.

Jason walked up to Damian, the mug in his hand. Damian’s gaze never even left the object.

The brat warily looked around. He wasn’t even trying to hide his confusion anymore. It was just becoming too obvious.

"You know," Emiko said. A blind man would be able to see just how much she enjoyed taunting Damian. And Tim couldn’t find it in himself to blame her. "What would happen if your father heard the fact that you declined a drink that your brother obviously worked hard on just for you?"

She let out a gasp that was so fake that even Damian would be able to tell that it was supposed to be mocking him. "Oh! What would the League do?"

It was the perfect opening and Tim couldn’t help but step in, his eyes desperately wanting to see Damian twitch uncomfortably. "If dad found out, you would probably be banned from patrol…” Damian clenched his fists and he couldn’t help but add an “again."

Tim’s face grew into a smirk as he relished in the laughter. This was payback for everything Damian did. And trust him when he says that this was only the beginning.

It didn’t even take a minute before Damian snatched the white mug, ironically covered with bats from Jason’s hand.

Tim’s smile widened, he knew that Damian would take the drink. Just like the other Robins before him, Damian was desperate for Batman’s approval as well. The kid didn’t want to let his dad down.

And to make this whole situation even better, if Damian ever finds out about this whole scheme, Tim knows that he can probably spin the story so that everyone but Damian won’t get in trouble.

It’s not like it would be hard.

Damian was the one stupid enough to give into the taunts and didn’t check if the drink was drugged or not.

Bruce would be disappointed.

Damian drank the drink in a few seconds. The kid opened his mouth but before a word could escape, he crumpled down.

Sadly, Jason was there to catch him before his head hit the ground, carefully laying Damian down on the couch.

Wally groaned, “You should’ve let the brat fall.” he complained, “It wouldn’t have hurt him.”

Jason's eyes glowed green as he glared at the speedster. “Watch your tone, West. As bratty as he might be, this kid is still my brother.”

Wally gulped before nodding so fast that Tim thought his head would fall off. Jason might not be killing anyone anymore, but it doesn’t change the fact that he was still frightening.

Tim paused, replaying Jason’s words in his head, before frowning, jealousy spreading all over his body.

Damian already had Dick backing him up, he didn’t need Jason too. It was an unspoken rule that Tim thought the bats all knew.

Dick was Damian’s older brother, while Jason was Tim’s. That was how it worked.

And it's worked pretty well so far. Ever since Dick replaced him with Damian, he and Jason were got closer.

They had movie nights and Jason taught Tim how to cook!

He was so sure that Jason didn’t even care about Damian. He ran the calculations through his head.

If Jason and Dick started to like Damian more than Tim, then they would get rid of him again. Tim would be alone.

He bit his lip to stop his mouth from talking, focusing on the camera Wally was setting up. That way, they’d have materialistic proof of Damian’s vulnerability and humiliation.

It was blackmail material that Tim knows he’d treasure like a lifeline.

Now that he thought about it, maybe Tim could use this video to sabotage whatever brotherly relationship Jason and Damian had.

He’d tell Damian to ignore Jason and to act every brattier towards their brother.

Jason’s patience for the brat would run out and he would Tim’s older brother again.

And this time, he would only be Tim’s.

When Wally was finished his lips formed a small smirk. He watched as a sadistic glint entered the speedster’s eyes. “So, who wants to go first?”

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I am so, so sorry that this chapter took forever to release. Balancing out school and volleyball was so much harder than I thought it would be.

I’m gonna spend the weekend to try and get my life together so that next everything will hopefully be easier on me.

This chapter was pretty short but it did give some insight into Tim’s thoughts about this whole situation.

If you couldn’t tell, they’re not very pretty.

Tim and Damian never made up in this universe. And trying to kill Tim multiple times makes it hard for Tim to try and forgive Damian.

I know that this chapter kinda sucked but I wanted to put something out before things get even busier. so hopefully you somewhat enjoyed it.

Like always, please leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! And they would help an extra ton these days.

And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for a specific fanfic I’m writing, just leave it in a comment down below or you can just message me here on tumblr.

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More Posts from Night-fallz

3 years ago

Jason Todd x Avengers Crossover

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Ao3 // Wattpad

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Unexpected (part 3)

If he knew that he would be blamed for murdering someone the moment he got back to Gotham, then Jason would’ve waited another week or two before returning.

No matter what a lot of people said, Jason wasn’t stupid. He knows not to expect things that were unlikely to happen.

Jason couldn’t risk raising his hopes when it came to the bats.

He knew that he wasn’t gonna receive a warm welcome filled with hugs and cupcakes. Honestly, the most he expected was a nod of acknowledgment. And if he was lucky, then maybe- maybe he would’ve gotten a smile with the quiet whisper of a welcome back.

It made his heart twist in all the wrong ways to know that his family didn’t trust him as much as he thought. Jason genuinely believed that he and the bats were on good enough terms to earn him the benefit of the doubt.

He forced himself not to flinch as he met Batman’s harsh, distrustful gaze.

“I wasn’t even here when he was killed,” Jason tried to say as calmly as he could, knowing that if he loses his temper, everyone would use it against him. “I was following a case up in New York.”

He couldn’t go back to Arkham! Not again. Not with the Joker only a few cells away from him, taunting him with his laughter— his voice filled with cruel exhilaration as he continuously promised Jason that they would play together once again. How he would soon be reunited with his favorite playmate.

His favorite Robin.

He heard someone suck in a breath behind him.

Jason didn’t expect anyone to defend him. Not against Batman. But still-

He didn’t expect them to just stand and watch as Batman tore him into shreds once again. Batman threw accusation over accusation, yet he never once provided a single piece of evidence that proved it was Jason that did it.

He took a step towards Jason and he had to force himself not to flinch. Batman wouldn’t… not with his kids in the same room.

He ignored the rising panic in his stomach. Jason was safe.

He was safe.

Bruce wouldn’t beat him in the cave. Not in front of everyone. Not in front of Damian.

Jason would be able to walk out of the cave with his ability to walk. He was gonna be okay.

“Look, B. You can even ask them,” he pointed at the spot where Dick and the others were standing. “I told them that I was leaving Gotham for a while.”

Batman turned to where Jason was pointing. “Well?” he asked expectantly.

The cave was engulfed in eerie silence before Tim opened his mouth, faltering a little when he met Jason’s pleading gaze. “He’s not lying Bruce. He told me that he had a mission out of Gotham while we were hanging out a few weeks ago.”

Jason could feel his chest loosen up for a few seconds, thankful that Tim confirmed his statement.

He remembered the day that Tim was talking about. The bats were getting even clingier than usual. They weren’t even trying to hide the fact that they were following Jason anymore.

Tim asked Jason if he wanted to watch a movie and Jason agreed.

The bats were gonna be watching him anyways— they didn’t even try to hide the fact that they bugged him and all the known safehouses he has.

At this point, Jason didn’t know whether he should feel offended with how much they underestimated or relieved.

They already viewed him as dangerous and unpredictable. If they ever find out that Jason’s been holding back, even if it was just a little-

He won’t let them throw him back to Arkham. Jason would rather go back to the League of Assassins.

If Jason wasn’t watching Batman so closely, he would’ve missed the sliver of a nod the man-made.

Jason tried not to think of the fact that Bruce immediately accepted Tim’s answer without hesitation.

For the millionth time in this conversation, he wished that he was wearing his helmet. Instead, he forced his expression to remain calm. To remain bored as turned back to Bruce an eyebrow raised.

“Is that good enough proof for you, old man?” he couldn’t help but spit out, bitterness clear in his voice.

Batman remained unaffected, not even bothering to verbally answer Jason’s question. Instead, he just nodded.

Jason’s heart clenched, of course, he wouldn’t get an apology. Batman was too prideful for that.

“Truth.” Cassandra’s voice rang across the cave, breaking the heavy silence. “No… not lie.”

Batman nodded once again and Cassandra’s eyes met his. It took everything in him to stop a retort from coming out of his mouth.

Couldn’t she have said that a few minutes ago? Before Batman ripped him apart like he was nothing but flimsy paper.

Still, he guessed he should be thankful that she defended him. Even though it was too late.

After a few seconds of no one saying anything, Dick broke the awkwardness with an annoying smile on his face. “Now that that’s settled, why don’t we get that movie started?”

It was only because of all his training that Jason didn’t break down right there.

Of course this was just another thing that they’d sweep under the rug. Something that they would never want to speak off again.

Discussions of what movie they were supposed to watch erupted the room. It didn’t take long for an argument to break out between Damian and Tim.

Jason watched the scene for a few seconds before looking away.

They looked like a real family.

He turned away, these things happened frequently enough for Jason to know that he wasn’t welcomed.

He blocked out all the noise as he walked towards his helmet, eager to put it back on.

It was only a matter of luck that the universe hated him so much that he knocked something down, the thumping noise alerting everyone that he was about to leave.

Jason couldn’t help but feel relieved that he put on his helmet as soon as he got his hands on it.

At least he didn’t have to go to all the trouble to force his expression to remain impassive anymore.

Batman could use it against him.

Dick’s eyebrows furrowed, “Where are you going, Jay? I thought you were joining us tonight.”

“Yeah, well maybe I’m not in the mood to watch a stupid movie tonight.” Jason spits out.

Was Dick being serious right now? There were so many things wrong with that question.

One: Why would Jason want to spend more time with the people who thought he murdered someone and didn’t even bother to defend him.

And two-

No one invited Jason.

Before anyone could say anything else, Jason hopped on his motorcycle. He needed to get out of the cave.

He could feel their eyes on his back but no one bothered to stop him.

The last thing he heard was Cassandra’s voice assuring the bats. “Be back,” she said with enough confidence that one would think that she could command Jason to turn around with only her words. “He will be back.”

Jason held in the harsh remark that threatened to leave his lips.

Plus, it wasn’t like Cassandra was lying. He knew it— and hell, the rest of Bats probably knew it too.

Jason would come back. He always did.

It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go.

But for now, he needed to get away. He thought that one week would be enough to calm the pit.

It wasn’t.

In fact, he feels like the interaction with the bats today just made it worst.

He’ll stay away from them for two weeks. That should be enough time for the pit to stop screaming at him.

But who would he stay with?

Jason had enough experience to know that the best way to calm the pit was to surround yourself with people you trust.

Kori and Roy were still in space.

And Talia was busy with the civil war against Ra’s.

Jason had no one else.


His phone grew heavier in his pocket and he remembered that an Avenger owed him a favor.

Clint said that Jason could text him whenever.

And the more he thought about it, the more Jason decided that he did trust the archer in some way.  

Jason soon found himself staring at the side mirror of the vehicle and poisonous green eyes stared back.

He quickly averted his eyes.

Clint was his last choice. And Jason couldn’t risk being in the peak of a pit episode without anyone to keep him in his place.  

He could do this.

It wasn’t like he had another choice.

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Balancing out school and volleyball was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Only one month has passed and I am swamped with work.

I don’t know how I feel about this chapter. It’s not my best work but I wanted to put something out for you guys!!

I hope that you liked it.

I’m gonna spend this weekend to try and get my life together so hopefully, that means that next week will be easier for me.

Especially since I still need to finish my permit course. (If you couldn’t tell, I’m kinda hating sophomore year of high school right now)

Like always, please leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! And they would help an extra ton these days.

And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for a specific fanfic i’m writing, just leave it in a comment down below or you can just message me here on tumblr.  

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1 year ago

Gossip Girls! Avengers High School AU

I finally watched Gossip Girls and my most recent hyperfixation were Tony Stark Cetric High School AUs. I was thinking and thought, "Why not combine the two of them together?" What do you guys think?

I feel like it'll be super fun to write and I'm leaning towards stuckony being the main ship. I have so many ideas and I can't wait to start writing.

Hopefully people will enjoy. Also, if you're interested, let me know. And if you have anything you think I should include in the AU, leave a comment. I wanna read it.

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3 years ago

We're Tired of Him

Ao3 // Wattpad

previous II next

We’re Tired of Him (part 5)

Jason frowned as he studied the scene in front of him. Everyone was fighting each other on who should ask the kid the first question.

The room was loud and…

His eyes turned to the couch where Damian resided, frowning as he replayed the earlier events.

Damian was off.

The intense look on his face softened by a fraction when he realized that this was the calmest he has ever seen Damian. The kid looked

like the kid he was supposed to be. As if he was just about to take a nap after a stressful day at school.

And wasn’t that fucked up?

The most at peace he’s ever seen Damian was when he was drugged up and drunk.

Jason felt someone watching him. When he turned, he met Tim’s eyes for a brief second before Tim quickly turned away, frustrated and… jealous?

He scoffed to himself. Now he knew that he was definitely imagining things. What would Tim even be jealous of?

“Look,” Tim practically snarled at the room. “I know that all of you had a bad experience with Damian’s normal Damian-ess.” Eyes followed Tim as he walked around the room, “But you guys weren’t the ones that he tried to murder.” Tim paused before adding, “Multiple times.”

Jason tried to keep his body language at ease. It never made sense to him that Tim forgave Jason but never Damian.

The room was quiet before Wally spoke up. “Go ahead, then.”

Tim walked towards Damian and he didn’t care enough to hide the grin forming on his face as he felt the room watching him.

He stopped in front of the brat, who was about to fall asleep. Tim rolled his eyes. Was it past the kid’s bedtime or something?

Tim wanted to slap Damian awake. Wanted to look down at him as he stared up at him, all bleary-eyed and hurt. That would’ve just been the beginning.

But Tim knew he couldn’t. Not with Dick and Jason watching him.


He saw how the man looked at Damian with that stupid softened expression that was and should only be reserved for Tim!

He closed his eyes for a few seconds and let out a breath.

Tim gently shook Damian awake.

The brat squinted up at Tim and tilted his head to the side. It was cute, even he could admit that. But Tim also knew the truth.

Behind that face was nothing but the fucking devil.

Damian’s eyes were unfocused and Tim decided that it would be the perfect time to ask his question.

“Why did you try to kill me?”

Tim’s voice cracked and it was full of so much insecurity that even Dick couldn’t hide his flinch.

He knew that Tim still wasn’t over that incident but he thought that his youngest brothers were making progress. Sure it was small. But at least it was still there.


He brought his hands up to his face. What would Star do?

“My mom told me to do it,” Damian answered.

If Dick thought that the room was quiet before, it was completely silent now.

His eyes watched as Tim clenched his fists.

Dick’s eyes met Jason's who nodded in understanding.

All Tim could see was red.

“What do you mean your mom told you to do it?” His voice grew louder, angrier. “I went through all that just because you followed mommy’s orders? WHAT ARE YOU? SOME SORT OF FUCKING PUPPET?”

Tim could see small tears begin to form in Damian’s eyes and he relished in it.

He scoffed, “Well Dami.” he spat the brat’s name with as much disgust as he could muster. “Aren’t you gonna be a good little puppet and answer my question?”

Tears ran down Damian's face as he responded. “Yeah,” he whispered, trying to wipe the tears off his face. “I was bred and raised to be the perfect soldier. To follow orders and to follow them with no hesitation. If I didn’t…” Damian’s voice trailed off, something getting caught in his throat.

Before Tim could tell Damian to hurry up and answer the damn question, someone beat him to it. “What happens if you don't follow orders, Damian?”

Jason asked the question softly as he gestured for someone to grab him a cup of water.

Not even a second later, a cup was in his hand. He knelt on the floor so he could gently tilt the water into Damian’s mouth, wiping as many tears as he could running down his face.

“Thank you.” the kid murmured to him.

Jason gave him a small smile, “Always.” he assured before his face grew serious again. “But can you answer my question? Please.”

Dick saw the pointed look Jason sent him.

Change of plans, he guessed.

He stood up, heading towards Tim. No one noticed as they were too busy staring at Jason and Damian.

Tim was staring at the two of them too, not even acknowledging Dick as he led them back to the other seats.

It became obvious that Damian didn’t want to answer the question. Wally ran a hand through his hair. This was taking too long. He wanted it to be his turn.

The drink they gave to Damian at the beginning of the night was obviously not enough. And if anyone asked if he added more alcohol to the drink he handed to Jason earlier, he would deny it.

No harm, no foul.

“Since the brats not answering your question.” he yelled out, “Can it be our turn?” he gestured to the rest of the Teen Titans who looked bored out of their minds.

Jason looked like he wanted to argue but Tim sighed. “Just let them have their turn, Jay. We can coax the answer out of the brat, later.”

Jason’s eyes narrowed, “Fine.” Tim’s eyes lit up and he patted the seat next to him. Jason took the hint and sat next to his brother.

It was obvious that Jason was still lost in his thoughts but Tim didn’t care. Jason was next to him. Acting brotherly towards Tim. Not Damian, him.

“So Damian,” Wally leaned forward and he could see just how red Damian’s eyes were. He hoped that the camera was getting a clear view of this. “How do you feel about the team?”

“They don’t like me.”

That was all Damian said. It was clear, precise, and straight to the point.

Tim scoffed, “At least he’s aware.” he whispered under his breath.

Jason nudged him and sent Tim a warning look. Tim scowled.

Dick spoke up, this was the opening he was looking for. “Do you know why?”

Damian didn’t answer.

“Even while he’s drunk, he can’t follow directions.”

Dick ignored that remark. “Come on, Dami.” Dick urged, trying to get the answer out of his little brother. “Do you know why your team doesn’t like you?”

Damian's body began to tremble and tears began forming in his eyes once more. He clenched his fists, “Cause I’m stupid and useless and I can’t do anything right.” he attempted to wipe his tears away but more just came coming. “I tried to get them to like me,” he confessed. “But it didn’t work.”

Maybe it was because of how pathetic Damian looked but even Wally began to feel bad.

“What do you mean you tried to get us to like you?” Crush asked.

“I apologized.” Damian started, “And I know it wasn’t enough so I tried to start a conversation. Tried to connect with them. But it didn’t work either.” Damian stared at his hands, “I asked Alfred for tips on how to make friends and he told me that giving people food was always the right answer. So I did. I baked items to give to them and I thought it worked. But-“

Damian looked away. Dick could tell that Damian didn’t want to continue but he needed to know more. “But,” he pried. “What happened, Dami.”

“It was after a mission briefing. And everyone left for a team bonding activity that I wasn’t invited to. I had to throw something away and they were all there.” Damian sniffled, wiping more tears away from his eyes. “I worked so hard on them.” he blurted out. “And they were unopened. They didn’t even give it a try.”

Wally turned to face the Titans and he could see the conflicted emotions crossing on their face. Hell, he could feel the conflicted emotions going through him now.

He remembered the day Damian was talking about. How could he not? He was the one that convinced the others that the food might’ve been poisoned.

Wally was also the one that “unintentionally” raised his voice to talk about the place where the team was going. And how happy everyone was that the br- kid wasn’t going.

No one spoke for a while.

Jason shut his eyes. He knew that he wouldn’t like the answer to this question. But he needed to know.

“How do you think me, Dick, and Tim feel about you?”

“You guys hate me.” Damian whispered, “Father wishes I was more like all of you. But I don’t know how. And when I do try to become like you, it’s never enough.”

“No.” He heard Dick whisper in disbelief. “Dami, you’re wrong.”

If Damian heard the eldest Robin, he didn’t acknowledge it. “He thinks you guys are perfect. And you don’t-“ his voice cracked. “And you don’t even have to try.”

“Dam-“ Tim tried to interject but Damian ignored him.

“It’s not fair!” Damian lashed out. “Father wishes I got along with you guys. But when I try, it doesn’t work. I always mess things up.”

“That’s not true.” Jason found himself murmuring.

“That’s why I’m not invited to your bonding sessions. That’s why you guys always call me a demon and a brat. That’s why whenever you guys talk about me, my name always gets insulted.” Damian shut his eyes. “I don’t get it.” He admitted. “I was raised to be perfect. But it's like everything I do turns out to be a mistake.”

Dick wanted to speak up. To tell Damian that he was wrong. That he wasn’t a mistake. But his mouth wouldn’t open.

He could only listen as Damian continued to talk. No one else had the guts to stop him.

“Do you think that’s why Ummi sent me away?” Damian quietly asked, “Because I wasn’t good enough? Because I wasn’t perfect.”

Damian was talking to himself now. Dick didn’t know who this Ummi was and he didn’t think that anyone else did either.

“Sometimes, I wonder if I was sent here as a punishment,” Damian admitted. "I don't know what I did wrong but I think I was punished enough." His voice lowered. "So why won't my Ummi take me away?'

That brought Jason out of his trance and Dick watched as Jason moved to console the youngest bat. He wrapped his arms around the kid, not caring how his shirt was damp from tears. His eyes were shut as if Jason was trying to hold back his own tears.

It was like the events of the night just crashed into everyone’s heads as they turned to look at each other and back to Damian in Jason’s arms.

They fucked up.


So, guess who’s back… ish after four months of no updates.

I am so sorry for taking so long to write this chapter. I know that I replied to a lot of comments saying that I was releasing this chapter a lot sooner than I did but things came up.

I hope you guys like this chapter!! I feel like it could’ve been a lot better (and definitely a lot angstier) but I really wanted to update this fic. Especially since my life’s gonna start picking up once again. With finals around the corner and volleyball tournaments about to start soon, life’s gonna be super busy once more.

Like always, please leave a comment. I love reading them and I try to reply to every single one of them. It also helps that they motivate me so much! Let me know your thoughts, reactions, or anything!

If you don’t wanna leave a comment, that’s fine. If you liked this fanfic, please hit that kudos button though.

And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for a specific fanfic I’m writing, just leave it in a comment down below. You can also message me here at Tumblr.

Have an amazing day and wish me luck for finals!!! I’ll try to update as soon as I can!

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3 years ago

We’re Tired of Him

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Ao3 // Wattpad

previous II next

We’re Tired of Him (part 3)

Unlike a lot of people, Dick didn’t think that Damian was a spawn born from hell.

He was still, after all, a kid.

But sometimes, even he had to agree that Damian could be a bit… much for a lot of people.

So Dick didn’t blame them when they made their opinions of him clear.

But Dick also knew that if Damian loosened up a bit and held back with his provocative remarks, he would finally make friends with people that weren’t forced to hang out with him in the first place.

It honestly shouldn’t be as difficult as it was.

During Dick’s time as Batman, he managed to see a softer side of Damian. He was understanding towards the victims, knowing when he should stop or continue pushing for information.

If he brought out that side of him more often, Dick knew that people might actually begin to tolerate him.

Not just as Robin, but as Damian Wayne as well.

He’s heard Bruce’s complaints of how many fights Damian has been in at the Academy. How many times Bruce had to pay them off just so that Damian could keep attending.

Dick didn’t understand!

He knew that a lot of the kids there could be a bit brutal. But Damian was the biological son of Bruce Wayne! The kids and faculty members there were probably sucking it up to Damian. He had no doubt in his head that they treated him like a prince.

After all, people would do anything to get a percentage of the Wayne fortune.

He’s had this talk with Damian so many times. But he guessed that he just ignored Dick’s lecture, once more.

When will Damian realize that just because people treated him better than how they would normally treat other people-

It didn’t mean that he should start fights just because for the sake of it.

He mentally instructed himself to talk to Damian after this whole plan. This time, he would make sure that Damian was listening.

Even if Dick had to blackmail him.

For a while, Damian might not be able to tolerate him for a while but he’ll soon realize that it was for his own good. He’ll realize that everything is easier when people don’t hate you.

Dick was just looking out for his little brother. Was that so bad?

His hand knocked against the wooden door and when he received no answer, he carefully pulled it open.

Damian liked to keep his room to himself.

Usually, he didn’t let anyone but Alfred in but sometimes…

Sometimes, he would allow Dick the privilege of entering for a few minutes before quickly kicking him out.  

Dick was never allowed in Damian’s room long enough for him to take in the vast space.

He could hear the shower running nearby.

Dick walked around the room. It was so disappointing. So empty.

It wasn’t personalized at all.

The desk was the only thing that showed that it wasn’t a guest room. But that it was, in fact, Damian’s room.

Crunched-up papers and pens were scattered all over the surface.

If crunching up papers were considered murder, Damon would’ve broken the code several times.

What did those papers ever do to him?

He was about to reach for one when his gaze caught Damian’s sketchbook on the chair.

Aside from his katanas, these sketchbooks were some of the assassin’s prized possessions.

But Dick was sure that Damian wouldn’t mind if he took a peek or two.

He knew that Damian was talented when it came to art but these sketches were on a whole other level.

Damian drew better than a lot of professional artists. Hell, Dick knew that a lot of them wished that they could achieve Damian’s level one day.

He flipped through the book, stopping at a page where Damian drew everyone.

It was breathtaking.

Damian made sure to include everyone in the family. He even included Alfred, Steph, and Kate!

Dick pulled out his phone to take a picture so that he could show it to Bruce later.

He smiled at the photo before furrowing his brows when he realized that someone was missing.

After a few seconds of confusion, his brain finally registered that Damian wasn’t in the drawing.

Did Damian forget to add himself?

Or maybe he just didn’t like drawing himself. He’s heard about how hard it can be to draw your own face.

Something to do with perception and stuff.

That couldn’t be it though. He looked at the previous sketches. Damian didn’t have any trouble drawing himself. Not when he drew that many pages with him and Talia hugging.

So maybe-

“Huh,” he muttered under his breath. “Then this page was probably incomplete.”

His mind ignored how the drawing didn’t look incomplete. At all.

It was professionally shaded and the background was even colored, bringing out the smiling faces of each member.

If Dick looked closely enough, he swears that Damian accidentally spilled a drop of water in the paper.

He shrugged off his thoughts. He was probably just imagining the water drops.

Everyone knew just how careful Damian was when it came to his drawings.

He’ll still show the picture to Bruce though. Who knows, the man might have Damian draw him the new family portrait.

Maybe they can use it as a father-son bonding day.

His eyes caught the time on the corner of his screen. It was almost time for them to meet up at the tower.

A frown made its way onto his face, how long has Damian been in the shower?

He must take his self-care very seriously.

From the corner of his eye, he could see Damian’s phone on his bed. The screen was constantly lighting up, filling up with notifications.

Maybe Damian did have friends.

Dick wanted to walk towards the bed to see just who was texting his brother but he managed to stop himself.

Instead, he cautiously knocked on the bathroom door, hoping Damian will realize that someone is waiting so that he could hurry up.

They had a limited timeframe, after all.

“I’ll be there soon Alfred!” he heard Damian’s voice call out.

“Sorry, but I’m not Alfred.”

No one replied for a few seconds before Damian’s disbelieving voice filled the room as the bathroom door flew open. “Grayson?”

Damian stepped out and Dick managed to sneak a peek of how fogged up everything was. “What are you doing here?”

His eyes softened at the sight of the kid in front of him, “Do I need an excuse to visit my brother?”

Damian rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, looking every bit the bratty assassin that people thought he was.

“I’m not up for your silly little games tonight.” the boy sneered up at him.

Dick pouted, his eyes naturally widening and his lips began to quiver. “Please Dami.” he pleaded, “I just want to spend some time with my brother.”

Something flashed in Damian’s eyes that Dick couldn’t decipher but he ignored it. He had one mission and he couldn’t mess it up.

“Well, I don’t want to spend time with you.” Damian growled in annoyance, “Now if you excuse me, I have to go do... something.”

It was at times like this that Dick’s patience ran thin with the little assassin, but he still forced a grin upon his face.

It was obvious that Damian was lying. As far as Dick knew, he didn’t hang out with anyone but Jon.

… and the Titans. But he honestly doesn’t think they count. The enjoyment was just not mutual.

“Since you have nothing better to do, let’s go hang out with your friends.”

He was lying through his teeth— from what Wally has said, the Titans don’t consider Robin as a friend- but Bruce did always teach them to use everything at their disposal so he didn’t feel too guilty about it.

Dick lifted Damian easily. “I already asked Dad. So come on! I want to meet your team.”

Damian struggled for a while before giving up.“It’s not like I have a choice.” he grumbled.

After a few minutes, Damian couldn’t help but ask, “Can you put me down?”


Dick kept his face to stay neutral, not wanting Damian to see how excited he was.

After tonight, they would finally figure out just how Talia raised Damian and it’ll be so much easier for Dick to help him.

So much easier for Dick to get Damian to act like the kid he’s supposed to be.

He couldn’t wait.

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Sorry for the late chapter. The past two weeks have been very busy. Honestly, this whole summer has been busy. (Remember when I thought I would be having a boring summer? HAH! As if. At least my vsco is flourishing with all my captured memories.)

Let’s talk about this chapter shall we.

Dick’s heart is in the right place— kinda. But he’s definitely not approaching this situation the right way.

Someone please guess in the comments about what the crunched up papers are. I was gonna have Dick un-crumple one but I was like, it’s not the time for that just yet.

This chapter was shorter than normal. It was only 1,400 words and I try to reach a goal of 2,500 words for every chapter but I didn’t really know how to add more from Dick’s perspective.

(please comment any ideas, feedback, and criticism that you have. i love reading them. and if you see any spelling errors, please mention them in the comments. I don't have a beta reader so I mostly miss those things)

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