Elf Girl - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
I Started Painting This..... Just Something That Came Up On My Mind Don't Really Know What This Is

I started painting this..... Just something that came up on my mind don't really know what this is

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6 months ago
This Is My DND Character For My Current Campaign XP

This is my DND character for my current campaign XP

She’s a wood elf rouge and absolutely brain dead despite being an academic I love her very much she would die for history and has tried to XD

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6 years ago
In Case You Havent Been Keeping Up, Ive Become Quite The Fan Of The Netflix Animated Series The Dragon

In case you haven’t been keeping up, I’ve become quite the fan of the Netflix animated series The Dragon Prince! It’s made by some of the co-creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender and is totally worth checking out.

Anyway, in the show, Rayla, the main girl, has aquaphobia (fear of water). It’s shown that she gets seasick easily and doesn’t like being in the water. So here’s Callum taking her into the water to show her that there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Based on a Tumblr post I made a week ago.

Characters © Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond Art © me

And don’t forget to support me on Patreon!

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5 years ago
Yo! Its Been A Hot Minute Since I Posted New Art, Hasnt It? Well, I Wanted To Participate In @rayllum-week,

Yo! It’s been a hot minute since I posted new art, hasn’t it? Well, I wanted to participate in @rayllum-week, so I started drawing something for the Day 4 prompt “Moonlight,” with Callum and Rayla lying under the moon. I wound up spending extra time on it and being a day late, but hopefully that’s not a big problem for you guys.

Characters © Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond Art © me

And don’t forget to support me on Patreon!

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5 years ago
Late Submission For Day 29 Of Rayllum Month, Music. Since Rayla Is A Moonshadow Elf, I Figured It Was

Late submission for day 29 of Rayllum Month, “Music.” Since Rayla is a Moonshadow Elf, I figured it was inevitable for this reference to happen, LOL. @dragonprinceofficial @rayllum-week-and-month

Can Callum play guitar? I dunno! I did it for the puns!

Characters © Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond Art © me

And don’t forget to support me on Patreon!

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5 years ago

TDP One-Shot: Night Terrors

646 words, Rayllum, Slice of Life

It was not the sound of shouting outdoors that awakened Rayla in the middle of the night. It wasn’t the scuffling noises of a fight breaking out, the crashing of bottles, the throwing of fists. Rayla was used to this, and she figured that she would hear such sounds when she reserved a room for herself and the then-disguised Callum at the Badgermole Inn. While she had never been to the inn, it was well known among the other moonshadow elves that fights weren’t exactly uncommon at this inn. So it wasn’t any of that that awakened her.

The sound that made her eyes open was the all-too-familiar noise of a yelp from Callum’s room.

Rayla shot up in bed and grabbed her swords, looking down at her body. Clad in an undershirt and shorts, she was not well-dressed for a fight, but she was still willing to slish-slash anyone who came close to Callum. She slowly and quietly walked towards the door.

Another crash outside. Another yelp from Callum.

Cautiously, Rayla made her way out her door into Callum’s room. Examining the scene, only illuminated by the firelight outside, she saw that there were thankfully no windows broken. Callum was there, wrapped in a blanket and having obviously removed the couch cushions and arranged them around himself as some kind of crude barrier. Zym, the baby dragon prince, was there with Callum, looking just as scared.

“Callum?” Rayla asked, putting down her swords upon seeing he was okay.

The boy gasped, looking at his elf companion with his hazel-green eyes. “Oh. Hi, Rayla.” He breathed a sigh of relief as he attempted to fix his disheveled brown hair. “D-did I wake you? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that… It’s just, the sounds reminded me of the battle… where my father—”

“No, you’re fine!” Rayla felt sorry for Callum. She couldn’t necessarily blame him. “But what in Xadia’s name is all this?” She walked over to him and lightly kicked one of the pillows. In hindsight, this may have been a mistake, as this sent the entire structure falling down. Rayla gasped upon realizing what she did.

“…It was a pillow fort,” Callum said, looking down.

“A pillow fort?” Rayla cocked an eyebrow, then shook her head. “This is just pathetic.”

Callum honestly looked like he was about to cry.

“You need way more pillows than that,” Rayla continued. Walking over to the couch, she effortlessly pushed it over on its side. Callum looked up in confusion.

“Could you move that table over here?” Rayla asked, pointing to the table in question. “I think it would make a perfect entrance.”

Callum smiled. “Oh! Y-yes, right away!” He stood up and moved the table. Zym jumped off him, peeping curiously. Rayla left the room and soon returned dragging her mattress along with her, positioning it in the center of the floor. The two arranged blankets, sheets, pillows, chairs, and other furniture until they had arranged everything into a relatively large mini-fort.

Upon completion of the pillow fort, Rayla and Callum crawled under the table and onto the mattress, getting themselves comfortable under the sheets with a pillow for each. “This is… ahhh, much better,” said Callum.

“Runaan taught me best,” Rayla said with a smile. “Tired?”

“Yes… this should help me sleep better.”

“Good.” Rayla heard the flapping of wings, and soon felt Zym land by their feet. She chuckled. “It seems Zym likes it too!”

Callum laughed lightly at this, then looked up. “Rayla?”

“Hmm?” Rayla’s violet eyes searched for Callum’s in the darkness.

“Thank you.” He smiled warmly.

Rayla smiled back. “Goodnight.”

Callum rested his head on the pillow, facing Rayla, and soon fell asleep. The noises of the commotion outside were defeated by Rayla’s presence. Rayla soon fell asleep herself, facing Callum. It was the best sleep she’d had in a while.

I wrote this back in September in about twenty minutes as a warmup exercise before writing an essay. Seeing how Book Three of The Dragon Prince is about to drop, I figured I would post this now before it becomes entirely non-canon, haha. Hope you all enjoy!

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5 years ago


For the one-month anniversary of Book Three of The Dragon Prince (yes, I know I’m late), I decided to draw this iconic scene in my style!

The relationship between Rayla and Callum was so well-handled, probably the best I’ve ever seen a romance developed in any animated series. I’m so glad they didn’t stretch it out for way too long like most shows do. This scene in particular still gets me. Can’t wait to see where they go with it in future seasons!

Characters © Wonderstorm Art © me

And don’t forget to support me on Patreon!

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3 years ago
Finally Allowed To Post My Piece For @falling-for-you-a-rayllum-zine! Its A TDP Band AU, Callum Is The

Finally allowed to post my piece for @falling-for-you-a-rayllum-zine! It’s a TDP band AU, Callum is the guitarist and Rayla is the lead singer. :)

There is a leftover sale for remaining copies of the zine! You can buy them here.

Rayla and Callum © Wonderstorm Entertainment Art © me

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6 years ago
Naughty's Lists. Who Punish Naughty!

Naughty's lists. Who punish naughty!

No copy and no stealing my drawing!!

No repost!!!

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6 years ago
Krampus Girl
Krampus Girl
Krampus Girl

krampus girl

Elf girl creepy

reindeer crazy boy

No copy and no stealing my drawing!!!

No repost!!!

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10 years ago
Request Forhttp://beautifulsadstory.deviantart.com/

Request for http://beautifulsadstory.deviantart.com/

requests and commissions are open folks. check my dA for more info

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10 years ago
Aino For Hellkitty112 On DA.

aino for hellkitty112 on dA.

requests are still open folks! *u*

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5 years ago
Night Elf With Sword And Owl: World Of Warcraft Game Digital Art[Artist: Fan Foxy]

Night elf with sword and owl: World of Warcraft game digital art [Artist: Fan Foxy]

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