omkookie - ⭒♕⭒𓆩⚝𓆪⭒♕⭒

@nori31291404 is the Artist of my blog's icon so credit goes to 'em! and give Nori a follow! 🩷 nsfw blog with occasional memes and lots of demon fucking

246 posts

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty
In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty
In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty
In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

In an abandoned storage room, you find a series of notes taken by the Queen's beloved knight. They pretty much summarize her life story... Do you read them?

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 16+ Spoilers for the game, mentions of past SA.

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

· The first note...

Ever since she was little, she was engaged to Chevalier's father. They grew up together, and slowly she fell in love with him.

Later in life, she married the king and then fell pregnant with Chevalier. Nine months later, she gave birth to him. A beautiful baby boy resembling her in appearance, with sky blue eyes and blonde hair.

She had hoped that her husband would at least visit her after she gave birth to their son, But he didn't. The King's absence deeply saddened her, He was the love of her life after all, Yet, he wanted nothing to do with her. Despite that, the hope in her heart that he would eventually open his own heart to her never faltered.

She had hoped he would show feelings for their son, and take him into his arms. Her hopes, however, are quickly crushed when a maid informs her the king won't be coming to see the baby.

Queen Michel still remembers how she cried while cradling Chevalier in her arms, The only one standing by her side to comfort her, Leticia, was seething with fury at the King's absence for the umpteenth time.


The announcement of Chevalier's birth spread throughout the kingdom, and the noble families in particular. Some visitors came to greet the new baby and wish him good fortune, albeit only with the ulterior motives of trying to betroth him to their families' future daughters.

With all the visits, monsters always lurked in the shadows of every smile plastered onto each face that looked at her son.

Chevalier was still a baby, and yet whispers of him being an abnormal child maliciously spread throughout the palace like wildfire. They pricked the Queen like rose thorns, Their malicious words feeling like salt being rubbed into her wounds.

And a new blow, cold as ice, struck the Queen harshly as she learned of her husband's new wrongdoing. He had wronged her own lady-in-waiting, Making the queen want to scream as loud as she could at him even if feeling sick to the stomach. Listening to her best friend's confession, she did her utmost best to Ignore her disgust and anger, and tried everything she could to comfort her best friend. She encouraged Leticia to love and care for her baby. She didn't want an innocent child with no fault whatsoever to be brought into this cruel world and hated.

Thankfully, her dear friend's beautiful heart found love for Clavis, despite how he came into existence.

Queen Michel often held baby Clavis who looked exactly like his mother, With beautiful amber eyes and soft purple hair. He was a cute little copy of his mother, and Leticia took good care of him. She even took care of Chevalier while looking after Clavis.


Chevalier, Although merely two years old, was unbothered and distant. He didn't want to play, Instead, He was learning to communicate faster than the average child would.

Whenever she tried giving him a toy, It would catch his curious attention for a few seconds, his eyes sparkling with delight at the new object before he inspected it and lost full interest in it, Resulting in him shoving the toy away or throwing it.

Chevalier would only sleep and mumble any words he could when displeased, His only interest being receiving meals.

He would only pout and frown, being a grumpy baby and looking up at his mother with big shiny blue eyes which resembled her own, and then he'd pull on her arm to signal her he wanted to eat.

She used to cuddle and coo at him whenever they were alone, Enjoying how cute her baby looked as he pouted at her disturbing his snack time, and how much of a glutton he was, his cheeks stuffed full like one of a chipmunk's as he gleefully munched on a strawberry.

The only time her son truly warmed up to her and acted cute was when they were alone together. Chevalier was very much like a cat, only accepting affection when he wanted it, and getting annoyed by it when he didn't.

Her baby hated others, and would throw things in frustration whenever a nursemaid cared for him, His childish tantrums being bad enough to scare the poor lady as he demanded his mother look after him in her place.


Queen Michel's days were difficult, with Mountains of work and sleepless nights exhausting her. Her unrequited love for her husband was taking a toll on her mental health as well, because he was dismissive of her even existing. They'd been together for years now, And yet he only gave her the cold shoulder. She craved affection from the man she had a child with, but was always denied and pushed away.

Peer pressure from her relatives and other noblewomen to have another child with him made her feel sick to the stomach, As much as she loved him, She could not sleep with him again. She would rather spend a day in a ditch than listen to him fantasise about another woman or cry while in bed with her.


One day when he was older, Chevalier killed a man.

The Queen was unsure whether she should be mad at him or the assassin who tried to kill him-- Obviously, she should be mad at the latter, And yet her heart felt heavy. Her child had killed someone, But he was as apathetic as ever. He ignored her when she tried to console him, and even kicked her out of his room because reading his book was more important to him.

Her heart shattered as she realized all words spoken about Chevalier when he was a baby came to be true, and she felt devastation pool at her heart, a burning feeling making itself present in her chest as her eyes stung with tears.

Unbeknownst to her, Her feet drag her to her husband's room where she knocks on the door, wondering if he would at least open it this once, But, No matter how long she stands in front of the door it never opens. She clasped her hands over her lap as she sank down to the floor before the door, trying to even her rapid and shallow breaths enough to calm herself down to stop weeping.

The Queen's sadness and heartbreak eventually morphed into something else.

Anger, Anger directed at her father, the marquis. Her Husband, and every court minister. She feels a strong surge of hatred for everybody as her fingers clutch her dress tightly, Causing the fabric to crease.


Her skin began to crawl whenever she sat on the throne next to the king, and her displeasure with her husband began to take root.

She didn't hate him, but she wasn't comfortable being with him. The man was unstable, Often looking alone despite being surrounded by others, and he suffered fits of madness that neither she nor the court ministers knew what to do about.

At night he would be unable to sleep, and often locked himself away from others. He rarely spoke to her or his… other... wives.

And she recalls how useless she felt whenever her husband locked himself away. She wished she could help him. She wished she knew a way to help him, because despite her now growing resentment towards him, She still held some affection him and didn't blame him entirely for everything.


One day, Sariel-- A child only 4 years older than her son Chevalier was brought to the palace by her husband, and she wonders what he thinks? What does he see? The king brought him to the palace, a lair full of monsters and beasts hiding in the dark. Why bring a child here? Who was he before he came here? What does he know about the king that she doesn't?


One day she has had enough. She discovers a maid that had left after the king put his hands on her, and defiled her dignity. Queen Michel storms into his room in anger, Feeling her blood boil and Ignoring her own maids' calls of worry, shutting the door with a bang behind her.

She glared at the king in anger, her once blue and clear eyes now narrowed sharply reflecting her emotions. It didn't matter what mental state he was in, Nothing could excuse his horrific actions. Now, he had ruined yet another person's life.

She raced towards the king and slapped him hard, The sound echoing loudly in the otherwise quiet room and her hand hurting because of the strong impact of her hit. He doesn't say anything as he listens to her outburst, and allows her to take her anger out on him.

His silence only served to anger her even more, making her jaw clench tightly as she questioned him, What he's doing, What he's done.

She screamed how fed up she was with him and everybody else.

And for the first time ever, the king listened to her, His much larger frame looking smaller and smaller as his shoulders slumped down, somehow making him look weak.

That night, Something nobody expected happened.


During the morning, An announcement of the king's passing spreads throughout the palace, and makes itself known to every noble and slave in the kingdom. The king supposedly died from a heart attack, Which left the royal court in a sudden rage of uproar.


Queen Michel takes full control over the kingdom, and banishes any man or woman who opposes her reign. The queen has ordered for anyone who dares to speak against her takeover to have his or her tongue be cut off, and even gives a demonstration to the ministers who had a lot to say by having their tongues taken. She disposed of those ministers who continued to force, and try to talk her into marrying, saying that a queen with no king is weak and destined to fall. She turned the court into an authoritarian one, only giving power to the people she trusted and leaving them in charge.

After securing her takeover, Queen Michel went out to find the late king's new child. Her trusted spy informed her about the whereabouts of the maid violated by the king, telling her how she lived in a village near the border with obsidian.

Together with a group of well trained knights, the queen departed the castle and headed to the ex palace maid's house. The woman was afraid, nearly jumping out of her skin and bursting into tears when she caught sight of the queen. Her body shook in fear at what the queen may do to her, as she answered her questions with honesty, and relief soon flooded the maid.

She took Luke into her arms, and handed him to the queen, admitting she is unable to care for and love the child.

The Queen took the baby, gently carrying him within her arms before leaving the house. She brushed Luke's short orange hair back as she entered the carriage, and cradled him in her arms.

She may have been unable to avoid the tragedies that struck the palace, but at least she was able to save one little life, and would now be able to protect many.

Luke had 7 older brothers to look after him, So, she'll make sure he grows up well.


After returning to the palace, the queen is greeted by a curious Leon. His amber eyes sparkling up at her with wonder as he asks her who the baby is, and she tells him Luke is his baby brother which she finally brought home. Leon grins at her merily, his little hands clasping behind his back as he tells her he'll be a good big brother to the new troublemaker in their family.

She chuckles before ruffling his hair, his brown locks falling into his eyes before he brushes them away and runs off to his lessons with Sariel.

"A new baby brother?" Someone curious asks behind her, making her spin around.

"Yes Jin, I've brought him here so all eight of you can be together." She tells him while changing her hold on Luke, "Isn't he cute?" She asked.

"Well… He's chubby I guess..?" Jin rubbed his neck as an awkward smile fell upon his face at the sight of the baby, some conflicting emotions filling him, "he's really chubby…" He spoke.

"He's not THAT chubby, Jin." She tried to convince him.

( An: I later saw her giving baby Luke to prince Jin, and he seemed happy to hold him. )


After bringing Luke to the palace everything went on smoothly for the Queen, she ran the kingdom with an iron fist, and allied Rhodolite with both Jade and Benitoite, stationed more soldiers to protect the border with obsidian in case of an act of aggression from the empire, And her son, Chevalier, became warmer despite his still dismissive demeanour. He loved his new little brother and came up with his own name for him 'Jumbo' After seeing him. She had Leticia and Sariel to help her take care of the 8 princes, and even began seeing Sariel as her own son.

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty

@cheshirekeeper 🩷

In An Abandoned Storage Room, You Find A Series Of Notes Taken By The Queen's Beloved Knight. They Pretty
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More Posts from Omkookie

1 year ago
 Smut, Size Kink? Breeding, Crying, Just Horni

⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Smut, size kink? Breeding, crying, just horni

I'm tired af but my ovaries I want demon Luci so here's something short I wrote🧍... Fem!Reader btw

 Smut, Size Kink? Breeding, Crying, Just Horni
 Smut, Size Kink? Breeding, Crying, Just Horni
 Smut, Size Kink? Breeding, Crying, Just Horni

No normal thoughts, head full of Lucifer fucking the cute little reader while he’s in his full demon form. His big demon body towers over her little one, and his giant hands grip her hips to hold her in place over his huge dick. He uses her like a fleshlight, mercilessly thrusting her on him and fucking her brains out. Meanwhile, she tries to hold on to the last of her sanity.

The stimulation is too much, and tears spill down her cheeks as Lucifer bites her shoulder. His teeth leave deep purple marks on her skin, but his tongue runs sweetly over the bite to soothe it.

“LUCIFER!!!” She screams his name when he slams into her cervix painfully, and he pins her down underneath him. “ Mmh..” He lets out a short sigh as his lustful eyes take in the sight of her sweaty body, her chest heaving, and the drool running down her lips.

“So, So beautiful.” He purrs into her ear, “Maybe I’ll use you as my cute little fleshlight every day from now on.”

“At least then, Someone as stupid as you would be useful.” He rasps out whilst tearing off the cute lacy bra that was still covering her breasts. “My cute little fucktoy.” Lucifer praises her. “Aren’t you happy to be useful for something?” His hands run over her breasts, and he stimulates her nipples by rubbing and twisting them between his fingers. She whines in pain at his roughness, and Lucifer feels her squeeze around him.

“Lucifer- please” She begs him, although she doesn't know for what. Her eyes roll to the back of her skull as she feels his dick once again slam deeply inside of her. She hears Lucifer's D.D.D ring and Diavolo's contact pop up, But Lucifer ignores it and merely throws the device to the side,

“I’ll fuck you like a cheap whore and then treat you like my princess.” He tells her as he forces her close legs to her chest.

That's perfect for a human exchange student. She moans as he readjusts his grip on her, his beast-like claws digging into her skin whilst fucks her vigorously, leaving her a screaming mess with tears on her face, and their mixed fluids seeping out of her cunt.

He finishes in her, his thick cum shooting deep inside of her so that he can fill her womb with his child.. And she feels completely stuffed by the time that he pulls out... Only for him to stroke his dick a few times before realigning it with her cum filled cunt again.

FUCK BEING AN EXCHANGE STUDENT... It would be too stressful. I wantttt to be Lucifer's whore, and pretty princess.. just give me that damn demon cock prideful boy (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)

 Smut, Size Kink? Breeding, Crying, Just Horni

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1 year ago
Where Has He Done Wrong?
Where Has He Done Wrong?

Where has he done wrong? 

Where Has He Done Wrong?
Where Has He Done Wrong?
Where Has He Done Wrong?

⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Yandere!Chevalier, Implied Noncon/Rape, Mentioned dead body + Imprisonment, The reader is crumbling apart.

Where Has He Done Wrong?

“No! Stay away from me!” You screamed at him, not knowing that you were bringing back memories of when he was a child, and his mother did the same exact thing. Chevalier remembers it all. Every time his mother had a meltdown, every time she was in hysterics… He remembers it all far too well, and seeing you like her left a bad taste in his mouth. 

Where has he done wrong?..

Imprisoning you was an awful thing that no human could take, but Chevalier did it all for your safety… The women of Rhodolite’s royal court were all doomed to die, and suffer a cruel fate. His mother was proof of that, and so were all of the other women the late king had fancied. He didn’t want you to suffer like them. As a result, he did his best to prevent it. 

He protected you from all of the malice in court, He eliminated all threats… He even got rid of spies sent here by that eye patch bastard who wanted to keep track of you.

Locking you in his room for so long, isolating you from all the others was the right thing. 

The others were dangerous to you. He knew far too well from the countless number of assassins that he cut down. You would not be safe near people. A simple commoner amongst nobles would be shunned, Treated with disrespect and disregarded even if she was the future Queen. He did everything to protect you. 

He almost cut Leon down for you. Nearly starting a war with the domestic faction, because his foolish brother tried to meddle with your business. 

How were you mentally unstable? 

Why did you end up so afraid of him?

Despite the countless books that he’s read and knowledge that he has, he can’t comprehend your situation… Or he refuses to. Maybe his mind didn’t want to admit that everything he did to you was wrong and inhumane, even monster-like. 

He looks down at his feet in frustration, before he moves towards your curled up body. You were sobbing on the floor, your cries refusing to die down even when you felt him wrap his arms around you. In fact, you were probably crying harder now because he touched you.

He holds you close to him, petting your head like you were some child he had to comfort, and he lets out a sigh. “Get yourself together, Simpleton.” 

It’s an order. 

Everything that leaves his mouth is an order. 

You bit your lip, trying to muffle your cries, but tears continued streaming down your face. “You’re a monster!” You somehow rasp those horrible words out between tears. His arms around you tighten as he is once again reminded of his mother. 

She said the same things. 

“Enough.” He picks you up, carrying you over to the bed on which he throws you down mercilessly. “Don’t do it! Don’t touch me!” You scream at him whilst trying to scratch and hit him. All of your resistance was merely because you didn’t know what love was.

He’s sure of it. 

You don’t know what it’s like to love someone as much as he loves you. You don’t know what it’s like to harbor such affection and feelings. You were clueless. So clueless, that he’d have to teach you. He’d have to keep you here, in the confines of his room until your mental state improved enough for him to take you out and present you as his Queen. You’d have to stay in his room and study. Inform yourself enough to make yourself a smart woman who is suitable to stay by his side. Knowledge is power, and while you are in his room you have more than enough time to obtain that power. 

You’ll come to terms with your feelings sooner or later, and realize that you do love him. 

You’ll love him. 

And for now, he’ll indulge in your body to show his love for you physically.

When you do come to that realization that you love him he’ll forgive you for all of your childishness. For behaving like his mother. 

He strips, taking his sweet time to peel his clothes off as you quit thrashing and simply lay on the bed motionless. What was to come has happened enough times for you to know that it’s hopeless. You can’t do anything against him. Compared to Chevalier, you were weak. Weak, fragile… frail…. A gentle little bunny who could not fight back against a beast. 

Looking up at the ceiling, you tried to ignore the stench of blood in the air, as well as the slayed body of your maid on the floor. This was the consequence of getting caught by Chevalier. Anyone who tried to help you was brutally murdered in his flashy cold-blooded style.

He gets on top of you, and you simply avert your eyes towards the bookshelves, Not wanting to see his face. You stare at the colorful book covers as his hands unbutton your plain white dress, and his fingers deftly take off your underwear. “It wasn’t so difficult to stop crying now, was it?” He asks, making you feel the urge to kick him. He sighs while throwing your dress to the side, finally stripping you bare before him. 

His lips are on your neck in an instant, and he sucks another harsh bruise amongst the countless number of hickies littering your collarbone, neck and chest. You don’t grace him with a response, and he doesn’t look too bothered by it. 

Even if he once considered love a worthless and unnecessary emotion, he could not deny that it had turned into a motivator for him. A motivator to work hard, expand the kingdom, and strengthen Rhodolite’s relationship with its neighbors. He wanted to work hard just for you, Maybe to impress you… Maybe to make you proud. Maybe, all he wanted all these years was love? which he never received, so he decided it was a useless thing. 

But you can give him that love now, right? Sooner or later, you’ll give him your affection and attention. Only for now… he’ll resort to receiving your affection physically, as you don’t even dare to look at him.

What an odd twist of fate. Is it because of Chevalier’s mother that he turned out to be so screwed?

Where Has He Done Wrong?

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1 year ago
" ."

"𝐍𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬." ♡

" ."

⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Smut... yandere, cheating, incest.

• 🩷 Suitors... - Gilbert, Chevalier.

" ."
" ."

He brushes back your beautiful dark locks, his fingers carefully running through your hair as he caresses your head and allows his hand to fall to the nape of your neck. The cold air freezes in your lungs as he gives your neck a light squeeze, his fingers applying the gentlest pressure to it as you lean forward to kiss him. Your hands roam his body, slowly heating him up even if you're grabbing and tugging off whatever clothing was left on him. You hurriedly stripped him before you gripped his back tightly, your fingernails digging into his skin and leaving red marks in their wake, to imprint in the soft flesh there as you claw him roughly.

He fucked himself into you, making you clamp your hand over your mouth to stifle your moan of his name. Some of the material on the desk below you falls to the floor, knocked down by your movements.

You hug him closer as you bury your face into his neck, inhaling his rich calming scent and trying to ground yourself as you hold him sweetly. His cock steadily dragged against your plush walls as he angled his hips to thrust deeper into you. ‘’You love your big brother right? more than Chevalier.’’ He flashed you a smile as he panted, his hips hitting yours as he picked up the pace. Pounding even rougher into you and feeling your walls clench around him, your arousal seeped down between your legs while he rubbed your clit hurriedly so that you could both finish before somebody came into the room.

You heard a knight passing by the room you were in, his rough footsteps echoing loudly outside.

Gilbert didn’t want to have to kill anybody in front of you. He wanted to save you from witnessing such an ugly sight... He tugged your eye patch off, revealing your beautiful shiny blue eye, and the jewel like blood-red one matching his very own...

"No one will ever love you like your brother does." He whispers before sealing your lips in a kiss.

"Now go. I'm sure your husband Chevalier is waiting for you."

" ."
" ."

He pulls you into his room, uncaring about his wife who sleeps in his bed peacefully. You stumble and hold yourself up on his desk, your palms pressing against the hard wood to prevent yourself from falling.

Chevalier comes behind you and mercilessly yanks your skirt up ‘’Chevalier!!’’ You call out his name in protest, ‘’Don’t you dare! Your wife is right there… what if she wakes up?!’’ You whispered whilst your brows furrowed in unease. You didn’t want to get caught, and you didn’t want to take a risk as big as this one...

A smirk makes its way onto his face as a simple ‘’Don’t worry’’ Leaves his lips before his mouth crashes against yours, and your lips move against one another. His tongue enters your mouth to ravish you while he tugs his glove off. He then pulls your underwear to the side and presses a finger into your wet entrance making you whimper quietly, and nervously glance back at his bed where his wife lies… still asleep. An odd thrill fills you as he kisses you again holds you gently in his embrace, making your heart melt.

He grabs you by your thighs and raises you over his desk, setting you atop the edge of it where he can take you easily.

While his fingers tease and prepare you, you bite your lip, trying to silence yourself in fear of making a single noise because you’re too afraid of his wife catching you like this. He chuckles at you, giving you his cocky smirk as he pushes his length into you all at once. You nearly scream at the sudden intrusion as he stretches you out so quickly, and he clamps his hand over your mouth. ‘’Shh, you don’t want to get caught, Do you?’’ He whispers teasingly, making you want to smack him for putting you into a position like this.

You nervously look back at his wife, and finally notice that she is in fact awfully pale… Even dead-looking… ‘’Is she okay?’’ You ask Chevalier in concern. He cups your cheek in his palm before answering, ‘’She’s dead.’’

Your blue eyes widen in shock at his words as he brushes your blonde hair back…

" ."

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