Queen Marika - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

One thing that annoys me is that some people try to reduce the complex dynamic between Messmer and Marika as some wholesome purely loving relationship?? Especially when there are takes that Messmer wasn't cursing Marika in his dying breath and was saying he became a curse upon her? Like even in the og Japanese version he did curse her in the most obvious - simplistic way there is no ambiguity in it . Or that he was "demonically possessed" by the abyssal serpent and that it was the one cursing Marika lmfaoo.

Sorry about this small rant 😭 i just really want people other than me ( i feel alone on this somehow) to appreciate the relationship between Marika and Messmer for its complexity and tragedia. She abandoned him and he ended up cursing her instead of the person who killed him. Which is beautifully tragic you know... Better than the one-dimensional uwu wholesome dynamic

Yeah, I agree!

The relationship between Marika and Messmer is incredibly complex, nuanced, and dynamic—the Marika that birthed a cursed son alone and cared for him deeply and completely is not the same Marika that told all her demigod children to fuck off should they not become gods or Lords. Neither is the Messmer that committed a genocide for his mother’s sake the same as the exhausted Messmer that we end up fighting. There is evidence that she loved him, the Blessings of Marika for example, just as there is evidence that she feared him, and that fear won out over love. Just the same, it is obvious that Messmer loved her, and it is obvious this love for her had limits, limits he reached:

That after an “eternity of suffering” with no sign of her, she would think to elevate a lightless Tarnished to lordship, when he himself was abandoned and hated and betrayed and hurt over being a vile lightless creature himself. After everything he’s done for her
 Marika, a curse upon thee.

That is not to say I don’t appreciate the efforts of folks who just want them to be happy, though. Gentle, wholesome moments between mother and son make my heart full, and I love them. Just as there is no darkness without light, there can be no angst without a period of happiness to ruin first. </3

- Froggo

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6 months ago

Out of all the theories I've seen on Melina's backstory, I'm suprised I haven't seen one saying that she's an offshoot of Marika like how millicent is an offshoot of Malenia. (Not saying it doesn't exist just saying I haven't seen it)

Like there are quite a few parallels,

Melina and millicent (and millicents sisters) wear similar outfits

We know that to become a God one has to shed parts of themselves (re. Miquela) and those parts can become living beings of their own (re. Malenia)

Melina has intimate knowledge of Marika (even words she said to Radagon in private re. The Melina dialog in the queen's bedchambers)

Melina is the only NPC that knows Marika's unique spell she made for the shaman village

Melina herself follows Marika's path in abandoning the Erdtree and the Greater Will (Marika shattering the ring and Melina burning the tree)

Heck there's probably even more but I can't think of anything else rn

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The Fallen Leaves Tell A Story.The Great Elden Ring Was Shattered.

The fallen leaves tell a story. The great Elden Ring was shattered.

Made by me! I loved the game ♄

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2 years ago

Played with the endings of Elden Ring and ai-generated arts, and since it combines surprisingly well, here it is. All six endings.

Played With The Endings Of Elden Ring And Ai-generated Arts, And Since It Combines Surprisingly Well,
Played With The Endings Of Elden Ring And Ai-generated Arts, And Since It Combines Surprisingly Well,
Played With The Endings Of Elden Ring And Ai-generated Arts, And Since It Combines Surprisingly Well,
Played With The Endings Of Elden Ring And Ai-generated Arts, And Since It Combines Surprisingly Well,
Played With The Endings Of Elden Ring And Ai-generated Arts, And Since It Combines Surprisingly Well,
Played With The Endings Of Elden Ring And Ai-generated Arts, And Since It Combines Surprisingly Well,

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5 months ago

Siblings berefit of grace

Long time ago, Queen Marika said:

My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace. With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die. But one warrior said "no". Why wage war for Land that reject them? And so, warrior diverged from their roots, their god, their lord, to make living in distant land, land of grain and poppies. There, warrior would lead a life on humble peasant, using their strength for working within their new community, forgetting about ever using a sword or a shield. But stories about powerful lords, mystical gods or whimsical lands would be passed down to their children, and their children too. More and more magical tale of brave knights and magic use. And many years later, last generation would be born- siblings, a boy and a girl. Both with a great call awaiting them, but none that they ever wished for. Plague would hit them, forever setting their fates. Young woman, no more just a little girl, would travel afar to town where blood was worth more than money; where she would don a hunter's garb, all night hunting beasts and kin alike, in place and position of no honor or grace, only sensless purge and hunt. And once, morning would come, nothing would be the same about her. Once little girl, then young woman, until the only thing left, was blasphemous divinity. Young man, more than just a little boy, would meet his end- with plague taking life too fast, too early. But death wasn't his fate; as call of old grace would call back to him. Said grace would lead him through journey long and hard, right back to family's roots, back to Erdtree, to their god and lord. And once long journey would end, awaiting for him was completely new world right at his mercy. From little boy, to young man, right until lord berefit of light. Graceless siblings would still look for eachother, no matter what would change in them. But, could their new positions allow them to still love the same?

I'm still thinking about Tarnished and Hunter being siblings, so a little post about it! I was trying to write it like legend, but I don't think it sounds that epic! I'm gonna write much more about it.

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8 months ago

Hoarah Loux may have been a part of a Dancing Lion?

So DLC spoilers under the cut of course, but I was once again theorizing with @dan-from-onami about base game and DLX connections- more specifically Hoarah Loux/Godfrey and their origin!

So I think Godfrey/ Hoarah Loux may have come from the land of shadows and might have been a Hornsent without horns as well as a Dancing lion- specifically the back of the dancing lion. This might explain a few things from his children/origin/allies/why Marika casted him away. This might explain why Morgott and Mohg have their horns, but also lose them upon death. This might also explain why if Godwyn was born with fish features, it was also a crucible features without Marika knowing since she's only used to horns, wings and tails.

Hoarah Loux May Have Been A Part Of A Dancing Lion?

Now for origin I think Godfrey is a more domesticated version of what Marika wants for a lord, and that's why he wears armor and wields an axe. However, I think in the past as Hoarah Loux he might have escaped Messmers/Marikas genocide and abandoned the front half of the lion or escaped somehow before joining Marika and without her knowing his origins since he doesn't have horns. This would explain why in his boss fight (ESPECIALLY AS HOARAH LOUX) both him and the dancing lion are constantly jumping and using no weapons to attack (probably dried leaf arts? Or another form of art), In the frost phase of the dancing lion the back dancer also uses similar moves like horahfrost stomp (will link videos to compare because they are weirdly similar?). This might also explain why Serosh is actually a lion instead of the typical wolf/canine shadow like Blaidd and Maliketh.

Divine Dancing Lion Boss Fight

Godfrey/ Horah Loux Boss Fight

This probably also explains why the crucible knights were specifically Godfrey's knights/ why he chose them to be his knights, and chances are once Marika found out or at least clued in that Godfrey was probably Horsent was the real reason why she cast him and his men away because she didn't want to risk anything happening to the golden order. That would also explain why in our own character creation we can be any race or class we want, but no matter what we are tarnished because we once worked in allegiance with Godfrey/Hoarah Loux.

Hoarah Loux May Have Been A Part Of A Dancing Lion?

@dan-from-onami brought up a good point though because he didn't know how much he could believe Hoarah Loux is a Hornsent in particular because Marika at the first sight of any omen-hood will either murder them or boot them into the sewers- which makes a lot of sense now given her past. That's when I went back into the game and realized that in the intro Hoarah Loux is- like us- waking up from death. and in that cutscene he is chained up and impaled.

Hoarah Loux May Have Been A Part Of A Dancing Lion?

I'm also not sure if the Badlands and the Realm of Shadow are different, or if it might just be a situation where sometimes the Realm of Shadow is called the "Badlands" due to it's unwelcoming nature. A bit of a long rant haha but I never realized until now that we only know Godfrey/ Hoarah Loux as First Elden Lord and Chieftain Of The Bad Lands, but we don't really know what those titles entail for him or the rest of his story outside of the Lands Between.

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9 months ago
I Know Im Late, But Now This Meme Is Officiallyeternal

I know I’m late, but now this meme is officially

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6 months ago
Maybe She Was Truly Happy At Some Point.

Maybe she was truly happy at some point.

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11 months ago
Listen Up, My Broken ChildLet's Lament The Past That Only Got To Live In The Incomplete Holy Land

Listen up, my broken child Let's lament the past that only got to live in the incomplete holy land

Commission for Isshin from VK.

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