readingfanficismyhobby - A Fanpage For Literally Anything I Hyperfixate On
A Fanpage For Literally Anything I Hyperfixate On

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182 posts

Did Anyone Else Think Episode 6 Of She-hulk Was Going To Be The Last One, And Only Realized There Were

Did anyone else think episode 6 of she-hulk was going to be the last one, and only realized there were 3 more episodes when Daredevil failed to appear?

… just me?

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More Posts from Readingfanficismyhobby

Here’s a Stranger Things 5 thought… how about they don’t kill Steve?

Now this isn’t just a Steve Harrington lover desperately hoping they don’t kill him (although that definitely plays a part). Honestly I think it could be a genius move to have him live, if they play it right. I’ve seen a lot of people making posts/videos about how they love Steve but know he’ll die in season 5 because that’s the natural progression of his story arc(ya know, the protector/babysitter sacrificing himself to save his loved ones) and it’s the last season.

But I think they’ve already went down that route with Eddie Munson (unfortunately), so not only would it be repetitive but it would be outrageous to have two beloved characters go out in the same way. I think this is a good way to give Steve a moment of “wait a minute… I want to LIVE. I don’t want to sacrifice myself, I want to spend the rest of my days laughing with my friends and family. I don’t want them to go on with life without me”. And he desperately fights with everything he has to make it back to Robin, Dustin, and everyone. Because he saw the fallout of Eddie Munsons death, and before he had never realized the fallout his own death would cause. But now that he’s seen it he knows he has to survive. For Dustin, Robin, and everyone he loves.

I think Eddie Munson’s death was, frankly, unnecessary. I know that he bought more time for Steve, Robin and Nancy to kill Vecna but I feel like there were other ways to do that. Eddie chose the self sacrificial route, and in the future Steve will see that it’s not a good choice. So I’m hoping Steve, against all odds, will live. I don’t like that the Duffers could be using Eddie as a way for Steve to grow, but that’s just how I’m seeing it right now.

Sorry if this doesn’t make too much sense, I just had all these thoughts I needed to share. I’m desperately hoping the Duffers don’t go the predictable route of killing Steve, so this is my way of keeping my hope alive (or self delusion, whatever floats your boat).

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There have been a lot of theories about what, why, and for who eddie is playing his guitar in the trailer. I’ve seen some people say it’s The Final Countdown, but I’ve seen more plausible evidence saying it’s Master of Puppets by Metallica. There’s also the fact that Master of Puppets appear on my Upside Down Spotify playlist. For those who don’t know, Spotify made a playlist designed to help you escape from Vecna. I NEVER listen to any type of metal, so it seems weird that this song would show up unless it’s a major part of volume 2.

So I’m not entirely sure why eddie would be playing Master of Puppets in the upside down. I don’t think it’s for Nancy both because it’s too obvious, and because I don’t think it would be her favorite song. I have a previous post talking about how Eddie could be playing the National anthem to get the whole town out of Vecna’s curse, but perhaps he’s playing a mashup of songs and Master of puppets is only one of them.

As for who he’s playing, I had this whole idea about how Eddie could be playing the song to help HIMSELF out of a vision, but I think that’s debunked because Dustin can be seen in one of the shots of Eddie playing.

However, I still think there’s a possibility that people can find a way out of visions without someone else playing their favorite song. Maybe the cursed person can sing to themselves? I think this would be really cool to see, and if it happens I’m volume 2 then I called it

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This. This is everything I’ve ever wanted to say.

You know what I love?

Character development.

I feel like some people like to ignore that sometimes when they wanna hate on a character.

Like for example two of my top characters across the board are Prince Zuko and Steve Harrington. They both are insufferable in season 1, but as time goes on and as they continue along their arc, you end up falling in love with them and rooting for them.

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Anyone ever think about how in season 1 of stranger things Joyce was the only one to “sense” Will in the Upside Down, and then her and Jonathan could sense each other in the final episode?

Well I do, because in season 4 Steve was the one to sense Dustin. Which means they’re as close as a mother and child. Excuse me while I go sob in the corner.

I’m sure there’s a good mom Steve wordplay in here somewhere but I’m not articulate enough for that.

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