Obey Me Luke - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Physical Human things that freak Demons out


Humans have more endurance/Stamina and flexibility and general hardiness than either Angels or Demons. Sure Angels and Demons are super fast, super strong and magic, but I think the average human walking could outdistance a demon walking at the same pace. (Humans are pursuit predators after all)

As for hardiness, yeah humans are easy to kill - however, if they don’t die they survive a whole hell of a lot, some of which would actually kill a demon)

IE Humans can survive losing limbs but its basically fatal to demons and angels. Humans can also get their limbs re-attached, but once a Demon or Angel looses a limb, it’s pretty much gone except in the most ideal of circumstances. (Their physiology makes it extremely complex and difficult, magic or otherwise to reattach)

This is mostly going to be about Demon reactions, because I think that Angels have either had enough exposure that they’re chill about it, or they’re able to keep their composure. Luke may be taken aback at first, but after you and Simeon explain that humans can just do that, he thinks it’s cool!

Headcannons for this are the Human introducing Just Dance or something and just winning by default bc no one else can do the moves, even if the MC has limited mobility or strength. Or them doing super mundane things like reaching behind them or twisting their back to look over. I also think Humans have more fluid motion than Angels or Demons bc of the flexibility and also bc we are full of fluid lol. Not necessarily graceful - just fluid. I also think we have a winder range of motion in general, like our joints

This is a continuation of the flexibility thing - Levi may stream occasionally and one time the MC was on the stream (accidentally or invited ect) and they give Levi a thumbs up and the chat and Levi absolutely lose their minds (doubly so for a hitchhikers thumb) because Demons don’t have as wide a range of motion.

MC like twists in their seat to look at Barbatos one day while at the Demon Castle and Diavolo panics inside and almost instinctually casts some healing magic - but MC seems fine? Oh! Interesting, he’d like to learn more.

Satan and MC go on a walk one day and by the end of the walk Satan is astounded at how much stamina humans have. His usual walk (one that tires him out reliably) didn’t have as much of an effect.

This would still happen if the MC needed mobility aids too, and might not happen with walking but would happen with other things. They might be able to work with their hands for longer or something similar.

If the MC is an athlete, I don’t think they would be able to outspeed anybody at all but I do think that them being able to outdistance people is a thing. Like they run with Beel one time and though Beel is way faster, after a few loops or after the route is finished  he’s unable to go any more, but the MC can still run. (I think out of the brothers, Levi and Beel have the most stamina, I also think Levi is the fastest swimmer, and Asmo is the most flexible)

One day Lucifer comes home to MC lying upside -down on the couch, their spine bent backwards, their head close to the ground, and their legs over the back - and he let out the most high pitched shriek MC had ever heard. They were just chilling, stretching a bit, really.

Belphegor loves how flexible MC is and how they’re built. It’s comfy and he can experience cuddles in new ways. Plus it’s fun to see the others freak out when the MC does things, though sometimes he’s…unnerved to say the least.

Asmo delights in watching how MC moves, and not just in a lustful way. He loves to watch you and notice little things about you.

Beel likes to move with you - walking, running, swimming, dancing, even handiwork, he likes to do it with you. Its a way for him to connect with you in a special way, doing physical activity together. (Not just sports and athletics but like, literally anything)

Satan is fascinated by new things, and wants to learn. This means, that he’s fascinated by and wants to learn about you! In any way possible. He thinks the way you move is super fascinating, doubly so because it’s you. He’ll ask you do do certain movements and tricks with your body in order to a) learn more about you (and humans in general, but mostly you) and b) see you move in fun ways. Additionally - this has some potential for the anti-Lucifer League

Levi is honestly in awe of how dexterous you are - even if the mc has limited mobility in their hands, you can still do some things with the buttons on the controller that he just cannot do. (Like, he can do normal videogaming motions, but he can’t do ones humans can that involve stretching their hands out, or curling their fingers to hit some buttons) It fills him with awe, and at first he’s full of envy, but then things change. He’ll watch you playing, and sometimes might ask for help if he’s having trouble with some maneuvers

Mammon straight up uses you as a distraction, but also  it backfires because it distracts him as well. RIP his schemes

Barbatos is thoroughly amused, both in the reactions of others and in the things you do to illicit those reactions,

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1 year ago

I was wondering any Obey me fans that has MCs wanna talk about them cause I been wanting to talk about mine but since I’m no artist I feel like I can’t do anything about them. I been loosing motivation to write anymore as I mostly do OC x Canon stuff and not any Canon x Reader.

I feel like that when I talk with artist or in a GC/Server with artist I feel left out like last time it was a Obey me and Twst server and they ignored my writings of them and only focus on the artist (they all draw good and supported them).

I Was Wondering Any Obey Me Fans That Has MCs Wanna Talk About Them Cause I Been Wanting To Talk About

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1 year ago

I got Satan on my second Obey Me account and Luke on my Nightbringer account.

I Got Satan On My Second Obey Me Account And Luke On My Nightbringer Account.
I Got Satan On My Second Obey Me Account And Luke On My Nightbringer Account.

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2 years ago

Barbatos losing his cool is not something you see everyday

Aftermath of the Mammon fumble!

(ALT TITLE: Aftermath of Barbatos calling Mammon 'dear')

@zzzlevislothzzz you asked for it 💀

Mammon had sat in his seat, putting his bag down beside him. When he finally looked up, he saw everyone in the room staring at him, and he was confused. After a few moments, he had noticed what he did wrong: He called Barbatos 'Babe' instead of Barbie.

Mammon was embarassed, but he acted like nothing was wrong. Barbatos walked back to behind Diavolo while the princes eyes followed his movements like a stalker. Lucifer was the onlly one who was visibly angry, the others were just surprised or confused.

"What did you just call my brother?" He sharply asked, eyeing Barbatos intensly.

"Woahwoahwoah WOAH!" Levi sputtered. "Whats happening?!"

"The WHOLE time we did parties and baking lessons you were dating Mammon?!" Luke conflictedly exclaimed.

"No way! Why did you never tell us, Mammon?!" Asmodeus yelled.

"That is just messed. up." Satan said, disgust visible on his face.

Everyone chattering and yelling, bombarding either Barbatos or Mammon with questions. Both demons were trying their best not to laugh as the comments got more and more far off from what was really happening.

"Silence!" Lucifer shouts, shocking everyone into silence. Everyone sat down, and Barbatos couldn't help but chuckle. "Barbatos," he said sternly. "Explain yourself. Now."

Barbatos chuckled. Then he turned red. His eyes started to water. He was holding in his laugh with all his might as he covered his mouth with his gloved hand. He almost was able to stop and answer, but Mammon just had to speak.

"Big bro, there ain't nothin' to explain. He my ken, and he be enterin’ my dreamhouse if you know what i mean.”

That was Barbatos’ last straw.

By this point, they had figured this was all a joke. But this, this was unexpected

That was the first time anyone had seen Barbatos lose his composure, and you bet Mammon was proud he was the one who made him lose it.

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1 year ago

Hiiii! (I’ve looked everywhere to see if your asks were open or not, but if they aren’t or you’re busy or anything like that, please ignore me!) I just had the idea of “what if MC already had a pact with Diavolo when they first arrived at the devildom cause they’d met him when they were a kid and he became fond of them since they had no one to look out for them” and was wondering if you could do the brothers’ reaction to that? I love love love your writing btw!!

AaAAAAhhhH this is so cute!! And I’m glad you like my writing love. So very sorry this is late though

GN MC who had a pact with Diavolo before coming to Hell ft. the sins

You were a young child who had nowhere to go. Your parents, who you never met, have abandoned you at a young age, and you had only yourself to fend for. The people of the village pitied you, and the other children steered clear from you - afraid they may live like you. You learned to trust nobody or get too close and comfortable with anyone - you feared they’ll leave you like your family did. A young child you were, yet you had the mind of a wise person - you grew up too fast.

You lived near a forest you always went to, the smell of the leaves and the wind calmed you. You were still trekking through the forest and it felt like hours. You were trying to find a little shed or something to stay in - you hoped your fantasy books were saying the truth about random houses in forests.

To your luck, you found a shed of some sorts. It wasn’t run down, just a bit old. There was some ivies on the door and parts of the walls, and the windows were blackened. With some hesitation, you opened the door and quickly ran to the side, in case something was in there. When nothing came out the door, you peeked your head to the side. You were ever so grateful the sun was shining, illuminating the inside of the shed.

The shed had what looked like a sofa [ which you were definitely not touching ] and some sort of kitchen. You took a step inside and saw that in the far corner there was a bed. However what caught your eye was a shelf full of a few books that was next to the bed. All of your wariness faded away and you ran to the shelf. You always loved books : each different book took you to a different world to live in.

Pulling a book from the shelf, you blew off the dust and inspected the cover. It was black with gold accents adorning the spine, and a strange gold marking in the middle of the cover. You looked for the title, but there were none, not even a blurb. Opening the book to the first page, there was a warning, telling you not to venture further into the book, however, you payed no heed. You were bored, and curious. You turned the page slowly, and saw a whole passage. You didn’t recognise the language, only a few words – you reckoned it was latin.

Now, you loved reading, but there were no pictures. Or any interesting patterns : you were still a child, you like drawings. Skipping pages, you were trying to find something that intrigued you. A page suddenly fell out : a page too old and tattered to be part of this book. There was a massive black pattern in the middle of the page– it looked as though there was blood on the paper. In a large font was a passage under the pattern. There was warning written above the passage. It seemed as though the one wrote the warning was desperate when writing this, though you had overlooked the warning yet again.

The passage seemed to be written in red ink – or was it black? The colour seemed to change, yet you were not phased. You read the passage under your breath. As soon as you uttered the last word, the temperature in the shed suddenly dropped. The door was opening and closing, as if there was a gush of wind. The windows rattled, and the trees outside swayed violently. You did not understand what was happening, but you were terrified. You cursed yourself and wished that you had listened to the warning. The black pattern on the page seemed to move from the page to the centre of the room : rapidly growing in size. Crawling with your heart in your stomach, you huddled in the corner of the room. Legs to your chest, you looked at the centre of the pattern with a pounding heart – something, or someone, was taking shape and manifesting in the room.

You felt a burning sensation all over your body. Teary eyed, you held your legs tightly, gritting your teeth, so you do not scream and alert the manifestation. The pain was unbearable - your head felt like it was splitting, your body was trembling and your hands had little bloody crescent shapes from digging your fingers in your skin. Oh if you hadn’t touched that book, you wouldn’t have been going through such pain.

The creature took the shape of a man, and slowly but surely, you could make out his features. Dark skin adorned with gold jewellery, but the feature that made you sick to your stomach the most : horns. Two great horns resting on the mans head – gold covering the tips. Horns were associated with demons, you knew that, and you tried to keep your breath, lest he heard you. The man looked around the room, looking quite puzzled. Not a second later, his eyes widened, and he looked in your direction.

The two of locked eyes. You opened your mouth to scream, but not a sound came out. The man, however, was wondering how a human, a child at that, succeeded in summoning him. He saw the terror in your eyes, and to your surprise, his horns and the two pairs of wings he had disappeared : he was now wearing a dressing gown, seemingly looking a lot more human than before. He sat down in the middle of the room, not breaking eye contact.

‘I wont hurt you,’ he said softly, giving you a soft smile. One would say that it was hard to believe this … creature, but you could not help but feel safe in his presence. It was almost terrifying. You sat where you were since he never asked for you to sit next to him. ‘You know, nobody managed to summon me here, they all died in the process. I didn’t expect someone to succeed, let alone a child your age,’ he spoke. You stayed silent : it was obvious you didn’t trust him yet.

‘Is there anyone here to look after you?’ He asked. You looked down, hoping he would just leave. It seemed that he understood somehow that you were alone. ‘Well, I suppose I should at least introduce myself. I am Diavolo, the Prince of Hell,’ he said, lips curling into a smile. You froze. Hell? That’s impossible. Your little hands trembled. A little whimper escaped your lips, and the man felt your terror. His eyes softened and he opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.

‘Don’t kill me please,’ you pleaded softly. Tears ran down your face, and the demons heart broke. ‘I wont, and I can’t,’ he said. You looked at him in confusion, and he chuckled softly. ‘I suppose I should explain. While i was being summoned, did you feel an immense pain?’ You nodded, unable to speak. ‘Well, it seems you are the first human that ever succeeded in making a pact,’ he said. A pact? You didn’t know what that was, and he seemed to know that too. ‘A pact is a contract between a demon and a human, except the demon cannot hurt the pact master, there are repercussions for that. The human usually benefits from a pact more than the demon, really.’

You thought long and hard of what he said, and he did say that he cant kill you. You looked at him, no longer feeling afraid, and walked to him, taking very cautious steps. Sitting down in front of him, you asked him ‘ Can a pact master ask the demon to do anything?’ Diavolo looked at you with a soft smile ‘Yes, they can ask anything.’ You fell silent, hesitation evident in your eyes. You then asked, no louder than a whisper, ‘Then, can you take care of me?’ Diavolo’s eyes widened a fraction, but without any hesitation, he agreed to take care of you (with the knowledge of a time lord of course)


Many years have passed by being taken under the care of a demon prince, you were ever so grateful of him and happy that you asked him that question.

It was when you came back from your work place that you felt so exhausted. You did remember Diavolo telling you to make sure you get plenty of rest and that you don’t overdo yourself. Deciding that sleep was the best option (since you thought that working overnight was a good idea), you made your way to your bed and plopped onto it. You ended up falling asleep pretty quickly dreaming of all things food, blissfully unaware to the absolute quackery that was going on down below.

You woke up soon later on cold, hard ground.

Looking around in shock and confusion, you felt an overwhelming presence, and so you looked behind, showing nine demons, each with their powers overflowing and making you feel dizzy. A deep voice spoke to you and said, ‘ Welcome to the Devildom, human’. To say that you were shocked was an understatement, and the fact that you couldn’t see their faces made all the more terrifying. In fear of making a mistake, and fearing for your life, you didn’t utter a word.

‘Aaww look at how small and adorable they are’, a sultry voice piped up. ‘Do I really have to be here? Why is it even necessary?’ a whiny voice added. You were getting a little unsettled so you slowly got up from your spot on the floor, and slowly approached the demons, enough to see their faces, your heartbeat in your ears, but to no avail, so you stayed where you were.

‘Ayo thats a cool tattoo ya got there - hey Lucifer d’ya think i can get one,’ one of the demons said. From what little you can see, his hair was as white as snow, and his eyes were a beautiful sea of gold and blue. Yet, you subconsciously tried to hide your arms, surprised that he could see your pact mark.

‘No. And I’m pretty sure your job as a model wouldn’t allow it, Mammon,’ the demon who was called Lucifer replied, with a grumble coming from his brother. ‘Anyways. What is your name, human? I do believe you have quite a few questions as well,’ Lucifer asked you.

‘Um… MC. My name is MC,’ you replied. A scoff was heard and the owner of the voice spoke. ‘I don’t even think we’re going to address them anyway, so a name is not needed. You’re just a mere human, in Hell.’

Lowering your head, you realised he said Hell. If this is Hell, you thought, then that means that- a loud laughter cut through your line of thought. ‘Now, now Belphegor, no need to be so hostile to the human. Besides, this human is special, isn’t that right MC?’

Raising your head, you took a further step forward, and you were able to see each and every demon that was present. Lucifer, had a stern look on his face, worn out and looking very much like he was on his tenth black coffee for the day. Mammon, who looked truly like a model, dark skin and blue-gold eyes making him look more like an angel. Leviathan, who wasn’t even paying attention, more interested in his phone and only taking a glance. Satan, who looked very interested in you, as if you were some sort of specimen. Asmodeus, who, clearly, didn’t seem to have any pure thoughts going through his head, if that blush and that smile was anything to go by. Beelzebub, who had a little smile on his face and a lollipop, seeming to acknowledge you. And Belphegor, who looked at you with pure disgust, a glare never leaving his face.

You looked over at the person who lightheartedly scolded Belphegor, and you saw two demons. One with an air of professionalism, Barbatos, and the other, had a huge smile on his face, who you recognised as Diavolo. A smile like his broke out on your face, and Diavolo seemed happy that you were here. He opened his arms, and you ran and hugged him. Safe to say, that all the demons in the room had their jaws on the floor.

‘WHAT??’ Levi exclaimed, looking back and forth between the two of you. Mammon had to look at his brothers to see if they were seeing the same thing as him and Belphie thought he was going to puke.

‘Barbatos?????’ Lucifer stared at said butler, confused. All the butler did was smile and say, ‘Avatars of Sin, this is MC, the only human being who managed to make a pact with Young Master and survived’.


Fainted from the shock

When he woke up again(courtesy of mammon), he had a look of disbelief


Does this mean he’s got to obey you?? A mere human??

My bros pride is crushed.

Drowned his sorrows in wine

Obviously this attitude changed when you ended up in a pact with him

Bros still salty tho, cuz every time he tried to kill you, you’d just start saying ‘Denziens of the darkness, heed my call’

Shuts him right up and walks off 💀

Really impressed that you managed to withstand the pain of the pact when you were a kid tho

Hes got your respect


Very impressed.

He’s nodding in acknowledgment

However, cuz we all know he is the one who warms up to mc first, he wont hesitate to run behind you if lucifer is chasing him

Or whenever a deal of his goes wrong- off to MC we go

Once you get your pact with him, he a little bummed that he’s not your first

Wont hold it against you, he’s still really impressed with the pact you have with the prince

He worries about and respects you even more when he finds out you were only a kid when the connection happened

Honestly loves diavolo’s pact mark- its shiny and he likes shiny things

Takes pride in the fact that although dia is your first, mammons pact mark is over your heart, and that really is everything he’d ever ask for


Shocked, confused, flabbergasted

Bro had to do a double take

Thought he didn’t hear Barbatos properly

Overall, he is pretty shocked, but gets over it the quickest

Quite likes looking at the pact marks on your arms, and does trace over the patterns (art inspiration for him)

He once copied your pact markings on a huge a3 paper once with you, and accidentally summoned diavolo himself

The two of you looked at each other then back at diavolo’s and just shrugged

Gaming marathon with diavolo was quite fun

He never will draw your pact marks again tho that appearance took years out his life.

When he got a pact with you, he actually quite liked his own mark, and decided to draw that instead

Still likes to trace those marks on your body, whether they’re his or not. He finds them interesting

He has stars in his eyes when he realised that you were a child who survived the pact connection tho


Shocked, confused, flabbergasted ch. 2

This bitch is quite judgmental about it for some odd reason

He did clock that there was something wrong with them ‘tattoos’ of yours

Didnt expect it to be a pact though

My bro looking you up and down, giving you a stink eye

He honestly thought you’d be someone like lucifer (bro meant that as an insult)

Does find the pact marks to be quite interesting though

Remember how good old Stanley satan kept threatening you? Roll your sleeves, display your marks = dominance asserted

Once he’s got a pact with you, you are now going to have all the marks rated one to ten. (Obviously ranks his first like any self respecting demon, but hates the fact that mammon’s is over your heart)

Whenever once of his schemes against lucifer backfires, he also runs to you for shelter.

Loves the look on lucifer face when he sees you, but got his smile wiped off his face when lucifer just walked up to him and caught him by the scruff of his neck like a cat

You can hear this guy taking off (with you in his clutches)

Good luck getting out of the father-son squabble mc

You’re going to need it


When bro laid his eyes on you, he found you hot with them ‘tattoos’

When they turned out to be pact marks, found you even hotter

He’s always trying to get you to show off your arms- what do you mean its under -30 degrees mc?

Honestly he’s the only one who doesn’t seem that shocked (he is, he’s just good at hiding it)

Always has these lotions and creams to make sure you pact marks look fantastic

Also whenever a lesser demon is bothering you, he just walks up to you, rolls up your sleeves, puts some non sticky lotion on and goes like ‘ you forgot to put some cream on your arms mc, we wouldn’t want Diavolo’s pact mark to not look good now don’t we~’

Makes the lesser demon run off with his tail between his legs, and that is also how a lot of demons don’t try you (they think you’re a short tempered person smh)

When he has his pact with you, its as if Diavolo’s pact mark ain’t even there 💀

Bro attention is on you and his pact mark and makes sure you take care of it properly.

He’s quite alright with the pact marks tho, but also hates that mammons is over your heart

What do mean you cant move the pacts around MC??


Impressed ch. 2

He doesn’t really mind or care, he’s just hungry

But does wonder if it did hurt, he does know that the pact from any royal would hurt depending on how much magic you know

The one time he almost killed you, he was soo guilty to the point where he just followed you around apologising profusely.

Doesn’t look at custard the same way (was it custard that he was upset about i cant remember pls correct me if im worng)

Wondered why you didn’t use your pact with diavolo

Turns out you just forgot in the heat of the moment.

Once you get his pact, he quite surprised at how big it is on your lower back. Honestly thought that Diavolo’s would be the biggest

Oh well, he quite likes it (his mark not dia’s) and likes to touch it sometimes

Still quite impressed when you manage to make diavolo pop out from thin air

Thinks that you can get diavolo to drag barbatos with him so that he can get some food.

What do you mean it don’t work like that mc?




First you’re a human and now you’ve got a pact with the himbo.

Any respect he had for you went down the drain.

Say he managed to kill you like in the game, and you don’t use your pact, so you ascend, he’s basically shook that you didn’t use your pact, but diavolo does come pretty quickly since, y’know, he felt his connection breaking

If not, then he’ll be salty, he will keep inconveniencing you, maybe try to kill you idk

How did you put him in his place, you say?

You gave no warning and summoned diavolo, who (thank the lord) was confused. ‘Oh hi mc, Belphegor, whats up?’

Shuts belphie right up, but he only behaves when he’s there

Once diavolo fucks off, he goes back to being a little hoe, so you just summon beel right in the middle of his insults.

Cue sad beel noises ‘why cant you get along with mc, belphie?’

Soo, he fixes up his behaviour (only for beel he says)

But he does end up warming up to you eventually (also because he like to tell you to order diavolo around for his entertainment smh)

Also uses you as a scapegoat whenever an anti lucifer scheme backfires

Seems like everyone be using you as a scapegoat, huh?



So many questions

How? When? What kinda attitude towards him did you have?

Bros getting all the information he can get to see if he can make a pact with lucifer (and now maybe diavolo)

Someone stop him before he gets caught by barbatos

Pretty damn bummed when he realises you were a child when the pact was made

Asks barbatos whether he can turn him into a child

Gets a dirty look in return

Seriously tho wth did solomon do to barbatos


Verrrry impressed

Also concerned

Are you sure it doesn’t hurt anymore mc?

Knows how much it does hurt for the pact master when the connection is given, especially if they have no magical experience

Will massage your arms and body to give you some relief of tension

He so sweet wth 😫

May or may not give you ideas to mess with diavolo

There’s definitely something going on between them (bro wont hesitate to piss diavolo off)


First off, he a kid

What does a kid do when they see someone remotely intimidating or scary

Get scared

He was honestly quite afraid when he found out you had a pact with diavolo

Thought you were going to unleash your scary power on him (pls i love him so much 😭)

When he realised you’re not as shady as solomon, he warmed up to you real quick

Always baking with you and cute shit like that

He’s still a little wary about the pact though, so he does try and placate you if you get mad

Poor thing thinks you’re going to summon diavolo and make the prince do something to him

Please reassure the kid

Finds it concerning that you had to go through so much pain AND that you were a kid when the pact was forged

Like simeon, he also gives you massages, or bakes you cookies for you

(He so adorable 😭🖐️)


Already knew

He knew the second Diavolo disappeared

Bros like ‘something just happened’

Still, you’ve got his respect. A human successfully forged a pact with his master, and a child no less. Very cool

Will not hesitate to put you in your place tho

Unlike the brothers and the angels, he’s not afraid of diavolo, and possibly is more powerful than the guy

Has the power of time in his hands, so he knows you don’t hv the guts to summon diavolo.

Does warm up to you ( after making sure there is not one possibility where you will take advantage of the Young Master)

You do have to watch your step though.

He wont hesitate to cast you out to the human world if need be


When the connection was being made, he was so baffled.

How on earth was his first question

Then he saw you and was very concerned

How did this kid summon him? And how are they still alive- oh shit they’re scared

Once he calmed you down and explained everything, he became batman decided to become your father

Of course barbie had to help with all of that (no offence but the guy would end up killing you accidentally with how incompetent he is in raising kids)

He did go back and decide to rio the summoning circle apart, he don’t want another person to come and successfully forge a pact with him.

He does try to suppress a lot of his magic even more than he did when you were younger so he doesn’t overwhelm you and your body.

In short he regulated his power not to kill you

Most stressful years of his life honestly

He had to regulate his emotions and make sure that you learn basic magic too on too of being a Prince and doing princely things

Was happy when you became an adult

Bro sat down and just let his power go to what it was before you.

Still, he does respect you and does try to teach you some more magic and potions when he has the time

Also spoils the absolute heck out of you, regardless of your age

To him, you’re still the child he took in years ago

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1 year ago

You know how a lot of people head-canon that when MC dies they’ll end up in the devildom and they either fall and the brothers/the royals happen to be in the same vicinity or area as them or the mc became a demon and was with the bros after?

What if, when MC falls, they fall into the circles of hell, eg. the circle of sloth, and they have to find their way from the lowest layers of hell to the main layer of devildom, and mind you, they are fresh out of heaven and injured, and are finding it hard to not succumb to the sins on that layer?

What if they cant use the pacts, because they are injured and even thinking about it would pain them?

What if, when or if the brothers find them, they all realise that their own previous injuries do not match, since they were mostly from the war, and the most injuries they had from the fall was only a broken limb?

What if they realise that the wings on your back were all mangled and twisted to odd angles that are definitely not the cause from fall, and that the feathers seemed to be yanked out like you yank someone’s hair out in a fight?

What if???

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1 year ago

ℝ𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕕 𝕄ℂ 𝔸𝕌

So I know its been like ages, since this au [and since i posted and for that i am sorry] but you know how we have the replaced mc au that was going on for a bit, and how mc gets replaced by either a two faced person or a genuinely sweet person [though that was very rare in the ones I’ve read], and it takes them along time to trust the brothers again right? You know what I haven’t seen yet? The brothers being completely uninterested / weirded out by the person that’s meant to ‘replace’ mc [whether mc realises and is smug about trying hard to get the approval of them or not is up to you]

I think we’re forgetting how the brothers were like before they trusted us completely. They were all pretty closed off [mammon and asmo are whole other cases], especially lucifer. Plus the amount of times that mc almost, y’know, DIED, and the one time we actually did. I don’t think the brothers would be so quick to trust someone new that easily, especially belphie and luci. Also mc has pacts with all seven of them. ALL. SEVEN. Including lucifer and mr I’m-gonna-commit a-worldwide-massacre-cuz-humans. I think that goes without saying that they will do the most for mc and I don’t think they would follow a random person and be at their beck and call, unless they’re mc.

Damn… now I kinda wanna write something on this, should I?

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6 months ago

Guys i just realised somthing. So we all know Thirteen right, and she a grim reaper, correct?

What does the thirteenth tarot card represent? Death. And what number is it? 13 (obviously).

What is Thirteen? A grim reaper, a being that brings death to you.

Isnt that awesome! The only reason I’ve figured this out is because of JJBA. So what else does that make her? A JoJo reference. Sicckkk

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1 year ago

I couldn`t deside which color palette i like more: the semi-sprite-accurate? the more saturated? or the neon one? I LIKE THEM ALL😭

I Couldn`t Deside Which Color Palette I Like More: The Semi-sprite-accurate? The More Saturated? Or The
I Couldn`t Deside Which Color Palette I Like More: The Semi-sprite-accurate? The More Saturated? Or The
I Couldn`t Deside Which Color Palette I Like More: The Semi-sprite-accurate? The More Saturated? Or The

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1 year ago

my favourite screenshots of obey me nightbringer so far in my play through [SPOILERS]

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]


My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]


My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

i love levi being sassy and sarcastic

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

about that-

also, i would love to be isekai'd, especially if it turned out like my next life as a villainess

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

lmaooo omswd ref

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

i refuse to eat anything made by him, i shall be cooking for myself while i live w him

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]


My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

bro doesn't wanna leave

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

hhhhhhhh i think im starting to love solomon a lot more

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

:O he looks so fine istg

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

WHOOP LEVI FTW (i do love mammon a bit tho ngl-)

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]

one of the only decent 3D models imo (Levi's looks haunting)

My Favourite Screenshots Of Obey Me Nightbringer So Far In My Play Through [SPOILERS]


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3 years ago

Mammon : I made a pact with MC first! Why did ya idiots make a pact with em?!

Levi : I had to

Lucifer : I just did.

Belphegor : *flashback to when he killed MC*

Satan : Because I wanted to. *glares at Lucifer*

Beel : because they're MC

Asmo : Because of their power!!

Mephisto : I got tricked into it.

Michael : I wanted it

Diavolo : I had to do it if I wanted to be closer to them, otherwise I would have had almost no chance to realise my deep feelings for them and confess my love to them, I had to be close to support them through their hardships, I had to be able to protect them if they were ever in danger, therefore they ca—

Barbatos : My lord, that's a whole love confession right now.

Diavolo : I'm practicing... To confess...

Luke (grown) : I just guard MC?

MC : This has nothing to do with why you're all here, Why the heck are you all in my living room?! I understand why Luke is here but what the fuck guys???

Solomon : Weird...

MC :

MC : Where did YOU come from Solomon?!

Raphael : It appears we're all here

The demon king : Pests.

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3 years ago

Demons be like ; be careful not to wrong any of the human exchange students, one is a very powerful sorcerer and the other has pacts with all 7 lords of hell! They're very dangerous! They're also friends with the angel exchange students and the future king.

Meanwhile the demons & their friends ; Mammon was turned into a dog, AGAIN. Levi is sobbing on the floor because Luke keeps on beating him at some board game, Satan is trying to strangle Asmo for getting makeup on his book, Beel is eating the couch. Belphie is laying on the other side of the couch which Beel is eating. Lucifer is trying to stop the usual madness that is going on, Simeon is complaining about the couch, Diavolo is trying to start a sleepover, Barbatos is making food for all of these loud annoying kids.

The dangerous humans ; MC and Solomon have gotten into a physical fight with eachother in the kitchen while trying to help Barbatos cook and are now rolling on the floor and trying to slap wheat flour on eachother's faces while casting spells and using wooden spoons as swords.

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3 years ago

Solomon : ...

Solomon : At this rate MC is going to make god fall in love with them.

Lucifer : No way.

Barbatos : ...They've already got : Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, The demon king, Michael, Thirteen, Raphael, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Leviathan, Satan, Me, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Solomon, Belphegor, And that guy from majolish, also Simeon.

Diavolo : *sighs* How is it even possible...

Raphael : ...

Raphael : It's because of their fluffy pink coat...

Diavolo : I don't understand how they got my father wrapped around their tiny....sheep...hoof?

Solomon : *muttering* Their fluffy soft pink sheep wool...

Luke : *walks into the room* Wah... Why are you all sulking?!

Lucifer : *slams fist on table and breaks it*


Luke : *is terrified and screams*

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1 year ago
"All Right, Now It's My Turn To Pat YOU On The Head!"

"All right, now it's my turn to pat YOU on the head!"

Inktober day 10 with my precious bby son Luke 🦝💛🥺✨️✨️✨️ I really wanted my first drawing of him to be so cute, so hopefully this induces a cavity or two from someone 🤣 drawing Simeon next!

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1 year ago

Mc: Good morning Kiddo!

Luke: I am not kid! I am thousands of years older than you Mc.

Mc: *jokingly* Ok Grandpa

Luke: *starting to tear up* But I'm your son.

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1 year ago

hello have you seen this boy?

Hello Have You Seen This Boy?

now you have :)

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9 months ago




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3 years ago

I was so angry and laughed so hard when I found out that the celestial realm exchange student was called Raphael, because my mc is called Raphael too! And in the middle of the class I made this sketch because I know my mc is too proud to accept someone else with the same name as him.

They already say here in my country Brazil "those who don't know how to do it, really copy" 😒

I Was So Angry And Laughed So Hard When I Found Out That The Celestial Realm Exchange Student Was Called

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3 years ago

Valentine's Day Showdown

Doing a WIP based on the Valentine's Day Showdown event (aka I procrastinated a lot and waited until it was over) I realized that boys are true artists because I can't even draw a grimm or a rose, a starry sky or a planetarium, a book or my face, and they made it all in chocolate for the next day

Like???? How???? Please teach me

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1 year ago

Obey Me! Headcanons that the voices in my head created

The pact marks don't affect the MC in general, but when they are used, the color of the user's eyes tends to change to the color of sin (when Solomon sees the color of his eyes changing to the colors of his brothers, geez, jealousy boy), it happens more often than you think and in addition to the marks on the body, it's a reminder to everyone that you're connected with the lords of hell.

Human beings can speak very quickly and neither demons nor angels can keep up when this happens. Scientifically, we talk fast because of anxiety, nervousness, excitement or the communication conditions that the environment provides. Solomon and MC talking about something they thought was cool during the tea? For the others it becomes a RAP battle and all they can hear is "hum, nah, ha, hehe", the rest is indecipherable. More than once, during a presentation or debate in class, MC was told to shut the fuck up or slow down so that everyone could understand.

All material related to the history of the human world is more or less 100 to 200 years out of date in the library. Satan is slowly trying to update this, but they think that 200 years is almost nothing for humans to change, so unlike technology (which they think they created with magic) they just don't care. A new iPhone ok, now the human being landed on the moon during a bloodless war? Their lie, do you still believe what mortals say?

Humans sleep more than angels and demons, but even less than demons from the circle of laziness. MC, Solomon and Belphie (and sometimes Luke) usually sleep in some places at RAD during and between classes.

All exchange students have their own fan club. Luke's must be the quietest, everyone friendly and kind so as not to disappoint the little angel. Did you see him walking past you today, sad that he hadn't managed to buy a keyring at the RAD art fair? Bitch surprise, his fan club are still demons, the keyring will mysteriously appear on his desk in the classroom written "To Luke, a little big ray of sunshine in our lives" and the person who bought it has left the RAD, anyone know why?

Still on the subject of fan clubs, we're not talking about Solomon's. If the number of demons he has a pact with isn't enough of a warning, there are others walking around in capes and blouses as if they were cosplayers and sending letters to his house with phrases like 'roses are red, violets are blue, can we make a pact? Signed: Demon X' should be a better warning

And to end the fan clubs, MC's are trained in the art of being meticulous, a silent army that lives in the shadows - meaning they are in the devildom version of twitter. Lots of photos taken on the sly, fanart of all kinds, fanfics, merchandise and videos edits of (and when were they sheep? There are millions and millions of images circulating out there). Ever wondered why Miss Em sold so much? The MC fandom. They won't compete with anyone for their attention, the sweet human is simply appreciated the way they are (and they don't want to be on the brothers' list to "get away from the MC"). The Human Appreciation Club was not approved by the student council and they removed their devilpedia page, but that didn't erase these demons desire to idolize MCs. Live, love and laugh for MC, the way simps are.

At some point, the Real or Cake trend went crazy until Luke, who started making desserts that looked like everyday things, only stopped after surprising Simeon by cutting a cell phone-shaped cake (Simeon tried to break his with his hand after that, thinking it was cake. He spent 3 weeks without a phone)

Every time MC returns from a trip to the human world, they have to bring a suitcase just with souvenirs from there. Luckily, it can be anything they find fun, like a frog-shaped coaster, a jar of M&Ms with a pinwheel on top, a whole corn cake, a tie with a motivational quote, a children's book, or a coin of a specific year. Everyone just loves the fact that MC was thinking of them and they love using the gift they received. Barbatos's favorite tea set is now a completely transparent one with gold floral details.

Children's cartoons from 1940 still show on Devildom TV and Beel watches while eating or working out.

Lucifer has a family photo inside his wallet, Mammon once tried to steal his credit card, he was so shocked that he ended up screaming, he was caught and punish. Neither of them mention the photo.

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