ravena-wrote - ravena-wrote

You can find my writing on ao3 at ravena_wrote or on this blog by searching #ravenawrote :)

127 posts

A Little Prompty Promp/inspo Song For Your Ask:

A little prompty promp/inspo song for your ask:

Brothers by Pillow Queens ❤

I love writing prompts so thank you so much for this one! I had never heard this song before and really enjoyed it :) I hope you like what I've written! This piece is mostly focused on the general vibes the song gave me as I listened 💜

Sirius sinks his face into the slippery cool liquid of the Pensive. He blinks, before he's ready for it he's there.

The crowd moves in front of him. There’s Lily, spinning in James’s arms, red hair shining in the strobe lights. Her cheeks flushed, her smile a mile wide. James looks at her like nothing else matters. Like he would follow her to the end of the earth.

Beside them Mary and Marlene crowd over the buffet table. They’re giggling, mouths full of canapes, hands grasping champagne flutes, toasting the end of school, the beginning of the rest of their lives.

Sirius swings his head searching the crowd. He glimpses Peter, stooped in the corner talking to a woman Sirius doesn’t remember. He flicks his eyes away, still searching. When he finds him his face is like a sucker punch to the stomach. It leaves Sirius’s cheeks pale, his fingertips trembling. Next to him is a young Sirius, all broad shoulders and confident strides.

Sirius watches as they turn away from the crowd, slip through the side door. He follows them.

Outside, young Sirius leans against the wall. He passes a cigarette to Remus. Sirius’s breath catches in his throat. He wants to remember, wants to forget, all at the same time.

Sirius watches as Remus exhales smoke, it balloons up over his head and twists away, dancing up towards the stars.

When he looks back to the boys in front of him they’ve shifted. Remus pinned to the wall beneath Sirius’s body, gasping against the silence of the night like he’s breathing for both of them.

Sirius steps away, pulls himself back and abruptly he’s back in the study.

The air around him feels stale, lukewarm. He takes a great shuddering breath, clenches his fists.

Suddenly, he’s sobbing. Great heaving sobs that wrack his entire body, and echo against his ragged breath. It feels like he can’t bear to let them out, but he can’t catch his breath either. They tear out of him.

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More Posts from Ravena-wrote

2 years ago

I love this! We need more Nagini representation in the fandom hahaha 💚🐍

Well Here She Is. Nagini In All Of Her Glory.Honestly, Snakes Are A Pain To Draw. It's So Much Length

Well here she is. Nagini in all of her glory. Honestly, snakes are a pain to draw. It's so much length and muscle. Anyways. I based her body shape on a red tailed boa, because I wanted something that was still relatively large (since in canon she swallowed a person), but I didn't want her to look like a long sausage. I also just really love the body and head shape that these boas have. Her markings ended up kind of resembling an anacondas, which I'm okay with. They're also massive snakes and in the reptile hobby are known for having a really bad attitude. So, it also kind of fits. She is described as green, but I didn't want to just make her one solid color. And her eyes are yellow because they're yellow. Yes, I gave her heat pits. Would she probably have them? No. But I do what I want. Tagging @phoebe-delia and @ravena-wrote because they were both interested in seeing her.

2 years ago

Last Lines Challenge

I’ve done this before but I just got tagged by @steampunkserpent27 so I figured why not do it again! Here is the last line I just wrote for my wip. You can find the first chapters of it here 

It’s early, but they fall asleep anyways. Two boys enveloped in each other, all loose limbs and wild hair, spread out across snowy sheets.

Alright, I'm going to tag @phoebe-delia and @dykesiriusblack. Also @silver-de-vonne and @sorry-i-ship-drarry (I know I’ve tagged you both before but I had so much fun doing the tag a second time I felt like giving ya’ll an opportunity to do it again too). In addition anyone who sees this post and wants to join in please do 💜 

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2 years ago

Harry gets lost in the warm press of bodies above him. When the chaos finally settles he opens his eyes and suddenly becomes aware that he’s laying flat on his back with Draco sitting on top of him, legs tangled together, and Harry's arms splayed above his head.

“Oh,” Harry gasps, chest still heaving from laughter.

“Looks like you fell first if you’re underneath me,” Draco says smugly, his face very close to Harry’s. His breath smells bitter like alcohol and sweet like syrup. Harry finds himself acutely aware that it would take only a little movement to brush his lips across Draco’s mouth.  

Harry meets Draco’s eyes and sees his realization reflected there. They stare at each other and the air feels static around them. Harry thinks he could change everything if he leaned up and let their lips brush right now, where his friends could see them, where Draco might realize that he’s not something that Harry wants to hide. Draco’s eyes widen a fraction.

read the full work here

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2 years ago

If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog.💚💚

Ooo this is so fun!

1. I have a beautiful baby dog who I love so much (she’s not really a baby she’s two, but she’s still a baby in my eyes)

2. I love going on long runs and hiking

3. When I was in middle school I once read all seven Harry Potter books in 9 days. I was so proud of it haha

2 years ago

There, standing before him is Draco, towel slung loosely around his waist, hair dripping onto his shoulders. A droplet of water snakes across the swell of his chest, continues down over his lithe abdomen and disappears, absorbed by the towel. He’s so close to Harry. Close enough that Harry could lean forward just a very little bit and place his hands on Draco’s slim waist. Close enough that he could lean forward and kiss him.

“Could I borrow some clothes?” Draco says, voice all gravel and depth, so much so that it sends a spark right through Harry’s core. 

He stares dumbly at Draco blinking for a couple seconds. “Oh, yeah, um, clothes. Yeah I’ve got clothes,” He babbles nonsensically, and gestures at the dresser before fleeing to the bathroom.  

full work here 

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