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@ roses-and-scones gift for the NedCan valetine’s day exchange. Sorry it’s so late.
With tulips and bunchberries.

My first attempt at aesthetics, using @ roses-and-scones prompts, too make up for being so late submitting my gift for the NedCan valentine’s day exchange.

late day 6 coffeeshop au by @nedcan
Ned waiting for Maddie to show up despite the rainy weather.
Her new school.
Maddie was standing in front of the gate of her new school and she was absolutely frightened. She had her arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to keep herself a little bit warmer during this autumn weather.
She mainly shivering because of she was nervous. What people would think of her? If they would even think about her.
Most people only ever noticed her when she was with her younger twin sister. The sister who had promised they would walk into their new school together. No one ever forgot her or walked right by her without noticing.
A promise soon forgotten as some students called out to her, asking if she was new. When Amelia answered them, with a bright smile on her face, that she was indeed a new student and proudly told them that she was on her way to try out for cheerleader.
Some had offered to show her to walk with her to the auditions, Amelia had run and left her twin behind.
Someone bumped into her. She heard what sounded like swearing but didn’t understand the language and turned around. She saw a guy a bit older than her trying to gather some books of the ground while holding onto and balancing the.. bulbs?
Picking up the books he dropped for him she tries to apologize, but he stops her. “My fault, I should have noticed you” he says with a rather heavy accent, though his English is perfectly understandable.
“No one ever does.” She answered with a small smile as she stands up.
The brown haired boy stares at her and for a moment she’s uncomfortable, but then he says “They should. Are you related to the new girl trying out for cheerleading?”
“My twin.”
“Figures. You look alike.”
“People always say we look the same.” Which Maddie had always hated. They were twins, not clones.
“Nee.” The other replied, shaking his head. “You look alike. Not the same. It’s easy to tell you apart. What’s your name?”
“Madeline. Maddie.”
“Johan.” He introduced himself.
Maddie might have never blushed as much as she did at that moment.
“Are those bulbs?” she tried to change the subject.
“Are you not trying out for cheerleading?” He asked, instead of answering her question.
The Canadian shook her head.
“Tulip bulbs.” The new girl looked up. “What?”
“The bulbs. They’re tulip bulbs. Its they right time to put them into the ground and I promised I would help out with the school garden.”
The blonde smiled at that. “I’ll help you carry your stuff to the garden.” She said before she could stop herself. Looking around, she had no idea which direction to go.
“This way.”
They stayed silent for a while before the boy mentioned having to go to the football training.
“Try outs as well?” Maddie asked.
He shook his head. “Yes, but I’ve been part of the team for a few years now. I’m helping with judging the people who are trying out.” Just as he said that, someone nearly walked into her so fast that the petite woman would have been knocked over. Only the tall football player had stepped in front of her and the other student had fallen to the ground.
He didn’t even seem to care about the other boy and let Maddie know with a motion of his head to leave that student alone.
“Shouldn’t we ask if he’s alright.” She asked softly.
“He’s just fine, I know him. We had worse collisions on the field.”
While they dropped of the bulbs at the school garden and Johan put books, he asked her to come with him to the try outs of his team. She agreed.
Things went a little wrong when they reached the soccer field and they stopped.
“Why are we stopping here?” she wondered out loud. Maybe his friends played soccer?
“You wanted come to my team’s try outs?” He asked. Brushing his hand against the scar above his eyebrow.
Maddie stared at him. Blinked and then blinked again.
“You said you’re on the football team.”
“This is football.” He argued.
Maybe she could have guessed from his name and accent that he was a foreign student.
Maddie just smiled up at Johan.
In response, the jock stood a little closer to her before he began to introduce her to some of his friends and teammates.
With someone like Johan walking besides her, no one was going to run into her and they might even remember her.
Maddie didn’t mind that idea at all.
late submission for the NedCan week by @nedcan
Hetaween 2019 Day 13 Romantic
“You’re really dragging me to your brother’s Halloween party”, he complained to Madeline as she ran her fingers through his gelled back hair, “and you’re making me dress up in a three piece suit instead of a costume?”
The natural blonde smiled at the love of her life while she adjusted both the wig of long black hair and the tight black dress she was wearing. “ It’s a costume and I can’t believe you’re wearing a fake mustache to complete the look.”
Johan took hold of her hand and placed a kiss against her wrist and said “But, Cara Mia, I get to see you in that dress.”
“Mon Cher…” she was unable to finish what she was about to say when the Dutchman interrupted her with a soft “Maddie… That’s French.”
APH Valentine
Day 1 - Destiny/Coincidence - England/Portugal
As much a gentleman he could be, certainly in these modern times, he hadn’t been the first time they had met. Arthur had been youthful and wild, ready to fight despite his seize and filled with dreams of adventures on far away of shores.
She had taken him away from either of their bosses to show him a whole new world. She didn’t think he would come to love the new, foreign places as much as she did and even more so.
Being allies still just might mean they were meant to be together no matter what.
Day 2 - Broken heart - Netherlands/japan
The most important thing that Johan remembered of the year 1854 was boarding his ship and looking back at what he was leaving behind. The love he lost did not look back at him, but welcomed new foreigners into her life instead.
Haruka still dreams of the day she hadn’t believed would truly happen and what the Dutch fleet leaving her artificial island must have looked like while she was busy welcoming a strange and younger outsider.
The next time they would meet, Japan would hurt The Netherlands even worse by making his people suffer so greatly at her hands.
He still hurts from all the pain she inflicted on his people and she still and forever regrets letting him leave in the first place on that day so long ago.
Day 3 - Holding hands - Netherlands/Canada
He hadn’t been part of the previous war, but knowing what it felt like he knew he should have been kinder to his sister and certainly her people when he took them in. Now, after having suffered the losses he did, he didn’t have the words to express his feelings for the young nation that crossed an ocean to help liberate his people.
He swore to never forget any of the things sweet little Madeline had done for him and Johan needed to give her something to thank her for all she did to help him.
She might like flowers and at the moment that was one of the few things he could offer her, but that didn’t seem enough for what she had to go through to save him.
He would simply have to keep giving her flowers.
Day 4 - Friendzone - America/Germany
Louise had been skeptical of the other young nation at first, his happy and extravagant style not matching her own introverted character. After her surrender she got to know him so much better and she loved him before she could stop the feeling, the only true doubt was that she didn’t know if her big brother support her feelings for him and now it was too late to ask.
After the spoils of war had been divided and the lines drawn, he was one of the nations that was going to keep a close eye on her and he was determined to not only do that but support her as well.
The first time he saw Louise in a dress, Alfred knew that soldier should have been part of his Hollywood instead and he regretted not having the means to tell the man that helped him gain his independence how he thought about the man’s beloved little sister.
It would take decades, but one day Gilbert ended up setting things straight between the two young nations.
Day 5 - Love letter - Denmark/America
One year Denmark suddenly wrote her a letter to congratulate her on her Independence day and continued to do so the years following. Amelia later learned that after efforts between some of their people, he started celebrating her birthday in his own country.
Years later the amount of letters he wrote to her suddenly increased after she agreed to take control of Greenland for him, so it would be free while his own lands and people where under occupation.
She had fully expected the amount of letter to go down to the annual happy birthday card after she had officially returned Greenland to Magnus, but that didn’t happen.
These days Magnus send her an email every day to tell her about his day no matter if it had been dull, interesting, boring or exciting and she would read them before falling asleep and answering him the next morning.
Day 6 - First love/Crush (mob! AU) - Germany/North Italy
Before his little brother had walked into the room, Gilbert would have preferred to make a deal with the real head of the Vargas family. That had been before he saw his reaction to the pretty little Italian woman has shown up as a representative for her grandfather
His little Lutz had stopped moving the moment he saw Feliciana Vargas and the young woman hadn’t stopped talking since that very moment, not noticing how red Ludwig’s face had turned when she hooked their arms together.
The pale man couldn’t help the sound that escaped his lips, “kesesese..” seeing that the bond between the Vargas and Beilschmidt families would be even tighter than anyone would have thought of before this evening.
Gilbert was the first to know.

@hwsrarepairweek2022 & @nedcanweek
(didn't get past the sketching stage for the nedcan event, so here it is for the rare pair event.)

Prompts Literature (day 1) and Historical (day 2) for @nedcanweek.
Canon: Ned likes romantic poems.
So Ned tries to write that and sends them to Can, who always replies.
Of course, Ned's attempt at being romantic is like : "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Probably did considering the enemy was firing at you."
Canada had known the Netherlands for a long time now.
From the days Madeline was still overprotected by either France or Britain and both had told her Holland was this scary monster figure lurking in the shadows.
Their bedtime stories had frightened her then but the only thing she truly remembered about the other European nation was the scar that had caught her attention at some fancy party, even though both Francis and Arthur had taught her not to stare.
She only really got to know him long after that time, during his time of need. The actual man, not the shadow monster. His royal family fled to the relative safety of Arthur’s island and then some of them found their temporary home in her country.
Their stories about their nation painted a whole other picture about the man and he seemed nothing like the boogeyman she was afraid of as a child.
It made her want to learn more about the man, his people and the lands within the borders of that small piece of Europe.
Maddie got to do that when her own people were send to liberate his country. She had seen plenty of fighting by then, but she finally got to meet him for real. Not as just some childish colony that was introduced during a formal event and ignored afterwards.
The man didn’t look like a monster. He been so pale and thin when they met and her gaze had been drawn to that scar above his eye. Back then he had been a man losing his believe in a good ending and had it showed.
The Canadian had known right away that she couldn’t stand that look on his face. For some reason she felt like the man before her should always be happy, there had been something about the way he looked at her and didn’t once mistake her for her sister that made her feel special.
After the war, they became close friends quickly. Johan send her tulips bulbs and continued to send them to her, actually he never stopped. At some point he started to send her letters as well and maybe because she answered all of them, he started writing her more often.
They had fallen in love long before they even noticed their feelings were far more than friendship and had loved each other ever since.
By now Madeline knew all of Johan’s scars. The ones he got during the war and the ones that are much older, even older then she was. The scars more recent.
Johan knew all of Madeline’s scars. From her fight to liberate him, the scars from the war before that one and scars with all kinds of origin stories.
The only scar of they hadn’t spoken about, explained or gently touched was that one scar above his eye.
He took her hand and pulled her close against him. He leaned in and whispered his story to her, and only for her to hear.
Prompts Historical & Scars (day2) for @nedcanweek.

Prompt Nature (day 4) for @nedcanweek.
Transparents from @transparentalia

Day 5 prompt meeting the family for @hetalia-rarepairweek 2023.
Ned's asking her if they really have to do this. He knows her family! He's done bussiness with them, been at war with them, he even discovered one of them. Really, he knows them. She just wants to make their relationship official, meeting the family and everything.
He rubbed his injured shoulder gently as he slowly made his way to the sickbay. The injury itself was the result of the latest away mission but what Johan was really worried about was Madeline’s reaction when she saw him walk into her workspace.
When he had told her he would be part of the team that was going down to the planet for further investigation since the computers had had trouble determining if the planet was really an M-class or an similar class, she had been angry with him.
She had acted like she wasn’t upset and even behaved as if she didn’t care, which was usually how you could tell that Madeline was angry. It was also why the red shirt hadn’t told her that he had actually volunteered to be on the away team. If he had, he might have ended up in sickbay before the mission instead of afterwards.
Maybe it had been a little too soon after his last trip to a planet’s surface. They had lost two security members and Johan’s own injuries had just fully healed.
As he walked inside he noticed Carlos was to doctor on duty, which was bad for him. As far as doctors went, the man was laid back enough but he would tell Maddie that he was there so there was no chance of being lucky enough to slip inside and be out of there before she noticed him.
Surely enough, the moment Carlos saw him the man smiled at him and welcomed him back on board.
“What’s the injury this time then?” When he explained to the doctor it was simply a painful shoulder after falling against a large piece of rock, he was told to sit down on a biobed while the doctor went to fetch one of the nurses to take care of his injury Johan sighed. Why could he not just say he was going to get Maddie, they both knew he wouldn’t send any of the other nurses to take care of the tall Dutchman.
“What happened!?” Maddie looked angry all right.
“It’s nothing really.”
“Yeah, that’s why you’re here. Again.” The blonde said as she crossed her arms.
“It isn’t like last time…” he started, hoping to reassure her that he wasn’t that badly injured. Last mission had been bad, awful actually, but he didn’t get the chance as she roughly stabbed him with a hypospray. “Against the pain.” She told him in a clipped tone. “You’re sure about that?” She stared at him angrily before inflating and looking back at her scanner as she continued the check him for other injuries.
Johan touched her face and calmly made her look at him. “I was.. I am worried about you. Every time, your job is so dangerous and you always come back hurt. Last time it was so bad, do you even understand how much work it took the keep you alive or how worried Emma and Heni were? Johan...” her voice was so soft and small that it hurt worse than his shoulder.
“I’m fine this time.”
“And next time?” Johan had no answer to give her.
“Why are you still stuck with security anyway. You’re an engineer and you’re good at that. Did you get those degrees of yours for nothing? And all those extra courses you took?”
And she really had a good point there. He was a very good engineer and there was a lot he could do for a starship like this. It had always been his plan to get into the engineering department of a ship, but he had only been able to find a job in security instead right after graduating and he had discovered he liked the work of a security officer as well even though tended to be dangerous work.
But now he had found Madeline and he hated the idea of her always being worried and stressed because of his work.
“I’m going to ask for a department transfer.” Before he was finished speaking, he heard the scanner fall on the ground and Maddie was hugging him tightly. “But only if it’s on this ship. I’m staying right here with you.” He felt her nod against his good shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Maddie, why are you still a nurse while you could be a doctor?”
The Canadian woman looked up at him. “Because I like being a nurse and I don’t have the degrees I need to be a doctor.” Johan smiled a small smile at her. “You should look into that.”
“I don’t know, what if I’m not good enough..”
“You are. Look into it.”
“Okay, I will.”
Day 6 prompt Sci-fi au for @nedcanweek.
My hetalia sci-fi au's always end up as star trek crossovers.