202 posts
He Waits For The Noises Outside To Die Down. Kami Doesn't TRUST Himself To Open The Door Immediately

he waits for the noises outside to die down. kami doesn't TRUST himself to open the door immediately and check. but he raises his gaze toward the ceiling, checking to make sure no hallucination is going to suddenly manifest from above. when nothing shows up, kami squeezes his arms, pinching them and leaving red spots behind. not enough to BRUISE, but more to check that he's lucid.
his pills were supposed to be stronger than this. but usually, the noises are followed with visuals, and without those, kami is starting to breathe regularly. more FORCED, but he's breathing. carefully, quietly, he's turning around and lifting himself up to peek through the hole. he's terrified of what he'll maybe see on the other side, so he sucks in a deep breath, pressing his hands to the door as he looks.
it feels like something straight out of a horror movie. there's NOTHING there ― but he's not marking himself as safe yet. not until he knows for sure.

"k...kuni?" kami tests the waters. he holds his breath as he scans what little he can see, but either the manifestation left, or kami was just having a very lucid dream. unlocking the door, he pulls it open, just in time to see his cousin.
with a shriek, kaminari jumps back, tripping over his own feet and landing HARD on his ass. it's painful, and he's wincing, half rolling to his side to rub at his tailbone. the door swings open wide to slam into the inside wall with enough force to almost slam shut again. LUCKILY, it doesn't. and the door rests, slightly more than ajar and leaving kami with plenty of room to stare.
his gaze never leaves his cousin. he's still not sure if he's hallucinating anything or not, but he's very much aware he's awake this time, with clarity. there's no fade out, no whispers that accompany this. just a very real, very SOLID figure sitting on his porch and looking almost dejected. or at least, that's what the posture looks like to kami.
"what the fuck, kunikuzushi?" kami snaps. the panic is fading, giving way to very sharp anger. he's still trembling, now harder than before. he isn't sure if he's going to have another anxiety attack or pass out, but he remains seated. "what the hell is actually wrong with you? if you're even real, that is!"
he lurches back when the door SLAMS in his face, only just barely managing to preserve his dignity by swallowing back a yelp. ❝ kami — ! ❞ the hacker hisses, trying his damndest to keep a low voice while still somehow conveying his displeasure to the SABOTEUR on the other side. he surrenders to his paranoia, glancing over his shoulder to ensure no wandering eyes are watching this downright embarrassing display. fortunately, the neighbors haven't come creeping out of their homes to gawk like the empty-skulled lemmings they most assuredly are — but that doesn't mean this commotion won't draw unwanted attention if he isn't able to stop it quickly. ❝ bastard. ❞ ren mutters, turning back to the door. he has half a mind to start clawing at it like a cat. see how much of a hallucination he is after he's caused a pretty penny of well earned PROPERTY DAMAGE.

he settles for knocking — again. still clinging to the barest threads of proper social decorum, if only for the sake of minimizing the spectacle. ❝ i'm not aunt makoto — and i'm not another manifestation of your mind playing tricks on you. ❞ knock. knock. knock. ❝ i'm very real and very alive. i can even prove it if you'd just do me a favor and open up already. what's the harm? it's just me. ❞ knock. knock. knock. ❝ you know that i know how to pick locks. so why don't you save us both the trouble and let me in ... before i FORCE my way in and throttle you. non — ugh. NON-FATALLY, for the record! ❞
this clearly isn't working. his back hits the door with an audible THUMP and he sinks down to the ground. tugging knees to his chest, ren rests his chin on top of them. maybe this was a bad idea. ( no, it definitely is. ) he's well aware that kaminari has his own demons — and is swiftly coming to the unnerving realization he probably contributed GENEROUSLY to them with his little stunt. he simply assumed appearing like this would be enough to fix it. fix everything. repair the damage, repay his debt — though it seems as if he's accumulated INTEREST over the months and months he's diligently kept himself hidden. ren didn't think kaminari would care so much. his mother certainly didn't; she couldn't even be bothered to handle his funeral arrangements herself.
they hadn't even gotten the flowers right; bruise-violet and crimson like freshly spilled blood. his favorite color was BLUE.
❝ i made a mistake. ❞ he finally says, voice taut like a string pulled near to breaking. ❝ i had to resort to doing something desperate — otherwise i would have ended up dead for real ... please, kaminari. ❞ pride tastes foul on his tongue, but ren swallows it down to beg. ❝ i need your help. just open the door ... and i'll give you the explanation you deserve. ❞

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chongyun ducks when the fish is chucked at them. they turn to look over their shoulder just in time to see the miniature splash of the fish landing back in the water.
"wet dirt―" chongyun mocks, turning back to face ren. it's their inside joke. even though multiple people have been part of this conversation, this is a moment shared just between them, a moment chongyun will always look back on with fondness and even awe.

"i'll show you wet dirt," he continues. ducking into the water, chongyun scoops up a small handful of dirt in question, along with a good sized handful of water. proceeds to SPLASH ren. (there may or may not be a tiny fish mixed in with that splash.)
what does water smell like — ? the question would sound like complete NONSENSE in any other context, yet the wanderer's eyes widen as recognition washes over him. it's too little, too late to save him — the fingers curled around his wrist are akin to a shackle. he just barely has the time to open his mouth and squawk a particularly undignified, ❝ CHONGYUN. ❞ before the exorcist lunges and sends them both careening into the water.
ren flails around, a whirlwind of waterlogged fabric and confused limbs. when he sits up, it comes with a veritable waterfall sloughing off his kasa — and an irritating thump, thump, thumping on his head has him realizing he's somehow managed to scoop up a fish in the process. like his hat is little more than an intricately decorated net.

❝ ... ❞ he grabs the poor creature and immediately throws it at chongyun's face. ❝ wet dirt. ❞ dinner is served.

i've talked extensively to people about my thoughts on this, so i'm going to preface this entire post with my OPINION that wanderer is playing around during this fight. he's incredibly strong and has hundreds of years of fighting experience over the other contestants. he was ordered to keep an eye on them, not to actually harm them. THAT SAID, "playing around" also doesn't mean not doing anything. he's clearly still fighting, but i think the difference is that he's enjoying himself more than he anticipated. and of course, there are contestants that brought him a decent enough challenge and even tested his skills. but ULTIMATELY wanderer was not throwing his full strength into the ring. he was taking it easy and holding himself back. please don't come at me.
that said, let's get on with it!

here we have our first screenshot. he's not touching layla, he merely is taking the diadem from her. it's a huge blink and you'll miss it moment, and i had to slow the video way down to capture this shot because of how fast he's moving. had he been more serious, wanderer would have at least done something more. this is the first hint we see that he's holding back/taking things semi easily. he's just taking it and going.

i really love this shot of her confusion. layla has no idea wtf just happened. wanderer is a zoomy boy, okay? very "hi bye!". i love it. she's heckin confused, probably didn't even see him.

oh but faruzan definitely saw him. now she's mad. it had just been between her and layla, and now EVERYONE'S there, all fighting for the diadem. competition just got more high stakes for her. go faruzan, get your crown.

THIS was the first moment i realized wanderer wasn't being serious. if he were actually competing, he probably wouldn't have slowed down/stopped to stare at faruzan. everyone else was in it to win. he's just holding out the diadem and. dare i say, even taunting her? hat guy you silly billy.

bonus dialog after he stole the diadem right out from layla's arms. again, zoomy and zippy boy.

look at he go.

this is the first time he's being targeted. notice how he's not attacking her back. he's attacking her device in self defense.

self. defense. though, i will admit that he does throw out some half assed blades later on, but for now, he's protecting himself.

so far, yet again, he's moving in self defense. i don't know for sure if he knew the others were laying in wait and purposely flew toward them. i feel like tighnari definitely planned on hitting him, but wanderer is flying at the moment, and is still moving fast. quick reflexes though, i'm impressed. wish i could be like that.

this is his expression to cyno's weapon being thrown in his direction. to me it looks focused, like he's thinking on the spot and less "i'm going to demolish this guy." wanderer is actively thinking while moving. either for strategy or to dodge, but i love the tiny detail in that his gaze is focused right on that staff, and he looked very in the zone. and of course in the next shot, he uses his own abilities to knock the staff away.

now cyno, on the other hand. cyno is also very focused. he's definitely not playing around. that expression, what little we can see of his eye, very much screams "i'm going to pummel you into the ground." he wants that card. he's here for the win and he's going to take it.

the fact he lands and immediately starts running tells me he's NOT going to hold back. he's throwing his all into this. i love the contrast between him and wanderer. wanderer seems more focused/thinking on the spot on how not to hurt them. whereas cyno is looking to win and wanderer is someone he can target. especially considering wanderer is still holding the diadem. to me it also is very telling how low to the ground cyno is. he's still hunched forward, that guy has speed on his side and he's using every bit of it to get to wanderer.

here is wanderer, readying himself to attack cyno. and again i say he's holding back. because in the next shot-

he's landing on cyno's staff.
i've already talked about and reblogged recently a previous post where i went into detail over how strong wanderer is. if he really wanted to, that staff would not have stopped him from kicking cyno's face. we know cyno is strong, he's incredibly strong. but wanderer is also hyper strong and can do things that i don't think cyno can. plus, it looks like, to me at least, that he didn't even aim for cyno's face. the staff came up to block cyno, and wanderer immediately landed on it. there are a lot of things he could have done to take cyno out, but DIDN'T. every time i think about this entire cutscene, this moment right here is the biggest giveaway that wanderer's not being wholly serious. he landed on the staff and stared down cyno, and then jumped off. cyno may be taking this fight serious, but wanderer is holding back.

wanderer DOES throw out an attack, but i feel like it's him knowing that cyno's also fast as hell and can dodge easily. going back to the beginning, he didn't hurt layla or faruzan because he didn't want to hurt them. since cyno's also very strong, i'm pretty sure wanderer was comfortable enough to throw something out, knowing cyno could handle it. in that same vein, i don't think he got that chance with tighnari earlier, because he was too busy dodging all those arrows. i digress.
wanderer attacked because he knew cyno could easily dodge.

like so. cyno's able to block the attack because cyno is a very skilled fighter. not that none of the other contestants aren't skilled, but wanderer also just stopped to stare at faruzan rather than attack her. he had every opportunity to throw his anemo at her and layla, but he's only doing it with cyno. probably because cyno is also very fast and quick on the reflexes. still, it's a cool scene, it's my favorite cutscene in the entire game.

i mean, look at the way cyno's sliding to dodge. guy's practically doing the splits. but no, more seriously, look at the expression on his face. he's just as focused and determined, though i still think they're both focused and determined for different reasons. like i said earlier, cyno wants that card, wanderer just wants to do his job and make it out without anyone getting seriously hurt.

again, wanderer being really fast and dodging cyno's attacks. he's still throwing out his anemo, but he also flies around to make sure cyno's paying attention first before attacking again.

it's hard to see since even with the video playing really slowly this is what i'm able to get. but cyno was able to block the attack. the fact that wanderer waited until he could tells me he was holding back. were he more serious, he wouldn't have waited. at least, i don't think.

cyno is running so fast here it looks like he's gliding. maybe wanderer is a little more serious at this point. here is an opponent who can match him in speed at the VERY least, if not strength. i would even wager to say he's impressed. he's used to being the lone wanderer, hating the world around him and belittling everyone for being weaker than him. but here comes cyno who can match him in terms of speed and agility. who WOULDN'T be impressed by that? so maybe wanderer is a little more serious about who he's up against, especially considering they've been fighting each other more than anyone else in the competition fought each other. in this last round, at least. doesn't mean overall wanderer is completely serious over the whole competition.

another act of self defense. though i think in this case he didn't exactly have a choice. cyno caught him off guard. wanderer didn't have time to dodge or launch a counter attack -- cyno was too quick for him. no choice but to block the attack.

i feel like in this moment, it looks like wanderer wants to keep fighting cyno. the stare down is really intense, and it's intimidating when you see that cyno's surrounded by electro. the guy is ready to destroy something. i feel like, at least for the briefest of seconds, they both forgot about the competition and were more interested in fighting each other. but kaveh was attached to faruzan's device and flying in really fast.
bonus, i love that layla and faruzan have just been. standing around the whole time. i don't know where tighnari went. probably looking for another angle to shoot wanderer with.

just because wanderer is distracted by a flying kaveh, doesn't mean cyno is. more proof that wanderer isn't completely serious. why else would he turn his back on an opponent? cyno's not distracted, he's gonna get that diadem and win. he's so determined.

kaveh isn't even a threat. he's flying right by everything, probably too panicked and confused to let go of faruzan's device. but wanderer is reaching out anyway to spin him around. which, to me is the whole point: he may have had some enjoyment and flying around, but ultimately, the diadem was not his to take and the competition wasn't his to win. cause if he wanted to win or cared at all, he would've just taken the diadem to the podium himself. which wasn't what he was ordered to do but that's beside the point. the entire fight was nothing more than idle time wasted (and some unspoken bonding with cyno, i'm convinced of it.)

he's actively spinning kaveh around, though i think the device kaveh is still holding is helping. i don't think wanderer really intended to hurt anyone, he's just moving them around, toying with all of them.

cyno's still coming for the diadem. he wants it. but wanderer purposely holds it out. maybe he planned for it? because cyno succeeds in knocking it out of wanderer's hands. it goes flying up, leaving it open for kaveh to use his toolbox to grab it.

which of course, the force sent kaveh tumbling head over heels right to the podium. had wanderer not grabbed him and redirected him, wouldn't have happened.
the rest of the scene is kaveh basically winning the competition. but my ultimate conclusion is that wanderer was holding back. he didn't start attacking the other contestants until cyno came along, because cyno is just as terrifying as he is. i feel like wanderer enjoyed the fight, and would have continued had kaveh not shown up with the device, which provided a perfect opportunity for wanderer to redirect him and send him flying to the finish line.
wanderer was in the competition because of orders, and didn't NEED to fight. he could have continued to toy with everyone, but cyno brought out a different kind of focus in him. i'd like to think he enjoyed that fight, but he was definitely holding back. there were moments where wanderer could have kicked cyno in the face or launched him, but he didn't. and the only reason he attacked was in part because he knew cyno could dodge, and in part because he was keeping cyno distracted long enough for kaveh to come flying in.
it's another testiment to wanderer's strength and even character development. it's one of the reasons he's my favorite character, because while he's still the loner and an asshole at times, he does show his respect toward people in his own way.

black rook

You are the Black Rook. As a piece that can move inwards and outwards, you're a master of self-reflection. Being the black piece, you hide an inner beast within you. Perhaps you're one to rush headfirst into trouble, was it for a friend's sake? Or your own? Are you the overprotective type? Did you know your grip was that tight around someone's neck? For all your protectiveness and deliberate planning, you can't wash the blood off your hands that easily.

tagged by: no one, i stole it. tagging: you.

kami's exhausted. tired. it's his own fault, really, pushing himself to work the last few days of the work week when he felt under the weather at best. it's a good thing he had today off, he'd PLANNED to spend most of it sleeping. at least, for the most part, he's feeling better. it must be the lack of patrons or customer service voice he has to put on.
at the very least, kami had anticipated lying in a miserable stupor for most of the weekend. not that he'd planned on shutting anyone ELSE out. but sometimes, his thoughts ― even with his medication ― get the best of him. he's found it far more helpful to let himself stew in self imposed misery before reaching out for a sense of normalcy.
when he hears the knocks on his door, he groans and hoists himself up off the couch, knocking his phone to the ground. he'd intended on MAYBE browsing the internet at some point today, but that's forgotten about as he rests his hand on the doorknob. kami realizes he probably should actually check to see who's at the door ― he hadn't expected company, nor had he ordered food. there should be no real reason for anyone to just randomly knock on the door.
he pulls it open.
for a second, kaminari stares at the figure before him. too tired, head pounding, and just confused. this... looks like someone he'd once known a long time ago. months and months and―
he promptly SLAMS the door shut, even going the extra mile to turn the lock. all at once, his chest tightens and aches, like he's having a heart attack randomly. cluching his chest, kami sinks to the ground, turning his back to the door and leaning against it. he's breathing heavily, hunched forward with knees drawn up. cluching his temples, kami lets out a terrified moan, staring wide eyed at the ground.
"no, you stopped haunting me," kami blurts out. voice, probably muffled through the door. he EXPECTS 'kuni' to hear it. "i'm on meds now, you stopped haunting me. you aren't supposed to hurt me anymore. why are you me?"

no, NOT him. kuni. she'd introduced herself as kuni this time. the wave of panic rushes over him again, threatening to drown him. kami almost can't even breathe, save for wheezing rasps as he presses his trembling fingers more painfully against his temples. "you're dead. you're both dead. makoto why? please stop haunting me, please just leave me alone. i'm... please..."
he can hear his blood roaring in his ears loud enough that it threatens to drown out his THOUGHTS. the door before him looks more imposing than it has any right to be. knock. knock. knock. that's all he needs to do — that's supposed to be the easy part, yet ku ... no, ren finds himself freezing when it counts. ( cold feet. just his luck, huh? ) it probably doesn't help that this is the longest he's spent in public in — well, MONTHS. the brunt of his social interactions have consisted of monosyllabic exchanges with the night shift cashier of his local convenience store. after a while they stopped even questioning the vast amounts of caffeine-leaden garbage he was putting into his body. in hindsight, that probably wasn't a good thing.
okay. enough stalling. an inhale, an exhale — and he's raising a hand, rapping knuckles sharply against his cousin's door.
ren waits and waits and waits for him to answer. he's adorned himself in a dark jacket with a hood large enough to comfortably shroud any recognizable features from wandering eyes. ( fucking security cameras might as well be planted on every street corner these days. ) the lower half of his face is adorned with a mask, and when the door FINALLY cracks open, he preemptively hooks a finger beneath the thin fabric. ❝ ... kaminari. ❞ the name feels awkward on his tongue, like the months and months of separation have left it feeling unfamiliar. he stares at his cousin — meeting the eyes that bear such eerie resemblance to his own. he really should have taken the time to plan out what he was going to say, but he didn't and there's no point in agonizing over what's already done. ❝ i know how strange this might look, but i can explain. ❞ and he punctuates the reassurance by tugging the mask down, revealing his face in full. same indigo hair, same piercings, same shadows beneath his eyes from a decade of substituting coffee for sleep.

❝ it's kuni. seriously. and i'm not dead — never was. ❞ weight shifts impatiently from one foot to the other. he has to fight the urge to look over his shoulder. ❝ can you hurry up and let me in? standing around out here is making my skin crawl. ❞
@oficeandwind new and improved modern AU!

♡ Munday Meme ♡
Some questions to get to know the mun’s rping habits!
When did you start writing on Tumblr?
Who was your first muse?
Who are your longest rp friends?
Favourite thing about roleplaying?
Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
OTP for your muse?
NOTP for your muse?
What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses?
What are some differences between you and your muse/muses?
Would you be friends with your muse if they were real?
Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react?
Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know?
Who is an author that inspires you?
What do you look for in a rp partner?
Favourite trope?
Least favourite trope?
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music?
How do you overcome writer’s block?
Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
Short, medium, or long threads?
Do you ever get jealous when rping? How do you handle this?
What about your muse are you most proud of?