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Anybody Got Fic Recs Of Monster Levi X Mc? It Could Either Be Nsfw Or Fluff
Anybody got fic recs of Monster Levi x Mc? It could either be nsfw or fluff
I’ve been obsessed with the idea of monster Levi lately
Thank you!
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More Posts from Otter-youngjae
I've always asked myself... How long ago was the Great Celestial War? Cuz like if it happened thousands of years ago... Who did Lilith fall in love with? A Neanderthal bitch? 🤠 Just me rambling shit about Obey Me!
Oooo~ I really like this theory I know diavolo has said before that he doesn’t trust Simeon (something like that) and that’s from DIAVOLO he is very suspicious of Simeon
Obey Me Theory time!

The Luke plothole
(One of like three tbh)
Spoilers ahead!
Okay so the fact that Luke looked up to Lucifer when Lucifer was an angel raises just a TON of questions doesn't it?
Like, is Luke older then Satan? How do angels even age? Is this even still cannon since the devs said they were planning to go in a diffrent direction durring that part of the game?
But today I'm going to make a theory to fill in the question:
If Luke use to look up to Lucifer, why doesn't he know that Lilith ever existed?

I've heard this question tossed around before but everyone always just makes excuses like "They just didn't meet" or "Luke was too young to remember"
While both ideas could be valid I don't believe it. The game has implications that Luke wasn't alive at the same time as Lilith, but this directly contradicts the statement that he knew and looked up to Lucifer. And if he knew and looked up to Lucifer, did the man never mention his baby sister once?? Like even in passing?? And then what about the war?
Well it's probably just a plothole I'm overthinking,
But I have an idea!
What if Luke didn't actually know Lucifer as an angel?
What if instead he learned about Lucifer and his brothers after the fall through old documents and stories from others and came to look up to Lucifer through that.
I mean we already know Luke has a very strong moral code, perhaps Lucifer did some very honorable work as an angel that make Luke grow a respect for the man he once was before being "corrected".
Luke's moral compass could have led him to admire what Lucifer stood for before Michael caught on and 'steered Luke in the right direction'. Luke may not like demons but he couldn't have been born that way. Infact he may not have developed his fear and hatred before he knew about the War and how they fell.. or atleast the Celestial Realms versions of events.
I raise you that the Celestial Realm has been lying about it's history to Luke and all the other young angels for centuries! Twisting the events of a war to fit a narrative that quite literally demonised the demons, manipulating them into being complacent and obedient.
How do I know they'd be capable of this?
Because they've already lied before.
Think about it, Luke knows about the war. Simeon's mention the fall infront of him with no confusion and he obviously knows that the brothers use to be angels, and yet he has no idea who Lilith is.
You can't learn about a war without knowing it's cause, but if Luke was aware of the cause he would know who Lilith is.
Lilith was stricken from the history books.
It's all damage control from the rebellion.
Simeon's never spoken about her, Luke doesn't even know her name, no mention of Lilith is allowed.
The Celestial Realm is a toxic place and their main goal after the war is to keep angels obedient.
But what would they do if an angel isn't obedient? If they tried to tell the truth about Lilith?
Remember the angelic event?
Simeon acted like they were no big deal, but Luke was clearly afraid of it. He said three times in that event that he was scared or that he didn't like being around them.
Luke and all the other angels are being manipulated by an onslaught of lied, twisted narratives, and power control.
Or hey, maybe it's just a plot hole and I'm looking way too deeply into things! I doubt that this'll ever be cannon or even an answered question because the game likes to overlook Luke and all his serious trauma. A reason I've been playing it less is because I don't like how it doesn't stray too far away into more intresting territory, but that's just my opinion and I still love the characters and theories from the fandom! I personally do believe this but if you have any theories feel free to share them!
And remember that's just a theory, a dumb theory! Thanks for reading
(Idea originated by me on @asmo-ds 's discord, go check it out)

miserable little guy

Barbatos just wanted some attention ☺️