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More photos from stranger things 4 volume 2 were released!
Based on these, it seems like Nancy survives Vecna’s curse and Eddie doesn’t die saving her. I can’t tell where the pictures take place for the Hawkins group, so if anyone recognizes the backgrounds let me know!

Do you ever just have those outlandish theories that probably aren’t true, but you’re just waiting for one of them to be right?
For me, I think that Hopper’s Russian guard friend is actually a deep cover agent that was established to gain his trust and get information about the Demogorgon. Change my mind.
I just had this awesome stranger things 4 volume two theory!!! Credit goes to @.dizay on tiktok for pointing this out.
So in the tiktok the user points out that in the D&D game in the first episode Dustin couldn’t beat Vecna when he rolled an ELEVEN. This foreshadows El being unable to beat Vecna alone, just like Brenner said. But at the same time as the D&D game is being played, Lucas wins the basketball game at the last second by scoring the winning shot. Guess what number he is? EIGHT!!! THIS could foreshadow Eight, aka Kali, coming to El’s rescue near the end.
Imagine this: El has just lost against Vecna, and a majority of not all of the cast have been captured and/or killed by Vecna. Vecna is making his victory speech that we hear in the trailer, and as he’s about to finish El off, the striking blow goes THROUGH her! He, along with the audience, realizes this was an illusion and that everyone is getting away!
Having Kali come back would be EPIC! I’ve always wondered what else the Duffer brothers were going to do with her, especially because she appeared only in season two and was never mentioned again. They’ve proven with clock noises throughout the series that there has been a plan this whole time, so I don’t think they’d introduce Kali just to further El’s arc in season two. I think they WANTED us to forget about her, so when she comes in and saves the day it’s even more amazing! This theory is supported by the fact that Kali was referred to briefly by Vecna during El’s time at the lab, and I don’t think she’s ever been mentioned before this outside of season 2.
Even if this theory is totally wrong, I still believe Kali will be back! Lucas getting the winning shot could be foreshadowing Kali’s triumphant return next season instead of this season. Who knows honestly, this show is so good at getting you thinking you know what’s up and then it turns out you actually don’t. Can’t wait for volume 2!!!
Am I the only one super confused about where the whole “Steve and Nancy rekindle their old flame” situation is going??
Cause Volume 1 really seemed to push their redeveloping relationship, but it’s not like they can just get back together without causing some controversy among fans. Nancy is still dating Jonathan, and I have a horrible feeling that she’s just reacting to Steve the way she is cause she misses Jonathan. The whole reason Stancy was broken up was cause Nancy didn’t love Steve after a year of dating, and you expect me to believe she loves him now?
I thought her and Steve’s dynamic was really cute, but I don’t know how the Duffer brothers would be able to pull off another relationship between them. They’ve both grown as people so I think there’s a chance, but like I said before Nancy is still dating Jonathan.
Honestly I think that either Nancy will die in volume 2 (because I refuse to believe they’re stupid enough to kill off Steve), or they’ll have a discussion to resolve their past relationship and become friends. Or maybe both. Who knows at this point
There have been a lot of theories about what, why, and for who eddie is playing his guitar in the trailer. I’ve seen some people say it’s The Final Countdown, but I’ve seen more plausible evidence saying it’s Master of Puppets by Metallica. There’s also the fact that Master of Puppets appear on my Upside Down Spotify playlist. For those who don’t know, Spotify made a playlist designed to help you escape from Vecna. I NEVER listen to any type of metal, so it seems weird that this song would show up unless it’s a major part of volume 2.
So I’m not entirely sure why eddie would be playing Master of Puppets in the upside down. I don’t think it’s for Nancy both because it’s too obvious, and because I don’t think it would be her favorite song. I have a previous post talking about how Eddie could be playing the National anthem to get the whole town out of Vecna’s curse, but perhaps he’s playing a mashup of songs and Master of puppets is only one of them.
As for who he’s playing, I had this whole idea about how Eddie could be playing the song to help HIMSELF out of a vision, but I think that’s debunked because Dustin can be seen in one of the shots of Eddie playing.
However, I still think there’s a possibility that people can find a way out of visions without someone else playing their favorite song. Maybe the cursed person can sing to themselves? I think this would be really cool to see, and if it happens I’m volume 2 then I called it
ST4 spoilers!!
Honestly I thought people would be making fix-it fics for the people that died, not this bullshit writing.
Volume 2 is going to end with so much sadness and “carnage” as the Duffer brothers said, I can already picture the fix-it fics that will be posted.
Stranger things volume 2 spoilers!!!!
Honestly the last two episodes of stranger things 4 completely ruined it for me. I don’t know if I’ll be able to look at the show in the same way again. There were numerous plot holes, characters were ooc, we were LIED TO about certain plot points such as the number of people dying, and most of the plot was predicted and obvious.
I’m just so confused as to how the last two episodes managed to be completely different from the season, and completely ruined the whole season. I’m kind of tempted to read a bunch of fanfic about it, but I’m kind of numb right now. I don’t know if I can be as enthusiastic about stranger things anymore.
Stranger things 4 vol 2 spoilers!!!
I think part of my disappointment with the last two episodes comes from impossibly high expectations and a month of obsessing.
I had so many theories for volume 2, I was disappointed when my elaborate plans didn’t come true. Maybe some of it was predictable, but it wasn’t that bad I guess.
Also I’m super exhausted of stranger things to be honest. I’ve been hyperfixated on this show for a whole month, and now that I’ve finally watched the last two episodes the exhaustion is setting in. I might need to take a break in order to truly appreciate the season, even if I stand by some of my negative opinions like the character work in the last two episodes (seriously, is Steve’s whole character arc always going to revolve around romance and Nancy wheeler??). I’m kind of bummed that my exhaustion and numbness didn’t let me truly experience the emotional impact of the most emotional scenes, but I’ll have to rewatch them when I’m rested.
Overall, I didn’t really like the last two episodes but hopefully some rest will allow me to think clearly. I’ve been hearing people say that the finale was amazing, and I want to feel that way too.
Warning, st4 volume 2 spoilers!!!
Am I the only one sick of Steve’s entire character revolving around romance and Nancy? In season 1 he abandoned his friends and popularity to be with Nancy. In season 2 him and nancy broke up and he was going to try and fix their relationship, only to be borderline cheated on. In season 3 he has supposedly moved on from her, and eventually goes for Robin.
And season 4 is the most infuriating, because I thought we’d actually get to see him be his own person outside of romance. Instead, we got A LOT of sexual tension between Steve and Nancy as well as a whole ass confession from Steve. And at the end of the day, she couldn’t even give Steve clear answer so he could maybe move on and she’s still with Jonathan. I’m honestly sick of this whole love triangle, and I want Steve to realize he’s more than his romantic success.
I know Steve has some significant relationships in Dustin and Robin, but BOTH of them were pushing him to go after Nancy even though she’s in a relationship. I’m just really annoyed at the Duffers for constantly making Steve “the other guy”.
Major spoilers for st4 vol 2!!!!
Okay, so I know it’s a little early for this but I have some predictions about season 5:
- In the last Dustin has always been very insistent about solving mysteries related to the upside down. However Dustin’s face when he saw the upside down particles leads me to believe the trauma from Eddie’s death will affect his confidence. He looked absolutely terrified when he noticed the particles. This is foreshadowed by Steve and Eddie’s comments about “getting his ego in check”, which will happen but not in the way anyone would want it to. So in season 5 Dustin will have an arc that revolves around Eddie’s death and regaining his confidence.
- Max’s almost-death in vol 2 felt absolutely BRUTAL. But I don’t think the Duffers would have left her alive if they didn’t intend on bringing her back somehow. We heard from Brenner that when Vecna kills, he takes everything that a person is and absorbs it. This makes me believe that the reason Max isn’t waking up and El couldn’t find her is because her soul and memories are will Vecna. I think there will be an arc next season about rescuing Max, but I don’t know how.
- at the end of season 5 there was a very dramatic scene where you can see a HUGE gate to the upside down. It’s kind of hard to ignore, so I think maybe the rest of the world will find out about the alternate dimension.
- The supposed timeskip is the most confusing part of season 5. The Duffer brothers confirmed that there will be a timeskip of 2-3 years between seasons 4 and 5, but I’m not entirely sure how that will work. I think that maybe Hawkins will be ground zero for a war between humans and Vecna with his monsters. Nancy described him having an army, so this would line up.
I’m ready to be completely proven wrong when season 5 info starts releasing, but I just had to get these thoughts out.
Has anyone else noticed that season 4 of stranger things has a lot of references to season 2? I’ll list the ones I remember in another post, but I think this is meant to ease us into season 5.
Season 5 is supposed to focus on the original groups, meaning there will probably be a lot of references to season 1 in there. So the groups will be as follows:
- El, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and possibly Will
- Joyce and Hopper
- Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan
- Max
I think Will may end up being by himself because that’s how he was in season 1. And while we’re following Will’s path, we could see some flashbacks to his time in the upside down. I’ve always been interested in seeing that.
I’m also not sure where to put Robin, Argyle, Murray, Yuri, and Hopper’s Russian friend. Firstly, it’s possible the last two may not show up again. Secondly, these characters weren’t in season 1 so I don’t know what their role would be. My first instinct is to put Robin and Argyle with the monster hunting trio and Murray with Jopper, but who knows. They could throw Robin in with the Party for the hell of it.
I think that each group will also have issues to resolve. For the monster hunting trio, there’s the obvious love triangle. For the Party, I think Mileven needs to be addressed as well as Mike’s attitude towards Will. Dustin and Lucas also have some trauma about watching someone they love die. For Jopper, I’m not entirely sure. But Max deserves a whole different paragraph.
The reason I put Max as a group is because I think she’s somehow “within” Vecna. It was stated previously that a Vecna consumes everything about a person when he kills them, which probably means Max’s soul is within him. This lines up with El not being able to find Max in her body. I think Max will somehow find a way to fight back from within Vecna, and maybe even rally all the others he’s killed into fighting.
If this is difficult to understand, I take no offense. I kind of just wrote as I thought of ideas.
Okay so I know this theory didn’t come true. But I swear this looks like the nail bat and not the spear they used in the show. Maybe they decided to change it?? Someone tell me I’m not crazy.
I don’t think I’ve heard anyone talk about this, but has anyone seen that one clip of Eddie and Dustin together back to back?
I was rewatching the vol 2 sneak peak and I realized that Eddie is holding Steve’s nail bat!! This is so cute, I bet there was this whole scene where Steve is telling Eddie to protect Dustin for him, since he’ll be doing something else. And Steve gives Eddie the bat like a good luck charm.
Ugh I’m just so excited to see them again.

Anyone ever think about how in season 1 of stranger things Joyce was the only one to “sense” Will in the Upside Down, and then her and Jonathan could sense each other in the final episode?
Well I do, because in season 4 Steve was the one to sense Dustin. Which means they’re as close as a mother and child. Excuse me while I go sob in the corner.
I’m sure there’s a good mom Steve wordplay in here somewhere but I’m not articulate enough for that.
Man stranger things really took the gays do the burying seriously.
It’s always “Imagine dying because your friends don’t know your favourite song” but it’s never the truth which is “imagine dying because you can’t choose a favourite song” or “imagine dying because you were too embarrassed to tell your friends your favourite song” or “imagine dying because you have no friends”.
Context: me and my step dad are talking about stranger things
Step-dad (about Eddie): I hope he doesn’t die
Me: yeah he’s a fun character
Step-dad: no it’s just that good dungeon masters are hard to find

Joe Keery, Maya Hawke, Sadie Sink and Gaten Matarazzo on the set of Stranger Things 4 (Oct. 20, 2020)

#someone gives him his star every season

winona ryder’s character in stranger things has never been wrong even once and every time the fucking gravity turns off or whatever she says “hey thats weird right” and everyone in a 10 mile radius is like “woah category five woman moment incoming”