pitaparka - reader, meet writer. a lover and a fighter.
reader, meet writer. a lover and a fighter.

nat | she/her | gryffindor | sagittarius | xviii

54 posts

Fall Sentence Starters

fall sentence starters

hey y’all! i’ve been in the writing mood so here are some autumnal writing prompts, both tricks and treats!


1. “I don’t really like candy corn.”

2. “I have no one to go apple picking with...”

3. “Do you... maybe wanna have a scary movie night?”

4. “Did you bring an umbrella?”

5. “My hands are so cold.”

6. “Can I borrow your hoodie?”

7. “Look at all the leaves!”

8. “Can you light a candle or something?”

9. “I know a way to warm you up.”

10. “What kind of candy should i get.”

11. “My nephew wants us to take him trick or treating this year.”

12. “Haven’t you ever seen the leaves change colors before?”

13. “Oh no, it looks like it’s gonna rain.”

14. “Your sweater is so big!”

15. “Lay with me?”

16. “Why is it so hot? It’s October!”

17. “Why did you get such a tiny pumpkin? We have to carve this!”

18. “You didn’t tell me we had to carve this!”

19. “Be careful with the decorations! That ladder won’t hold your— weight.”

20. “Are you seriously going all black this month?”

21. “What is the point of pumpkin spice pringle’s.”

22. “Summer is over. Stop wearing sunscreen.”

23. “The sun doesn’t go away just because it’s fall.”

24. “It’s raining so much.”

25. “But you’re so tall! Can you pleaaase come apple picking with me?”

26. “We are NOT dressing up my animal in a halloween costume.”

27. “You make a pretty cute ghost, babe.”

28. “I don’t want to go either but it’s a company party and there’s free food and we might as well have fun with it, right?”

29. “When was the last time you went to a Halloween party?”

30. “What are you going to dress up as?”

31. “You’ve never been to a corn maze?!”

32. “If you want to go to the haunted house I’ll go with you, just so you don’t get scared, y’know?”

33. “They have the best plain donuts here i’ve ever had in my life.”

34. “Cider is the best drink. Period.”

35. “But I’ve never made an apple pie before.”

36. “Come on, aren’t you excited to see the little kids trick or treating?”

37. “I don’t have to have to hand out candy alone, just put on the costume!”

38. “I picked it out especially with you in mind! You’re hurting my feelings!”

39. “They have good stuff down at the farmers market.”

40. “Why are your eyes so... red?”

41. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

42. “Did you hear that?”

43. “Is that an... actual skeleton?”

44. “It’s just your imagination.”

45. “Maybe it’s just a scary prank.”

46. “Is that your blood!?”

47. “Is this what being poisoned feels like?”

48. “Help them! They can’t breathe!”

49. “It’s just a scrape...”

50. “How did you break your leg? And so close to Halloween, too?”

51. “Do you know what death smells like?”

52. “Is that a real knife?”

53. “Your nose is bleeding, like, really bad.”

54. “Just sit down, I’m gonna take the nail out.”

55. “It’s Halloween, they’re probably just in a costume.”

56. “You’re scary good at that. For a beginner.”

57. “I love that sound.”

58. “There’s nothing better than fresh meat.”

59. “When I said trick or treat, I meant just treat.”

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More Posts from Pitaparka

4 years ago

listen to the waves


request: Okay can you make an imagine where your dating either two of the guys or one of the guys a kiara? And just how cute the relationship between you three would be

summary: john b. and kie take you to the beach with the rest of the pogues. tooth rotting fluff ensues 

pairings: john b. x reader x kie

word count: 1.2k

warnings: cuddle pile. that is all. 

a/n: this is super cute guys. big love. hope you enjoy it :)

The ocean had been shit all morning. Waves had only been breaking at knee length, and the winds had cleaned up but high tide was not looking good. 

Early in the morning the surfers had decided to go to the beach, and since they invited you, of course you’d tag along. It took almost no time for you to pack sandwiches into a cooler, accompanied by beer, water, and whatever salvageable snacks John B. had in his fridge. Of course, at your request, it was hardly hampering to stop at the twenty-four hour convenience store for melon cubes and grapes. 

“We’re not going for a picnic on the beach,” JJ complained in the back. He sat up against the boards that were blocking the door. 

“You like fruit too, JJ, shut up,” John B. defended. 

They waited in the cool blue morning before sunrise, the only sounds coming from John B.’s low playing stereo.

At the beach, you watched on from the old beach comforter you had packed in the back of John B.’s vintage van for trips like this. It was still cold and blue when you got there, but soon, yellows and oranges started to emerge from the horizon with the sun started to come up.

You didn’t mind watching them, boards curving and bodies contorting with the waves that they could catch, but mainly it was them lying around on their stomachs, waiting for one that they could ride out. When the sun came out, you put on sunscreen and laid out on the quilt. A few minutes on each side, flipping intermittently. You only look up when you hear the cooler open. 

“Hey,” John B. says, leaning over the cooler, dripping water everywhere. 

“Hey,” you reply, and watch him pull out a sandwich and tear into it like it’s the first thing he’s eaten in weeks.

“Wabes ‘re shit,” he comments, mouth full of ham and cheese and bread.

“I can see that,” you say, taking a look at the other three islanders sitting, waiting on their respective boards for anything salvageable.

“Didn’t you guys check the surf index before you decided to come out?” You ask, and John B. hands you a beer.

“Yeah.” he says, popping his own top off.

“You shouldn’t be drinking and surfing,” you chide, but you pop off the top and take a sip anyway.

“What ever did we do without you?” He speaks sarcastically. And lets his board fall into the sand. He takes the strap off his ankle and takes a seat next to you on the cooler. He leans down and rests his head on your head.

“Kie really wanted to surf today, so we thought if we came early there’d be enough waves, but apparently not.” He says, sandwich in one hand, beer in the other. The beach was almost empty, save for a few fishermen down one end.

You look up at him and plant a kiss to his salty forehead.

“How’s your knee?” you ask. He takes a look at it. It’s a lot more purple than it was before, but you can barely see any scrapes. That's what you get when you pick fights with kooks.

“It’s okay. The ocean will take care of it.”

You two watched silently as Kie caught her last wave in. 

“Morning,” you greet as she makes her way over, and she bends down to kiss you, playfully shoving John B.

He looks offended before she shoos him off the cooler to grab a water and the small bucket of grapes. 

When one came in, they all started coming in, and soon, JJ and Pope were also back with you, sand caked to the bottom of their feet, ocean water dripping from their hair, boards in hand, strapped in at the ankle.

Kie puts her board down next to you and sits on it, leaning her head up against your shoulder.

“You guys need sunscreen,” you comment, and Kie agrees.

“I’ve given up on sunscreen. It’s a plot by the government you know,” JJ says, and everyone gives him a weird look.

“Are you high?” Pope asks, and he sits down next to you, dripping salt water all over your dry bathing suit. You gasp a little, but he smiles and pops a piece of cubed fruit in his mouth and smiles again, so that it sticks in his cheek like a chipmunk. You poke it, and he starts chewing.

“No, I’m not even kidding. They’re making you buy something that you don’t even need! They just want you to spend money. Watch, I’m not even gonna burn,” JJ says, laying down on the blanket, soaking in the sun.

John B. comes over to you to steal melon from your tub. He leans down to grab some, but while he’s there he plants a kiss to your lips.

“Woah!” Pope cries, and JJ springs up.

“No Pogue on Pogue!” He cries playfully, fully aware of the relationship between you three.

“Actually,” he reconsiders, “I don’t mind if you and Kie kiss,” Pope clarifies, and JJ agrees. John B. wipes a sandy foot on Pope’s knee and he jerks it away. He goes to sit back down on the cooler.

“Shut the fuck up,” Kie says, rolling her eyes halfheartedly.

“But no macking on John B.,” JJ says defensively, going over to sit in John B.’s lap. John B. wraps his arms around JJ and JJ throws his arm over John B.’s shoulder.

“He’s mine,” he says, glaring at the two of you. 

“Damn, Pope never gets any love,” Pope says, and Kie pulls him off his board and pushes into your lap. You laugh and wrap your arms around his stomach. 

“It’s okay Pope, we still love you,” you say, and kiss his cheek. He wraps his arms around yours that are tight around his stomach, and you sit up against Kie. She wraps her arms around both of you and suddenly the other boys feel left out. JJ hops off of John B. quickly and sits in front of you all, letting Pope wrap his arms around him with no reluctance at all. 

“Sex train!” JJ yells and blush tints your face. You hear John B. get off the cooler and take his rightful place behind everyone, arms wrapping around both of his girls, his cold hands resting on your stomach. You can feel his breath on your shoulder when he leans his head up against Kie’s. 

“That means you’re the bottom, JJ,” John. B clarifies, and he takes a tiny shell from the sand and throws it back at him before settling back into Pope.

“Pope, give me a massage like a good husband,” JJ says, and Pope moves to squeeze JJ’s shoulders, hard, in a very rough manner.

“Of course, anything for my wife,” he says.

JJ arches his back away from Pope and contorts his face, before crying out in pain.

“That’s… you’d be a terrible massage artist,” JJ says, and you laugh into Popes ear. 

“You mean masseuse?” You clarify, and chuckles are heard from behind you. 

“Shut the fuck up, you knew what I meant,” JJ says, trying to get up, but you grab him by the hips and pressure him back down between Pope’s legs. He’s not really, mad, so it doesn’t take much pressure at all. Your hands hold him by his stomach, but you readjust them over Pope’s shoulders to grind out the knots in JJ’s. 

This is all sweet and nice, until someone yells, “CRAB!”

The five of you scramble up, wiping sand off of your bodies respectively and jumping around, trying to avoid the fake crab John B. was keeled over by, laughing his heart out as the tide came in.

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4 years ago

lock, stock, and barrel


summary: your dog locks you out of your car. the locksmith who shows up to let her out? is kinda hot 

pairings: scott lang x reader

word count: 1.7k

warnings: you have a big dumbass dog (but a cute dumbass) and your dad is your wingman (and if you dont have a dad im ur dad now have you taken your meds today? wanna go fishing?)

a/n: this is based off of a tiktok i found, which you can watch here (x) nobody requested this but i love scott so much. big love. 

A van pulls up to the house, and parks in front of the driveway. It’s repurposed, definitely, with the words “X-Con Security Consultants” lovingly (read: clumsily) painted (read: scrawled) onto the side. 

“That’s Hank Pym’s kid,” your father says to your mother, and she scoffs.

“No he’s not, he's the intern boy,” she argues, but you don’t care who’s son he is or if he’s interning. He’s beautiful. He has a wide smile on his face as he makes his way from his sketchy van with a bag of tools in hand.

“Scott!” Your father greets, leaving your mother to grumble amongst herself about the man’s origins.

“Hey! Morning, sir!” Scott calls back, and your father gives him a firm handshake. Your father doesn’t notice the pain in Scott’s eyes when he does this, but you do, and you like him immediately for it.

Your father leads the conversation as he guides him over to your car, you shamefully stand by the passenger side, treats and toys in hand. You come around to greet them both.

“—it’s good for extra cash since our expertise is locks and security,” Scott finishes, and your dad listens with intense curiosity.

“Tell Pym I said hi,” he says, before noticing you.

“Ah, Scott, here’s the culprit,” he says, leading him over to you.

“Technically, Delilah is the culprit, dad,” you complain, and he scoffs a little.

“Who locked her in there?” he says playfully, and you gasp.

“She did!” you say, laughing, and there are smiles all around.

“Hi,” you say, introducing yourself, and Scott holds out a hand for you.

“I’m Scott,” he says, and you notice his hands are firm and soft, “I’m here to save your dog. And also your car.”

You smirk, “Thank you.”

You notice he smiles a lot, which is not something you mind. He places a small work bag down on the ground near your driver’s side. He bends his neck at awkward angles to try and make out where your buttons are through your tinted windows.

“Tell him what happened,” your dad encourages, crossing his arms with an ‘I told you so’ look on his face, though it doesn’t apply to this situation.

“I put her in my car to take her on a ride, and I was walking around the other side to get in, and she hit the lock button,” you say sheepishly, staring at Delilah.

Your father laughs and shakes his head, telling you to call him if you needed anything, returning inside to catch the rest of the baseball game for a team he couldn’t care less about.

“It happens to the best of us. She’s really cute,” he says encouragingly, and you smile, because she’s not the only cute one in your general vicinity.

“Hi Delilah!” He coos, and she barks at him.

“Delilah, no,” your mother scolds, and she stares at you from the passenger seat with her tongue out.

“Well, I see how it is,” he mutters, and you laugh. He looks back at you when you do and you notice the light on his hair and how he squints just a little bit when he smiles. He turns back to your car, and works a car door wedge into the window of the driver’s side door. His focus is intense. 

“Where you guys headed?” He asks, budging the wedge in and turning a crank on the side.

“We were just going on a ride. I kinda wanted to take her to get Starbucks, but now I’m not sure she deserves it,” you say, crossing your arms, knowing full well Delilah would get her puppuccino anyway.

“Aw, of course she does,” he says, looking at her panting at him through the glass.

“Isn’t that right, Delilah?” He says. She pays no attention to him. But it’s okay. You’re paying enough attention for the both of you.

“She has beautiful eyes,” he muses, and you hum in agreement.

“You have really nice eyes too,” you compliment accidentally, and you can feel the heat on your face as you try to play it off.

“Thank you,” he says, and you note his smile in the reflection of your car window as he falters with the wedge and the crank.

“Can I get you something to drink?” you say, and he stops. 

“Uh, sure,” he says. He kneels down in your driveway to look for something in the small bag of tools he brought with him.

“I think we have coke? And orange juice probably, unless you want like, a water or something,” you say, and he accepts the water offer.

You turn to leave, but your mom is already halfway in the house.

“I can go get it,” your mom says, throwing you a smile over her shoulder. 

You’re stuck in an awkward silence for a few minutes as he wiggles and pushes and tinkers with wires through your window. He pulls out a malleable wire and shoves it through the window wedge. You watch him work, with precise hands and concentration plastered on his face. But soon enough, with persistence and skill, Scott unlocks your car from the inside, carefully removes the car door wedge, and subsequently frees your poor pooch from her automated prison. 

He opens the door, and Delilah moves to the driver’s side to smell Scott. She jumps out of the car and starts sniffing around him, her leash hanging limply on the ground.

You retrieve it and let Delilah do her thing.

“Thank you so much,” you say, as he crouches down to say hello to your pup.

“Ah, it’s no problem,” he says, and begins speaking to Delilah in a baby voice, “especially when I meet cute puppies like you, yes I do, yes I do!”

Delilah is loving the attention, and she smiles as he pets her behind the ears. You give her butt a few taps and go to speak to Scott again, but your mom returns from the kitchen.

“I cut up some fruit for you guys,” she informs, like you two were best friends having a sleepover. She balances two cold bottles of water, and, sure enough, a plate of fruit she stole from a platter sitting in your fridge.

“Mom,” you whine a little, and your dad follows soon after, in pursuit of the fruit.

“I’m alright, ma’am. Thank you though.”

Your mom yells your dad’s name in the direction of the front door, clearly not seeing him behind her. He steals a chunk of fruit off the platter and complains, “I’m right here, woman,”

“Oh,” she says, laughing in your direction, before she informs him Scott had gotten Delilah out.

“Someone had to,” he grumbles, and he runs back inside to grab his wallet. 

You watch as Scott stands and grabs his bag, smiling at Delilah and turning to return the stuff to his van. Delilah decides to follow him.

“Delilah, please,” you beg, and she stops pulling on her leash, sitting like a good girl. You watch as he puts some things in his truck, fiddling with something in there, before you realize you’re staring. 

You open your driver’s side door, letting Delilah hop in that way instead, and climb in after her, bumping her off your seat. You stare at her intently. She smiles back, none the wiser. 

“You, are going to be the death of me,” you assure her, and you're startled by a knock at your window. 

You expect Scott, but it’s your dad. You roll down your window. 

“I asked specifically for Scott,” he assures, and smiles at you.

“Dad,” you groan, head thumping your headrest. You sigh.

“Don’t be weird,” you plead, and he scoffs.

“When have I ever been weird?” He asks, followed by, “Don’t answer that.”

You absentmindedly pet Delilah.

“You want his number?” he asks, credit card in hand. You turn in your seat to look at Scott. He’s walking around to the other side of his van for something. 

“Not from you!” you muse, and that’s all your dad has to hear, grinning in triumph. 

“Dad!” you whisper harshly, “Don’t be weird!”

“I won’t!” he says, mocking your raspy whisper. 

You watch in your rear-view mirror as your dad goes up to Scott and hands him his credit card. Some words are exchanged, and then your mother goes up to him too. You decide you can’t watch anymore, and you hide your face in Delilah’s fur. 

“Delilah, what are we gonna do?” you say, and her ears perk up, because in her mind, you two are going to Starbucks for puppuccinos. 

“Not that, Delilah. Scott is so cute,” you inform her. She already knows, her eyes tell you, and you look back over at them. 

Scott is smiling at your car. He sees your face, and he waves, causing your parents to look over at you. You blush, and wave back at him. Your dad sends you a signal, but you don’t know what it means, and your mom’s exaggerated wink is overkill. 

You sigh and check your phone. No alerts, alarms, or notifications to take your mind off of the situation. 

You hear Scott’s truck start up, and he pulls away as easily as he pulled in, and that’s that. Just another candle in the wind, a cute guy you’d never see again. But apparently, your parents had other plans.

Pulling out of the Starbucks drive-thru, you pull into a parking spot to let Delilah enjoy her cup of whipped cream. You take a sip of your icy beverage, and you hear your phone ding. Checking your notifications, you realize it’s from an unknown number, and your heart jumps thinking who it could be.

Opening your phone, Delilah whines in anticipation for the whipped cream in the Starbucks cup in the holder. 

“Hang on, ‘Lilah,” you say and you open your phone to read the message.

did delilah get her puppuccino?

You smile at the text, and move to take a picture while you let Delilah go to town on her treat. Your phone chimes again and you hold the cup with one hand, skillfully checking your messages with the other. 

it’s scott by the way. didn’t know if you could tell.

You text back Delilah’s picture. You could tell it was Scott. 

“Delilah,” you say, “thank you so much for locking my door. You’re such a good girl,”

She knows. She decides to accept her payment in puppuccinos from now on.

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5 years ago

allergic reaction prompts

1. “Does this have (allergy) in it? I’m super allergic to (allergy.)”

2. “It’s getting hard to breathe.”

3. “What do you mean you don’t have an epi-pen on you?!”

4. Is it better to sit down or lie down?”

5. “Okay, just try to breathe, the ambulance is on its way.”

6. “Don’t just stand there, call 9-1-1 you idiot!”

7. “Are you sure there’s (allergy) in this? I feel fine...”

8. “Did he just pass out?! Is he breathing!?”

9. “He’s gonna be pissed when he wakes up in the hospital.”

10. “I have an epi-pen in here somewhere, I know I brought it...”

11. “Take off your shirt, I need to see if there are hives on your back and chest.”

12. “Is that a rash? What did you eat?”

13. “My mouth feels kinda weird. Like, furry. And my tongue is too big.”

14. “Oh god, I think i’m gonna throw up—“

15. “Have you ever been stung by a bee before?”

16. “Is anyone else really really itchy all of a sudden?”

17. “You have to lay down, it’ll help you breathe better.”

18. “Woah, the hives are all over your back now.”

19. “I barely know him. How was I supposed to know he was allergic to Penicillin.”

20. “I’ve never had (allergy) before. Honestly it might be my new favorite thing.”

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7 years ago

flower meanings

Just some flower meanings I wanted to get out there. It seemed pretty cool to me and was a lot of work, so I hope y’all enjoy it! Now updated with pictures of each one! 

Disclaimer: None of these photos are mine, and this post is obscenely long. Like, super long. Beware. But also enjoy ;)


Alstroemeria - Wealth, prosperity, fortune, friendship


Pink/red alstroemeria - warmth and affection towards a friend


Orange alstroemeria - keeps you working towards your goals


Yellow/white/blue alstroemeria - express your concern to a loved one who isn’t feeling well


Amaryllis - Splendid beauty, worth beyond beauty


Anemone - Fading hope, forsaken, anticipation 


Pink/Red Anemone - forsaken or dying love


White Anemone - death and bad luck in Eastern cultures where white is the color used at funerals


Purple/blue Anemone -  anticipation and protection from evil meanings


Anthurium - Hospitality, happiness, abundance


Red Anthurium - Love and Passion


White Anthurium - Innocence and Purity


Pink Anthurium  - Compassion, Femininity, Motherly Love


Aster - Patience, a love of variety, elegance, daintiness


Bird of Paradise - Joyfulness, magnificence, wonderful anticipation


Bouvardia Double - Enthusiasm, zest for life


Calla Lily - Magnificence, beauty, purity, innocence


Carnation - Pride, beauty


Red Carnation - Love, pride, admiration


Pink Carnation - Love of a woman or a mother


Purple Carnation - Capriciousness


Yellow Carnation - Disdain, rejection, disappointment


White Carnation - Innocence, pure love


Striped Carnation - Refusal


Chrysanthemum - Fidelity, optimism, joy, long life


Red Chrysanthemum - Love


White Chrysanthemum - Truth, loyal love


Yellow Chrysanthemum - Slighted love


Daffodil - regard, chivalry, rebirth, new beginnings, eternal life, unrequited love

Daffodil (Single) - Foretells a misfortune

Daffodil (Bunch) - Joy, happiness


Daisy - Innocence, purity, loyal love, “I will never tell.”


Gerbera Daisy- Cheerfulness


Delphinium - Big hearted, fun, lightness, levity, ardent attachment


Freesia - Innocence, thoughtfulness


Gardenia - Purity, sweetness, secret love, joy, conveys loneliness from the giver


Gerbera - Cheerfulness


Gladiolus - Strength of character, remembrance


Lavender Heather - Admiration, solitude, beauty


White Heather - Protection, wishes will come true


Hyacinth - Playfulness, sporty attitude, extreme rashness, constancy


Blue Hyacinth - Constancy


Purple Hyacinth - Sorrow


Red/Pink Hyacinth - Play


White Hyacinth - Loveliness


Yellow Hyacinth - Jealousy


Hydrangea - Heartfelt emotions, gratitude for being understood, frigidity, heartlessness


Iris - Eloquence


Purple Iris - Wisdom, compliments


Blue Iris - Faith, hope


Yellow Iris - Passion


White Iris - Purity


Larkspur - Levity, lightness, fickleness, haughtiness


Lilac - Youthful innocence, confidence


White Lilac - Humility, Innocence


Field Lilac - Charity


Purple Lilac - First love


Lily - Purity, refined beauty


White Lily - Modesty, virginity


Orange Lily - Passion


Yellow Lily - Gaiety


Lily of the Valley - Sweetness, purity of heart


Easter Lily - Virgin Mary


Orchid - Exotic beauty, refinement, thoughtfulness, mature charm, proud and glorious femininity


Peony - Bashfulness, compassion, indignation, shame, happy life, happy marriage, good health, prosperity


King Protea - Change, transformation, daring, resourcefulness, diversity, courage


Queen Anne - Haven, sanctuary, complexity, delicateness


Ranunculus - Radiant charm, attractiveness


Snapdragon - Graciousness, strenght, deception, presumption


Statice - Remembrance, sympathy, success


Stock - Lasting beauty, happy life, bonds of affection, promptness 


Sunflower - Pure thoughts, adoration, dedication, dedicated love, haughtiness


Sweet Pea - Delicate pleasure, bliss, departure after having a good time


Tulip - Declaration of love, fame, perfect love


Rose - Love


Red Rose - Love, longing, desire, respect, admiration, devotion


Deep Red Rose - Regret, sorrow


White Rose - Purity, chastity, innocence, new beginnings, sympathy, humility, spirituality


Yellow Rose - Exuberance, joy, warmth, welcome, friendship, caring, purely platonic emotions


Pink Rose - Gentleness, admiration, joy, gratitude, appreciation, elegance, grace


Orange Rose - Passion, energy, desire, pride, fervor, fascination


Lavender Rose - Enchantment, love at first sight, majesty, splendor, fascination, adoration


Blue Rose - Elusive, unattainable, mysterious, desire, I can’t have you but I can’t stop thinking about you


Green Rose - Harmony, opulence, fertility, best wishes for a prosperous new life or wishes for recovery of good health


Black Rose - Death, farewell, elusive


Mixed Roses - Mixed feelings, I don’t know my feelings yet but I care about you enough to send roses


Moss Rosebud - Confession of love


Thorn-less Rose - Love at first sight, early attachment


Leaf Rose - You may hope


Hibiscus Rose - Delicate beauty


Burgundy Rose - Unconscious beauty


Christmas Rose - Relieve my anxiety


Dog Rose - Pleasure and pain


Damask Rose - Freshness, Persian ambassador of Love


Garden Rose - I am from Mars


Tea Rose - I will remember always


Rose of Sharon - Consumed by love


Carmine Rose - Deceitful desire


Cardinal Red Rose - Sublime desire


Amaranth Red Rose - Long standing desire


Wild Rose - Simplicity


Musk Rose - Capricious beauty 


Rosa Mundi - Variety 

Single Red Rose - “I love you”

A Single White Rose - “My feelings are pure”

A Single Yellow Rose - “You bring joy to my life” “Let’s be friends”

A Single Pink Rose - “I like you“

A Single Orange Rose - “I am proud of you”

A Single Peach Rose - “Thank you” “I sympathise with you” 

A Single Lavender Rose - “I am enchanted by you”

A Single Blue Rose - “You seem like an unattainable dream”

A Crown Of Roses - Reward of virtue

A Bouquet Of Roses - Gratitude 

A Rose In A Tuft Of Grass - There is everything to be gained by good company 

One Red Rose - “I love you” “You are the one for me”

Two Red Roses - “Let us be together”

Three Red Roses - “You and me and our love for company”

Five Red Roses - “I am halfway in love with you”

Twelve Red Roses - “Be mine”

Twenty Five Red Roses - “Congratulations”

Fifty Red Roses - “My love for you is limitless”

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4 years ago

coming attraction


request: first time giving jj head??

summary: it’s pretty hot in the Outer Banks. that’s not the only thing that’s getting hot though.

pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader

word count: 1.2k

warnings: oral sex. JJ wears banana boxers. that is all i will say ;) big love.

You clumsily remove your shirt from your body and lay back down on your bed. You’ve been restless and fidgety all day.

“It’s hot,” you complain to JJ, who already has his shirt off and is laying on his stomach at the end of your bed. One of your pillows is fluffed under his head, and he tries his best to take a midday nap. It’s not working.

“Uh, I think you mean, ‘I’m hot’.” He clarifies, tilting his head to look over at you. You watch him notice your tank top and discarded shirt.

“You’re right, I am hot,” you agree, before groaning and pouting at JJ. He scoffs playfully.

“What do you want me to do about it?” He asks, and you move to lay down next to him, on your back. You mumble something that sounds like ‘I dunno’, and sigh.

It doesn’t take long for you to accidentally fall asleep in the Outer Banks heat. The sun was hot on your face when you woke up, meaning you hadn’t slept for that long, and JJ was still asleep next to you, his arm cushioning his head on the pillow, turned away from you. You smile at the fact that he’s still here, and that you two were close enough that he could just nap in your presence, and not have it be weird. You sit up next to him and shake him so that he’d wake up.

He grumbles before he shifts a little in his sleep.

“Stop it,” he murmurs, “That hurts.”

“Get uppp,” you whine, and he jerks a little so you’d get off of him. He turns to look at you again.

“No, ‘m tired.” He says softly. You roll your eyes.

“Sleep when you’re dead. I’m bored.”

He flips his head again, presumably to fall back asleep, but you’re not having it.

“JJ.” You demand.

“Yeah. Right now isn’t… the best time for me to get up,” he says.

You give him a quizzical look.

“What? Why?”

“I got a problem.” he says. He shoves his face into the pillow and mutters something else.

“What problem?” You ask, amused. You sit up and cross your legs, rocking back and forth a little bit.

“Hmph,” he sounds. You poke him in the side and he shifts his weight, shoving his hands underneath his body.

Your eyes widen with recognition, and you laugh.

“What?” he says, face tinting pink.

“Nothing,” you clarify, but keep smiling at him mischievously.

Suddenly, you start to move one hand up his back, fingertips tracing his muscles and tanned skin.

You lightly graze his neck, and you feel the goosebumps that spread over his body at your touch.

“Turn over,” you suggest, and JJ complies, revealing the slight bulge in his pants and tucking his hands behind his head.

It takes a second before you make eye contact with him, but when you do, you notice his bright blue eyes are slightly darker, and his pupils a little bit blown out. He smirks.

Your eyes trail back down to his shorts, and you lean across his legs to unbutton them. He lifts his hips and you shimmy them down to his ankles, but he doesn’t kick them off.

The bright yellow banana print boxers made you smile. You’ve never actually given JJ a blowjob before, but that didn’t seem to deter him in the slightest.

You run your fingernails right under the waistband, and he brings his hands down to his side. Your other hand goes to feel up his thigh and abs. He places his hand on yours, and brings it to cup his bulge, which you can feel is hard, and likely not going away anytime soon.

Squeezing slightly, you get a feel for his dick, and he slides your hand into his boxers. You grab his cock, hot and pulsing. He closes his eyes when that happens, and lets his head fall back onto the pillow. He hums in approval as you start to move your hand in firm strokes. He pulls his boxers down more to free his cock, and you continue to pump it, slowly, with a solid grip.

“Can you, ah… go faster?” he asks, voice breathy as you progress, but you decide to do him one better.

You move your mouth over the tip of his head, red and glistening, and you spit. You watch it run down the side of his cock as you take your tongue to the underside of it, where sensitive veins ran.

His breath hitches and his hips buck slightly at the pressure.  

Letting your tongue do most of the work, you lick and press wet kisses to the underside of his dick, using one of your thumbs to flick his wet slit, your hand cupping his shaft.

He lets himself enjoy the attention, eyes still closed and cock still hard. His hand moves to hold the back of your head and you open your mouth and let him fuck up onto your tongue, licking his whole shaft.

You move slightly to straddle his calves, leaning down to bring your tongue back to the head of his dick.

“Oh, fuck that feels good,” he encourages.

You begin slowly, sucking on the tip with hollowed out cheeks and he can’t help himself. He moans and his breath sputters softly.

As you start to bob your head, avoiding teeth and trying not to go down too far, he keeps his hand on your head, encouraging you to take more and more down until his cock touches the back of your throat.

You gag a little and pull back, strings of spit connecting your lips to his cock still.

“Please, don’t stop,” he begs, his neck craned to look down at you, watching your mouth on him.

You decide to take a different approach, and push the tip of his cock back into your mouth, letting him buck up softly into the inside of your cheek.

He groans, and you take him back onto your tongue, towards your throat again, but not too far this time.

“Ah, I’m gonna…” he starts, but whimpers as you pick up the pace.

“I’m cumming, oh fuck, fuck, I’m—”

And you feel his cum pool on your tongue. You decide to swallow it, sucking so that his hips buck again, and he has to grab a fistful of the blanket underneath him to resist from plunging his cock to the back of your throat.

He moans in pleasure, and you pull away, cum still pooling at the tip of his penis. You carefully wipe it away with one hand, and he sits up, grinning.

“Come here,” he says, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer to him forcefully, pressing kisses to your neck.

“No, no, it’s fine,” you protest, wiggling out of his grasp and bending down to wipe his leftover cum on your discarded t-shirt. You had to wash it anyway.

“Aw, come on,” he protests with puppy dog eyes, “that’s not fair.”

“No no, now, you have to do something for me,” you say, and he looks wary of your suggestion.

“Like what?” He asks.

“Like, take a cold shower with me. Because I’m still hot.” You whine, sitting up on the edge of the bed.

“Now that, I can get behind,” says JJ, springing himself off the bed, bare ass naked, in the direction of the bathroom. You admired his body until you couldn’t see him anymore

You hate to see him go, but you love to watch him leave.

He sticks his head out from behind the door frame and stares at you.

“You coming?” He asks.

“I know you’re coming,” you reply suggestively, and he rolls his eyes as you laugh, getting up to follow him.

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