A blog to where my weird dreams become reality. | Probably a lot of Fanart/drawings | A lot of weird rants I’ve had with friends | Some weird questions | Fandom Writings | Wips | Always looking for someone to talk fandoms with | Current Mood: Making tumblr friends is hard.
189 posts
Humor Me For A Second. Imagine If There Was One More Regular Critical Role Player To Make Laura And Marisha's
Humor me for a second. Imagine if there was one more regular Critical Role player to make Laura and Marisha's starting dou a trio.
Hear me out... now make their pc a centaur. You have Laundna the creepy warlock, Imogen cowgirl sorcerer, and their cluess cinnamon role centaur third.
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More Posts from Peantbutter-honeycombs
All y'all complaining about Chris Rat in the new Mario movie like it isn't a opportunity. Call it the Mario Challenge. When this movie is released take it as personal challenge to memorise Mario's line and voice over the film. Vo Chris's Va.
Seriously, anything's gotta be better than Crispy Shits voice.
I absolutely love the child headcanons. I would like to request one for Imogen Temult. Please, and thank you.
Imogen's reaction to seeing her child in the fields of her dreams almost swallowed by the red storm. I just see her waking in a panic and needing to sleep with her little one close for awhile.
Thank you!
Having a Nightmare About Their Child
Fandom: Critical Role, Campaign 3
Characters: Imogen Temult
Type of Request: Headcanons, Platonic
Notes: I love the child headcanons too! I hope you like what I did with this one!!

She already has a feeling of dread as she remembers the scene. Remembers the dream as it's the same one she's had again and again. Except this time, you're there.
Imogen is screaming and trying to tell you to run. Her voice isn't heard due to the heavy winds of the storm and she's trying to fight herself to move to you.
When she wakes, she's crying and shaky. She's quickly getting up and looking around, looking for you. Relief fills her when you're still asleep.
She quickly moves to your cot. As if she's the child, she tries to climb in so she can be next to you. Just to let herself hold you and know that you're okay.
If you wake up due to Imogen's movements, she'll shush you and tell you that you're having a cuddle party. Laudna, overhearing this gladly comes over to join as well. It's a tight squeeze where you three are all curled up together, but it brings so much relief to Imogen.
I absolutely love this item!

✨New item!✨ Ricochet Sling Bullets Weapon (sling bullet), rare
The sling bullets come in a pouch, which contains 1d4 + 4 bullets. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with each of these bullets. When you hit with a bullet, you can choose to ricochet the bullet to hit another creature. Make an additional attack roll against a new creature within 20 feet of the previous creature. On a successful hit, the new creature takes 1d4+1 bludgeoning damage. You can repeat this process until you miss, only targeting creatures that have not yet been targeted. Once a bullet misses or hits a target and doesn’t ricochet, it loses its magic.
“They say a single Xeeblian slinger could level an entire platoon of enemy soldiers with one bullet. Seems impossible, but...” One Eyed Crunky grinned and winked his one eye before loading his sling with faintly glowing lead. The approaching guardsmen goose-stepped into range. “Watch and learn!” He yelled, leaping from cover. His sling blurred and the bullet rocketed sideways, shattering a tavern window across the street. “DAMNATION! LET’S SCRAM!”
Crunky and his companions fled into the night, unscathed, though the same can’t be said of the poor tavern-keeper’s precious egg collection. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 125 magic items, item cards and card packs, beautiful monster art and stat blocks, monthly setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore, and vote for the content you want to see!🧙♂️
📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.
Normal seems like the type of kid who in grade school wore one animal costume. The same costume every day, nothing else. Whether or not it got washed is anyone's guess.
When will Disney announce MY dream Disney+ show Never Ever After? You know the show that takes place in the town beside the Disney logo. The one that follows a traditional background character who decides to unionize the other bcs and demand their happily ever afters.
Where's that show?