Angst Prompts - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hey. I don't know if your still doing angst prompts or not, but i was hoping you could write a oneshot with no happy ending. Cheating or breakups work best. I not in a great mood and i know it would really help. If you can't do it it's fine. I just wanted to say i love your work and hope your happy.

Hey. I Don't Know If Your Still Doing Angst Prompts Or Not, But I Was Hoping You Could Write A Oneshot

Home with 2 frames 


Damn, why do you wanna do this to yourself?! But I hope you feel better very soon and i’m glad you like my work. I combined both cheating and breakup, so hello pain. The best dialogue prompt that fit it was 3- “Do you still love me?” “I don’t know anymore.”

It started so simply, so unrealistically that Harry swore he could had never seen it coming but then a lot of things in his life were in fact were by chance and so was Draco but then things that develop by chance don’t last all that long, do they? 

The first time Harry had a doubt over Draco was by the smell of cologne of another man on Draco’s shirt. It had been a while by then when Harry had been feeling that Draco was growing a little distant but he assumed that it was due to the work place or just the usual stress until that morning he discovered that sweet cologne. Living together for an year had made Harry very familiar to the smell of every cologne Draco ever owned and on that fine Sunday when he was doing the laundry, the smell of that cologne caused a leap in Harry's chest that hurt him more than anything else in the world. He didn't want to jump to conclusions but looking at Draco after that, sitting on the couch drinking his coffee, Harry felt that pang of hurt and he didn't know how to make it stop. He simply wanted to erase the memory of the smell of other’s cologne but every night he woke up after that, the smell visited him like a haunted dream.


The second time Harry had a hint was when Draco came late from work and was partially drunk. Harry never have had any problems with Draco returning home after drinking but that night when he came home drunk, Harry's mind circled into loops of anxiety and emptiness. He feared things that he had been depriving himself from feeling all this while.

"Why are you drunk?"

"Can't I be drunk? Do I need to have your permission? Besides, I'm not even drunk-drunk. Had a couple of drinks with some friends from work."

"I'm not saying you need to have my permission. You never need my permission for anything but if you were drunk, you could have just called me, i'd had come to pick you up."

Draco sighed, turning to face Harry, "I had a lift. Just stop nagging me about it.” 

Harry pretended that his tone didn’t hurt him, but it did. “A lift?” 

“Yeah, a friend of mine from work. Are you done?” Draco dismissively said and before Harry could have inquired further, Draco had already made his way to the bedroom and was getting changed. 

Harry however watched Draco do his activities while slowly sinking into a pit of thinking if that friend who gave him the lift, the same friend with the same cologne. 

Draco’s shirt smelled of the same cologne. 


The third time Harry thought Draco was cheating on him was when Draco cancelled date plan with Harry for the fifth time in a row due to apparent busy schedule in work department but when Harry had discreetly asked around with the people of his office, he had learnt that the office have been closing at 6 in the evening those days because of the infrastructural work going on which meant that Draco was doing something after work that didn't involve being with Harry.

Walking home alone that day, Harry felt himself thinking about the times when they first got together and how Draco used to run home as soon as possible just so he could spend more time with him or when he used to buy him flowers at the most random times without a reason or when they used to go on long drives in the middle of the night just because Draco craved ice-cream or when they used to plan dates from 3 weeks just so everything was perfect but now all Harry thought of was the pain that was settling into him and was staying for a little longer than he had wanted to. 

He was noticing Draco’s ways of distancing even though he never really delved upon it but he saw the way Draco was becoming. The way Draco started making excuses to leave early for work and used to come home late, the way Draco had stopped talking about things from work at all, the way the excitement in his tone had faded, the way his smile faded every time he saw Harry, the way Draco had stopped asking Harry about how his day was. 

Harry still didn’t want to believe his cruel thoughts of the slightest possibility of Draco ever cheating on him, he wanted to have faith in his relationship, he wanted to believe that there was something that Draco wasn’t telling just because he wanted to surprise Harry. He wished that the day when the truth unveils, he comes across something that would soothe away his doubts, his confusion. He didn’t want the only man he ever loved to go in vain. He wanted to believe that their love story could outlive many others. He wanted to believe in the man he loved. He wished the pain would just end because he didn’t know how many more secrets, sleepless nights and silents tears he could take. 


The fourth time Harry had a doubt was during a dinner when Draco had surprisingly been home from work sooner but his mood had been somewhat pissed off and Harry had dared to ask about it. 

“Draco, are you okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Draco had asked simply focused on eating.

Harry took a deep breath and had said, "it just seems to me that you're not. Like I feel like you're mad at something."

"I'm not mad."

"Are you sure? I mean if there's something that I did wrong or if there's something that happened otherwise in your life, we can talk about it, work through it, you know." Harry suggested.

"Things are fine. Why do you keep saying it?" Draco instantly became snappy and it startled Harry because it was unlike Draco to be such way but despite that, Harry chose to ignore it.

"Because you've been a little distant."

"I'm sorry if I'm not at my best behavior tonight or If I'm enjoying my dinner in silence." The eye roll that tagged along with made Harry's heart sink further in the pit of hollowness. It’s not the eye roll he minded, it was the tone, it was the harsh, brutal way Draco said that made him feel bad for asking anything. 

"Draco, I just feel like you've been distant, that's all and I can't help but think that there's something you're not telling me. If there is something, you should tell me because this is effecting me too, okay. We haven't talked properly in such a long time and I feel like we don't talk at all. I'm just concerned about you."

Draco sighed and pulled his chair back, "there's nothing wrong Harry. I know I've been a little distant but it has nothing to do with you."

Harry nodded in hesitation, "I just feel away from you. It's like you're not mine anymore."

Draco instantly looked taken a back and Harry knew that Draco had tried to conceal it but his expressions had not been one of the best and he had let one of his mask fall which was almost enough to send Harry into a zenith of doubts again.

"If there was something wrong, I'd tell you, Harry. I love you, okay."

Harry wanted to point out that Draco had said those 3 simple words for the first time in 4 weeks but Harry knew that this time the words didn't mean as much to Draco as it did to Harry and he knew it by the way his smile didn't cross his face anymore or the way his eyes didn't glimmer with love anymore. Those words didn't mean to Draco what they did before.

"You promise to tell me if something was wrong?"

Draco nodded, "I promise. Tell you what, lets go out this weekend. Me and you, we'll go to the beach, spend a good time together and then come back, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay." Harry had smiled.

They didn't anywhere that weekend, Draco forgot about the said date and went out with "a friend" instead and Harry couldn't bring himself to remind Draco of the beach date again after having reminded him 3 times already before that.


"He can't do that, can he. Like i’m just thinking things over?" Harry had asked Ron sometime later on a brunch break between work.

Ron looked at Harry in silence for a moment and then finally said, "No. He loves you, Harry. I think Draco is capable of anything but cheating."

"Are you sure?"

But the silence that had followed before and after didn't help that growing feeling in his chest that Draco could be possibly cheating on Harry. The silence answered so many things that Harry had a doubt of because perhaps words spoken out of lips hurts more than those in the eyes which is why Ron didn't say them out loud because maybe if Ron had said that Draco could cheat on Harry, it would become real and Harry never wanted those words to become real. Harry was already running on the last of the strings to keep that relationship from falling apart.


The fifth and the final time, Harry became sure that Draco was cheating on him because he saw the love of his life kissing the man in the same park bench that once Harry and Draco had kissed upon. He knew the way that his heart stopped right at that instant and the way that his world crashed right in front of his eyes. It disgusted Harry to even think of it, it hurt him, it made him so uncomfortable that he wanted to rip off his skin just because he wanted to get rid of the touch of Draco's, he wanted to at that point forget what Draco ever felt like on him, he wanted to erase the feeling of Draco’s lingering touch, he wanted to forget the feeling of Draco’s lips against his own but nothing came to him but tears.

He cried for hours after that, screams made his throat sore and his eyes were burning till the end of the day when Draco had finally came home and Harry could not so much so even look at Draco. He couldn’t bear the thought of looking in the eyes of the man he loved and not remember the sight of those same lips against someone else’s.The thought made him shudder. 

"Harry, why are you crying?" Draco in his concern, kept his bag aside on the table and came and sat before Harry trying to console him.

"I know." were the only words Harry had said.

"Know what?"

"Why did you do this to me?" Harry asked with tears blurring his visions again. 

“Did what, Harry? I haven’t done anything.” Draco defended himself. 

Harry shook his head, “Don’t say that. You know exactly what you have done.” 

“Harry, what are you on about? I haven’t done anything.” 

“He makes you feel better, doesn’t he? He makes you feel all that I can’t make you feel good. The man you have an affair with?” The words sounded more heavier on his lips when he said them all out. The words had felt like ice on his tongue and his heart shattered so loudly that Harry felt everyone in the world could hear the sound of it. 

"What affair?"

But Harry only looked at him in pleading to stop lying at that point. He wanted Draco to tell him the truth on his own. He wanted Draco to rip off the bandage that he had been fastening the entire month.

"Your affair. With that man."

"My affair?"

"Stop lying, Draco,” Harry snapped, “I saw you two kissing in the park." 

“I saw you with someone else.” his voice broke. 

And they both remained speechless for several moments. The sound of the cars outside echoed more loudly in the living room of the walls they painted together, in a home that they built together. Harry had never known a silence that hurt more than it did now, a silence more louder than this. 

“I’m sorry.” Draco had finally said. 

Harry smiled as he bought his hands to wipe off the slipping tears and said, “Does he make you feel good?” 

Draco raised his head to look at Harry, pleading with his eyes to not do this to himself. 

“It doesn’t matter. Nobody can ever make me feel the way you do.” 


“You are special, Harry.”

But even that word didn’t feel special anymore. 

“If I were so special, how come you cheated on me?” 

But Draco remained silent for a long time because what could he said but when he did, he only said, “If I knew what I was doing, I wouldn’t had done it.” 

Harry softly smiled, “But you did know it. It was your choice, Draco.” 

“I wish I could change it.” 

“I wish it too.” 

“So, Who’s better, me or him?” 

“Its you, Harry. Always.” 

“And yet you broke my heart first.” 

That night, Draco didn’t beg for Harry to stay, Draco didn’t ask for his forgiveness, he didn’t ask for anything from Harry because he deserved Harry leaving him. It’s not that Draco didn’t love him anymore, nor was it that Harry immediately stopped loving him that night but sometimes love stories are not easy. Love is hard and who says otherwise haven’t met the real love.

Draco loved Harry very deeply but he also loved him enough to not make him live the pain of seeing Draco everyday with the face and touch that had been shared by another. Draco didn’t want Harry to feel that pain. He understood it because he cared for Harry and he knew Harry would forgive him if he asked for it because that was Harry but Harry deserved a loving where the walls painted in the living room fade from Red to Maroon and the 2 frames turns into a frame wall. He knew he deserved a home with more than just 2 frames. He deserved to have a love story that would be remembered even in the stars and it was unfortunate Draco couldn’t give that to him. 

Thank you so much @drarrywords for beta reading, I adore ya..


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2 years ago
Love Me Again In Paris

Love me again in Paris

Angst dialogue prompt no. 5- "I don't want to see you hurt." "But you hurt me." // Angst // hurt/comfort//

I saw the love that was found in the heart shaped hand gestures or the dried rose in between a book or the sunflower turning to face the sun or a kid loving it's bike or the love between birds sitting on a pole. I saw all that love that glowed even the darkest of the days including the love all my friends found, but I was so stupid to think that love for me could be so simply last like a dried up rose between a book. I should have known better than to keep my heart out on the line and see my heart getting crushed. I should have known better before I surrendered my heart to you. I was such a fool to wish upon love but no matter how much I might hate loving right now, I can’t bring myself to regret falling in love with you. I saw your love in the ways you used to get out pictures printed for an empty frame and hang it above in the living room, or the way you had a photo of me on your work table, I saw the way you showed your love in the way you used to show me all your personal recipes even though we only 1 hour to spend together, or the way I was your screensaver on your computer screen. I saw your love in the ways you used to change our bed sheets without me even asking you to or the way you used to ready our bicycles on a random Saturday morning just so we could spend some time together in that serene times. I saw your love in the ways you used to give me your favourite t-shirt or in the ways you used to lend me your favourite ring even though you were very possessive of it. I saw your love in the ways that you used to annotate sentences in the book that used to remind you of us but forget to show me or the way you used to lean all across table just to kiss me. I saw your love in the ways that you used to write me love letters and send it to me randomly during work or the ways you used to call me up randomly at work and say that you missed me. I saw your love in the ways that you always had an extra orange juice bottle in your fridge for me even though you hated orange juice or the ways you had my box of cereals at your place just for the mornings where I stayed over. I saw your love in the way you used to say things and in the ways you used to make me feel special but I was a fool to believe we’d last, not because I would have given up on you but because my fate is written with the end of all the most beautiful things in the world and you were the most beautiful of them all. I don’t regret loving you though, I’d had fought for you till my limbs would’ve given up but I did and that perhaps is my greatest regret. My regret is not loving you, oh it was a mistake, loving you was a mistake but not a regret. A beautiful mistake it was loving you because I became a fool in love but never a regret because it was you. 

But I hope in whatever godforsaken time we get together, again, that time we last. I hope then that we don’t say sentences like “I don’t want to see you hurt,” “But you hurt me.” I hope whenever the time is right and we cross paths again, I’m brave enough to love you again and not given up on you like I have today. I hope that whenever we cross paths again, we runaway to Paris and stay there for a week and let ourselves fall madly in love with each other that by the time we come back, we end up together, forever. I hope that whenever we do get together again, we sing and dance to all our favourite songs in the middle of the rain and fulfill our fantasies. I hope in whatever times we get back together again, we work that time and I start to believe in love once again, that in whatever times we get back together, we re-write our own book together and show it to the whole world. 

Tagging a few people for boost, you can ignore if you like <3 (don't hesitate to tell me if it's a bother)

@drarrywords @phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @littlebodybigheartttt @lilthislilthat @cissa-bee @cluelesspigeons@missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter@ravena-wrote @textrovert-01 @silver-de-vonne


(Ps.There are currently a few requests pending that I will get back to very soon)

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3 years ago

Headcanons of Aot boys with a black gf

Characters: Eren Jeager , Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer and Jean Kirstein x fem black reader (separate)

Genre: Mostly fluff, slight angst, deffo crack, (everyone is +18)

Warnings: Language, a bit toxic, slightly suggestive

Wc: 1500+ (Each character is about 300-400 words)

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Eren Jeager (The lowkey Toxic one)

· Lowkey scared of y/n because she reminds him of Levi when she is angry, and he knows she will beat his ass if necessary

· Started out as friends but he has always liked y/n

· He initially asked you out as a dare and you only found out after 6 weeks where you broke up 😐

· This legit started the cycle of breaking and getting back together (he never cheated though just a lil bit toxic)

· He is very possessive and controlling which also lead to your break ups

· Even though you have your ups and down he is mostly a good boyfriend

· He plays basketball so every time he is practising on his own, he asks you to be there for rebounds (in reality he just wants you near him baso 24/7)

· Loves your smell so he steals those items might be your lotion, hair products or perfume

· Loves your natural hair and just touches it without permission after a couple times you just gave up telling him off

· He was confused on why you changed your hair so often

· When you guys first started dating you came with box braids rather then your usual bun and he deadass thought you were somebody else 💀he was so confused on why this stranger was touching him up (this mf loyal cuz he was ready to punch you)

· He was soooo scared of meeting your parents (had to call Armin to ask for advice)

· Your family at first didn’t like him cuz of the constant breaking up but they grew to tolerate him (however your older brother doesn’t)

· Loves taking pictures of you during facetime, golden hour or whenever and saves them in a folder (simp)

· Loves your cooking soo much that he goes collect tubber ware of food worth a week and stocks up his fridge

· He loves when you speak to him in another language so he pisses you off so you can cuss him out in your native tongue

· He barely calls your name its either babe or some cringey name like bubbs or something (however if you hear your full name leave his month rip)

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Armin Artlet (The simp)

· SHY BAE that’s it

· He was your English tutor and has always had a crush on you

· He wanted to ask you out on a date, but he shy and thought you won’t like white boys

· You asked him instead cuz you fell for his ocean blue eyes (I mean who wouldn’t)

· In the beginning you had to take the initiative a lot cuz he wanted to respect your boundaries but after a while he grew comfortable and took the lead

· He LOVES your natural hair and knows your wash day schedule, so he always offers to help anyway possible

· He was absolutely scared of meeting your family cuz once again he white 😐 however everyone loved him

· He most definitely invited to the family reunion

· Your aunts adore him and they always talking about you as a baby to him

· He always doing late night ft calls with you, and he WON’T hang up cuz he wants to see your face when you wake up

· Armin is a giver, so he always offers to buy thigs for your and just buy gifts at least once a week

· He also loves cooking for and with you (once you had a cooking competition and technically, he is a better cook, but he let you win)

· He likes sending random pictures of things you like and remind him of you

· He happily takes pictures of you (photographer Armin)

· You guys have a pet turtle called Mickey 🐢

· His nicknames for you are beautiful, pretty and stuff like that

· Just overall fluff

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Levi Ackerman (the co-worker)

· You guys have been co-workers for 2 years actually

· You thought he hated you but in reality, he does he just acts stingy towards cuz he is Levi 😐 (some serious enemies to lovers vibe)

· He didn’t confess and never would have but due to a drunken Hange letting it slip during a hang out with your co-workers you found out

· He deadass ignored you for a week like if he saw you, he would turn into Houdini and disappear

· However, you once caught him distracted and forced him to talk to you

· Reluctantly so he spoke the truth and asked you out (thought he seemed angry about it)

· Now you guys have happily been dating

· Everyone in your office finds you lucky cuz Levi is the finest man in the office heck the world (if he was real, I would leave my bf 😭)

· He actually has a 5-year-old daughter (DILF! Levi) and told you why he never said anything about his feeling was because you know single dad and shiz

· After 6 weeks you met his babygirl and she is the cutest she loves you considering she never had much of a mother figure in her life

· His daughter is mixed so he knows how to deal with natural hair thanks to YouTube, so he sometimes helps with yours (such a good dad)

· But now that you are here you offer to do any protective styles and give him tips

· Levi isn’t very open, but he expresses his love to you with physical touch, acts of service or gifts

· However, he speaks very softly to his daughter he seems different

· Due to his love language being touch he loves petting your hair (only when you have protective styles) and putting his head on it ( he is tall in my head okay)

· He loves having you in close proximity to you and just somehow touching you

· Him and your dad really hit it off because they both have daughters

· Your aunts are lowkey infatuated with him

· Loves making breakfast for you but due to your busy schedule he just buys your coffee in the morning

· He will never tell you, but he has trouble falling asleep but when you sleepover he actually has a full nights rest (he has silk sheets just for you)

· He might seem closed off, but you know he loves you due to the little things

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Connie Springer (the bestfriend)

a/n I just want to say Connie will be of Hispanic heritage for the sake of this headcanon also because all the fanfics I read about him he is portrayed as Hispanic I just write him like this however this isn’t to offend anyone or play onto stereotypes.

· You guys have been besties since freshman year high school

· You hooked up freshman year of college and been dating ever since

· Nothing really changed in your dynamic other than the fact yall kiss and do the deed

· Like you legit call each other insults though Connie likes calling slime and bubbs

· You jokingly calling each other baby mama and baby daddy (manifesting kids but whatever)

· Speaking of kids, you have plushies that you call kids and rotate them around (they are from your arcade date)

· Loves being on call with you when he is playing because it helps calm him down and not break his tv (anger issues much)

· HYPEMAN if you are looking fine asf he will hype you up so much and offer to take pictures for the gram

· You have a joint TikTok account where you reaching 10k and just do dumb couple stuff its cringey but cute (Same goes for your joint spam account where you guys just do silly things together)

· He always asks to do your hair which you repetitively deny keeping in mind last time you let him he nearly ripped off half your scalp

· Late nights drives happen a lot so you can vent and have a heart to heart under the stars, you guys also just vibe to the music and might spend hours in silence looking at the city lights and dancing

· If you fall asleep on him or in the drive back he becomes really cute and soft and just says you are beautiful and that he loves you in Spanish (ugh my heart)

· He only speaks Spanish when he wants to be cute and knows you won’t understand

· Your family have always liked him so when you guys started dating everyone was like ‘FINALLY’ (same with his family)

· Some type of kid’s movie marathon once a month cuz being a child is great

· Its just overall jokes

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Jean Kirstein (Mr Doesn’t Give Up)

· Kept asking you out for a year until you gave in, he was so excited he kissed you straightaway

· He was so nervous in your first date, but he was a gentleman opening doors etc (whoever said chivalry was dead 🤨)

· Nearly said I love you on the first date considering he has liked you for a year, but he held it in

· However, he did get a kiss goodnight on the cheek (he was grinning like a fool)

· Loves the fact that you change your hair so much and so often that he happily gives recommendations and offers to help you out

· He is the overprotective type of boyfriend so he was reluctant on you meeting his friends especially Eren, but you reassured him that you wouldn’t be swayed (still icky about you hanging with Eren though)

· He adores playing pc games with you and you have a little family in Sims4 which is cute

· He now has a skincare routine because you introduced him to it (he said he didn’t need one cuz he has a ‘handsome face’ but he secretly started one lol

· He also steals your body lotion and legit smells like you (smh)

· His wrist always has a silk crunchie in case you need it, and, in his car, he has a bag with essentials for you such as pads, edge control, etc

· He calls you cute pet names but also the occasional insults as a joke

· He is lowkey rich, so he happily spoils you to fancy dinners and more

· He also likes going back to the basics so picnic dates in the spring and summer are common he says he cooks them but in reality, it’s his mum

· Your mum absolutely adores him cuz he is a ‘charmer’

· He likes facetiming you when he is working out so he can show up, but you just ignore him and continue doing what you are doing

· Like Eren he has a folder filled of mugs of you

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3 years ago

Pre-Class Studies

Pre-Class Studies



My blog is open to everyone though I specifically write to poc readers mostly black.

I mostly write content 16+ and a solely sfw blog nothing explicit though

I write for the following shows:

Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, Kuroko no Basket, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers and I might write One Piece once I catch up and possibly more anime as time goes on.

If a character I don't like writing about is requested I'll say if don't write about them.

Most posts will be in blackfem reader however if you want otherwise please specify I can write poc, gn or just fem reader.

I will probably write a lot of angst (I love breaking my own heart) but I can write fluff and anything else.

I don't write character x character so don't request you will be ignored however sometimes I might write canon ships only.

For headcanons you can pick max 5 characters from one show (also be as detailed as possible)

If picking from prompt list max 3 characters from the same show and 2 prompts can be combined.

Also reminder that I am a college student so it takes me a while to reply to asks so give me between 2-7 days to reply


These rules aren't to restrict anyone but to make this blog accessible to many people and also comfortable for me.

Feel free to ask anything I'll try to reply to as many as I can

Pre-Class Studies


#levisbae💅🏽- general

#bubbasspeaks🐼- just thoughts

#bubbasmoots👑- for mutuals

#bubbasanons🧸- for anons

#angst/prompts🥀- works containing angst

#fluff/prompts🍄- works contain fluff

#bubbassimping🍫- me admiring my hubby Levi and other side h*es

#bubbasreccs🍰- any recommendations/ reblogs

#bubbasconvos💭- chatting with moots or anons

#bubbas news🗞 - notices for followers

#bubbas&music🎶 - music content

Prompt List 

Thank You for reading this and I hope you enjoy class. 💅🏽

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3 years ago

Pre-Class Studies

Pre-Class Studies



My blog is open to everyone though I specifically write to poc readers mostly black.

I mostly write content 16+ and a solely sfw blog nothing explicit though

I write for the following shows:

Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, Kuroko no Basket, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers and I might write One Piece once I catch up and possibly more anime as time goes on.

If a character I don't like writing about is requested I'll say if don't write about them.

Most posts will be in blackfem reader however if you want otherwise please specify I can write poc, gn or just fem reader.

I will probably write a lot of angst (I love breaking my own heart) but I can write fluff and anything else.

I don't write character x character so don't request you will be ignored however sometimes I might write canon ships only.

For headcanons you can pick max 5 characters from one show (also be as detailed as possible)

If picking from prompt list max 3 characters from the same show and 2 prompts can be combined.

Also reminder that I am a college student so it takes me a while to reply to asks so give me between 2-7 days to reply


These rules aren't to restrict anyone but to make this blog accessible to many people and also comfortable for me.

Feel free to ask anything I'll try to reply to as many as I can

Pre-Class Studies


#levisbae💅🏽- general

#bubbasspeaks🐼- just thoughts

#bubbasmoots👑- for mutuals

#bubbasanons🧸- for anons

#angst/prompts🥀- works containing angst

#fluff/prompts🍄- works contain fluff

#bubbassimping🍫- me admiring my hubby Levi and other side h*es

#bubbasreccs🍰- any recommendations/ reblogs

#bubbasconvos💭- chatting with moots or anons

#bubbas news🗞 - notices for followers

#bubbas&music🎶 - music content

Prompt List 

Thank You for reading this and I hope you enjoy class. 💅🏽

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3 years ago

Extra Learning

Extra Learning

Prompt List

When requesting prompts max 3 character only

🍄-fluff                                    🥀-angst                                      

For prompts with more then one emoji please specify what you want

RULES please read before Requesting

*1- “Don't leave me”🥀

*2- “Maybe its best if you go” 🥀

*3- “What were you doing with her/him?”🥀

*4-”You are not who I thought you were” 🥀

*5- “Why don't you shut up” 🥀 

*6- “Why don't you be a good girl for me”🥀

*7- “I don't see what your problem is”🥀

*8- “Leave me alone” 🥀

*9-”Leave her alone”🥀🍄

*10- “Who do you think you are”🥀

*11- “Don't touch me”🥀

*12- “You know I loved you once but now I am not so sure”🥀

*13- “All you do is hurt me”🥀

*14- “Whoever said I was yours”🥀


*16- “Maybe we don't belong to each other”🥀

*17- “I think I love you”🥀🍄

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy class. 💅🏽

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3 years ago

Extra Learning

Extra Learning

Prompt List

When requesting prompts max 3 character only

🍄-fluff                                    🥀-angst                                      

For prompts with more then one emoji please specify what you want

RULES please read before Requesting

*1- “Don't leave me”🥀

*2- “Maybe its best if you go” 🥀

*3- “What were you doing with her/him?”🥀

*4-”You are not who I thought you were” 🥀

*5- “Why don't you shut up” 🥀 

*6- “Why don't you be a good girl for me”🥀

*7- “I don't see what your problem is”🥀

*8- “Leave me alone” 🥀

*9-”Leave her alone”🥀🍄

*10- “Who do you think you are”🥀

*11- “Don't touch me”🥀

*12- “You know I loved you once but now I am not so sure”🥀

*13- “All you do is hurt me”🥀

*14- “Whoever said I was yours”🥀


*16- “Maybe we don't belong to each other”🥀

*17- “I think I love you”🥀🍄

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy class. 💅🏽

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3 years ago

Headcanons of Aot boys with a black gf

Characters: Eren Jeager , Armin Arlert, Levi Ackerman, Connie Springer and Jean Kirstein x fem black reader (separate)

Genre: Mostly fluff, slight angst, deffo crack, (everyone is +18)

Warnings: Language, a bit toxic, slightly suggestive

Wc: 1500+ (Each character is about 300-400 words)

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Eren Jeager (The lowkey Toxic one)

· Lowkey scared of y/n because she reminds him of Levi when she is angry, and he knows she will beat his ass if necessary

· Started out as friends but he has always liked y/n

· He initially asked you out as a dare and you only found out after 6 weeks where you broke up 😐

· This legit started the cycle of breaking and getting back together (he never cheated though just a lil bit toxic)

· He is very possessive and controlling which also lead to your break ups

· Even though you have your ups and down he is mostly a good boyfriend

· He plays basketball so every time he is practising on his own, he asks you to be there for rebounds (in reality he just wants you near him baso 24/7)

· Loves your smell so he steals those items might be your lotion, hair products or perfume

· Loves your natural hair and just touches it without permission after a couple times you just gave up telling him off

· He was confused on why you changed your hair so often

· When you guys first started dating you came with box braids rather then your usual bun and he deadass thought you were somebody else 💀he was so confused on why this stranger was touching him up (this mf loyal cuz he was ready to punch you)

· He was soooo scared of meeting your parents (had to call Armin to ask for advice)

· Your family at first didn’t like him cuz of the constant breaking up but they grew to tolerate him (however your older brother doesn’t)

· Loves taking pictures of you during facetime, golden hour or whenever and saves them in a folder (simp)

· Loves your cooking soo much that he goes collect tubber ware of food worth a week and stocks up his fridge

· He loves when you speak to him in another language so he pisses you off so you can cuss him out in your native tongue

· He barely calls your name its either babe or some cringey name like bubbs or something (however if you hear your full name leave his month rip)

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Armin Artlet (The simp)

· SHY BAE that’s it

· He was your English tutor and has always had a crush on you

· He wanted to ask you out on a date, but he shy and thought you won’t like white boys

· You asked him instead cuz you fell for his ocean blue eyes (I mean who wouldn’t)

· In the beginning you had to take the initiative a lot cuz he wanted to respect your boundaries but after a while he grew comfortable and took the lead

· He LOVES your natural hair and knows your wash day schedule, so he always offers to help anyway possible

· He was absolutely scared of meeting your family cuz once again he white 😐 however everyone loved him

· He most definitely invited to the family reunion

· Your aunts adore him and they always talking about you as a baby to him

· He always doing late night ft calls with you, and he WON’T hang up cuz he wants to see your face when you wake up

· Armin is a giver, so he always offers to buy thigs for your and just buy gifts at least once a week

· He also loves cooking for and with you (once you had a cooking competition and technically, he is a better cook, but he let you win)

· He likes sending random pictures of things you like and remind him of you

· He happily takes pictures of you (photographer Armin)

· You guys have a pet turtle called Mickey 🐢

· His nicknames for you are beautiful, pretty and stuff like that

· Just overall fluff

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Levi Ackerman (the co-worker)

· You guys have been co-workers for 2 years actually

· You thought he hated you but in reality, he does he just acts stingy towards cuz he is Levi 😐 (some serious enemies to lovers vibe)

· He didn’t confess and never would have but due to a drunken Hange letting it slip during a hang out with your co-workers you found out

· He deadass ignored you for a week like if he saw you, he would turn into Houdini and disappear

· However, you once caught him distracted and forced him to talk to you

· Reluctantly so he spoke the truth and asked you out (thought he seemed angry about it)

· Now you guys have happily been dating

· Everyone in your office finds you lucky cuz Levi is the finest man in the office heck the world (if he was real, I would leave my bf 😭)

· He actually has a 5-year-old daughter (DILF! Levi) and told you why he never said anything about his feeling was because you know single dad and shiz

· After 6 weeks you met his babygirl and she is the cutest she loves you considering she never had much of a mother figure in her life

· His daughter is mixed so he knows how to deal with natural hair thanks to YouTube, so he sometimes helps with yours (such a good dad)

· But now that you are here you offer to do any protective styles and give him tips

· Levi isn’t very open, but he expresses his love to you with physical touch, acts of service or gifts

· However, he speaks very softly to his daughter he seems different

· Due to his love language being touch he loves petting your hair (only when you have protective styles) and putting his head on it ( he is tall in my head okay)

· He loves having you in close proximity to you and just somehow touching you

· Him and your dad really hit it off because they both have daughters

· Your aunts are lowkey infatuated with him

· Loves making breakfast for you but due to your busy schedule he just buys your coffee in the morning

· He will never tell you, but he has trouble falling asleep but when you sleepover he actually has a full nights rest (he has silk sheets just for you)

· He might seem closed off, but you know he loves you due to the little things

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Connie Springer (the bestfriend)

a/n I just want to say Connie will be of Hispanic heritage for the sake of this headcanon also because all the fanfics I read about him he is portrayed as Hispanic I just write him like this however this isn’t to offend anyone or play onto stereotypes.

· You guys have been besties since freshman year high school

· You hooked up freshman year of college and been dating ever since

· Nothing really changed in your dynamic other than the fact yall kiss and do the deed

· Like you legit call each other insults though Connie likes calling slime and bubbs

· You jokingly calling each other baby mama and baby daddy (manifesting kids but whatever)

· Speaking of kids, you have plushies that you call kids and rotate them around (they are from your arcade date)

· Loves being on call with you when he is playing because it helps calm him down and not break his tv (anger issues much)

· HYPEMAN if you are looking fine asf he will hype you up so much and offer to take pictures for the gram

· You have a joint TikTok account where you reaching 10k and just do dumb couple stuff its cringey but cute (Same goes for your joint spam account where you guys just do silly things together)

· He always asks to do your hair which you repetitively deny keeping in mind last time you let him he nearly ripped off half your scalp

· Late nights drives happen a lot so you can vent and have a heart to heart under the stars, you guys also just vibe to the music and might spend hours in silence looking at the city lights and dancing

· If you fall asleep on him or in the drive back he becomes really cute and soft and just says you are beautiful and that he loves you in Spanish (ugh my heart)

· He only speaks Spanish when he wants to be cute and knows you won’t understand

· Your family have always liked him so when you guys started dating everyone was like ‘FINALLY’ (same with his family)

· Some type of kid’s movie marathon once a month cuz being a child is great

· Its just overall jokes

Headcanons Of Aot Boys With A Black Gf

Jean Kirstein (Mr Doesn’t Give Up)

· Kept asking you out for a year until you gave in, he was so excited he kissed you straightaway

· He was so nervous in your first date, but he was a gentleman opening doors etc (whoever said chivalry was dead 🤨)

· Nearly said I love you on the first date considering he has liked you for a year, but he held it in

· However, he did get a kiss goodnight on the cheek (he was grinning like a fool)

· Loves the fact that you change your hair so much and so often that he happily gives recommendations and offers to help you out

· He is the overprotective type of boyfriend so he was reluctant on you meeting his friends especially Eren, but you reassured him that you wouldn’t be swayed (still icky about you hanging with Eren though)

· He adores playing pc games with you and you have a little family in Sims4 which is cute

· He now has a skincare routine because you introduced him to it (he said he didn’t need one cuz he has a ‘handsome face’ but he secretly started one lol

· He also steals your body lotion and legit smells like you (smh)

· His wrist always has a silk crunchie in case you need it, and, in his car, he has a bag with essentials for you such as pads, edge control, etc

· He calls you cute pet names but also the occasional insults as a joke

· He is lowkey rich, so he happily spoils you to fancy dinners and more

· He also likes going back to the basics so picnic dates in the spring and summer are common he says he cooks them but in reality, it’s his mum

· Your mum absolutely adores him cuz he is a ‘charmer’

· He likes facetiming you when he is working out so he can show up, but you just ignore him and continue doing what you are doing

· Like Eren he has a folder filled of mugs of you

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3 years ago

Pre-Class Studies

Pre-Class Studies



My blog is open to everyone though I specifically write to poc readers mostly black.

I mostly write content 16+ and a solely sfw blog nothing explicit though

I write for the following shows:

Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, Kuroko no Basket, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers and I might write One Piece once I catch up and possibly more anime as time goes on.

If a character I don't like writing about is requested I'll say if don't write about them.

Most posts will be in blackfem reader however if you want otherwise please specify I can write poc, gn or just fem reader.

I will probably write a lot of angst (I love breaking my own heart) but I can write fluff and anything else.

I don't write character x character so don't request you will be ignored however sometimes I might write canon ships only.

For headcanons you can pick max 5 characters from one show (also be as detailed as possible)

If picking from prompt list max 3 characters from the same show and 2 prompts can be combined.

Also reminder that I am a college student so it takes me a while to reply to asks so give me between 2-7 days to reply


These rules aren't to restrict anyone but to make this blog accessible to many people and also comfortable for me.

Feel free to ask anything I'll try to reply to as many as I can

Pre-Class Studies


#levisbae💅🏽- general

#bubbasspeaks🐼- just thoughts

#bubbasmoots👑- for mutuals

#bubbasanons🧸- for anons

#angst/prompts🥀- works containing angst

#fluff/prompts🍄- works contain fluff

#bubbassimping🍫- me admiring my hubby Levi and other side h*es

#bubbasreccs🍰- any recommendations/ reblogs

#bubbasconvos💭- chatting with moots or anons

#bubbas news🗞 - notices for followers

#bubbas&music🎶 - music content

Prompt List 

Thank You for reading this and I hope you enjoy class. 💅🏽

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3 years ago

Pre-Class Studies

Pre-Class Studies



My blog is open to everyone though I specifically write to poc readers mostly black.

I mostly write content 16+ and a solely sfw blog nothing explicit though

I write for the following shows:

Haikyuu, Attack on Titan, Kuroko no Basket, Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers and I might write One Piece once I catch up and possibly more anime as time goes on.

If a character I don't like writing about is requested I'll say if don't write about them.

Most posts will be in blackfem reader however if you want otherwise please specify I can write poc, gn or just fem reader.

I will probably write a lot of angst (I love breaking my own heart) but I can write fluff and anything else.

I don't write character x character so don't request you will be ignored however sometimes I might write canon ships only.

For headcanons you can pick max 5 characters from one show (also be as detailed as possible)

If picking from prompt list max 3 characters from the same show and 2 prompts can be combined.

Also reminder that I am a college student so it takes me a while to reply to asks so give me between 2-7 days to reply


These rules aren't to restrict anyone but to make this blog accessible to many people and also comfortable for me.

Feel free to ask anything I'll try to reply to as many as I can

Pre-Class Studies


#levisbae💅🏽- general

#bubbasspeaks🐼- just thoughts

#bubbasmoots👑- for mutuals

#bubbasanons🧸- for anons

#angst/prompts🥀- works containing angst

#fluff/prompts🍄- works contain fluff

#bubbassimping🍫- me admiring my hubby Levi and other side h*es

#bubbasreccs🍰- any recommendations/ reblogs

#bubbasconvos💭- chatting with moots or anons

#bubbas news🗞 - notices for followers

#bubbas&music🎶 - music content

Prompt List 

Thank You for reading this and I hope you enjoy class. 💅🏽

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3 years ago

Extra Learning

Extra Learning

Prompt List

When requesting prompts max 3 character only

🍄-fluff                                    🥀-angst                                      

For prompts with more then one emoji please specify what you want

RULES please read before Requesting

*1- “Don't leave me”🥀

*2- “Maybe its best if you go” 🥀

*3- “What were you doing with her/him?”🥀

*4-”You are not who I thought you were” 🥀

*5- “Why don't you shut up” 🥀 

*6- “Why don't you be a good girl for me”🥀

*7- “I don't see what your problem is”🥀

*8- “Leave me alone” 🥀

*9-”Leave her alone”🥀🍄

*10- “Who do you think you are”🥀

*11- “Don't touch me”🥀

*12- “You know I loved you once but now I am not so sure”🥀

*13- “All you do is hurt me”🥀

*14- “Whoever said I was yours”🥀


*16- “Maybe we don't belong to each other”🥀

*17- “I think I love you”🥀🍄

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy class. 💅🏽

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3 years ago

Extra Learning

Extra Learning

Prompt List

When requesting prompts max 3 character only

🍄-fluff                                    🥀-angst                                      

For prompts with more then one emoji please specify what you want

RULES please read before Requesting

*1- “Don't leave me”🥀

*2- “Maybe its best if you go” 🥀

*3- “What were you doing with her/him?”🥀

*4-”You are not who I thought you were” 🥀

*5- “Why don't you shut up” 🥀 

*6- “Why don't you be a good girl for me”🥀

*7- “I don't see what your problem is”🥀

*8- “Leave me alone” 🥀

*9-”Leave her alone”🥀🍄

*10- “Who do you think you are”🥀

*11- “Don't touch me”🥀

*12- “You know I loved you once but now I am not so sure”🥀

*13- “All you do is hurt me”🥀

*14- “Whoever said I was yours”🥀


*16- “Maybe we don't belong to each other”🥀

*17- “I think I love you”🥀🍄

Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy class. 💅🏽

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1 year ago

romantic confession dialogue prompts 

"i can't pretend anymore."

"you need to know that i have grown to care for you. deeply."

"i've loved you since the moment i first laid my eyes on you."

"you deserve to know."

"it's you. it's always been you."

"are you really so oblivious?"

"there isn't anything that i wouldn't do for you."

"i was made to love you." 

"i cannot bare to be apart from you anymore." 

"please. please just listen to me."

"don't make me say it. i can't say the words."

"you are all i can think about."

"i can't fathom the idea of my life without you in it."

"i dream of you. all i do, is dream of you."

"i am so very in love with you."

"is it so obvious how infatuated i am?"

"for years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence."

"we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you for a lifetime."

"you are everything. everything."

"it hurts me, just how much i ache for you."

"i don't know if i can't bring myself to speak it."

"i know that this is not what you want to hear..."

"after everything you've done, i still love you. with all i am."

"it's true."

"i cannot stand you, and yet i also cannot stand to be away from you."

"please...say something."

"i feel your absence in everything that i do alone, in every place i go without you."

"your smile brings me so much joy."

"i'm falling for you."

"i am sorry that you found out this way."

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1 year ago

prompts list

a/n: my new and improved prompts list! everything is now compiled into one to make life easier for everyone teehee. please feel free to use any of these prompts <3

fluff prompts

"any time without you is far too long."

"let me kiss it better."

"i'm not moving. you're too comfortable."

"it's nice that your voice was the first thing i heard today."

"you look really cute in that jumper."

"you're a big inspiration for this, really."

"um... could i hold your hand?"

"star-gazing was a good idea."

"you both were practically made for each other."

"don't let this one go. they're perfect for you."

"just pretend to be my date."

"it's always been you."

"i want you. only you."

"i've been waiting all my life for you."

"stop being dramatic. it's only a tiny cut."

"why are you smiling at me like that?"

"please get home safely."

"you make me forget."

"here - take my hand."

"i know i need to go - but one more kiss."

"is that my shirt?"

"i don't want to just be your friend."

"I'll walk you home."

"of course i noticed. i notice everything about you."

"how do i look?"

"if i do it, you have to promise to kiss me."

"it's pointless to count stars." "it's also pointless to count your freckles, but i know you have 13 on the back of your hand."

"rules are meant to be broken. now, can i get that kiss i came here for?"

"i remember practicing how i was going to ask you out in the mirror. it hasn't really gone as planned."

"why would i want someone other than you?"

"i won't give up on you."

"my lipgloss is all over your lips."

"when i saw you, everyone else disappeared."

"i've been hopelessly in love with you since the day we met."

"it's okay. i couldn't sleep anyways."

"this is my home. you."

"did you slip that note under my door this morning?"

"i came here for you."

"you're not an inconvenience to me."

"this feels right."

"whatever the outcome may be, know you have my heart."

"let me hold you. you look cold."

"you're not alone, and you never were."

"are we... flirting?"

"you can hold me while you read."

"you're the best thing that's ever been mine."

"tell me you love me."

"you're what makes all of those worthwhile."

"i'd wait for you."

"don't forget my goodbye kiss."

angst prompts

"wait... something doesn't feel right."

"i wish i'd never met you." "no... you don't mean that."

"i've tried not to, but i'm always going to love you. and i need you to know that."

"is that really all i am to you?

"friends don't talk about each other that way."

"please. i don't know what i'd do without you."

"what's all this blood?"

"no, don't you dare touch me."

"i don't know who to trust anymore."

"what if i love you?"

"i think we need some time apart."

"if you leave now, you better not come back."

"no. no, you can't go. you can't."

"you left. you left, and now you have the gall to come back like nothing happened."

"i never should've expected anything different from you."

"you're trembling."

"who the hell did this to you?"

"do you ever mean the things you say?

"i'm supposed to hate you for what you did."

"how many times am i supposed to forgive you?"

"don't go on that date. "why not?" "you know why."

"would it kill you to be careful so i don't need to worry that you're safe all the goddamn time?"

"just be honest for once in your life."

"i just need to know if i've already lost the chance i had with you."

"i wish i'd been in your life sooner."

"you hurt me, and i still trusted you."

"i deserve more this."

"why can't you just stay?"

"i'm not like any of you."

"just play along. please."

" i told you not to get too close to me."

"i guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, huh?"

"i hurt people. it's all i'm good at."

"stop pushing me away!"

"i just... i thought you would've called."

"it's not that simple."

"you couldn't care less about how this all turned out."

"i don't know who i am without you."

"you couldn't even look me in the eye when you told me you were leaving."

"i don't know why i'm like this."

"i'm not going to take the fault for something you did."

"i almost believed you when you said 'forever'."

"we're not talking, remember?"

"i still love you. i promise."

"i just want to go home."

"you don't just get to turn around and walk away from this."

"maybe someday you'll find yourself, just not with me."

"we weren't right for each other."

"i'm - i'm happy for you. truly."

"you never called."

fandoms i write for:

-lockwood and co -percy jackson and the olympians -heroes of olympus -star wars -marvel -how to train your dragon -shadow and bone -six of crows -king of scars

i would write for others too, but fics usually aren't in high demand for them lol - but feel free to ask me and I'll let you know! my asks are open <3

here is my complete masterlist!

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2 years ago

Angsty Villain Prompts

|××××××|××××××|××××××| Prompt Type: dialogue Trigger Warnings: mention of abandonment, suppressing emotions, yelling, accusations, unsympathetic villain |××××××|××××××|××××××| » "I'm a living weapon. Last time I checked, we don't cry." » "I am the least vulnerable person you'll ever know." » "You can yell at me all you want. I'm not going to break." » "You think you're scary? You don't know what nightmare you're dealing with." » "What do you want me to do? Cry you a river?" » "I'm not gonna tell you some sob story - no one wants to hear it." » "Hurting my feelings isn't going to work." » "You left me!" » "Look at what happened to that little kid you turned away when they needed you most." » "My fault? You think this is MY fault?" » "I'll have you know I turned out this way because of you." » "I meant to ask, how's my replacement doing? Are they any better than I was?" » "You made me a villain... Don't act like you didn't." » "Some people were never given the chance to be good." » "Just move on already. I've already given up on us." » "As soon as you walked out that day, I stopped being a hero." » "I miss you, but I don't miss being a hero." » "You've always been the favorite, admit it." » "Maybe this wouldn't have happened if you'd given me a chance." » "Bad guys don't deserve a second chance, but neither do you heroes." » "Why don't you ask yourself that?" » "Wow. I'm kind of sad you don't remember." » "Why are you here?" » "Why did you come back?" » "I thought you had given up on me... On us." » "How are you alive?" » "I watched you walk out of my life, I'm not going to let you walk back in and try to fix this mess." » "Go away! I don't need you!" » "I don't want your pity." » "Not everyone can be saved." » "I'm the bad guy, not someone who needs to be coddled like a child." » "You act like if you tape me back together with all your pretty little words, you'll fix this shattered porcelain doll." » "I'm not your damsel in distress." » "What I need right now is for you to go away." » "Don't touch me." » "We're not friends. Don't act like we are." » "You don't know me or what I need." » "You don't even have a single hint of who I am behind this mask, but you act like you've unlocked my Tragic Backstory™." » "You're not my hero!" » "You'll never be my hero!" » "All those promises are lies." » "You can't love a villain, can you?" » "I'll end up hurting you..." » "I need you to run. Run away, and never come back." » "You can expose me and everything that I've kept hidden, but you can't ever say that I never loved you." » "Why do you keep coming back when you know what I've done?" » "Why aren't you letting me go? You could live normally, not in fear of being exposed for hiding a wanted villain in your own home." » "You still want to be with me? Why?" » "I don't want to, but I'm letting you go. Just, go expose me already." » "You're playing a game of cat-and-mouse with a villain, and somehow you're winning." » "I've been found out, and they'll be after you as soon as they see us together. Lie to them and save yourself, please." |××××××| Reblogs & Notes Apppreciated <3 |××××××|

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Angst Prompts

Pushing Someone Away

I wish you were mine

Break up prompts

other prompts

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Songs as Prompts (1)

Our Last Goodbye by Faber Drive

no, it's not alright to pretend there's nothing wrong

it's the same old fight, but its gone on way too long

it's too late for me and you

time that we admit it

say that this is finished

tried to make it work but we took it way too fast

we couldn't make it last

we gotta face the facts and say our last goodbye

this love's a cancer, cause I know it's killing me

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Songs as Prompts (2)

Every Time by Simple Plan

it was 3 am when you woke me up

we jumped in the car and drive as far as we could go just to get away

we talked about our lives until the sun came up

how I wish I could go back

every time I see your face, every time you look my way it's like it all falls into place

all I need is one more day with you

ever since you walked away, you left my life in disarray

and now I'm sitting here, like we used to do

I think about my life and now there's nothing I won't do just for one more day

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Songs as Prompts (3)

Disguise by Motionless in White

this song has swears; metal; maybe don't watch the video if you spook easily (I speak from experience)

spiraling inside my own disguise

this is my design

mirror, mirror, tell me who you see

am I you or me?

I found myself by losing hope

I lost my way to find a home

I hid myself to stay alive

now I'm ready to face my disguise

I am locked within the box I built from the inside out

desperate measures call for desperate lies

sick of wearing a mask, sick of hiding my face

I will not become a figure of my mistakes

I will not become the mask, fear is not my fate

you will not put out the fire that burns in me

I was losing myself in my disguise

other song prompts

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10 months ago

Plot twist for some of this: The villain also loved the hero love's interest.

Any prompts for a hero/ similar figure being confronted by villain, or any other horrified character, about them making the choice to save the city/world and not their SO/ loved one?

Love your prompts btw. Please and thank you!!

Prompts in Which the Hero Chooses to Save the World instead of Their Loved One

-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.

"What did you do?!" the Villain wailed, stopping his fighting to fall to his knees. "I had to save everyone," the Hero answered, raising their fists to continue the fight. But Villain was on the ground, staring up at Hero as if he was seeing them for the first time. He never thought that Hero would sacrifice their lover. Their lover that was never really in harms way. Their lover that Villain was just using to keep them distracted from his plan. Hero was supposed to save her. Hero was always supposed to save their lover in the end.

"You let him die," Villain said weakly. It wasn't even a question at this point, just a mortifying statement. "It was for the greater good," Hero said. "No," Villain shook their head, "this wasn't the greater good. This, this was murder."

"You had to do it," the villain repeated, mocking. She threw up her hands in anger. "You could have saved them! But you just let them die! And what for?"

"Did you even love her?" the Villain asked, voice soft and brittle. "If you loved her, you would have chosen her. You would have chosen her every time. No hesitation."

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