oneofthemillionarmy - Tune in to Neverland: 52 MHz
Tune in to Neverland: 52 MHz

Smiles | '92 | Creative writing related to BTS | EST. 01.06.16 | Navigation | Latest: Peppermint Bark | Boyfriend Imagines | Personal blog: aladywhobelievesloveisreal

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Undercover Mission | BTS Ot7

Undercover Mission | BTS ot7

Summary line: You, as a collaborating idol with BTS have been given an undercover mission

You stared at the large index card in front of you, mumbling the words to yourself and looked back up to the camera in shock and started giggling. You brought up the card to your face, hiding your embarrassed smile.

“Ah, seriously.” You repeated the instructions on the card, “Make the members respond to you in English.” You put the card against your forehead and looked at it, laughing again.

“I think I will not complete this mission. Suga will make me lose.” He had the worst English, and he wouldn’t reply if it wasn’t necessary; he probably wouldn’t respond to you at all. You knew your Korean well enough, so why would he ever respond to you in English? The easiest might be Rap Monster. The others were more or less wild cards. Jin liked playing detective, maybe he might spot you out.

“I need to be very clever with this.” You looked at the card and smirked. You looked back at the camera and bowed, “I understand. Y/N fighting!” You pumped your fist in the air and re-entered the room where everyone was chilling out before the show.

You twisted your lips to a corner, unsure how to do this. You quickly looked at the cameraman.

“Quickly, give me the camera.” You reached for the camera and started walking to Jimin first, who was sitting on the chair getting his makeup.

“Jimin. Say something to your international fans!” Jimin looked up at your camera and smiled.

“Hi! What’s up?”

“Pfft, no jams.” You said playfully, sticking out your tongue and laughing at him. He gave you an embarrassed smile. You gave him a reassuring smile, “I’m joking. I like your jams.” As nonexistent as they are.

You continued forward. You could already imagine the animated success icons on the video when this gets upload. One down, six to go.

“V! Say something to your international fans.”

“Hello, my name is V. I love you!” You responded to his rectangular smile with your own. You handed the camera back to the cameraman, figuring that you shouldn’t be so boringly easy with all of them.


“Hey J-hope! Jin!” You walked up to the pair, who were looking through the snacks.

“I should make you two some lasagna one day. You guys like lasagna?” You said lasagna in English. J-Hope tilted his head in confusion.

“L-La-sang-ya?” He asked.

“Uh, sorry. I don’t know if there’s a Korean word for it.” You were about to help him enunciate, but Jin cut you off.

“There is. 라자냐.” Jin munched on a snack, correcting you and helping J-Hope understand. Darn, that foodie. Can he please not know?!

“Oh! 라자냐! Yeah! It’s good, you can make it?” J-Hope asked excitedly. You nodded and laughed, biting the inside of your cheek.

“Anything you liked in America that you missed? I can try to make it for you?” You probed. Please be in English, please be in English!

“Haha, shouldn’t you be making American food for yourself, I bet you miss it.” Jin replied to you.

“Yeah, I do. But if I’m going to make something we all like, that would be even better.” You said. You snapped your fingers.

“Philly cheese steak. You guys must love it!”

“Philly cheese steak! Yes!” Jin high-fived you, helping you earn your English point with him.

“What’s that?” J-Hope asked.

“Minced thin pieces of steak with melted cheese and grilled onions in a sandwich. It’s absolutely mouth-watering.” You swallowed the saliva in your mouth. Talking to these two makes anyone and everyone hungry.

“It sounds really really good.” J-Hope laughed.

“It is. Say it the American way. Phil-ly cheeeesse steak.” You tried to the enunciate tactic again.

“Philly cheese steak.” J-Hope finally grasped the words. You clapped like an English teacher.

“Good job! You can order it again if you ever get a chance in America. I’ll make it for you guys before that though.” You promised. Success!


You started playing an English song, nudging Jungkook to sing along with you.

“I am tired of this place, I hope people change.” Jungkook smiled shyly at you and the camera, no response. You and he had the least interaction with each other; mostly because he’s super shy with girls. You and he have casually hung out before though, so you were really hoping that his shyness will go away for at least five seconds. You kept singing.

“Only fools fall for you, only fools.”

“Only fools do what I do, only fools fall!” He joined your serenade. Yes! You ended up singing the whole song with him.


You sat across from Rap Monster, who was practicing his rap. He looks so concentrated, you felt bad for interrupting him. You looked at the clock, you had two hours. As time moves forward, he’ll be even more worked up with practice, so you might as well interrupt now.

“Rap Monster?” You asked. He paused the song and took off an earphone. He looked up at you, looking polite as ever, you felt so bad.

“Can I share something with you, in English, so it’s kind of private?” You asked. He raised an eyebrow, thinking it was serious. He patted the chair next to him and you came by his side.

“I’m actually pretty nervous for this show. I’m just starting out but I’m already collaborating with you guys for the sake of my own promotion. It’s only my second time on a promoting stage, and I have to perform with you guys. Collaboration was fun with you guys, no doubt, and I want to do it again someday, but I feel like it’s a lot of pressure right now.” You breathed out, giving heart-to-heart. He gave an empathetic smile.

“Don’t worry. I know exactly how you feel.” He started out in English. At least you got that English point, but now you voiced out your anxiety, you were really much more concerned about that.

“We’ve all gone through it. Jungkook just collaborated with Zion T and it’s been over two years as a singer; he was still nervous. Have some confidence in yourself, and us. You wouldn’t be here if you had no talent, and we’ll watch out for you. You’ll be okay. It gets easier. Don’t worry about talking about this in Korean or English though, no one will judge you here.” He gave you a reassuring smile.

“Thank you, Rap Monster. That really helps a lot.” You grinned. He grinned and went back to his music when he knew you were okay. He’s not a leader for nothing.


You looked at the lethargic man and gulped. You really couldn’t bull your way through this one.

“Suga.” He looked up at you.

“How about I teach you some English?” You asked.

“What English?” he asked suspiciously. He, Jin, and Namjoon were one of the more intuitive types of the group. You got past Jin and Namjoon, would you get past “Genius Suga” as well?

“Just something that might help you and your communication with the international ARMY.” You shrugged casually as you sat next to him. He sat up and looked at you.

“What do you want to say to them?” He rubbed his lips in contemplation. He looked at you again, with a suspicious smirk.

“What if I have nothing to say to them?” He challenged, clearly catching on. You felt yourself heat up but you diverted the attention.

“That has to be a lie. You love ARMY and I bet you do have something you want to say. So what do you want to say? Think of the greater good.” You knew you were caught, but until he called you out, you were allowed to continue. You sounded so desperate at the end, he laughed.

“Teach me to say, ‘I support you and your dreams’.” He let you off the hook. You smiled at him and taught him the words.

“I support you and your dreams.” You said in English. You were surprised when he repeated your words quite well, only slight hesitation with the word “support.”

“Thanks, Y/N.” He said, looking away to his phone, clearly done with this. You smiled too.

“No. Thank you.”


“Y/N. You have completed your undercover mission.” The boys were surprised but then laughed when they realized the mission. You only saw Suga silently applaud with a knowing smile while the others were just trying to remember the event.

“Philly cheese steak!” J-Hope waved his arms about, yelling and Jin was by his side, trying to put his hands on his shoulders to calm him down.

“ARMY, I have jams!” Jimin shouted. Namjoon’s expression though, clearly told him to stay put; only Namjoon had authority to call on people’s jams.

“You know, I had a feeling. Was it real, though?” Namjoon asked about what you shared with him. You nodded, “That was sincere. I really was worried about it. I’m glad the performance turned out well. I’m actually still shaking.” You held out your hand to prove your anxiety. He nodded, just content that he was able to help.

“Y/N’s prize is a bowl of bulgogi.” The PD said behind the camera. The boys started an uproar and you laughed.

“I wouldn’t have succeeded this mission if it wasn’t for the boy’s cooperation. It’s my bulgogi and so I choose to share it with my sun-baes.” You announced to the camera as you took the bowl from the PD’s hands, sharing it with Bangtan.

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More Posts from Oneofthemillionarmy

8 years ago

Phantom | Yoongi

Summary line: Inspired by Phantom of the Opera

Your breath shakes as you hear his voice, “Again.”

His voice is nothing more than a whisper, but somehow, it felt like it encompasses your whole person as his voice reverberates off the stone walls of this….his…labyrinth.

In a little over four months of training here, your overseer took you to an unexplored corner of this building. There was a small hallway that was rarely used. It led to an unexpected large room. You weren’t sure whether it was built before or after the rest of the building. The feel of this place had a sense of history, like only old souls lurk in this area. It was dark and reflective. But it was very clear that the architect of this place knew modern principles to architecture, but applied it to an old style. You weren’t sure how old could mix in with the new, but it worked so well. The architecture was ambitious and complex. You praised the architect in your mind.

“Someone wants to meet you. Stay here. He will not show up right away but you are to stay here until he does. If you get bored, sing.” And with that, your overseer left you there. You wandered around the room, running your hand on walls as you walked along them.

If you get bored, sing. Why not? It’s the reason why you came here. Since no one was around, you felt free to do what you want. You started to sing songs, not the songs you guys practice night and day, it got boring. You sang songs that reminded you of home. You sang your favorite songs in which the lyrics could never leave your memories. They were the songs where you could bring about your deepest feelings. After 3 hours of singing by yourself, you got bored again. So you switched it up. Rather than singing seriously, you played around. You purposely sang off-key, unnecessarily belting out the song in awkward tones and voices.

“Don’t do that. If you’re going to sing. Sing seriously.” You heard a voice. This voice sounded like it came from overhead. But there were no amplifiers, no speakers. Where did this voice come from?

The voice was raspy but obviously a boy’s, a teenager’s. Low and sounded harsh, like he himself had trained his voice until it was on the verge of breaking.

No matter, you wanted to escape. Whoever he was, he wasn’t showing himself and you had no idea how long he’s been here.

You ran to the door and swung it open. But it wasn’t the hallway you came from anymore. You looked back. The room had two doors. Did you get the doors wrong? Your heart beat faster when you believed in your mistake. You quickly shut this one and went to the other one. You opened it up. No, it was not the hallway. How did this happen?

“What do you want?” You asked, looking up but had no direction to face.

“I like your voice. It’s better than the rest of the trainees thus far. I’ve seen many, many trainees come and go. Your voice is the first that has really caught my attention. I’ve decided that I want to give you extra practice, more training. With me as your trainer.” A chill ran up your spine. You couldn’t see the owner of the voice and apparently you can’t leave.

“Please, let me out.” You shook the doorknob. Tears filled your eyes.

“You haven’t even finished exploring and you’re already ready to cry?” He asked surprised. He was right. He seems mean to keep you here, but you were the one not checking if he was really keeping you here. Since you were closer to the second room, you went to that one first. The next room just led to a different hallway with two other doors. Bathroom through one door, a room with a white grand piano on the other. There was nothing more.

In the first room, had one other door. You opened it up to a hallway. It led to some sort of indoor courtyard. Cobblestone floors and an empty pond in the middle. Surrounding the courtyard were many arches that led to different hallways, none that were familiar though. There were staircases that went up and down the place. On floors above, you saw open arches one would fall off the side if they weren’t paying attention to where they were going. But there were ways to get yourself from one open entrance to another, even if suspended in air. What was this place? This couldn’t be the same trainers ground you came from.

You soon forgot about the boy’s voice, you were more curious about the place. You explored. But you could never make a map in your head. After exploring one place, you would search another to find that it was the exact place you previously explored. And when you turned back, something new was there. This place was impossible. But it was, you could see it.

It seemed that you had forgotten about him. He couldn’t bear to think that you weren’t thinking about him anymore. So he started to play. He gave you something to do. Something to find.

You were exploring a hallway, you don’t remember how long you’ve been here. But you faintly heard a piece of music. A piece you’ve never heard before. But it brought you a sense of familiarity, a sense of compatibility. There were no words, just music. And it was entrancing.

You rushed back out to the courtyard and looked around, searching for the origin of the music. It felt like it came from everywhere. The moment you thought it came from one direction, pulling you that way, your ears perked as it heard the music originate from another hallway. The longer it played, the more obsessed you became.

You tried to focus outside of the music. If it was a trick, then you wouldn’t let yourself fall. You would aimlessly search every hallway, even though your ears heard it grow farther and farther away. You didn’t feel like you could trust your ears anymore. It was terrifying to have a sense that you felt you couldn’t trust anymore.

There were too many hallways. You collapsed out of exhaustion. But you didn’t want to give up. But you stopped to breath. He didn’t like that.

The music stopped and you whined for it, clawing yourself up from the cobblestone floors and the music started again. He was playing you like a toy. You were crying as you ran around. Not sure whether you should trust your ears again. This was going nowhere and you kept going back to the same places. You couldn’t come up with any recognizable pattern of how this place could change, you couldn’t even understand it, but you just chose to accept it.

“Give it to me. Please.” You sobbed after you came back from the last hallway you could explore, at least you thought you’ve run through every hallway, even if they ended up the same. You felt so desperate to be close to the origin. Wherever it came from, it would be the place where you could hear it best, learn it properly.

You heard a cackle and you shivered.

“Are you cold?” He asked curiously. You shook your head.

“You will learn from me. And only when I think you’re ready, you may have this piece. I will not give it to you until you have completed my song.” Complete his song?

“I have a song. But you’re not ready to sing it. I need to train you. You will learn from me. And only me. Your other vocal trainers will only unravel all my hard work and hinder your improvement. You may go back for choreography though. I have nothing to teach you in that aspect.” This boy sounded like he was around your age, or at least couldn’t have been old. Why did he act like he had such authority? Even your overseer gave off a sense of awestruck fear. One you felt as well.

“Show yourself!” You cried out. You couldn’t stand just talking to a voice. You felt crazy. And so, he wouldn’t talk anymore. He didn’t respond to you for so long. You got angry and stomped into a random hallway, trying to blow off some steam and not be idle, or else silent fear will crawl back. Only when you recognized another human being, a staff of the trainers ground, you realized, that hallway was the one you first entered.


A couple days later, you shamefully returned. It was easy to find the courtyard, probably because he wanted you to. You turned around to look, the hallway was still there.

“I will learn from you. I want that piece. And I will have it.” You called out. Nothing. You sat at the edge of the pond and swung your legs inside. Even though it was empty. You aimlessly kicked your feet as you waited. Waited so long, your patience and confidence were starting to waver. He seemed like one of those “one chance” types. But if that was the case, you wouldn’t have been able to find the courtyard again. But the hallway –

It was gone.

“First of all, everything your trainers have taught you so far, forget it. You’re lucky you have natural talent that they haven’t completely shaved away yet.” His voice. But not his person. You sighed, you might never know what he looks like.

“What’s your name?” You asked.

“What do you think it is?” He countered. It was a very strange question, for you’ve never heard anyone ask what they think their name is.

“You’re a phantom.” Your answer was met by silence for a good minute. You turned to look around if you could see the first hallway again. You didn’t.

“Phantom it is.”

This went on for years. Every day, you have dance lessons. Every night, you have vocal lessons with the Phantom. Every piece you practice here, it is an original, from him. You learn that he is a composer. He is the architect of this place. He is a magician of sorts and you can’t help but be fascinated. But that just makes him all the more arrogant.

Your overseer clearly knows where you disappear off to every night. But she doesn’t say anything. She is the one who brought you there in the first place, of course she knows where you went. She probably knows him. Him and his strange ways of communication and his labyrinth.

The rest of the girls start to notice your empty bed every now and then. They start to tease you, exclude you, single you out.

“I bet it’s a manager. It’s the reason why they keep giving her most of the solos.”

“I heard she started from the janitor and worked her way up. Disgusting.”

Their words are unbearable to your poor sensitive heart. All you want is to perform. And to have a song. But no matter what anyone gossips about, they never dare to acknowledge the truth. You are truly the star pupil. Your singing is the best of all of them.

Once you entered the courtyard with tears threatening to fall. He asked you what was wrong and you blew up. Talking about one of the girls who had the audacity to stir the rumor that you let yourself be passed around by managers. She had the poorest voice, you weren’t even sure why she stayed. By the end of your spout, he would calmly ask the name of the girl. And you carelessly gave it. You didn’t know that it was all he needed.

The next day, the girl had disappeared. The overseer told the girls that she packed her bags and left at the crack of dawn. You knew why though. You saw her leave. You saw her leaving and as she looked back at the building, you saw tears burning a large scar on her face. A scar so terrible, it looked like a wide rip in a painting. That day on, you never told him of your frustrations. Fear shook you to the core.

He is a perfectionist alright. He is ruthless and relentless when it comes to teaching you. You are not allowed to sleep until you surpass his goals for the day. He finds ways to wake you up without the music when you’re dozing off during lessons. He will maliciously call you names worse than anything the girls have ever said to you. You get frustrated and so would he. Sometimes he will be so hard on you, you run out crying, but he won’t let you leave. You can run around with tears streaming down your face, but you can never leave. Not until you finish your lesson. Somehow, the layout of the place will always change. Every room is familiar to you by now, but never in the same place unless he allows it. You want to know how he does it, but you won’t ask questions you know will be fruitless. All you can do is get tired and go back to the practice room when you exhaust yourself from your frustrations. He is so rude and arrogant.

But at times, there are tender moments.

Sometimes, you get so tired after the vocal lessons, you will just end up resting in one of the rooms you find has a bed. It is clearly unused by anyone else, so you use it. The first night you stumble upon it, the bed was just a mattress. But you were too tired to care. You just kicked off your shoes and flopped there. The next time you found it, the mattress was dressed in sheets, blankets, and pillows.

Before the crack of dawn, faint music will reach your ears. In your subconsciousness, you can recognize it as the piece you crave. The moment you feel conscious again, the music will stop. Even if you pretend to stay asleep, he somehow has a sixth sense about your wakefulness, always cutting off the music the moment you have an ounce of consciousness before telling you to get up. It drives you insane to never hear the ending to the piece. It is as he promised. He never finishes.

It makes you obsessively crave for more. It is a guilty pleasure that you hide from everyone. You are selfish and never let yourself hum it in front of others. It will be yours and yours only. The only problem is, even if you want to hum it, you can never remember it completely. It is crazy that the notes are always lost to you. Like the complexity always keeps itself from your grasp. Like it is always changing, bit by bit, so you can never get a clear detail of it. Like his labyrinth. Like him. Only when you are back, when you hear it again, does the familiarity wash over you. It’s what motivates you to come and stay.

“Phantom, your song. When can I sing it?” You ask one day. Once again, you are met by silence. Whenever you ask something he wants to avoid, he will just not answer you. It frustrates you that he gets to do that, while you aren’t allowed to.

Music starts to play. A new piece. The complexity of the piece is so detailed and ominous. But as you hear it, you know you are not going to be able to sing to this for a long time.

“Do you think you are ready?” He asks, threateningly. As if you could surpass his understanding of music and claim yourself ready, when the expert himself hadn’t given you the clear yet.

“No.” You whisper. There is something smug about his silence before your lessons continue.

The Phantom is conflicted every night. He wants you to be his perfect songbird. He wants you to perform in front of all of Seoul. It will make him, your master, proud. He calls himself your master, but he never told you. He likes the name you gave him too.

But as much as he dreams of his results, you can’t leave. If you reach your full potential, he is always afraid that you will leave him. He wants to keep you here. Forever. His demented understanding whispers to him that he is good enough for you, but you will never see it. He knows the image you have of him. As a monster for scaring that insolent girl. A ruthless teacher who will only wait until her screaming is over before ordering her to come back to the practice room.

But he sees you so much more. You are his angel. He is your demon. How romantic. In the darkest hours in the night, when you chose to stay for the night, he would come to your room. You developed into a beautiful woman that haunts him as much as he haunts you, but in different ways. He dares to caress your cheeks and run his hand above your curve, but he doesn’t touch you. You are so delicate and practically untouchable. If he touches you, he is afraid you will disappear. You are delicate, the situation is delicate. As much as he wants to see his beloved songbird, his angel of music, to take flight and let the world see the fruit of his labors, this is the only way to keep his songbird by his side, in his cage.


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9 years ago

Sorting Kim Namjoon | BTS Scenario ~ Hogwarts AU

Never had he felt so confused in his life. 

Ravenclaw was what he felt like suited him best. His pureblood parents raised him with every book in the wizarding world at his feet, he excels and enjoys it. Why is this funky old hat making him question everything he’s known? But Namjoon kind of thinks the funky looking hat probably looks good on him.

The Sorting Hat chuckled at his thoughts regarding his fashion sense with hats. It’s been fun picking on this little first year’s brain. It’s by far one of the more stimulating first years he’s ever met, and with the Sorting Hat “living” for over a thousand years, he has the right to say that.

“Just because you know everything doesn’t mean you must be the type of person everyone looks to for facts, knowledge, and wisdom. I can sense your courage and fierce bravery and you are a born leader. You know what that means don’t you.” Namjoon said nothing but his mind had already started wavering enough for the Sorting Hat to feel encouraged to pick at these three qualities more.

“That’s right. What’s a brain like yours doing in Ravenclaw, picking a life in the library rather than out and about, doing daring things? You would rather pursue things outside of a book, beyond just wisdom and knowledge, am I right? I know it’s a yearning for you…”

Not long after, Namjoon let out a breath and came to a, somewhat-compromised, decision with the fussy old hat. As funky as he thinks he could pull it off, he couldn’t bear to hear the hat nag on and on how much he knows his inner thoughts anymore.

The Sorting Hat chuckles and releases his stimulant, shouting, “Gryffindor!”

Sort the rest! -


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8 years ago

Third Year of Hogwarts | BTS Hogwarts AU

Last year


Namjoon received a time turner in his third year so he can keep up with his studies. No doubt, he was fascinated by the object and itched to understand its mechanisms and experiment. But it was given to him under confidence that he wouldn’t do those things. He needed to respect that more than give in the urge. Besides, he can still learn from it just by doing what he should do with it.

In both of Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes, he got to know Yoongi. They ended up as tablemates and occasionally partners. He ended up recognizing Yoongi as his favorite academic-related partner. Can’t tell Seokjin though.

Seokjin learned about the bowl of fruit painting that led down to the kitchens. Don’t ever ask how he managed to figure out that one had to tickle a pear to find the kitchen; it’s embarrassing enough for him to turn red all day. The delight he had in his first successful exploration surprisingly came first before his senses of food all around him. He visits every night before curfew and every day before he leaves for classes, or at least tries to.

Muggle Studies was fairly interesting because he never came into contact with muggle things due to his pureblood line for many generations. Care of Magical Creatures served the same purpose as herbology: to feel good of taking care of things

Taehyung was almost disappointed when he started learning about Animagi in Tranfiguration. He always thought it would be a secret pursuit he had with Jimin, something special to share. Nevertheless, those feelings soon left as he learned more in the class than he learned over the summer. Granted, he spent most of his summer fooling around anyway.

Divination is kind of fun because of all the bullsh!t he makes up and the professor just eats it up. But at the same time, he secretly studies it hard and tries to imagine the possibilities and wonders it could uncover if it was taken more seriously. Care of Magical Creatures is his favorite though. He just has away with different creatures and they’re fascinating.


Jimin and Taehyung found the Marauder’s map one night. It sure quenched Taehyung’s thirst to find something special between them.  Jimin was put in charge to keep it and would study it under the blankets with the lumos light late at night, finding peculiar habits of two pairs of footsteps. Seokjin would be able pass through a painting into some unknown zone. Another pair of footsteps named Yoongi would disappear behind a wall as well.

Jimin took Muggle Studies because it’s super easy. He lived it! Care of magical creatures was new and exciting, especially when he sees that Taehyung’s hand did not get bitten off, so he would now it’s safe for him too.

Jungkook started taking secret night flights on a weekly basis. Sometimes he felt smothered and wanted to get some fresh air alone. Flying is his favorite pastimes. He dared to fly over the Forbidden Forest but never too far. He was daring, not stupid.

Study of Ancient Ruins was told to be a very dignified elective so he took it with Hoseok. Care of Magical creatures was better though, it was much more calming and not as stressful.

Don’t ask how he knows, Hoseok is just so intuitive of everyone. He figured out how Namjoon is able to be in two subjects at the same time, it’s something he picked up in study of ancient runes when he rushed his way to class, passing the students filing in for Arithmancy, but then seeing Namjoon already in his seat in study of ancient runes. He’s the lightest sleeper so he recognized windows opening and the whoosh sound of a broom, as well as the silly little Jimin thinking that hiding under the blanket would hide the light of his late-night studies. He’s overheard discussions between Taehyung and Jimin about animagi, as if it was the most important subject there ever was. And he always saw Yoongi leave the dinner table quicker than everyone else, but passing Slytherins always talk about how the strange boy was never in the commons. In muggle studies, he always saw Seokjin sneaking extra snacks into his mouth that weren’t at the breakfast tables, but they still looked warm and fresh. He inquired some information from his father about several secret passages in the Hogwarts and was able to piece things together. He never told any of them that he knew their secrets.

Muggle Studies was a simple subject that he enjoyed. He loved knowing the ins and outs of both muggles and wizards. Making connections on his own of how either side has influenced society and culture of their own. Jungkook asked him to take one of the electives with him. He already had Care of Magical Creatures with Jimin, and honestly, Hoseok had no intention to come near scary creatures. He didn’t join Study of Ancient Runes with intention of liking it, but he did.

Hoseok and Namjoon are the first to know of everyone, even if they weren’t necessarily on speaking terms. But everything would change by Hogsmeade. 


Yoongi has finally uncovered the secrets of the Room of Requirement. But it was super dangerous. He stayed in the room while the room changed. He almost lost a foot! But he didn’t, that’s all that mattered to him. He managed to watch the room change shape, create itself into something new. With this new knowledge acquired, he comfortably manipulated the room all the time. But he always had one room he always went back to, his comfortable medium.

He took Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes because he was told they were the most difficult. Namjoon and he became the top performing students in those classes in the last few decades, and several more to come. He would have wanted to pair up with Hoseok at first, but Hoseok had Jungkook and Jungkook needed Hoseok more. It’s fine. It worked out for the best anyway.



Everyone went to Hogsmeade. Namjoon and Seokjin went to Dervish and Banges because Namjoon has broken his telescope, again. Yoongi went to Dominic Maestro’s because he wanted to find a permanent music player in the Room of Requirement, no matter what room he changed it to. Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung all went to Honeydukes before Zonko’s Joke shop.

Rather than the ever-popular Three Broomsticks, Yoongi chose to grab a hot drink at the Hogs Head before making his way back to Hogwarts. On the road less traveled, he was ganged up by Slytherins who were tired of his arrogance since the beginning. Yoongi was okay for a while since he was skilled, but there were too many of them. Six in total. Three, he could easily do. Four, was stretching it. Five was his maximum capacity at his level. He could only hold his own for so long.

Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin were on their way to visit the Shrieking Shack when they heard the commotion. Jungkook and Hoseok recognized Yoongi but Jungkook dashed forward to help his friend in need first. Hoseok was the first to whip out his wand and make the bullies fly back away from Yoongi. Sensing the danger and importance of the mint-headed boy as pale as snow, Taehyung and Jimin also ran forward. The four of them surrounded Yoongi with their wands out.

At this time, Seokjin reminded Namjoon that they needed to go pick up Taehyung at the Shrieking Shack, because they wanted to go back as a house trio. Namjoon recognized Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook from study of ancient runes. Seokjin recognized Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin from Care of Magical Creatures. They saw the problem and Namjoon quickly made a shield spell around the five of them. Seokjin had never looked more intimidating with his wand pointed at the bullies, lowly telling them to leave.

The bullies could recognize the infamous smart wizard, Namjoon. With that, the bullies left.

“Are you okay?” Hoseok put a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder, which Yoongi only nodded with his head down, looking at his spilled hot drink in the cold snow. Introductions were made and the six of them decided to go with Yoongi back to Hogwarts. That day on…they were all friends.

I didn’t notice when I chose their electives. Study of Ancient Runes connect our rappers together. Care of Magical Creatures connect our singers together. :D Funny how things like that work out.

Next year

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8 years ago

Second Year of Hogwarts | BTS Hogwarts AU

Last year


Seokjin had written letters to Namjoon over the summer.

Namjoon already knew Taehyung from the broom incident from last year, but since they made up, Namjoon could tell Taehyung had a righteous upbringing, despite his tendency to cause trouble. He wrote only to Seokjin over the summer.

Taehyung wrote to Jimin and Hoseok over the summer. Jungkook was a little slippery when it came to learning about his personal side, but by the end of the first year, he got Jungkook’s address and wrote to him as well.

Taehyung and Jimin started attending Namjoon and Seokjin’s study sessions. Seokjin constantly reminded them to calm down and would low-key apologize to his friend, who had always been very serious about the study session. Namjoon told him it was okay. To be honest, they were both grateful for the sense of lively merriment in the study sessions.

Taehyung started getting interested in animagi but didn’t think about pursuing it until he talked to Jimin about it at the near end of the year. When he decided he wanted to do it, he made a secret pact with Jimin about it and they separately started to gather information on animagi. They didn’t know that next year, they were allowed to learn it in Transfiguration.

Namjoon excels in every class, although he has a little tough time dealing with classes that require hands-on technique such as potions, herbology. Potions is way too fragile for his large and clumsy frame. So when they have partners in potions, Namjoon would tell Seokjin the instructions and let Seokjin handle all the different ingredients. Herbology required delicate hands…and Namjoon…was far from delicate. There was nothing he could do physically do to salvage his mistakes in that class because they rarely had partners, so he answered every question, earning points for the house.

He chose arithmancy and study of ancient runes for his next year’s electives.

Seokjin excels in Charms, Potions, and Transfiguration were his favorite subjects. Bewitching things and people were just so much fun and something he excelled at on his own. He treated potions like a cooking class and that was always fun. Herbology was okay since he felt good to take care of things and see it thrive under his care. History of Magic and Astronomy were a bit boring to him though.

Chose muggle studies and care of magical creatures for his next year’s electives

Taehyung excels in Potions and Herbology. He doesn’t particularly enjoy Herbology, but his father and mother work as herbologists so he naturally knows everything about it, but he’s so bored with the subject already; luckily, Professor Longbottom is patient with his acting up in class. He loved playing around in potions. His out-of-the-box nature really helped him excel in potions because, although he didn’t strictly follow the directions, his potions always turned out on point (very much like a certain half-blood prince)

Chose divination and care of magical creatures for his next year’s electives


Hoseok wrote to Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung over the summer. Didn’t push for Yoongi’s contact information so early on because he felt that Yoongi was pretty closed off and harder to interact with since he was in a different house. Was very surprised when Yoongi gave him his contact information on the last day.

Jimin wrote to Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung over the summer. Every. Single. Day. Even though he was catching up with his muggle friends most of the time, and being pretty elusive about what school he transferred to, he would write.

Jungkook wrote to Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin. He didn’t reply as frequently as they did, but he would when he remembered.

Jimin’s studies got better since he started attending study sessions. Always ecstatic when Jungkook asked for help.

Jungkook exchanges help in class for practicing on the Quidditch field.

Hoseok joins in both because he doesn’t want to feel left alone.

Hoseok is an outstanding/exceeding expectations student, mostly because he’s grown up with a stern Ravenclaw father. If it wasn’t for his excellence in History of Magic, Jungkook and Jimin would have failed.

Chose Muggle Studies and Study of Ancient runes for his next year’s electives

Jimin thinks that Transfigurations and Potions are fun and all, but his favorite lesson has always been the flying lesson in his first year. He does well enough on other classes, but history of magic must be the most boring subject yet.

Chose Muggle Studies and Care of Magical Creatures for his next year’s electives.

Jungkook exceeds expectations in many things, but is finds history of magic really, really, really boring. He cannot, for the life of him, pay attention in that class.

Chose Care of Magical Creatures and Study of Ancient Runes for his next year’s electives


Yoongi only wrote to Hoseok over the summer, and really, that’s completely fine with him. He feels like he’s making a breakthrough already by a Slytherin befriending a Hufflepuff. Tries not to think of it that way though because it would make him seem very manipulative. It actually is, but he thinks if he doesn’t think of it like that, the connection will be more genuine.

In his first year, when he discovered the Room of Requirement, he experimented with the structure every day, learning the limits of this room and his own imagination. He still does it, because he can see the infinite possibilities and he doesn’t feel like he has enough time to fully understand it, which kind of bugs him but fascinates him at the same time.

He’s starting to catch on to his own creativity, settling on recurring themes, but changing the structure that’s almost always different.

He excels in every class. Pays extra attention to Defense Against the Dark Arts. He tries his best to stand out in that class; proving his activism in fighting the dark arts. His favorite class is probably Astronomy though. Stars and the movements of planets is very calming to him. It’s quiet, independent, and predictable.

Chooses Arithmancy and study of ancient runes for his next year’s electives

Quidditch: THIS USED TO BE IN THE FIRST YEAR UNTIL I REALIZED THAT FIRST YEARS AREN’T ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN QUIDDITCH. Harry Potter is just annoyingly special like that. I moved it here because I’m a perfectionist and wanting to be a little authentic. Sorry for those who’ve seen this portion before, but I think you’ve all enjoyed it still...


Namjoon was chosen by the Head of the House to be the announcer of Quidditch games.

Seokjin decided to try out as a chaser but found out at tryouts that he was better suited for keepers.

Taehyung is a Gryffindor beater

Not necessarily friendly or getting along, but Seokjin felt drawn to watch over the little rascal, especially since he witnessed Taehyung’s prank on his friend. When he learned that things were resolved, Seokjin also let go of his grudge that he didn’t even notice existed. He lightened his behavior towards little Taehyung, but he was still quite a troublemaker.

Hoseok is a Hufflepuff chaser

Jungkook is a Hufflepuff seeker. Other than against Slytherin, he claimed Hufflepuff victory at every other game.

Jimin is a Hufflepuff beater because Taehyung pushed him to try out

Hoseok and Jimin got to know each other on the team, and that eventually also meant Jungkook. They were the Hufflepuff second year trio on the team.

During practices, Taehyung or Jimin would spectate the other’s practice, teasing them from the sidelines and the pair would end up fooling around. The captain of the teams would end up kicking out the spectator friend from the field. During games between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, they teasingly eye each other and constantly challenge each other with bludgers, making quite a show for the audience while they should be watching the real game.

Once Taehyung hit a bludger towards one of Jimin’s teammates, and Jimin had successfully defended his teammates. This caused Jimin to be pretty mad but was easily diffused when Taehyung promised to never do it again. Inadvertently, this made Jimin pretty popular in the Hufflepuff commons. Unbeknownst to him, it was all under Taehyung’s calculations and he had done it on purpose for this very reason.

Yoongi is a Slytherin seeker. Slytherin had won every single game thanks to him and Slytherin won the Quidditch cup. His favorite opponent was Jungkook and vice versa.

Next year

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9 years ago

Sorting Kim Seokjin | BTS Scenario ~ Hogwarts AU

“Pretty boy can’t wait to eat, huh?” the Sorting Hat cackled at the boy’s trying patience. Ah, this boy will grow well.

This boy was already self-aware on a very mature level for a child his age. He knew his personal struggle on which side to choose, he honestly felt conflicted since he grew up knowing both sides. It would have been comfortable to be in Hufflepuff, but something told both Seokjin and the Sorting Hat that he wants more than comfort. Seokjin seemed to be a surprisingly spontaneous kid, with a daring heart to explore. The Sorting Hat decided to play on Seokjin’s innermost desires that he didn’t even know.

The Sorting Hat surprised Namjoon when he heard his friend be called to the Gryffindor table with him. Surely, Seokjin was a Hufflepuff, but Namjoon quickly decided that it was too short of a train ride for him to deduce him (truly, Namjoon felt a little disgruntled that he’d lost to his own game of guessing the different first years on the ride to Hogwarts, especially to a friend he actually met on the train). Namjoon felt a little challenge in his heart when his new friend strolled over to him with an excited smile, ready to explore. But it was that challenge in Namjoon’s heart, and the excited-looking Seokjin, that made Namjoon realize exactly why the Sorting Hat sorted them in Gryffindor.

Sort the rest! -


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