Psychosis Tw - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

You know you’re coming into psychosis when everything is contradicted. Nothing affects or shocks you anymore. You’re numb but everything scares you. You’re too exhausted to show any emotion but too vigilant to not do anything about your paranoid delusions. You start to isolate yourself but keep hoping someone will reach out so you won’t be alone with your thoughts. You feel helpless but so prepared and aware of unseen truths. As verbal communication becomes more difficult, you have made sense of what you’re saying but no one else gets it. You need to keep quiet and not endanger yourself, but you end up talking about it anyway. It’s hot outside but you wear clothes for cold weather. You understand that your delusions are just delusions, but you’re not making it up and it is the only real thing to you. There are sometimes things you feel, see, hear, smell, taste, that aren’t really there. You refuse to eat because of your paranoia but you can’t resist. Us psychotics are seen as dangerous, but we are the sufferers of absence. I don’t want to hurt you, I just want to be left alone, I’m just scared.

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5 months ago
Kami's Exhausted. Tired. It's His Own Fault, Really, Pushing Himself To Work The Last Few Days Of The

kami's exhausted. tired. it's his own fault, really, pushing himself to work the last few days of the work week when he felt under the weather at best. it's a good thing he had today off, he'd PLANNED to spend most of it sleeping. at least, for the most part, he's feeling better. it must be the lack of patrons or customer service voice he has to put on.

at the very least, kami had anticipated lying in a miserable stupor for most of the weekend. not that he'd planned on shutting anyone ELSE out. but sometimes, his thoughts ― even with his medication ― get the best of him. he's found it far more helpful to let himself stew in self imposed misery before reaching out for a sense of normalcy.

when he hears the knocks on his door, he groans and hoists himself up off the couch, knocking his phone to the ground. he'd intended on MAYBE browsing the internet at some point today, but that's forgotten about as he rests his hand on the doorknob. kami realizes he probably should actually check to see who's at the door ― he hadn't expected company, nor had he ordered food. there should be no real reason for anyone to just randomly knock on the door.

he pulls it open.

for a second, kaminari stares at the figure before him. too tired, head pounding, and just confused. this... looks like someone he'd once known a long time ago. months and months and―

he promptly SLAMS the door shut, even going the extra mile to turn the lock. all at once, his chest tightens and aches, like he's having a heart attack randomly. cluching his chest, kami sinks to the ground, turning his back to the door and leaning against it. he's breathing heavily, hunched forward with knees drawn up. cluching his temples, kami lets out a terrified moan, staring wide eyed at the ground.

"no, you stopped haunting me," kami blurts out. voice, probably muffled through the door. he EXPECTS 'kuni' to hear it. "i'm on meds now, you stopped haunting me. you aren't supposed to hurt me anymore. why are you me?"

Kami's Exhausted. Tired. It's His Own Fault, Really, Pushing Himself To Work The Last Few Days Of The

no, NOT him. kuni. she'd introduced herself as kuni this time. the wave of panic rushes over him again, threatening to drown him. kami almost can't even breathe, save for wheezing rasps as he presses his trembling fingers more painfully against his temples. "you're dead. you're both dead. makoto why? please stop haunting me, please just leave me alone. i'm... please..."

he  can  hear  his  blood  roaring  in  his  ears  loud  enough  that  it  threatens  to  drown  out  his  THOUGHTS.  the  door  before  him  looks  more  imposing  than  it  has  any  right  to  be.  knock.  knock.  knock.  that's  all  he  needs  to  do  —  that's  supposed  to  be  the  easy  part,  yet  ku ...  no,  ren  finds  himself  freezing  when  it  counts.  (  cold  feet.  just  his  luck,  huh?  )  it  probably  doesn't  help  that  this  is  the  longest  he's  spent  in  public  in  —  well,  MONTHS.  the  brunt  of  his  social  interactions  have  consisted  of  monosyllabic  exchanges  with  the  night  shift  cashier  of  his  local  convenience  store.  after  a  while  they  stopped  even  questioning  the  vast  amounts  of  caffeine-leaden  garbage  he  was  putting  into  his  body.  in  hindsight,  that  probably  wasn't  a  good  thing.

okay.  enough  stalling.  an  inhale,  an  exhale  —  and  he's  raising  a  hand,  rapping  knuckles  sharply  against  his  cousin's  door.

ren  waits  and  waits  and  waits  for  him  to  answer.  he's  adorned  himself  in  a  dark  jacket  with  a  hood  large  enough  to  comfortably  shroud  any  recognizable  features  from  wandering  eyes.  (  fucking  security  cameras  might  as  well  be  planted  on  every  street  corner  these  days.  )  the  lower  half  of  his  face  is  adorned  with  a  mask,  and  when  the  door  FINALLY  cracks  open,  he  preemptively  hooks  a  finger  beneath  the  thin  fabric.  ❝  ...  kaminari. ❞  the  name  feels  awkward  on  his  tongue,  like  the  months  and  months  of  separation  have  left  it  feeling  unfamiliar.  he  stares  at  his  cousin  —  meeting  the  eyes  that  bear  such  eerie  resemblance  to  his  own.  he  really  should  have  taken  the  time  to  plan  out  what  he  was  going  to  say,  but  he  didn't  and  there's  no  point  in  agonizing  over  what's  already  done.  ❝  i  know  how  strange  this  might  look,  but  i  can  explain. ❞  and  he  punctuates  the  reassurance  by  tugging  the  mask  down,  revealing  his  face  in  full.  same  indigo  hair,  same  piercings,  same  shadows  beneath  his  eyes  from  a  decade  of  substituting  coffee  for  sleep.

He Can Hear His Blood Roaring In His Ears Loud Enough That It Threatens To Drown Out His THOUGHTS. The

❝  it's  kuni.  seriously.  and  i'm  not  dead  —  never  was. ❞  weight  shifts  impatiently  from  one  foot  to  the  other.  he  has  to  fight  the  urge  to  look  over  his  shoulder.  ❝  can  you  hurry  up  and  let  me  in?  standing  around  out  here  is  making  my  skin  crawl. ❞

@oficeandwind new and improved modern AU!

He Can Hear His Blood Roaring In His Ears Loud Enough That It Threatens To Drown Out His THOUGHTS. The

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5 months ago
He Waits For The Noises Outside To Die Down. Kami Doesn't TRUST Himself To Open The Door Immediately

he waits for the noises outside to die down. kami doesn't TRUST himself to open the door immediately and check. but he raises his gaze toward the ceiling, checking to make sure no hallucination is going to suddenly manifest from above. when nothing shows up, kami squeezes his arms, pinching them and leaving red spots behind. not enough to BRUISE, but more to check that he's lucid.

his pills were supposed to be stronger than this. but usually, the noises are followed with visuals, and without those, kami is starting to breathe regularly. more FORCED, but he's breathing. carefully, quietly, he's turning around and lifting himself up to peek through the hole. he's terrified of what he'll maybe see on the other side, so he sucks in a deep breath, pressing his hands to the door as he looks.

it feels like something straight out of a horror movie. there's NOTHING there ― but he's not marking himself as safe yet. not until he knows for sure.

He Waits For The Noises Outside To Die Down. Kami Doesn't TRUST Himself To Open The Door Immediately

"k...kuni?" kami tests the waters. he holds his breath as he scans what little he can see, but either the manifestation left, or kami was just having a very lucid dream. unlocking the door, he pulls it open, just in time to see his cousin.

with a shriek, kaminari jumps back, tripping over his own feet and landing HARD on his ass. it's painful, and he's wincing, half rolling to his side to rub at his tailbone. the door swings open wide to slam into the inside wall with enough force to almost slam shut again. LUCKILY, it doesn't. and the door rests, slightly more than ajar and leaving kami with plenty of room to stare.

his gaze never leaves his cousin. he's still not sure if he's hallucinating anything or not, but he's very much aware he's awake this time, with clarity. there's no fade out, no whispers that accompany this. just a very real, very SOLID figure sitting on his porch and looking almost dejected. or at least, that's what the posture looks like to kami.

"what the fuck, kunikuzushi?" kami snaps. the panic is fading, giving way to very sharp anger. he's still trembling, now harder than before. he isn't sure if he's going to have another anxiety attack or pass out, but he remains seated. "what the hell is actually wrong with you? if you're even real, that is!"

he  lurches  back  when  the  door  SLAMS  in  his  face,  only  just  barely  managing  to  preserve  his  dignity  by  swallowing  back  a  yelp.  ❝  kami  —  ! ❞   the  hacker  hisses,  trying  his  damndest  to  keep  a  low  voice  while  still  somehow  conveying  his  displeasure  to  the  SABOTEUR  on  the  other  side.  he  surrenders  to  his  paranoia,  glancing  over  his  shoulder  to  ensure  no  wandering  eyes  are  watching  this  downright  embarrassing  display.  fortunately,  the  neighbors  haven't  come  creeping  out  of  their  homes  to  gawk  like  the  empty-skulled  lemmings  they  most  assuredly  are  —  but  that  doesn't  mean  this  commotion  won't  draw  unwanted  attention  if  he  isn't  able  to  stop  it  quickly.  ❝  bastard. ❞   ren  mutters,  turning  back  to  the  door.  he  has  half  a  mind  to  start  clawing  at  it  like  a  cat.  see  how  much  of  a  hallucination  he  is  after  he's  caused  a  pretty  penny  of  well  earned  PROPERTY  DAMAGE.

He Lurches Back When The Door SLAMS In His Face, Only Just Barely Managing To Preserve His Dignity By

he  settles  for  knocking  —  again.  still  clinging  to  the  barest  threads  of  proper  social  decorum,  if  only  for  the  sake  of  minimizing  the  spectacle.  ❝  i'm  not  aunt makoto  —  and  i'm  not  another  manifestation  of  your  mind  playing  tricks  on  you. ❞   knock.  knock.  knock.  ❝  i'm  very  real  and  very  alive.  i  can  even  prove  it  if  you'd  just  do  me  a  favor  and  open  up  already.  what's  the  harm?  it's  just  me. ❞   knock.  knock.  knock.  ❝  you  know  that  i  know  how  to  pick  locks.  so  why  don't  you  save  us  both  the  trouble  and  let  me  in ...  before  i  FORCE  my  way  in  and  throttle  you.  non  —  ugh.  NON-FATALLY,  for  the  record! ❞

this  clearly  isn't  working.  his  back  hits  the  door  with  an  audible  THUMP  and  he  sinks  down  to  the  ground.  tugging  knees  to  his  chest,  ren  rests  his  chin  on  top  of  them.  maybe  this  was  a  bad  idea.  (  no,  it  definitely  is.  )  he's  well  aware  that  kaminari  has  his  own  demons  —  and  is  swiftly  coming  to  the  unnerving  realization  he  probably  contributed  GENEROUSLY  to  them  with  his  little  stunt.  he  simply  assumed  appearing  like  this  would  be  enough  to  fix  it.  fix  everything.  repair  the  damage,  repay  his  debt  —  though  it  seems  as  if  he's  accumulated  INTEREST  over  the  months  and  months  he's  diligently  kept  himself  hidden.  ren  didn't  think  kaminari  would  care  so  much.  his  mother  certainly  didn't;  she  couldn't  even  be  bothered  to  handle  his  funeral  arrangements  herself.

they  hadn't  even  gotten  the  flowers  right;  bruise-violet  and  crimson  like  freshly  spilled  blood.  his  favorite  color  was  BLUE.

❝  i  made  a  mistake. ❞   he  finally  says,  voice  taut  like  a  string  pulled  near  to  breaking.  ❝  i  had  to  resort  to  doing  something  desperate  —  otherwise  i  would  have  ended  up  dead  for  real ...  please,  kaminari. ❞   pride  tastes  foul  on  his  tongue,  but  ren  swallows  it  down  to  beg.   ❝  i  need  your  help.  just  open  the  door ...  and  i'll  give  you  the  explanation  you  deserve. ❞

He Lurches Back When The Door SLAMS In His Face, Only Just Barely Managing To Preserve His Dignity By

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5 months ago
His Mind Is An Empty State Of What The Fuck, On Repeat. It's Like A Static Hum In The Back Of His Mind,

his mind is an empty state of what the fuck, on repeat. it's like a static hum in the back of his mind, leaving him unable to do ANYTHING until kuni is inside. it's only at this point that kami manages to get to his feet, lurching toward the door to slam it shut, locking it once more.

he's still not sure what's actually happening, only that there's a sense of URGENCY that has him even more on edge. "i'm sorry," kami says, clenching his teeth and holding back the urge to snap. "if i can't call you by your fucking name―" he stops there, looking back toward the door. he doesn't know his neighbors well enough to have a solid connection. he's doubtful any of them would actually care about someone named kunikuzushi, but he also hasn't been part of his cousin's world. he doesn't know what exactly is going through kuni's mind.

"so basically you let me think you were dead for months on end." his voice is flat. he's still running over all the information in his mind, trying to make sense of it. it's only giving him an even bigger headache, and threatening to pull him down into some depth of despair and heartbreak. kami gets it though. LOGICALLY, he can understand why kuni did what he did. kami isn't sure he'd take the same exact road, but he can understand burning all bridges (literally) to get out of trouble.

emotionally though, kami feels betrayed and heartbroken. he'd thought their bond had been a lot stronger than this. kami had relied on kuni for A LOT, and part of him is even wondering if his own demons had helped contribute to this, like kuni WANTED to get away from him.

his eyes are starting to wonder from these thoughts, so kami turns away to hastily wipe his eyes. he's not going to start crying now, not when there's so much to actually discuss. he still needs answers, though he's not sure how likely he is to get all of them right now. kuni is probably exhausted, and needs a place to stay and... kami has a spare bedroom...

His Mind Is An Empty State Of What The Fuck, On Repeat. It's Like A Static Hum In The Back Of His Mind,

"...if you had to do all that, then why come back at all?" kami asks. his voice is neutral, forcing himself to turn back to his cousin. "why not just let me THINK you were gone forever? i would've coped, survived, something." it's not a lie, either. even after his downward spiral thanks to his own mother, kami eventually found a way to bounce back. he likes to think he'd bounced back quicker after kuni's death, with it only taking a matter of months, instead of years.

his life is still a shit hot mess though.

"...and i'm assuming you want to stay here?" he's reaching for kuni though. desperately needing to FEEL how solid his cousin is. as mad and depressed kami is over the entire incident, kuni is still his cousin. someone he always held in high regard. to lose him again would destroy him.

despite  his  numerous  requests  (  demands,  really  )  ren  isn't  expecting  it  when  the  door  finally  DOES  open.  this  time,  he  doesn't  have  the  chance  to  swallow  back  his  surprise  —  the  hacker  audibly  yelps,  and  nearly  falls  over,  only  just  barely  managing  to  catch  himself  at  the  last  possible  moment.  (  fortunately;  if  he  landed  on  his  laptop  he  would  be  furious.  )  ❝  yes,  yes.  kunikuzushi.  why  don't  you  say  it  louder  —  i  don't  think  the  entire  neighborhood  has  heard  you  yet. ❞  he  knows  it  isn't  kaminari's  fault;  his  cousin  isn't  aware  of  the  circumstances  surrounding  —  well,  ANY  part  of  the  mess  he's  gotten  himself  into.  he's  horribly  stressed  and  his  nerves  are  frayed  and  it's  compelling  him  to  lash  out  unjustly.  he'll  remember  to  feel  guilt  for  that  later;  at  the  moment,  he  only  has  enough  mental  real  estate  to  tackle  one  MISTAKE  at  a  time.

the  door  is  open,  so  ren  decides  he's  going  to  take  advantage  of  the  opportunity  before  his  cousin  comes  back  to  his  senses.  deft  hands  snatch  up  the  flower  pot  resting  on  the  porch  beside  him.  it  contains  a  SUCCULENT  —  a  tiny,  yet  vibrant  thing  with  healthy  leaves.  (  it's  all  he  has  for  luggage.  )  he  rises  to  his  feet  and  slips  inside  kaminari's  home  swift  as  the  breeze,  nudging  the  door  shut  behind  him.  it's  only  then  that  the  hacker  allows  himself  the  luxury  of  a  sigh;  it  feels  like  a  weight  has  been  lifted  off  his  chest  —  not  entirely,  but  enough  so  that  he  can  draw  breath  without  a  STRUGGLE.   ❝  i'm  a  member  of  this  family. ❞   he  says,  looking  down  at  his  cousin.  there's  a  twinge  of  sympathy  in  his  eyes  —  as  if  that  simple  fact  alone  has  DOOMED  them  both.  ❝  naturally  there's  a  lot  of  things  wrong  with  me,  but  we  don't  have  all  day  to  list  them. ❞  he  at  least  has  the  courtesy  to  nudge  the  other  with  his  shoe.  it's  a  gesture  that  might  be  construed  as  playful  or  annoying  (  or  both  )  under  different  circumstances,  but  here  it  serves  as  proof  of  his  existence.

Despite His Numerous Requests ( Demands, Really ) Ren Isn't Expecting It When The Door Finally DOES Open.

well.  that  was  supposed  to  be  the  easy  part.  the  hard  part  is  actually  explaining  himself.

❝  i  know  it  seems  extreme. ❞  obviously.  ❝  faking  my  own  death  isn't  the  sort  of  choice  i  would  make  if  i  had  any  other  option.  i  needed  to  disappear  —  and  the  only  way  i  could  do  that  WITHOUT  being  seen  as  a  loose  end ...  was  if  they  thought  i  was  no  longer  in  any  position  to  TALK. ❞  it  was  either  that  or  run  —  but  if  he  ran,  there  was  no  telling  what  they  would  do.  target  his  mother?  fine  —  she  could  fend  for  herself.  target  kaminari?  he  didn't  deserve  that.

anxiety  has  afflicted  him  with  a  strange,  nervous  sort  of  energy.  ren  finds  he's  started  to  pace  —  back  and  forth,  back  and  forth  like  an  animal  trapped  in  a  too-small  cage.  ❝  the ...  that  group  i  was  involved  with.  i  know  you  weren't  exactly  fond  of  them,  but  they  were  worse  than  i  ever  let  on.  considerably  worse.  i  still  continued  to  lend  them  my  services,  because ... ❞   because  he  liked  feeling  useful.  feeling  powerful.  how  stupid  of  him.  ❝  ...  not  important.  i  had  to  leave  —  and  kunikuzushi  needed  to  die ...  so  to  make  a  very  long  story  short,  that's  precisely  what  i  arranged  to  have  happen. ❞

Despite His Numerous Requests ( Demands, Really ) Ren Isn't Expecting It When The Door Finally DOES Open.

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5 months ago


it's so foreign in his mind. it's easy enough to remember; only a single syllable. he clicks his tongue, trying to say it out loud, but it's like his voice stops. kami can't bring himself to utter anything right now. the tears are threatening to come back. even as he squeezes kuni', ren's arm, kami feels a lump in his throat that he hasn't felt for years.

everything is rolling over him and threatening to crush him. he's not a crier, he hasn't let himself cry in so long. and yet, his very REAL cousin is here, offering his best iteration of an apology, and just. he's here.

letting his arms drop, kami sniffs, trying to swallow that stupid lump. it's not going away, and his throat is just filling up until he almost can't BREATHE again. it's a painful ache that's spreading up and stinging his entire face. this is embarrassing.

"of course―" i want you to stay here, is what kami WANTS to say. but his voice is too broken right now, stumbling over tears and a wave of embarrassment so strong he might as well be nauseous.

kami's hands come up to press over his face. his cousin, his stupid, reckless, best friend, is not allowed to see him so weak and pathetic right now.



and yet, kami's sobbing. sitting back down on the ground, almost collapsing in a boneless heap. he hunches forward, as if THAT would hide his embarrassment from ren. ren. not kuni. it's amazing that the simple name is already starting to click in his mind.

or maybe kami's just latching onto anything at this point to make it more real than anything else has ever been. he wants to force some words out. say ANYTHING, but nothing comes to mind. his head is yet another buzz of jumbled thoughts and fragments of statements, but getting the actual words out is nigh impossible at the moment.

"―you fucking―" is all that comes out. you fucking idiot, i love you. "―don't ever―"

he sniffs again, trying to stop himself. it's not working well, almost like the NEED is too compulsory, and kami just needs to let the sobs run their course. "―stupid bitch―"

he's not sure who that last one is directed at: himself or ren. maybe a little bit of both. they're both amazingly idiotic; it runs in the family. they're both stupid for different reasons, but up until now, it's always worked. he feels stupid right now, certainly. stupid for letting grief impact his ability to live, stupid for being so emotional over ren coming back. no longer kuni.


kami needs his cousin here. not to test how real he is, kami very much is relieved that this is not a figment of his imagination. he's okay, he's going to BE okay. his support system is back, and they can tackle any other conversation once kami is actually able to speak again. until then, he's just going to cry and feel like a stupid bitch about it.

he  thinks  the  lock  clicking  into  place  behind  him  should  be  a  source  of  COMFORT.  they're  inside  now  —  shielded  from  the  prying  eyes  of  the  world  beyond.  it  feels  like  every  time  he's  out  in  the  open,  the  stares  are  a  physical  weight  upon  his  back  —  heedless  of  whether  they  actually  exist  or  not.  realistically  ren  knows  a  simple  door  won't  be  enough  to  keep  either  of  them  safe.  monsters  can  lurk  in  plain  sight;  behind  a  disarming  smile,  an  anonymous  username,  in  crunched  numbers  and  lines  of  code.  the  deeper  he  allows  himself  to  sink  into  his  PARANOIA,  the  worse  he  feels.  it  would  be  one  thing  if  his  fears  weren't  based  in  reality,  but  unfortunately  the  hacker  knows  firsthand  just  how  real  they  are.  ❝  ...  call  me  ren  now.  that's  the  identity  i  assumed  after  —  well,  everything. ❞  his  alleged  demise.  ❝  people  will  ask  questions  if  they  hear  you  speaking  with  a  dead  man.  you  should  spare  yourself  the  trouble  and  crush  their  curiosity  before  it  starts. ❞

kaminari  has  every  right  to  be  FURIOUS  with  him,  of  course.  he  tries  to  imagine  how  he  would  react  were  their  positions  reversed.  would  he  be  angry?  hurt?  probably  —  but  that  doesn't  make  his  cousin's  line  of  questioning  sting  any  less.  gritting  his  teeth,  he  forces  himself  to  cease  his  relentless  pacing.  every  bone  in  his  body  feels  locked  into  place,  joints  traded  for  cement.  ren's  throat  goes  tight,  tight,  tight  to  the  point  of  actual  pain  —  like  an  invisible  set  of  hands  wish  to  choke  any  effort  to  DEFEND  himself  out  of  him.  ❝  i  didn't ...  want  to  abandon  you. ❞  abandon,  just  as  every  single  person  in  their  lives  meant  to  protect  them ...  ultimately  ABANDONED  THEM  instead.  ❝  i  had  to  stay  away.  lay  low.  it  was  the  only  way  to  guarantee  you  would  be  safe. ❞  honestly,  the  fact  he's  even  here  now  is  still  a  risk  —  six  months  may  feel  like  an  ETERNITY,  but  in  the  grand  scheme  of  everything,  it's  hardly  a  drop  in  the  bucket.  just  barely  long  enough  for  his  presumed  demise  to  be  convincing.

he  doubts  kaminari  will  see  it  that  way.  no  one  likes  a  martyr  —  yet  another  reason  why  ren  is  such  a  wholly  unpalatable  individual.  (  even  so,  he'll  bear  his  anger  if  that's  what  it  takes.  )

lavender  gaze  flicks  up.  he  sees  kaminari  reaching  for  him  and  extends  a  hand  —  an  open  invitation  to  prove  that  he's  solid,  real,  alive.  ❝  i  heard  about  the  funeral. ❞  ren  says.  it's  a  bit  hard  to  look  directly  at  his  cousin  directly,  so  he  settles  for  the  wall  behind  him  —  somewhere  just  off  to  the  right.  ❝  it's  pretty  typical  of  my  mother  not  to  care ...  i  guess  i  just  thought,  considering  the  circumstances,  she  might  actually  feel  compelled  to  give  a  damn. ❞   he  exhales  a  quiet  huff.  how  stupid.  how  naive.  ❝  ...  i  think  you're  the  only  one  who  actually  cared  i  was  gone. ❞

He Thinks The Lock Clicking Into Place Behind Him Should Be A Source Of COMFORT. They're Inside Now Shielded

his  free  arm  hugs  the  flower  pot  even  closer  to  his  chest,  almost  as  if  it's  meant  to  serve  as  a  lifeline.  ❝  if  you're  willing  to  have  me  here,  i'll  stay. ❞  he'll  even  pay  rent  —  money  is  always  easy  to  acquire  when  one  isn't  afraid  to  resort  to  more  QUESTIONABLE  means.   ❝  ...  but  i  understand  if  you  would  rather  not.  i  just  wanted  to  give  a  little  closure.  all  things  considered,  that's  probably  the  least  that  i  owe  you. ❞

He Thinks The Lock Clicking Into Place Behind Him Should Be A Source Of COMFORT. They're Inside Now Shielded

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