Star Trek, MCR, Scream + original artwork :]Instagram: @parallelfallout —————-Requests/commissions open! 21
43 posts
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Hey sooo What If I made a spirk fanfic (and included artwork) where I blended aos into tos in which the tragic death of Chekov leads to a new helmsman being transferred to the ship: one Gary Mitchell, former…friend of Captain Kirk’s. Events lead into tos “where no man has gone before” and later, some “conscience of the king” references (tarsus iv). Kirk is desperately trying to keep his past hidden and maintain his image in front of his crew, but these events are bringing everything he’s been pushing down closer and closer to the surface. Meanwhile, Spock is suspicious of this new crew member and…perturbed as he realizes he may not know Kirk as well as he thought he did after everything (Narada incident, Into Darkness, Beyond) they’d been through over the years.


Ugh agreed

Idk if this has been done before but
Not enough love for resident alien so I’m putting this here
Average shift on the USS Enterprise

season 3 predictions
yes this is just a "moon's haunted" joke what about it
blank versions bc i like the backgrounds

Another DnD commission :}

Commission of a DnD campaign character

Request of Dr Ratio idk this guy but here he is

This is my cat her name is Pigeon

Old sketch
I can draw y’all in this style if anyone wants one :)

More MCR art don’t question the slogan ok I don’t know why I wrote that either
I'm obsessed with "comment, Mr Spock" "very bad poetry, captain" we don't talk about Spock being into art and also bitchy about it enough as a community
stu’s the kind of guy to shout CONFESSION TIME (giving billy an aneurysm) at a party and says the most unhinged unasked for shitty story and then proceeds to laugh about it whilst everyone else is either disturbed or laughing along uncomfortably

Oogie wit dat Boogie yunno?

Clothes swap moment for murderboys

Is Spock a #liar or just a little silly cast your votes here